Can child molesters be rehabilitated?????

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Can child molesters be rehabilitated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 5.4%
  • No

    Votes: 616 94.6%

  • Total voters
This info can be found everywhere. It's a pretty well known fact that the odds are that way, though individual studies will have slightly different statistics.

southcitymom said:
If you were molested at some point in your life, the statistics are high that you WILL NOT repeat that behavior and molest someone else.


If you are a molester, the statistics are practically absolute (100%) that you were molested at some point in your life.

I cannot find the book where I read these statistics. Sorry.
southcitymom said:
If you were molested at some point in your life, the statistics are high that you WILL NOT repeat that behavior and molest someone else.


If you are a molester, the statistics are practically absolute (100%) that you were molested at some point in your life.

I cannot find the book where I read these statistics. Sorry.

You would be correct.

I think it is more of an issue of control from a parental figure. If someone was molested and the parental figure considered this a moot point vs. handling it early on then you will see more molestaton. It is an acceptable norm in dysfunctional families.

A normal person would seek justice for the crime and have the support to back it up but this is not always the case.
sillyhead said:
I can name one woman I know in my entire life who I know for a fact was NOT molested. There are many of them I have no idea about. There are MANY MANY that I do know about. And none of them are child molesters. That's what I'm trying to say. I'm 41, BTW.
27 here welcome....i think it is setting in now....but the ones who turn out to be molesters are almost always molested i cant figure out how to word it but that is something to consider I guess the way i should have said it is just that prolly most of molesters have been molested Thanks for the wake up guys:blowkiss:
I think you're having a problem with logic. Like this:

All elephants are big.
But that doesn't mean all big animals are elephants.

Most child molesters have been molested.
But that doesn't mean that most people who have been molested will grow up and do it.


Another way to explain this is that most child molesters molest more than one person. And most survivors of molestation know the pain of it, and would never want to inflict that on other people.
Indy Gal said:
South you know i am not trying to be diffacult but how can that be if they are molested when young then grow up to do it wouldnt that say it or i am i just being plain dumb here which is prolly the way it is i am just not seeing it the right way AND A BIG THANKS for the help
I thought you didn't like me! LOL! I was like, hey, that's twice in a row, is she sniping? Then I realized we were just crossing wires. I like most everyone. (: Not child molesters, though. By the way, I'm very interested in the project y'all were talking about. I'm horrible at writing docs, other than tech docs, but if someone could find us a decent petition that we could fill out, sign and send, I'd be all over that. I live in two different states, and neither of them have the DP for repeat offenders. Hell, one of the states I live in, it's a misdemeanor to solicit a child for sex if she's over the age of 13. And 13 and under isn't a lot better. Damned shame. And I see people sitting in jail with a 50k bail for having an ounce of weed. Things are backwards!

I like ya LOL!
sillyhead said:
I thought you didn't like me! LOL! I was like, hey, that's twice in a row, is she sniping? Then I realized we were just crossing wires. I like most everyone. (: Not child molesters, though. By the way, I'm very interested in the project y'all were talking about. I'm horrible at writing docs, other than tech docs, but if someone could find us a decent petition that we could fill out, sign and send, I'd be all over that. I live in two different states, and neither of them have the DP for repeat offenders. Hell, one of the states I live in, it's a misdemeanor to solicit a child for sex if she's over the age of 13. And 13 and under isn't a lot better. Damned shame. And I see people sitting in jail with a 50k bail for having an ounce of weed. Things are backwards!

I like ya LOL!
Glad we are on the same page just read what we need to do and keep coming back as we will update each other maybe we should start anouther thread for this Jeana what do you think...Even if we disagree we can still be friends:blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:
southcitymom said:
If you were molested at some point in your life, the statistics are high that you WILL NOT repeat that behavior and molest someone else.


If you are a molester, the statistics are practically absolute (100%) that you were molested at some point in your life.

I cannot find the book where I read these statistics. Sorry.

