Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #25

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Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 3m3 minutes ago
Pick up truck spotted on 38A Avenue SW at 3:07 a.m., June 30, 2014. #Garland

Lucas MeyerVerified account ‏@meyer_lucas 42s43 seconds ago
Next CCTV footage from a residence near the Liknes home at 3:07 a.m. on June 30th showing a single cab pickup truck #Garland #yyc

Not sure where these two reporters are getting this 3:07am time from when the previous tweets indicated it didn't enter the subdivision until 3:11am?

Interesting...Time is a fact. Not open to interpretation.
Valerie Fortney ‏@ValFortney 21s22 seconds ago
The camera on Stanley Road SW, says Bouchard, had a view of the back alley and back of Liknes home. #Garland

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 13s14 seconds ago
Bouchard says he had to piece together footage from several different, limited locations to track the pick-up truck's movements. #Garland
Michael PlattVerified account ‏@SUNMichaelPlatt 2m2 minutes ago
Cameras at house up road from Likneses captured images of the truck says Bouchard. Crisp shots from high-end security system #Garland

Valerie Fortney ‏@ValFortney 2m2 minutes ago
"Viewed over and over again a number of times," says Bouchard, had him confident he was tracking that same truck thru the night. #Garland

Lucas MeyerVerified account ‏@meyer_lucas 59s59 seconds ago
Although CCTV footage is dark, Bouchard says the key is the rear cab light which shines the back, common market in each video #Garland #yyc

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 44s44 seconds ago
A vehicle stopped in front of 145 38 A street and he could make out their head lights shining on the bushes (june 30, 2014). #Garland #yyc

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 54s54 seconds ago
"The video is playing, it's just that the vehicle was stationary there for a few minutes," said Bouchard. #Garland #yyc

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 43s43 seconds ago
Bouchard says the truck was stationary for a few minutes at 145 38A Ave, SW, around 3:11 a.m. #Garland

Valerie Fortney ‏@ValFortney 16s17 seconds ago
One video seems like a still image; Bouchard explains it's because the truck was not moving for a few minutes. #Garland

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan now23 seconds ago
Bouchard says the vehicle is captured again going in the opposite direction, around 3:12 a.m. #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 53s54 seconds ago
A few minutes later Bouchard said he believes the same pickup truck- based on cab light-moves back towards Likneses home. #Garland #yyc

Some more dumb luck. It was destined he would be found out:great:
Interesting...Time is a fact. Not open to interpretation.

I know. And I have to assume it's the reporters who are having trouble keeping this info straight and not the witness.
There could be time stamp discrepancies as was stated earlier.

This is rather horrifying testimony - detailing his stalking the house.
Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 38s39 seconds ago
Bouchard says he believes the truck passed through the alleyway behind the Liknes home. #Garland

Nancy HixtVerified account ‏@NancyHixt 8s9 seconds ago
Bouchard; said it was difficult to make out-but believes the green truck also drove through the alley behind the Liknes home #Garland

Valerie Fortney ‏@ValFortney 29s30 seconds ago
"I believe the vehicle that was travelling though" alley was the same green truck thanks to the light on the cab's exterior. #Garland

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 15s16 seconds ago
Bouchard says the illuminated box light was one constant in many of the images. #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie now34 seconds ago
"I believe the it to be the same vehicle," Bouchard says, again due to cab light, of footage showing alleyway behind Likneses. #Garland
There could be time stamp discrepancies as was stated earlier.

This is rather horrifying testimony - detailing his stalking the house.

Absolutely horrifying. He had every opportunity to give it up, turn back and head home to bed.
Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 12s12 seconds ago
Bouchard says the truck passed through the alleyway at approximately 3:14 a.m. #Garland
Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 12s12 seconds ago
Bouchard says the vehicle stopped and parked near 145 38A Avenue S.W. #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie now49 seconds ago
Bouchard says be then believes the video to stop and park in b/w cameras as he hasn't seen it go anywhere else. #Garland #yyc

Michael PlattVerified account ‏@SUNMichaelPlatt 35s36 seconds ago
The truck finally stops and parks says Bouchard, because it does not pass either of two cameras where it would have to drive. #Garland

Kevin MartinVerified account ‏@KMartinCourts 20s21 seconds ago
At approximately 3:14 am on June 30,2014, green pickup stops between camera views of Likneses' neighbour's. #Garland
Nancy HixtVerified account ‏@NancyHixt 50s51 seconds ago
Bouchard: vehicle stopped/parked -then "figure walking in westbound direction on sidewalk" #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 28s29 seconds ago
Next Bouchard says he saw "A figure walking in a westbound direction, i believe to be on the sidewalk towards 123 38 Ave" #Garland #yyc

Valerie Fortney ‏@ValFortney 1m1 minute ago
Sees a figure walking towards Liknes home. "I watched this 100 times," says Bouchard. "I believe there is a figure there." #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 58s58 seconds ago
"I've watched this 100 times b/c it's v hard to see," he adds. "There was nobody else on that street.I didn't see anybody on foot." #Garland
Lucas MeyerVerified account ‏@meyer_lucas 46s46 seconds ago
At 3:14 a.m. Bouchard says a truck has been parked and shows a grainy video of a figure walking towards Liknes home. #Garland #yyc

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 1m1 minute ago
"I could not find another person within 15-20 minutes of that time walking down the street or coming out of another residence" #Garland #yyc

