Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #3

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The fact that they have put red flags in the field implies that they have found *something*. The question is what?

Does anybody know how many flags they put in that field? was it just the one spot?
The fact that they have put red flags in the field implies that they have found *something*. The question is what?

Does anybody know how many flags they put in that field? was it just the one spot?

I thought they could also be using the flags as a way of marking their grids. Just a guess....
This is aggravating. Just name the POI already.
What would be the reasoning for not naming him yet? They can still charge him with no bodies and they haven't. Makes me think they may be alive??
I just woke up to all the new developments... Sounds intense. Wonder why it's taking so long to hear anything. From the looks of things, (police flags and such) they have found some incriminating evidence and it doesn't look good to me. Like everyone else here, I'm curious as to hear what the motive was, seems so senseless. Nathan's parents offered a $100,000.00 reward for any information leading to the discovery of the 3 right? Wonder if that was the motive for the tip-off in the recent farm info and if any monies will be collected. It disheartens me to feel that it takes a reward to step forward. If I had info that cracked the case, I'd return the money (believe me, I could really use $100,000.00) to this family as it is rightfully theirs, the last thing they need is to suffer financial strain after such an ordeal.

The family was prepared to give a reward, but police requested/advised that they be given time to do their jobs first, so I don't think it was actually formally announced.
Did they actually offer a reward? I did read that they were thinking of offering $100,000 but not certain if they did or not. I think in a case like this, tips would be forthcoming anyway, and hopefully they were going to wait a while.

Edited to add: I think Otto beat me to it!
Living in Canada, sometimes people just assume things are the same on both sides of the border.

The man who was taken into custody actually does not need to answer any questions posed by the police,
unless he has a lawyer to advise him. However, in Canada, this procedure is a rarity. Canadians just
normally speak to LE's. They are naive, in my opinion.

Of course, the Canadian police tell the individual and the press they are not really making an arrest,
just investigating. But everything the person says will be held against him.

You will note there are no reports in the media of the gentleman having an attorney.

I think the difference is that in the US police have to stop questioning a suspect when they say they want to talk to a lawyer. In Canada, a suspect is entitled to speak with a lawyer, but police can continue to question a suspect after they've spoken to the lawyer and without the presence of the lawyer.
Wonder how the POI is helping to a degree? And why haven't we heard anything about the parents that live there? You think the parents would have been in for questioning about the whereabouts of their son and his actions that night ?
What would be the reasoning for not naming him yet? They can still charge him with no bodies and they haven't. Makes me think they may be alive??

The presumption of innocence is one reason why persons of interest are not named publicly. There's always a possibility that it is the wrong green truck, that the truck was borrowed or stolen, and other possible reasons why this man owns a truck similar to the one seen near the crime scene.
What would be the reasoning for not naming him yet? They can still charge him with no bodies and they haven't. Makes me think they may be alive??

Privacy, maybe?
This IS Canada, after all.

Say this was a sex abuse case. The POI would not be named because LE wants to protect the identity of the victim.
Maybe the same reasoning is being used here.
Did the have LE guarding the property overnight, or did they continue their search too?
Wonder how the POI is helping to a degree? And why haven't we heard anything about the parents that live there? You think the parents would have been in for questioning about the whereabouts of their son and his actions that night ?

Yes, I have been wondering about the whereabouts of this quite elderly parents (80?).
I think there must be something significant to still be searching at the acreage over 48 hours after they arrived there. They have to have found something more, other than the CCTV footage of the truck, whether that has been found IN the truck since it was found IDK Or whether what has been found is linked to the POI. But I just think they have to have more, but are not saying. They are not gonna spend all that time and all those resources just over a truck seen in the neighbourhood several times, surely?

