Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #16

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Wishful thinking perhaps, but sure would be great if the disclosure todate was so convincing that KR could talk the accused into giving up the location of bodies in order to broker a deal on reduced sentencing.

Now you and me are having a psychic connection sillybilly ;) We posted a very similar post at the same time lol! We both even used the words 'wishful thinking'…spooky……..;)
Somehow, when I read that article in which the neighbour was quoted.. I didn't think it was a 'moving company' that was moving the stuff out, I somehow automatically got the impession it was a member of the family who had rented a truck or something, or a friend of the family, or someone more closely involved than just a moving company. JMOO. I think it was just the statement when he quoted the 'mover' as saying
It just struck me as coming from someone more closely involved.


That's how I took it too...If it were 'just some moving guy' the heck would he know about the results of the sale? :) JMOO

That's how I took it too...If it were 'just some moving guy' the heck would he know about the results of the sale? :) JMOO

Good point. I wonder if the L's had already used the mover to move some items into storage and explained at that time they would be having a sale and whatever is left will need to be picked up and added to the other contents. One of the kids could have arranged the final pick-up.
You know your farming! Thanks! Maybe the cars were for political figures? Was the PM in town?
I am fairly certain that harper is in new york for some meeting with other world leaders.
Although on tuesday I watched a rather odd looking military plane come in and land (just happened to be driving by). Was a jumbo jet all grayed out.
In the reporter's own words ... "Now there’s no question police can’t spend every hour of every day keeping an eye on potential offenders in their jurisdiction"

No law enforcement agency has the resources to do round-the-clock 1:1 surveillance.

Indeed... what a very common-sensical reason to review current law and sentence structure. Offenders keep reoffending... some escalating with every offence... as victims of preventable crimes increase in number.
Somehow, when I read that article in which the neighbour was quoted.. I didn't think it was a 'moving company' that was moving the stuff out, I somehow automatically got the impession it was a member of the family who had rented a truck or something, or a friend of the family, or someone more closely involved than just a moving company. JMOO. I think it was just the statement when he quoted the 'mover' as saying
It just struck me as coming from someone more closely involved.

Such different perspectives... I read it the opposite way. It sounds like a daft mover who didn't know what actually happened there. "Hey come on in. I'm just moving stuff out. Apparently there was a sale here, and it didn't go well or something like that."

That's how I took it too...If it were 'just some moving guy' the heck would he know about the results of the sale? :) JMOO

Chances are it was a cover story whoever hired the moving company told them. I doubt anyone in the family wanted to give the intimate details... I'm sure they wanted discretion. It's also doubtful that anyone in the family would just invite the neighbors into what is a rather sensitive, and sacred location.
It sure could be a break, sounds heavy duty. I haven't found anything in MSM and I checked the Alberta Police Report website and nothing. So if it's anything, it's being kept quiet.

ETA - Oops! I did a repeat of LoisLane's info, sorry catching up on posts!
Dark SUV's? Could be any dignitary, celebrity, etc... Sounds like RCMP vehicles but who knows. Haven't heard about anything in YYC. If they found bodies you can bet we would have heard by now. There also would have been a large CPS presence in marked vehicles.
Good point. I wonder if the L's had already used the mover to move some items into storage and explained at that time they would be having a sale and whatever is left will need to be picked up and added to the other contents. One of the kids could have arranged the final pick-up.

That is definitely a possibility! I remember the kijiji ads started beginning of June...and more added through-out June until that final weekend yes! That could be it! :)

Chances are it was a cover story whoever hired the moving company told them. I doubt anyone in the family wanted to give the intimate details... I'm sure they wanted discretion. It's also doubtful that anyone in the family would just invite the neighbors into what is a rather sensitive, and sacred location.

Right...& I found that odd too...way back when this was first being discussed...beginning of Aug I think?
The family...I couldn't see 'inviting' people in there....I just couldn't...
On the other hand...I found it rather creepy that some stranger felt they could show someone around in another person's I said earlier...especially considering the circumstances....JMOO
Don't forget that it is an empty house that whoever the mover is, let the neighbour into. I'm just thinking that this family seems to have a large family, and undoubtedly lots of family who aren't so close.. some looking for work, I know CL Sr had a pile of 'for-hire' ads out on kijiji, and probably a few have trucks, etc. But it could be either way.. not-so-close family/friends helping out, or movers..

