Can we tell when RC is lying now? Armchair eye analysis

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Sep 11, 2008
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Emeralgem prompted me to look an an old video of RC again - one I haven't viewed in a year, at least. Because I took a seminar in eye communication, I learned that eye movement can tell us something about what a person is thinking.

Bear in mind, this is not an exact science. However, maybe we can get some clues as to when RC is not being truthful since we have more information now that we did when we discussed a previous thread on this topic.

Here's the video:

Watch his eye movement when asked questions that we now believe were lies. Then watch that same eye movement when being asked questions that we aren't sure of whether he was lying or not.

There are variables to this test so we won't know for absolute certainty, but it is something to think about. Some variables are that maybe he was high during the interview and it is difficult to watch his eyes at times.

Here's a link to reading eye movement that might be helpful:

Feel free to add videos and other links about reading eye movement as well.
Sorry......I got tangled up watching his lips lie and didn't watch his eyes. BRB. :)
Here is a basic eye chart. Remember, this is as though you are facing the person and your viewpoint.


Here's another snip from another site on the topic:

"Think for a second. If you ask your brother if he took out the trash, and he begins to weave an intricate tale, look at his eyes. Are they up and to the left or to the side and left? If so, he is creating the image and might just be lying. If you’re creating an image, you’re making it up on the spot- lying at it’s best. However, if he is looking to the right, he might just be telling the truth.

You can test this out with a friend. Ask him or her the color of socks she is wearing at the moment. He or she would have to remember visually what color, and would look up and to the right. Then ask him or her what he or she is thinking in his or her head right now. Looking down and to the right might be the proper cue. Now ask him or her to make up a new story that he or she created. The eyes should flutter to the mid to upper left."
:slap: :floorlaugh:

Okay you guys! Stop looking at his lips and look at his EYES!
Okay, first thing that strikes me is that this is a statement from Ronald to the press, yet he has not come out with a prepared statement. He instead waits for questions to be asked OF him, and he answers. All the answers he gives are pat statements, ones that cannot really discern much of anything. For instance, "Is there anything you want the public to do, what can they do to help?" ..... his response is "Find my daughter." Curt and to the point.

But as for his eyes, it's rather difficult to tell because he's situated in a way that forces him to squint into the sun. That makes it very difficult to discern eye-lie cues. What I do notice is that he drops his head a lot, taking time "for himself" (meaning he removes his eye contact from the reporters to isolate himself from them).

When he is asked about LE's report of leads, he does shift (no, I'm not saying he has shifty eyes) his glance down, then to the right, avoiding contact, as though pondering what leads could they be looking at, and it's almost like he's wondering what could there possibly be that could lead them to Haleigh. This is not weighted in terms of whether he's checked off mentally everything to make sure he covered his butt. It's just an observation as a response to that line of questions from reporters. He's thinking about something. I'm making the assumption it's about what leads there could be. (I then offer my opinion that he's making sure he's covered his butt, but hey. I don't really know.)

When he is asked if he believes Misty is telling the truth, he repeats the question as his response. "Yeah, I believe she's telling the truth." all the while licking his lips and putting his eyes down. I don't believe him. He'll look at the person asking the question, but he doesn't look at them when he responds.

Then he's asked about the fight with Misty which puts him on the defensive, and at this point, I believe the interviewing is lost. He's asked about a fight with Joe and he just shuts it down. "People don't know what they talking about." He starts making a lot of eye contact at this point but I don't know that it's about the "truth"..... I think it's about standing in front of a bear and showing the bear you're tougher by staring it down, even if you're peeing yourself.

He's asked about family visiting. We now know that his grandmother, his aunt, several of Misty's family, were all there by 8 p.m. We've heard that his mother was the one who the children were left with, who then called Misty to come babysit (still rumor/truth mixing on that last one. Will we ever know? Probably not.) But anyway, Ron's eyes start evading again, and his tone is still very defensive. He defers to the detectives who he knows aren't going to answer questions like that. But he's also biting the inside of his mouth toward the end of this exchange. He shakes his head, he purses his lips, he squints his eyes (now more in disgust than because of the sunlight).

He keeps insisting he's not going to answer questions, they need to ask detectives. By midway through this, I'm wondering why the hell he bothered to come out without a prepared statement. Then I realize, it's because he wants to shut people up. He's not there to give any real statement, he's MAKING a statement with his behavior.

(P.S., I really wish Teresa would have not been interrupting his responses. Yeesh)

7 minutes in, and he finally makes his statement, (which, of course, teresa one-ups him on). YEESH again.

