Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #9

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I have not read anything stating he is. I was curious if there was anything out there which may support this. Also, from reading more, he was charged with having the makings for amphetamines, which isn't meth, similar, but not the same, my bad.


Interesting, the article states it can be prescribed to focus...does ADD fall into the not focusing category? I'm not in any way, shape or form justifying any of this. Simply curious if there was anything to substantiate DG using substances he may have created and potentially using the 'I have no recollection of anything happening because I was on drugs' card. Thinking out loud.

Adderall which is the most common drug prescribed for ADD is in fact an amphetamine.
So this isn't that informative or anything... Just merely feelings but need to post it... This afternoon we took our boys (one of which is 5 years old) to the movie at Cross Iron Mills Mall (the mall between Airdrie and Calgary just off of 2) (we do alot of back roads). And seeing the search crews going through ditches in groups of five really made it that much more real. There is soooo much land to search and in reality he had days to do what he did with the bodies. Let alone years to plan it out... My heart breaks for this family...
I spoke to a family member tonight who's worked in maximum security prisons for years and I asked what an inmate (in Canada) has to do to get put on suicide watch. He said they would have to get a psych evaluation, not that they necessarily attempted it, could be used to watch him 24/7 or to keep a person separate from other inmates in this case because of the child factor. He also said with psychopaths, after they're done doing their damage/crime and get caught they fall into a deep depression called 'zero state'. They get severely depressed while incarcerated because they're not able to do their manipulating and other deviant things they do. BBM, just thought that was interesting to know.

DG would have been assessed for risk of suicide when arriving in the jail. Not sure how Calgary Remand works but anybody that comes in for a high profile crime/child murder etc. would automatically be assessed at a medium risk. A high risk may come from something DG said to a doctor, his lawyer, or a guard. High risk means 24 hour watch and probably on camera.
DG would then be reassessed by a psych nurse or doctor in the jail.
In regards to the blood that was on the sidewalk at the side of the Liknes home...what if DG was using the hose in that same area to hose HIMSELF off. Perhaps he was covered in blood and stripped down to his underwear then hosed himself off before getting into his truck. This could explain why it looks like the blood was watered down and then dried in a puddle like formation. Then, he quickly wound the hose back up so HE wouldn't trip over it in the dark/dim lighted area. Just my own thoughts...
There seems to be a lot of conflicting and inconsistent information about DG doesn't there. It will be interesting to see if we ever find out the true background. What I wouldn't do for a conversation with his parents and/or sister. I suspect PGs relationship with her brother is much like mine ... except mine isn't a possible psychopath .... maybe just a sociopath [emoji9]

I really wish someone that "knows" him - but it's more likely - that someone "knows of him" would come forward with any info, and what they remember of him and their contact. Someone that possibly lived in the same area and attended the same school, or SOMETHING! Anything that would give us some more insight would be helpful. As much as he was a loner, he had to leave the farm property sometimes.

- Like where did he buy his gas for his truck? Where are the gas stations closest to the acreage? Who remembers him there? Did anyone notice if the acreage may have had it's own gasoline pump? Is there a local garage that serviced his vehicle, or did he do it himself?

- Did he visit the local library?

- Did he attend any auctions for equipment for the farm, etc?

If the local community didn't see him at the bank or buying groceries, just where was he seen?

When spoken to, did he engage in any conversation? Did he hold eye contact ever, or look down, or avert his eyes the other way? Did anyone ever see him smile or laugh? If so, about what? Did anyone ever seem him get mad, lose his temper, see his facial demeanour change, and under what circumstances?

Who were his business contacts for the running and maintenance of the farm, as well as for his own businesses? What personal dealings did they have with him, and what can they recollect?

Did he ever have anything delivered by courier? Did he pick up his own mail? Where was it delivered?

If there's anybody out there that's following this thread, and hasn't spoken up for whatever reason .... please, tell us what you know, recall ... no matter how insignificant you think it may be.
Where would DG acquire the elemental mercury and sodium that he was supplying through P2 Solutions?

ETA: "Sodium" is such a generic word. Would love to know what type of sodium.
I have the same feeling and I don't know if it's just because I badly want it to be so?

It's human nature to want the outcome to be positive, but in my experience from decades of crime reporting and family in LE, the Crown would not risk going ahead with murder charges unless they had solid evidence that the victims are in fact deceased. IMO, they have more than they need but due to the high profile nature of this case, they only moved ahead after their evidence was confirmed. I suspect they knew the outcome was bad on the very first day.

In my experience, LE will give false leads to the media in an attempt to solicit more information and/or keep a suspect in the dark, and off centre. IMO, we may have incorrect information as to many aspects of this case.

I have my own theory on what happened based on my experience, but it may be too graphic and gruesome. Sadly, I see the pieces fitting differently.
I have the same feeling and I don't know if it's just because I badly want it to be so?