Another thing I was thinking about.. regarding that 'cleaning on the wall' comment. My teenage son one time accidentally started a grease fire in our kitchen while I was at an evening meeting at work, fire dept was called, and can't believe what a mess, even though it was relatively minor in nature. It went through insurance and they sent in one of those disaster cleaning service companies. They sent a cleaner, and she spent what I remember as being days cleaning every single thing in the kitchen and surrounding area, every tiny item, every little spice bottle, floors, walls, windows, everything (smoke). She was seriously good and didn't leave a trace. It is weird to me that a professional service company would leave a wall 'partially' cleaned, where one would be able to tell the 'cleaned' part from the 'untouched' part. Just doesn't make sense that they wouldn't have cleaned the entire wall, IMHO. I suppose however, there could be different levels of service?? I just don't think so, ie if you're going to clean a wall as contracted to do, but it makes it obvious as to which part is now 'clean', how could they just leave it like that? Who knows?? Just such weird things to say on both counts from that neighbour fellow. Just so many weird things, IMOO, in this case.

That is definitely a possibility! I remember the kijiji ads started beginning of June...and more added through-out June until that final weekend yes! That could be it! :)

Right...& I found that odd too...way back when this was first being discussed...beginning of Aug I think?
The family...I couldn't see 'inviting' people in there....I just couldn't...
On the other hand...I found it rather creepy that some stranger felt they could show someone around in another person's I said earlier...especially considering the circumstances....JMOO
Another thing I was thinking about.. regarding that 'cleaning on the wall' comment. My teenage son one time accidentally started a grease fire in our kitchen while I was at an evening meeting at work, fire dept was called, and can't believe what a mess, even though it was relatively minor in nature. It went through insurance and they sent in one of those disaster cleaning service companies. They sent a cleaner, and she spent what I remember as being days cleaning every single thing in the kitchen and surrounding area, every tiny item, every little spice bottle, floors, walls, windows, everything (smoke). She was seriously good and didn't leave a trace. It is weird to me that a professional service company would leave a wall 'partially' cleaned, where one would be able to tell the 'cleaned' part from the 'untouched' part. Just doesn't make sense that they wouldn't have cleaned the entire wall, IMHO. I suppose however, there could be different levels of service?? I just don't think so, ie if you're going to clean a wall as contracted to do, but it makes it obvious as to which part is now 'clean', how could they just leave it like that? Who knows?? Just such weird things to say on both counts from that neighbour fellow. Just so many weird things, IMOO, in this case.

I have also experienced similar damage in my home once upon a time and the cleaners were meticulous. Perhaps the 'cleaning on the wall' was just a preliminary wipe down before being professionally dealt with?? Just a guess. The turn of phrase has always bugged me, as well. I also wonder if the cleaner was reprimanded for his actions of letting someone in to have a look and then that being released/commented on in MSM.
An article about CH in Canmore about saying good bye and the healing process:

" “Everyone got wrapped up in that story and it went away, but I think the public deserves to know that the family has had the opportunity to say goodbye properly. “They don’t need to know what happened, but they need to know we have come to some peace and are moving forward.”"

"Hodgins also started a trust fund at CIBC across the country in the name of Super Heroes Are Real for the Liknes/O’Brien family. The Liknes’ had a large family with six children and 12 grandchildren.

She said the effort is to support the grandchildren in the family in the future and she would like to see one million Canadians donate $1 each.
" (BBM)

Nice article, but the money specifics at the end are a bit tacky. JMO.