I hate this, the poor families :(
Good morning, going over yesterdays scene in my mind sadly and one thought came to mind about the field aerial views. The helicopter videos showed the police and what appeared to be csi white suited tech's walking through the field to various locations on the farm leaving clear demarcation paths in the wheat grass as they travelled through. I did not see any tire track demarcations in the field which would be odd given if the poi had relocated the missing family somewhere on the property there would be obvious path marks by the truck as the poi could not carry three people any distance. I also did not see any paths in the grass other than what the LE were creating as it seemed like virgin fields. This fact has me suspect as to whether this is the location of any wrong doing not to say the poi is not involved somehow.
There was some discussion about a possible incinerator on the aerial video. To me it looked like a storage unit with an air exchanger vent on the roof which has a cylinder shape.
There was also some discussion on whether a poi would return to their residence with respect to a crime and victims and it is my thought that this could easily be conceived by a poi because the poi would feel safe particularly due to the isolation of the farm. I do wonder if the parents were living at the farm because there seem to me to be signs that perhaps they were not. For example, the flower bed in front of the front porch area was untouched with no plants or flowers in it, the patio table on the front porch had no chairs around it, the back porch was empty. Typically in the summer months you would likely see flowers in the garden, chairs around patio tables etc. I did not see any other vehicles besides LE at the property either aside from the vacant pick up truck in the fields.
Also, sorry for going on here, the LE with the dog walking through the field did not have anything in his hands ie a piece of clothing for the dog to sniff for identification. I would think the LE dog handler would have a piece of clothing or is that just an assumption?
According to this article,, the property searched was owned by a couple with the last name of G. Several members of the L and O families are friends on FB with someone of the same last name (G).

I agree that drawing conclusions without further information is not smart, but it is something worth noting as it seems likely that there is some sort of a connection between the two families.
If this POI is known to the family, it may be this was a settling of a score, either real or perceived, rather than a robbery gone wrong. Perhaps the POI felt it was now or never to right some wrong, since AL and KL were moving away soon.

And if there is a connection between the family and the POI, it may be that the LE spokesman at yesterday's presser, when asked if this POI was known to LE, began to reply ' he is known to family ' but cut himself short.

All just speculation. MOO
Good morning, going over yesterdays scene in my mind sadly and one thought came to mind about the field aerial views. The helicopter videos showed the police and what appeared to be csi white suited tech's walking through the field to various locations on the farm leaving clear demarcation paths in the wheat grass as they travelled through. I did not see any tire track demarcations in the field which would be odd given if the poi had relocated the missing family somewhere on the property there would be obvious path marks by the truck as the poi could not carry three people any distance. I also did not see any paths in the grass other than what the LE were creating as it seemed like virgin fields. This fact has me suspect as to whether this is the location of any wrong doing not to say the poi is not involved somehow.
There was some discussion about a possible incinerator on the aerial video. To me it looked like a storage unit with an air exchanger vent on the roof which has a cylinder shape.
There was also some discussion on whether a poi would return to their residence with respect to a crime and victims and it is my thought that this could easily be conceived by a poi because the poi would feel safe particularly due to the isolation of the farm. I do wonder if the parents were living at the farm because there seem to me to be signs that perhaps they were not. For example, the flower bed in front of the front porch area was untouched with no plants or flowers in it, the patio table on the front porch had no chairs around it, the back porch was empty. Typically in the summer months you would likely see flowers in the garden, chairs around patio tables etc. I did not see any other vehicles besides LE at the property either aside from the vacant pick up truck in the fields.
Also, sorry for going on here, the LE with the dog walking through the field did not have anything in his hands ie a piece of clothing for the dog to sniff for identification. I would think the LE dog handler would have a piece of clothing or is that just an assumption?

All thought provoking observations!

I read up thread that it was confirmed by LE that the poi is an extremely intelligent individual (para phrasing here) so I surmise if this is true could it be the same individual who may in fact be the son of farm property owners and who may be the same individual with a previous identity stealing and drug crimes offences. If this is correct this individual is an extremely intelligent person with university training and said to have been working in BC at a University in the sciences and lab field.
"After you have been arrested by a police officer, or by any other person who has turned you over to a police officer, you are entitled to appear promptly before a justice of the peace or judge to answer any charges that are being laid against you. In any event, you are to appear within 24 hours."

I'm pretty sure that means 24 hours excluding weekends.
There was an obit for a G. family online. For a female 86 from March 10, 12. It states she was predeceased by her husband. It lists a DG with another given first name as well and a sister.
Could be different family but I noted one of the condolences left was for a DG so perhaps he does not go by his first given name if it is them.
I don't think I can post the link but you can find it with a google search anyway.
Did further digging myself. Found his initial on the court documents. DRG. So may be different family but given this person's use of different names who knows.
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