It's human nature to want the outcome to be positive, but in my experience from my decades of crime reporting and family in LE, the Crown would not risk going ahead with murder charges unless they had solid evidence that the victims are in fact deceased. IMO, they have more than they need but due to the high profile nature of this vase, they only moved ahead after their evidence was confirmed. I suspect they knew the outcome was bad on the very first day.

In my experience, LE will give false leads to the media in an attempt to solicit more information and/or keep a suspect in the dark, and off centre. IMO, we may have incorrect information as to many aspects of this case.

I have my own theory on what happened based on my experience, but it may be too graphic and gruesome. Sadly, I see the pieces fitting differently.
Where would DG acquire the elemental mercury and sodium that he was supplying through P2 Solutions?

ETA: "Sodium" is such a generic word. Would love to know what type of sodium.

Sodium hydroxide perhaps aka lye? One of the chemicals used for resomation. “Resomation” is the process of disposing of human corpses through alkaline hydrolysis, which occurs when the body is sealed inside a vault-like tube filled with water and lye and steam-heated to 300 degrees. Three hours later, some powdery bone fragments and 200 gallons of fluid are all that remains.
It's human nature to want the outcome to be positive, but in my experience from my decades of crime reporting and family in LE, the Crown would not risk going ahead with murder charges unless they had solid evidence that the victims are in fact deceased. IMO, they have more than they need but due to the high profile nature of this vase, they only moved ahead after their evidence was confirmed. I suspect they knew the outcome was bad on the very first day.

In my experience, LE will give false leads to the media in an attempt to solicit more information and/or keep a suspect in the dark, and off centre. IMO, we may have incorrect information as to many aspects of this case.

I have my own theory on what happened based on my experience, but it may be too graphic and gruesome. Sadly, I see the pieces fitting differently.

Absolutely. I'm a former crime reporter myself and also have a very grisly theory which you are no doubt able to piece together from my last few comments :( I so badly want to be proven wrong.
Absolutely. I'm a former crime reporter myself and also have a very grisly theory which you are no doubt able to piece together from my last few comments :( I so badly want to be proven wrong.

So you understand.... There is clearly more to the reasons LE are not providing more info, other than protecting the integrity of the case. I have a feeling that the specifics on how the bodies were murdered, processed and disposed, is too graphic and unsettling.
I've been looking back trying to find the pictures that were posted of the suspect shortly after his arrest. I'm specifically trying to find the picture (blown up) of his back, showing his hands in handcuffs. I believe it may have been Otto that posted it. I've tried to find it to no avail. If someone can help find it, I'd be appreciative. I've looked through the threads, and through Otto's posts specifically, and have come up empty, and am getting frustrated.

The reason: At the time, I was looking for any sign of marks. I thought his right elbow was a bit red, and thought maybe a recent scab had fallen off, or something similar. Or was it just a regular elbow look - lol! Then I was looking at the rest of his forearms, and thought to myself, do they look a bit bruised, or is this just my imagination? I didn't go back to it for some reason, and now it's bugging me. I do note, that no one else made comment though.
I have no experience or knowledge of LE procedure. Can anyone advise whether it is procedure that the family would be informed of all the evidence that relates to a crime that the LE is aware of or do they have to wait until trail for details. May be a stupid question.
So you understand.... There is clearly more to the reasons LE are not providing more info, other than protecting the integrity of the case. I have a feeling that the specifics on how the bodies were murdered, processed and disposed, is too graphic and unsettling.

I'm not sure I want to know the graphic details of what these innocent victims were subjected to. It's hard to un-know something, and reclaim your innocence once you enter that world.
I looked after 2 teen boys who visited the website where Luka Magnotta killed his victim and posted the video online. Lots of really depraved things apparently were on that site.
They had a huge curiosity about these things and they changed from happy-go-lucky kids to kids who were afraid to go to sleep, and afraid to be at home alone at night. One was also feeling very sad about the cruel world he was living in.
I personally don't need to know anything more than that they were murdered, or that they are alive... JMO
I've been looking back trying to find the pictures that were posted of the suspect shortly after his arrest. I'm specifically trying to find the picture (blown up) of his back, showing his hands in handcuffs. I believe it may have been Otto that posted it. I've tried to find it to no avail. If someone can help find it, I'd be appreciative. I've looked through the threads, and through Otto's posts specifically, and have come up empty, and am getting frustrated.

The reason: At the time, I was looking for any sign of marks. I thought his right elbow was a bit red, and thought maybe a recent scab had fallen off, or something similar. Or was it just a regular elbow look - lol! Then I was looking at the rest of his forearms, and thought to myself, do they look a bit bruised, or is this just my imagination? I didn't go back to it for some reason, and now it's bugging me. I do note, that no one else made comment though.

Here's a pic I found of his arm and hands:

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