Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #5

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A lawn mower with a large entertainment screen?
No. I don't recognize it. I also don' know why there would be a wood chipper on the property. Many of the trees look like they were planted on the prairies ... it doesn't look like a property that needs to be cleared of trees. Could it be for fertilizing the fields?

Could be used to produce mulch for use in farming...
I think it's a little premature to suggest that the POI might be getting railroaded by the justice system. Besides, since Canada doesn't have the death penalty, false incarceration isn't a big concern, to me, anyway. I'd rather see someone innocent imprisoned for 10 years than someone guilty staying free for the rest of their lives... Those guys who get exonerated also get a big payout from the govt...
But while that innocent man is serving the ten year sentence, the real culprit is out enjoying his life and evidence against the true criminal is fading?
But while that innocent man is serving the ten year sentence, the real culprit is out enjoying his life and evidence against the true criminal is fading?

Who is facing a 10 year sentence? This is not a 10 year sentence case. In my opinion, this is a premeditated triple homicide where dangerous offender designation is warranted.
Anybody have any idea what the orange colored piece of equipment shown in this picture is? Wood chipper?

At first I thought it was a fertilizer spreader because I didn't see the long chute of a wood chipper, but the more I look at it, it does look like the feeder box of a wood chipper (I just can't see or make out the longer chute that should be seen on the opposite side. There's something there, but I can't tell what it is).
But while that innocent man is serving the ten year sentence, the real culprit is out enjoying his life and evidence against the true criminal is fading?

Well the lawyer of the falsely incarcerated would continue to press for the investigation to be re-opened. We all know the justice system isn't perfect, and it would be nice if police were a lot more competent than they generally are, but do we throw our hands up and not imprison anyone because anyone can be falsely incarcerated? No, we do the best we can and I stand by my statement that I'd rather see someone falsely imprisoned for 10 years than a murderer getting away with the crime. I hate to break it to you, but EVERYONE in prison claims to be innocent...
these are two serious puzzle pieces, and them not divulging this seems shady and suspect at best....hopefully someone can shed some light on this.

Hi Shags0sh and Welcome.

Do you mean you think JO did not divulge this info to LE, or that LE did not divulge this info to the public?

If you mean that LE was aware of the info but did not divulge it, it was early in the case and they would not want to say anything that could be inflammatory to a perp who may be listening when 3 peoples lives were in the perp(s) hands.

As for JO not divulging info, we don't know that she didn't.
AL's company went bankrupt 3 weeks before he went missing. I'm not sure if this was posted yet, trying to get caught up.

It had its equipment seized and owed $800,000 to in property taxes to the county.
Hmmm so there could be the money link and a possible motive (either from someone who may have invested in the bankrupted co. or had dealings lost because of the bankruptcy?) Or even affecting AL and KL's home life, i.e more arguing, mounting stress? But all JMO and still a puzzled sleuther. Hope the whole truth comes out very soon. :)
Just a thought...I wonder who may have been close enough to this family and knew their history/background, had something out for AL and wanted him dead, someone who also knew about DG's criminal and troubled past and may try to frame him? Someone who was able to get their hands on a green Ford pickup. I guess anything is possible. MOO.
Who is facing a 10 year sentence? This is not a 10 year sentence case. In my opinion, this is a premeditated triple homicide where dangerous offender designation is warranted.
Hi Otto. I was referencing Stirners comment not suggesting that THIS case was deserving of a ten year sentence.
Well the lawyer of the falsely incarcerated would continue to press for the investigation to be re-opened. We all know the justice system isn't perfect, and it would be nice if police were a lot more competent than they generally are, but do we throw our hands up and not imprison anyone because anyone can be falsely incarcerated? No, we do the best we can and I stand by my statement that I'd rather see someone falsely imprisoned for 10 years than a murderer getting away with the crime. I hate to break it to you, but EVERYONE in prison claims to be innocent...
Your comment doesn't make much sense to me. While an innocent person is doing ten years the true culprit IS getting away with murder! And is likely to continue to do so...
Anybody have any idea what the orange colored piece of equipment shown in this picture is? Wood chipper?