I think that you are right. When someone is arrested for rape or molestation when LE or an attorney looks into their past they usually find that the person was molested as a child.

But just because you are molested as a child doesn't mean that you are going to grow up to molest. My guess would be that more males who are molested in childhood grow up to molest then females.
Jeana (DP) said:
I think this could be a group effort, what do you think??? Everyone could post their ideas on what they would like included and we can get something drafted up! Do a bit of research on the net and so will I and we'll see what we can come up with! You may even find information on the five states who already have this law and find the exact laws they have on their books and say you'd like to implement the same thing in all of the other states.

That is a good idea Jeana...checking to see how the other states got that passed. We could do the exact thing that they did because we know that it worked in those states. I know the wording has to be just so or they will just ignore us. And we have to be short and precise.
Bobbisangel said:
That is a good idea Jeana...checking to see how the other states got that passed. We could do the exact thing that they did because we know that it worked in those states. I know the wording has to be just so or they will just ignore us. And we have to be short and precise.
Thanks for helping...I love this place I could never do this alone THANKS AGAIN ALL
sillyhead said:
I can name one woman I know in my entire life who I know for a fact was NOT molested. There are many of them I have no idea about. There are MANY MANY that I do know about. And none of them are child molesters. That's what I'm trying to say. I'm 41, BTW.
Yes, I'm almost 40 and I know so many (too many) survivors (male and female) of childhood sexual abuse and not a one of them is a child molester.
Idaho4Groenes said:
NO! They can NOT be rehabilitated.

Totally agree. It is a well known fact that these perverts can't change. I wonder when the people who make the laws will understand that!

I'm glad that you posted that site. I knew that the one strike law was being worked on in Idaho. How is that going and what is the attitude of the big wigs there?
Bobbisangel said:
I think that you are right. When someone is arrested for rape or molestation when LE or an attorney looks into their past they usually find that the person was molested as a child.

But just because you are molested as a child doesn't mean that you are going to grow up to molest. My guess would be that more males who are molested in childhood grow up to molest then females.
Great point about males being more apt to become abusers if they were abused as children. I have seen this fact discussed in a number of things I've read about the subject.

Women are more likely to swallow the pain of childhood sexual abuse and harm themselves further (via drugs, alcohol, eating, harmful interpersonal relationships, prostitution....) than to take the pain of that to an aggressive place. While men may use the same harmful coping mechanisims women use in the face of childhood sexual abuse, they are also more likely to harm others.
southcitymom said:
Great point about males being more apt to become abusers if they were abused as children. I have seen this fact discussed in a number of things I've read about the subject.

Women are more likely to swallow the pain of childhood sexual abuse and harm themselves further (via drugs, alcohol, eating, harmful interpersonal relationships, prostitution....) than to take the pain of that to an aggressive place. While men may use the same harmful coping mechanisims women use in the face of childhood sexual abuse, they are also more likely to harm others.
2 great posts
Just to be clear, I don't think that any study has shown that being molested as a kid is what causes people to be sex offenders. Noone knows, as someone said earlier in this thread. I saw a discussion on a pedo site about a guy who is (or was) trying to work with the mental health system to get more research done about it. There's definitely a need for that. Unfortunately, this man had that goal, so that the mental health system would UNDERSTAND these pedos, and I seriously think he expected mental health professionals to condone his "love for children." Gag.
sillyhead said:
Just to be clear, I don't think that any study has shown that being molested as a kid is what causes people to be sex offenders. Noone knows, as someone said earlier in this thread. I saw a discussion on a pedo site about a guy who is (or was) trying to work with the mental health system to get more research done about it. There's definitely a need for that. Unfortunately, this man had that goal, so that the mental health system would UNDERSTAND these pedos, and I seriously think he expected mental health professionals to condone his "love for children." Gag.
Sounds good to me - I don't care about their motivation, if it gets them to work openly with the mental health profession, and we can hope it will lead to a cure sometime.

