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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
4sure said:
Once agian some of you are not happy unless your slinging insults.

Happy? Pretty much the last thing I feel when visiting this forum is 'happy'. Patsy Ramsey was a drama queen and her actions back this up with plenty to spare.
I don't even consider what's been said about Patsy on this thread to really be insulting her. I've seen people nail her much worse than this - and please let's remember, she was in the house the night JonBenet was killed, she told contrdicting stories as to what happened both Christmas night and and the morning on the 26th, and fibers from her clothes were found in the paint tray, on the back of the tape, and tied into the knot strangling JonBenet. People have very good reason to suspect Patsy was the killer, and they have good reason to draw parallels between the evidence and Patsy and her behavior.

To be honest, and I'm insulted that Patsy Ramsey seems to think everyone will swallow her flimsy stories without question. I'm insulted that she thought presenting a good image of herself and her husband was more important to her than finding her daughter's killer. I'm insulted that she didn't feel the need to set up a headstone on her daughter's grave until the one year anniversary approached, and again, she was more worried about her public image than her daughter - they come right out and say in DOI that their main reason for getting a headstone installed on JonBenet's grave was not to honor and memorialize their child, it was to avoid media censure (DOI, pb, pgs 247 - 248.) Most of all, I'm insulted that Patsy Ramsey let other people, strangers who never met JonBenet and were not relatives, crusade harder for justice for her murdered child than she herself did. She all but abandoned her own baby (to save her own sorry butt), and that is inexcusable in my book.
To be honest, and I'm insulted that Patsy Ramsey seems to think everyone will swallow her flimsy stories without question. I'm insulted that she thought presenting a good image of herself and her husband was more important to her than finding her daughter's killer. I'm insulted that she didn't feel the need to set up a headstone on her daughter's grave until the one year anniversary approached, and again, she was more worried about her public image than her daughter - they come right out and say in DOI that their main reason for getting a headstone installed on JonBenet's grave was not to honor and memorialize their child, it was to avoid media censure (DOI, pb, pgs 247 - 248.) Most of all, I'm insulted that Patsy Ramsey let other people, strangers who never met JonBenet and were not relatives, crusade harder for justice for her murdered child than she herself did. She all but abandoned her own baby (to save her own sorry butt), and that is inexcusable in my book.

And I believed them!
Nuisanceposter said:
I don't even consider what's been said about Patsy on this thread to really be insulting her. I've seen people nail her much worse than this - and please let's remember, she was in the house the night JonBenet was killed, she told contrdicting stories as to what happened both Christmas night and and the morning on the 26th, and fibers from her clothes were found in the paint tray, on the back of the tape, and tied into the knot strangling JonBenet. People have very good reason to suspect Patsy was the killer, and they have good reason to draw parallels between the evidence and Patsy and her behavior.

To be honest, and I'm insulted that Patsy Ramsey seems to think everyone will swallow her flimsy stories without question. I'm insulted that she thought presenting a good image of herself and her husband was more important to her than finding her daughter's killer. I'm insulted that she didn't feel the need to set up a headstone on her daughter's grave until the one year anniversary approached, and again, she was more worried about her public image than her daughter - they come right out and say in DOI that their main reason for getting a headstone installed on JonBenet's grave was not to honor and memorialize their child, it was to avoid media censure (DOI, pb, pgs 247 - 248.) Most of all, I'm insulted that Patsy Ramsey let other people, strangers who never met JonBenet and were not relatives, crusade harder for justice for her murdered child than she herself did. She all but abandoned her own baby (to save her own sorry butt), and that is inexcusable in my book.
I would agree that Patsy seems to be a hard women to like. I do realize that many people are convinced of her guilt. I also suspect that someone may have wanted it to look that way. I wish I could be as sure as you.
I wouldn't make a good juror, would I, 4sure?

I'd like to think I would. (Wouldn't want to be like the GJ in reverse. I am many things, but a hypocrite isn't one of 'em.)
Solace said:
I think Patsy purposely called these people so the house would be full and she would be surrounded and insullated and the police would have a very hard time asking her questions.

And it worked.
I think for the most part many of you give Pasty much more credit for cunning and planning then she deserves.
SuperDave said:

LinasK's analysis is supported by the bulk of FBI profilers. The person who did this only knew crime from Hollywood.
Not to sound confrontational SD, but the next crime that a FBI profiler solves will be the first.
4sure said:
Not to sound confrontational SD, but the next crime that a FBI profiler solves will be the first.
Profilers provide insight that can aid in an investigation. They are not relied on to do all the solving.

I don't think one had to be a profiler to recognize that the author of the RN was under the influence of Hollywood, and not a true kidnapper at all...imho
Nuisanceposter said:
I'm insulted that she didn't feel the need to set up a headstone on her daughter's grave until the one year anniversary approached.
Nuisance, that's the one and only thing I can give her a pass on... It's Jewish custom to wait a year from burial to place a headstone.

P.S. Before anyone points it out, I'm well aware that Patsy wasn't Jewish. I just don't find this unusual...
I agree with Nuisanceposter....Patsy was a drama queen and everything she did was over the top.

She was a mean person also....Patsy put a pamphlet together for her job and was criticqued on it (negatively). Patsy did not speak to that person for an entire year.

Patsy was a take charge person...remember the science fair? She told volunteers that they needed to do this get that and that they had better not let her down.

As for the ransom note, Patsy wrote it to explain away a dead child in their basement. She even "thanks God" for the note.
Toltec said:
As for the ransom note, Patsy wrote it to explain away a dead child in their basement. She even "thanks God" for the note.
I guess anything is possible Toltec but a ransome note (whatever kind) does not "explain away a dead child in their basement." Why would Patsy think it would?
"Not to sound confrontational SD, but the next crime that a FBI profiler solves will be the first."