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 45s46 seconds ago
Bouchard says he saw another figure walking in a w/b direction at approx. 3:18 a.m. #Garland

Kevin MartinVerified account ‏@KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
Figure walked towards Liknes home at 3:27 am, Bouchard says. #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 1m1 minute ago
~2 mins later Bouchard says he believes another figure walks back on sidewalk in opposite direction. #Garland #yyc

Kevin MartinVerified account ‏@KMartinCourts 1m1 minute ago
Two minutes later a figure walked back towards the pickup, Bouchard says. #Garland
Kevin MartinVerified account ‏@KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
"That person stopped out of camera view," says Bouchard. #Garland

Michael PlattVerified account ‏@SUNMichaelPlatt 2m2 minutes ago
A figure can then be seen walking westbound (back towards where truck must be parked) about two minutes later says Bouchard . #Garland

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 2m2 minutes ago
"That person stopped out of camera view," said Bouchard, explaining they walked back again about 1 min later. #Garlan

Valerie Fortney ‏@ValFortney 2m2 minutes ago
"I didn't want to miss that person, I was worried about missing that person," says Bouchard of watching footage over 20 min. span #Garland

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 2m2 minutes ago
Bouchard says one minute later another figure walks by, towards 123 38A Avenue S.W., the Liknes residence, at about 3:20 a.m. #Garland

Kevin MartinVerified account ‏@KMartinCourts 2m2 minutes ago
Another minute later, at 3:20 am figure walked towards Liknes home again. #Garland

Nancy HixtVerified account ‏@NancyHixt 2m2 minutes ago
Bouchard said two minutes later-he sees figure on CCTV walk back to truck--then one min later back toward Liknes home #Garland

Michael PlattVerified account ‏@SUNMichaelPlatt 2m2 minutes ago
A minute after that, shadowy figure again seen walking towards Liknes home. It's 3:20 a.m. on June 30, 2014. #Garland #yyc

Lucas MeyerVerified account ‏@meyer_lucas 2m2 minutes ago
Last figure movement was around 3:20 a.m. Next video we will see is around 5:00 a.m. Now taking a break. #Garland #yyc

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie 2m2 minutes ago
Next block of footage begins around 5 a.m. B/W that time Bouchard said there was the odd small car that went by but no truck #Garland #yyc

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan 3m3 minutes ago
#Garland is now on a short break.
I skimmed through all of the first two threads when this case started, and found only a couple posts about the neighboring houses being sold/for sale/or empty.

I also added a few important points that some of us new to the thread may have missed. My eyes are too worn out to try to read further right now, besides the fact that thread #2 ended on such a nerve-wracking tone with the search and arrest of Garland's property. I am really feeling like this is all happening right now. My stomach is in knots.

From the very first thread, #1:
House across the street currently for sale....
Their home was sold to a Calgary lawyer

Thread 2:

This is the first mention I saw of patents possibly being involved. Posted reply is from Elainera --- good work!
Originally Posted by otto In looking at patents, it looks like Alvin was named on a patent, although he was not the inventor, in the early 1970s. In 2006, an inventor registered a patent and the one that Alvin worked on was referenced. That 2006 invention was sold to Suncor, so big money from a big oil company. In about 2009, Alvin started registering patents related to the same 1970s patents ... 2009, 2011, 2013.

[Elainera replied] Maybe there was a dispute over names in patents and how to split any money that came from them?
First report of tactical units/heavy police presence on site of property in Airdrie....
man taken into custody
Wndiesan transcribed press conference with family. Very hearbreaking post to read.

Be back later to catch up.
Bless you all who have been here from the beginning. This is a very hard case to see unfolding.
There could be time stamp discrepancies as was stated earlier.

This is rather horrifying testimony - detailing his stalking the house.

All time stamp discrepancies would have been accounted for and the times the witness is giving would be accurate. The reporters did not mention anything about how he co-ordinated all the time stamps (although I'm sure he testified that he did and how) and they're all over the place with the times and what they are choosing to tweet. It's very difficult to get a good time frame from all this. But somewhere in there we might find one.

Glad your here Spelly my friend.
Glad your here Spelly my friend.

Thank you ... I cannot believe I did not know much about this until a week ago. These kind are the hardest to keep my tummy from wanting to :puke:

I cannot thank you tweeters enough for your devotion and time.
Thank you ... I cannot believe I did not know much about this until a week ago. These kind are the hardest to keep my tummy from wanting to :puke:

I cannot thank you tweeters enough for your devotion and time.

Agree. One of the tough ones for sure.
Kevin MartinVerified account ‏@KMartinCourts now30 seconds ago
Morning break over. Evidence of Const. Gerald Bouchard continuing. #Garland
I'm getting goosebumps (and not in a good way) reading about DG driving around and then walking to the house. :notgood:
Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie now35 seconds ago
#Garland trial resuming with Cst. Bouchard taking court through video around 5 a.m. near Likneses home #yyc

Bryan LabbyVerified account ‏@CBCBryan now26 seconds ago
#Garland has resumed with testimony from Cst. Gerald Bouchard. Now focusing on events after 5 a.m. near the Liknes home.

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie now39 seconds ago
Video we were shown prior was hard to see as it was night. Now there is more light and the street is clearly visible. #Garland #yyc
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