It seems to me, if all pedos have been molested - molestation is part of what causes people to be a pedo. Doesn't mean at all that all of them are, most of them are, or even more than a few are - but if there is no such thing as a pedo who wasn't molested as a child, then it seems that this must trigger something in some few of the molested kids - maybe when combined with brain damage, or a particular type of personality or a particular type of upbringing, etc. All dwarfs are short - that doesn't make all short people a dwarf, but it does mean that being short is one component of being a dwarf.
Glow said:
As a society we can barely understand and deal with mental disorders of any kind. Not to long ago people who were schizophrenic were thought to be possessed. Now a few hundred years later we know better but we still have only scratched the surface on that one mental disorder as well as many other aberrations of the mind. Literally, the mind is the last truly unexplored frontier.

As of now we know next to nothing about how a pedophile gets to be that way. There are some hypothesis about physio-socio environment but no one has come forward with anything concrete such as a gene marker for example. Because of lack of knowledge this horrific pathology is shrouded in the vagueness of the time we happen to be living in right now.

Pedophiles have a high rate of recidivism. That is even after intensive therapy. That is the best case scenario. Addressing this mental disorder as a crime sends them to prison (if they are caught) but that does nothing whatsoever to treat the condition.

As much as I hate to write anyone off as hopeless, I think this is the reality until and unless we know more later about how this pathology functions.

These people prey on the most innocent and vulnerable of society. They dont change and they cannot be helped. In my opinion this would be a good argument for use of the death penalty in todays society.

Glow, I have to ditto Jeana's thought this was a great post and pretty much says it all.

Take all the statistics and formulate the odds against even one of these deviants changing his life ways. Why it would have to be a phenominally low number - which I would guess like 1 in 500, and then you better keep tabs on that guy!

One of our mods says Death Row for the bunch of them. I know that is an overstatement wracked by the emotion of the subject, but when I look at Dru Sjodin, and Brooke Wilburger, and Polly Klass and I think JonBenet {I think her mother was a latent lesbian who enjoyed chastizing JonBenet by being sexually cruel to her}, and little Jessica Lundsford and Samantha Runion - they were all the object of the insane slaughter of the innocent and helpless children that we here have studied. Please forgive me for not mentioning all of the victims we know about, as I know they are many.

There has just been too much study on the subject. They are always going to revert to commiting the same crime.

With the odds, it isn't worth it to rule in their favor, and let one of these sickos be out here in our everyday world to find, rape, mutilate and kill another victim to satisfy their own sick pleasure.

Cutting their balls off doesn't work. Unfortunately they still think and have desire. There has to be another solution - mandatory life. Nationwide.

scandi said:
Glow, I have to ditto Jeana's thought this was a great post and pretty much says it all.

Take all the statistics and formulate the odds against even one of these deviants changing his life ways. Why it would have to be a phenominally low number - which I would guess like 1 in 500, and then you better keep tabs on that guy!

One of our mods says Death Row for the bunch of them. I know that is an overstatement wracked by the emotion of the subject, but when I look at Dru Sjodin, and Brooke Wilburger, and Polly Klass and I think JonBenet {I think her mother was a latent lesbian who enjoyed chastizing JonBenet by being sexually cruel to her}, and little Jessica Lundsford and Samantha Runion - they were all the object of the insane slaughter of the innocent and helpless children that we here have studied. Please forgive me for not mentioning all of the victims we know about, as I know they are many.

There has just been too much study on the subject. They are always going to revert to commiting the same crime.

With the odds, it isn't worth it to rule in their favor, and let one of these sickos be out here in our everyday world to find, rape, mutilate and kill another victim to satisfy their own sick pleasure.

Cutting their balls off doesn't work. Unfortunately they still think and have desire. There has to be another solution - mandatory life. Nationwide.

DP and the reason why life in prison would not work as the jails would all be full plus it costs too much money as it is The only room we have in our jail here are for violent offenders they recently let out one of these sickos and of course he molested again They are letting people out left and right due to overcrowding....over crowding isnt jail supposed to be punishment

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