Jamie Watts talks for a couple minutes, and it causes Ron to step back a bit so he has room. He dances from foot to foot, looking up under his hat from time to time, measuring the reporters. I don't know if it's to see if they're honing in on him or not. Occasionally I see his mouth tense. I do know that at one point he crosses his arms (in the middle of JW talking about the teeshirts, so that he in fact hides from view Haleigh's face. It's unconscious, I don't think he's doing it deliberately, but wow. What a message.

When asked about Jr (sweet little boy.) he responds rather kindly at first to the question, then shuts it down saying focus on Haleigh. But his eyes are closed, then open again. Then he's asked about a message for whoever has Haleigh and we get the odd property comment. :(

Because of the sun squinting going on, it's once again difficult to see whether he has "lying eyes" but I'll refer once again to my flippant remark above and say I was too busy watching his lips lie to tell whether his eyes are.

Now I'm gonna watch it again for Teresa's......brb again
(Is there a chart for whether ears are lying? We see a lot of Teresa's ear....)

There are a few times when Teresa's microexpressions catch her up. She's shaking her head no before the whole question of whether Misty had anything to do with this is out. When she's asked what her message to whoever did this is and she says have a heart and bring her home, she begins to do that cry with no tears thing sniffle sniffle. I think her grief is real, but it doesn't seem to connect to someone else's heart to bring Haleigh home, because immediately following getting Jamie to start talking about the fund, Ronald whispers something to Teresa for a few seconds, and finally she nods, wipes her eyes and.....then I start watching when she looks down to the ground. It's an interesting pattern.

By the end, when Ronald is talking about Haleigh not being property, Teresa has drawn her lips tightly together and her eyes are looking around again.
Okay, first thing that strikes me is that this is a statement from Ronald to the press, yet he has not come out with a prepared statement. He instead waits for questions to be asked OF him, and he answers. All the answers he gives are pat statements, ones that cannot really discern much of anything. For instance, "Is there anything you want the public to do, what can they do to help?" ..... his response is "Find my daughter." Curt and to the point.

But as for his eyes, it's rather difficult to tell because he's situated in a way that forces him to squint into the sun. That makes it very difficult to discern eye-lie cues. What I do notice is that he drops his head a lot, taking time "for himself" (meaning he removes his eye contact from the reporters to isolate himself from them).

When he is asked about LE's report of leads, he does shift (no, I'm not saying he has shifty eyes) his glance down, then to the right, avoiding contact, as though pondering what leads could they be looking at, and it's almost like he's wondering what could there possibly be that could lead them to Haleigh. This is not weighted in terms of whether he's checked off mentally everything to make sure he covered his butt. It's just an observation as a response to that line of questions from reporters. He's thinking about something. I'm making the assumption it's about what leads there could be. (I then offer my opinion that he's making sure he's covered his butt, but hey. I don't really know.)

When he is asked if he believes Misty is telling the truth, he repeats the question as his response. "Yeah, I believe she's telling the truth." all the while licking his lips and putting his eyes down. I don't believe him. He'll look at the person asking the question, but he doesn't look at them when he responds.

Then he's asked about the fight with Misty which puts him on the defensive, and at this point, I believe the interviewing is lost. He's asked about a fight with Joe and he just shuts it down. "People don't know what they talking about." He starts making a lot of eye contact at this point but I don't know that it's about the "truth"..... I think it's about standing in front of a bear and showing the bear you're tougher by staring it down, even if you're peeing yourself.

He's asked about family visiting. We now know that his grandmother, his aunt, several of Misty's family, were all there by 8 p.m. We've heard that his mother was the one who the children were left with, who then called Misty to come babysit (still rumor/truth mixing on that last one. Will we ever know? Probably not.) But anyway, Ron's eyes start evading again, and his tone is still very defensive. He defers to the detectives who he knows aren't going to answer questions like that. But he's also biting the inside of his mouth toward the end of this exchange. He shakes his head, he purses his lips, he squints his eyes (now more in disgust than because of the sunlight).

He keeps insisting he's not going to answer questions, they need to ask detectives. By midway through this, I'm wondering why the hell he bothered to come out without a prepared statement. Then I realize, it's because he wants to shut people up. He's not there to give any real statement, he's MAKING a statement with his behavior.

(P.S., I really wish Teresa would have not been interrupting his responses. Yeesh)

7 minutes in, and he finally makes his statement, (which, of course, teresa one-ups him on). YEESH again.