Maybe. Or a partially dismantled baler. Doesn't appear to have been used recently. Hard to tell, but looks like some sort of irrigation type of equipment on the ground nearby.
Hi Otto. I was referencing Stirners comment not suggesting that THIS case was deserving of a ten year sentence.

Ok, but I was responding to Hitchhikers comment; he was the one who first mentioned 10 year sentences. He, I, and you, were speaking rhetorically, and not about this case.
Your comment doesn't make much sense to me. While an innocent person is doing ten years the true culprit IS getting away with murder! And is likely to continue to do so...

And that murderer would be getting away with murder whether someone was falsely incarcerated for the crime or not.
And that murderer would be getting away with murder whether someone was falsely incarcerated for the crime or not.
In that case... IF someone WAS getting away with murder, I would rather they got away with murder and an Innocent person AND their loved ones didn't suffer being wrongly accused and sentenced.
Well the lawyer of the falsely incarcerated would continue to press for the investigation to be re-opened. We all know the justice system isn't perfect, and it would be nice if police were a lot more competent than they generally are, but do we throw our hands up and not imprison anyone because anyone can be falsely incarcerated? No, we do the best we can and I stand by my statement that I'd rather see someone falsely imprisoned for 10 years than a murderer getting away with the crime. I hate to break it to you, but EVERYONE in prison claims to be innocent...

In Canada, the falsely accused are being cleared with DNA. They are well compensated for the unjust conviction ... in the millions. The prosecution, and the suspect, have numerous opportunities for appeal after DNA analysis was invented. Think of Christine Jessop and Guy Paul Morin in Ontario. Redrum is the book about him. That was the case that broke "tunnel vision" in Canada. Canadian prosecutors and investigators are much more aware of singling out one individual as a suspect, and attempting to wrap evidence around that individual. DNA evidence has been used to free people that were convicted on eye witness testimony before DNA analysis was invented. Now that there is DNA analysis (wasn't Lucie Turmel the first DNA case in Calgary? ... Jason Love convicted using DNA), have there been any false convictions?
New here, love this sites good will and awesome sleuthing skills. If I do something wrong, or am not following the rules PLEASE let me know (I did peruse them) I have been lurking ;) on here for days wrto this case. Post 845 posts picture of the fire pit, I couldn't help but notice the chipper pretty much next to it. This can be used for wood, animals, *people*, branches, the possibilities are endless), Picton farms this was one of the preferred methods and then feeding to the pigs. The super close proximity to the fire pit, which made me get shivers, and bring up the Picton case....super creepy. Also, this is strictly MOO, the LE have DG being held on 'trumped' up charges as a POI, He is in effect, if the bodies of AL, KL, and NO are out there, and are presumably not deceased, do you not think the number of days he isn't there doling out food or water wouldn't have led to a horrible scenario? Or are LE quite certain he hasn't any viable lives to take care of? Just MOO, but I think after the very first news cast, the spokesman for the Calgary police made mention that these were ordinary people with no people wishing ill will on them.....MOO, JO I'm pretty certain would have most likely been privy to bad blood, and owed money, as well as motive...but LE news conference made it seem like a normal family with no enemies....and no mention of a company dissolving on June 24, which owed quite a bit of money...these are two serious puzzle pieces, and them not divulging this seems shady and suspect at best....hopefully someone can shed some light on this.

Welcome, good first post! :wagon::welcome6::welcome5:
I see a very long, continuous shadow from along the driver's side near the back wheel to about 10' in front of the truck.

I think what appears to be a shadow in front is actually from the fall off light of the headlights. The headlights appear to be on to me.
In that case... IF someone WAS getting away with murder, I would rather they got away with murder and an Innocent person AND their loved ones didn't suffer being wrongly accused and sentenced.

So would I. I'd also like peace in the middle east, and I wish I didn't have to pay taxes. I also don't like growing old...
I'm still catching up from today. Was just reading about people removing the bodies, or people from a crime location, and the risk involved. Well, IMO, there'a huge risk in killing someone as well! But then again, I'm one of those that gets nervous when a police car is behind me. I just know they are following me, and waiting for me to make a mistake. So I guess transporting a dead body or a kidnapped person wouldn't work for me. :shame:
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