Not at all confrontational. But at the same time, it has its uses.

"I think for the most part many of you give Pasty much more credit for cunning and planning then she deserves."

I would have done the same.

"I guess anything is possible Toltec but a ransom note (whatever kind) does not 'explain away a dead child in their basement.' Why would Patsy think it would?"

I'll tell you why.

1) It can't be viewed alone. It has to be viewed as part of a larger staged crime scene. The FBI called it "staging within staging." By that, I mean it wasn't enough to stage the physical elements. The note would really sell an outsider. PLUS, I think she had a very specific fall-person in mind. Without the note, there's really nothing specific in the crime scene.

Not only that, but if you read the note, you'll notice that the writer was throwing in everything but the kitchen sink: ransom kidnapper, Islamic terrorist, far-left whacko, thrill killer, etc. This killer couldn't even keep "his" motive straight.

2) It allowed the killer to "undo" the crime in their own mind.

3) She couldn't resist. As Michael Kane said, this was a very theatrical production, and she was a very theatrical person.
SuperDave said:
"Not to sound confrontational SD, but the next crime that a FBI profiler solves will be the first."

So what are all those profiles that led to arrests that I have seen on the discovery channel. Such as the profiler who said the killer will live with his mother, wear a double breasted suit, etc. And it turned out to be true. This never happened?
Yes, there have been cases that proved profilers were right. I remember one predicted that a perp would wear a bow tie, which turned out to be true.

Sometimes even psychic ones. I think there's even a regular TV program about them, maybe Wed. nights on CourtTV channel. "Psychic Detectives"?
LinasK said:
Nuisance, that's the one and only thing I can give her a pass on... It's Jewish custom to wait a year from burial to place a headstone.

P.S. Before anyone points it out, I'm well aware that Patsy wasn't Jewish. I just don't find this unusual...
Right, she's not Jewish, and as such, would see no need to adhere to Jewish custom.

The lack of a headstone for a year wouldn't bother me if she and John hadn't said in DOI that the main reason they decided they needed to have a headstone set up before the one year anniversary was because the media would have a field day and make them look bad if they didn't. They weren't worried about putting up a nice stone to memorialize their precious child as she deserves, they were worried about their reputations and their image, and what the news would have to say and how they would be perceived by the the public if a year passed and there was still no stone in place. They were so concerned about what people would say about them that they had to request a rush job to get it done in time.

Once again, John and Patsy consider themselves to be more important than their murdered daughter. It's just so nauseating and infuriating that she meant so little to her own parents, that they were more concerned with themselves and what people thought about them than they were about their baby. Just another example out of many where J & P focus on J & P first and foremost and JonBenet is an afterthought.
"I remember one predicted that a perp would wear a bow tie, which turned out to be true."

Tucker Carlson better watch his rear-end! (I still haven't forgiven him for giving that fat pimp goon Merrit a free rant.)

I went through my notes. The idea is the note was designed to make it look like a kidnapping gone wrong, according to the cops.
I know that I would never call anyone to my house except the police. One cannot deal with a kidnapping alone. Whether one called the police or did not, the child might be killed. I personally believe that the chances are much better if the FBI is involved, so call the police first (not 911). The crime scene was comprised as soon as the "friends" arrived, and they were probably called them over as a distraction. John Ramsey may have hidden JonBenet's body (more well hidden), and then moved it when he realized that it was inevitable that she would be found, and decided it was time to do that! He was distracted and remote which seems he was trying to handle the discovery; so when Arndt said to look again, he headed directly there. We must remember that he never got the ransom money nor did he do anything else that the note said. Nothing was said when the ransom call did not come around 10:00 as the note said. They did not behave frantically as a parent who thought that their daughter was missing, but sad as if they knew that she was dead.
Solace said:
SuperDave said:
"Not to sound confrontational SD, but the next crime that a FBI profiler solves will be the first."

So what are all those profiles that led to arrests that I have seen on the discovery channel. Such as the profiler who said the killer will live with his mother, wear a double breasted suit, etc. And it turned out to be true. This never happened?
This is called propaganda. It is hard to believe but it is difficult to continue to recieve goverment funding to continue programs which exhibit little results. So sometimes you have to show results even if its a charade.
SuperDave said:
I'll tell you why.

1) It can't be viewed alone. It has to be viewed as part of a larger staged crime scene. The FBI called it "staging within staging." By that, I mean it wasn't enough to stage the physical elements. The note would really sell an outsider. PLUS, I think she had a very specific fall-person in mind. Without the note, there's really nothing specific in the crime scene.

Not only that, but if you read the note, you'll notice that the writer was throwing in everything but the kitchen sink: ransom kidnapper, Islamic terrorist, far-left whacko, thrill killer, etc. This killer couldn't even keep "his" motive straight.

2) It allowed the killer to "undo" the crime in their own mind.

3) She couldn't resist. As Michael Kane said, this was a very theatrical production, and she was a very theatrical person.
Your response is well thought out, however once again SD I say your giving Patsy way too much credit. Unless she planned all this way in advance I find it hard to belive she could of thought all this out in the few short hours she has. Especially considering (if you do)she has just been involved in the murder of her daughter. She doesn't strike me as being that clever.
Solace said:
They invited these people because Patsy knew that she was already dead.

But this leads to another question? Do you (anyone here) think that John knew before he went to the basement the first time? Orrrrrrrr, do you think he was aware before anyone was called that JB was dead?
I think both John and Patsy knew that JB was already dead. Imo Patsy couldn't have pulled through all this staging alone. Then there is the fiber evidence which links both Ramseys to the crime scene too.

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