Jamie Watts talks for a couple minutes, and it causes Ron to step back a bit so he has room. He dances from foot to foot, looking up under his hat from time to time, measuring the reporters. I don't know if it's to see if they're honing in on him or not. Occasionally I see his mouth tense. I do know that at one point he crosses his arms (in the middle of JW talking about the teeshirts, so that he in fact hides from view Haleigh's face. It's unconscious, I don't think he's doing it deliberately, but wow. What a message.

When asked about Jr (sweet little boy.) he responds rather kindly at first to the question, then shuts it down saying focus on Haleigh. But his eyes are closed, then open again. Then he's asked about a message for whoever has Haleigh and we get the odd property comment. :(

Because of the sun squinting going on, it's once again difficult to see whether he has "lying eyes" but I'll refer once again to my flippant remark above and say I was too busy watching his lips lie to tell whether his eyes are.

Now I'm gonna watch it again for Teresa's......brb again

Wow debs, what a great solid post. I for one, don't need any more looks at Ron after reading your thoughts on this. You really nailed this one. jmo

Sorry, about having to go through the news report first, but when I got to the interview, here are some things i noticed right off the bat....

When asked about JRs account of the "man in black" story, Ron looks to the left and down and says that he thinks that is the "garbage" Geraldo and Crystal are making up and he is going to leave it at that. But not making eye contact with the interviewer until he has completed saying his sentence.

What is with the chin? Both he and Misty do this....He is asked by the interviewer if he believes what Jr has told about the "man in black" and Ron swiftly raises his head, and looks at the interviewer and says (with that smirk) i don't know, i wasn't at home, i was at work, and then does that defiant chin upward movement. Mind you, All the while his arms are crossed. and just noticed at the same time as the chin movement he says, he can't tell you honestly.

When they are asked if they passed the poly's, Ron looks down and says absolutely.

then asked why they got married, he looks down, then takes a deep breath and says that is what "his little girl would have wanted" and when she returns they will have a much bigger wedding, but that is still drawing the focus off HaLeigh (i think this is one of the only times he actually mentions HaLeigh by her name and not referred to as her, she or my daughter) and how that is his personal life, and doesn't see how his personal life has to do with finding his daughter.

I was going to use the GVS interview, but it is hard to see the eyes there too.....
Watched most of the video again. The overall impression I got, watching their eyes, they look down and to the left alot (picturing myself facing them, so this would be to my left). According to the chart this is sensory access. This fits with my strong impression in this video of people who are newly grieving....not that she is unfound, but that she is gone. To me, they appear to look hopeless alot when looking down, as described above, when asked questions about tips, where she could be, what Ron wants to say to her, etc... JMO.

Sorry, about having to go through the news report first, but when I got to the interview, here are some things i noticed right off the bat....

When asked about JRs account of the "man in black" story, Ron looks to the left and down and says that he thinks that is the "garbage" Geraldo and Crystal are making up and he is going to leave it at that. But not making eye contact with the interviewer until he has completed saying his sentence.

What is with the chin? Both he and Misty do this....He is asked by the interviewer if he believes what Jr has told about the "man in black" and Ron swiftly raises his head, and looks at the interviewer and says (with that smirk) i don't know, i wasn't at home, i was at work, and then does that defiant chin upward movement. Mind you, All the while his arms are crossed. and just noticed at the same time as the chin movement he says, he can't tell you honestly.

When they are asked if they passed the poly's, Ron looks down and says absolutely.

then asked why they got married, he looks down, then takes a deep breath and says that is what "his little girl would have wanted" and when she returns they will have a much bigger wedding, but that is still drawing the focus off HaLeigh (i think this is one of the only times he actually mentions HaLeigh by her name and not referred to as her, she or my daughter) and how that is his personal life, and doesn't see how his personal life has to do with finding his daughter.

I was going to use the GVS interview, but it is hard to see the eyes there too.....

All I can say to this one is...."He finally came with a prepared speech."

The chin jutting defiance is that staring down the bear while peeing yourself thing I talked about.
Kimster, you stated....Bear in mind, this is not an exact science. However, maybe we can get some clues as to when RC is not being truthful since we have more information now that we did when we discussed a previous thread on this topic.