Oh my....$ 1 Million now. That's not too much to ask. Gosh this lady has no trouble with asking for money does she? The grandchildren in the family should be supported by their parents, least that's how it works in most that I know of. Sorry, this lady just drives me nuts with her 'donation' requests, shameless!
Oh my....$ 1 Million now. That's not too much to ask. Gosh this lady has no trouble with asking for money does she? The grandchildren in the family should be supported by their parents, least that's how it works in most that I know of. Sorry, this lady just drives me nuts with her 'donation' requests, shameless!
Its pretty ballsy, isnt it? It just doesn't sit right with me... not because I think its suspicious, but its tacky as hell. If my best friend died in this manner I would be spending my time making sure that her killer was brought to justice rather than panhandling at every given opportunity.
Dark SUV's? Could be any dignitary, celebrity, etc... Sounds like RCMP vehicles but who knows. Haven't heard about anything in YYC. If they found bodies you can bet we would have heard by now. There also would have been a large CPS presence in marked vehicles.

Hahaha...maybe Alison Redford was headed to Edmonton for a wine and
Just kidding
I wonder if it were perhaps a funeral home? There were 3 bodies found yesterday...but why would they be driving North of Airdrie? That's going in the Edmonton direction? I have no idea.
Hahaha...maybe Alison Redford was headed to Edmonton for a wine and
Just kidding
I wonder if it were perhaps a funeral home? There were 3 bodies found yesterday...but why would they be driving North of Airdrie? That's going in the Edmonton direction? I have no idea.

Aren't those tactical team vehicles?
Also, Check that it is Parkhill not Parkdale, select homicide, past 6 months, and zoom in on the map. It is 2. When you first look at the number it says 8 which maybe some see as a 3. If you zoom in it is a 2 for that street.

Yeah I did Parkhill, last six months and it still says 2 on June 29 at 10pm. Weird!
Been out of the loop, just trying to catch up. A couple thoughts on some of the discussion I've missed -

Re: comment about "cleaning on the wall" in the Parkhill home - I wonder if there was staining on the wall that was so bad that it actually had to be scoured off? IOW, maybe a better way to describe it would have been to say "scouring on the walls"?

Re: 3 black SUVs. I travel the QEII highway a lot and I have seen black SUVs, or convoys like that many times. I don't know where they're headed, but I have a few theories. One. The Bowden Institution is about an hour, maybe hour and a quarter away from Calgary, and it may be possible LE visits Bowden regularly for matters related to prisoners there. Two, not far from Bowden, at Innisfail, is an RCMP K-9 unit, I think it's a training centre? So these SUVs may have reason to visit this centre. Three, I wonder if it's not unusual for RCMP to be transporting witnesses or prisoners, or officers themselves, between Calgary and Edmonton for court appearances.

Yes, my friends...possible proof that LE distorts the truth too, they are after all, human. JMO

No one here has said the police are perfect. I've said repeatedly I am critical of police.

But I am not blanket critical, I am critical when it's necessary. For example, I am very critical of the police work in the Laura Babcock and Wayne Millard investigations. It looks as if they had investigated better, Tim Bosma might still be alive and Wayne Millard too. We need answers as to what happened and then action.

I am not, however, critical of the Hamilton police investigation of Tim Bosma's murder because I see nothing to be critical of. For the same reasons, I am not critical of the Liknes investigation -- although I admit I've wondered if they weren't a little slow to check out the Winter Petroleum bankruptcy. But then again, for all I know, they were at the company while they were checking out the estate sale, not after.

When the police screw up, make major mistakes, are incompetent, I am happy to shout it from the rooftops. And, honestly, if they have the wrong guy in jail, have told the public the mystery's solved and let the real murderer go, they have made just about the worst mistakes a police force can make. That is completely incompetent

It's not just "I had a bad day" stuff. Or they did the best they could at the time. It's mistake piled upon mistake piled upon mistake. It means the chacks and balances in the system were ignored -- repeatedly. Heads should roll.

But constantly bringing up the worst miscarriages of justice in Canadian history, when there's no indication the police have done anything wrong -- as there is not in the Liknes case -- is crying wolf. And crying wolf has consequences too.
Dark SUV's? Could be any dignitary, celebrity, etc... Sounds like RCMP vehicles but who knows. Haven't heard about anything in YYC. If they found bodies you can bet we would have heard by now. There also would have been a large CPS presence in marked vehicles.

Yes, who knows really! Blue Amethyst said it was LE with their silent flashing lights on inside the truck (not outside/on top). Could've very well been a sneak up approach to criminal activity.
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