First off I see nothing but evil when I look in his eyes..One video that stands out for me is the look in his eyes when he and his mother did the NG interivew right after he and Misty returned from New York..And IMHO he has never told the truth about what happened and never will....So to me it doesn't matter what his eyes do..
One of the biggest lies in that video you posted Kim is when he is asked about information concerning Misty's cousin that was visiting and he stated he didn't know anything about anyone who was visiting...
Also when he was asked about a fight or an argument the night before Haleigh was reported missing, we have TN shaking her head No... IIRC, she was one of the first who mentioned there had been a fight...
In that first plea video where he falls to the ground TN is the one who seems to be checking out all the reporters to see IF she can read in their faces what they are thinking about his performance... Pieces of work both of them...JMHO
Eme, I think you hit on something key here........Teresa's eyes respond when Ron talks......maybe I have to watch it a third time to see if his respond when SHE talks.....(yeesh).
Eme, I think you hit on something key here........Teresa's eyes respond when Ron talks......maybe I have to watch it a third time to see if his respond when SHE talks.....(yeesh).

I agree debs, and not only do her eyes respond when Ron talks, but half the time she will interupt him or speak for him....

I never noticed before, but listen to her going off in the back ground of the Gerlado video (my favorite :) ) Ron was willing to continue answering the questions Gerlado was asking, although he was getting annoyed, it is Teresa that goes off on this wild tangent, then the family starts to rally around Ron... Once Ron sees the family surrounding, all of the sudden, he is getting LE out there, no longer wants to talk to Gerlado, until his famous last liner.... I will never belive she is gone til they find her.

I am coming to the conclusion that when Ron says and is adament about not doing something, most likely he did...... and vice versa......

Kimster- maybe we can do a thread like this for Teresa Neves as well? She is in almost every video with Ron, he eyes are very telling as well ;)
Eme, I think you hit on something key here........Teresa's eyes respond when Ron talks......maybe I have to watch it a third time to see if his respond when SHE talks.....(yeesh).

You are absolutely right, Debs. Teresa's eyes does respond when Ron talks....Now I'm wondering, if in the interviews with Ron and Misty, Misty eyes respond when Ron talks, as well? or vice versa.

In the interviews with Misty and Teresa, I wonder if their eyes respond to what the other person is saying.

This is kinda interesting....thanks Kimster!
Ron is a tough read..,maybe because he's actually grieving & mixes the truth in with his lies. The thing with Ron, is unless something he says, is later proved to be inconsistant, I can't tell he's lying! & I'm usually pretty good at spotting a liar. But, we don't have much experience with guys like as we're seeing so much truth, it's hard to spot the lies, & vice versa.

Sorry, about having to go through the news report first, but when I got to the interview, here are some things i noticed right off the bat....

When asked about JRs account of the "man in black" story, Ron looks to the left and down and says that he thinks that is the "garbage" Geraldo and Crystal are making up and he is going to leave it at that. But not making eye contact with the interviewer until he has completed saying his sentence.

What is with the chin? Both he and Misty do this....He is asked by the interviewer if he believes what Jr has told about the "man in black" and Ron swiftly raises his head, and looks at the interviewer and says (with that smirk) i don't know, i wasn't at home, i was at work, and then does that defiant chin upward movement. Mind you, All the while his arms are crossed. and just noticed at the same time as the chin movement he says, he can't tell you honestly.

When they are asked if they passed the poly's, Ron looks down and says absolutely.

then asked why they got married, he looks down, then takes a deep breath and says that is what "his little girl would have wanted" and when she returns they will have a much bigger wedding, but that is still drawing the focus off HaLeigh (i think this is one of the only times he actually mentions HaLeigh by her name and not referred to as her, she or my daughter) and how that is his personal life, and doesn't see how his personal life has to do with finding his daughter.

I was going to use the GVS interview, but it is hard to see the eyes there too.....
you're right about his chin. He points his chin, sets his jaw, clenches his teeth, & turns his lips up & down, to express himself...& all that expression makes it hard to focus on his eyes. & I think a lot of that has to do with Ron being an angry, defensive man. He kind of walks around with a chip on his shoulder.
Ron is a tough read..,maybe because he's actually grieving & mixes the truth in with his lies. The thing with Ron, is unless something he says, is later proved to be inconsistant, I can't tell he's lying! & I'm usually pretty good at spotting a liar. But, we don't have much experience with guys like as we're seeing so much truth, it's hard to spot the lies, & vice versa.

IMHO.. Ron is not a tough read..You can see straight through all the lies and the deceptive, manipulative planning going on in his mind...JMHO

Nuh-uh Kimstah, you can't make me look or listen or even discuss it.
You know watching those lips flap & lie about our sweet little Haleigh is bad for my vertigo.
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