CANADA Canada - Audrey Gleave, 73, Ancaster ON, 30 Dec 2010 #2

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James Adcock, a professor, author and cold case expert who consults police in the United States, said police services investigating homicides often fall victim to “booby traps,” including tunnel vision.

DNA only solves about 30 per cent of cases, he added.

In his opinion, and without having read the police notes on the case, he said Scott doesn’t meet the profile of the murder.

People who behave oddly can be easy targets, he said.

Given the severity of Gleave’s beating and her extremely private and quiet lifestyle, Adcock believes the murder was done out of anger and was likely committed by someone she knew, someone who was watching her or someone with issues related to women.

Police need to go back and start again with the victim’s profile, he suggested. “If you know your victim, you know your murderer.”

More to this article followed by lots of comments.
IMO This whole thing has been a case of danged if you do and danged if you don't for the LE.Yes, it is obviously unfortunate for an innocent man to be put in jail as opposed to say living in someone's barn, but if they had not arrested him and it turned out he was guilty, just imagine the public outcry of what do you mean you overlooked a wild homeless man who lives just down the road from the victim and is walking around town with a large knife tucked in his pants!

From this article -
Adcock warned that unless Gleave was murdered for a deeply personal reason, there is a likelihood the killer could strike again.

“This is not going to be the last,” he said.

Living in the relative vicinity, this comment makes me very uncomfortable. I think that LE should give out more information to area residents... about what the 'sexual component' was, if they still believe that DS is a suspect, if there are other POI. Yes, they have a case to solve, and disclosure of facts may hinder their investigation, but they also, IMO, have a duty to protect and inform the public if they are at risk and to help us focus on where the danger may be coming from, as much as possible.

DS's behaviour as shown in that brief video clip on local news yesterday only adds to my doubt that he is the right POI. He seems reactive, uncontrolled, emotionally driven... so what are the chances that he could commit this violent crime without leaving any DNA? I don't think he's the type to control the crime scene so as to not leave evidence... it seems more likely that the POI is a controlled, calculating, deep thinking type of individual, IMO.

I tend more toward the POI being someone who knew Ms Gleave, who had perhaps found her too authoritative (a manner which she may have had from her years of teaching?). A former student? Someone over whom she had some control of some kind, who resented it. All just MO.

This article is not directly related to this case, but it outlines some issues with Hamilton LE which may help those who aren't local to understand comments attached to recent newspaper articles which question whether another branch of LE should be brought in to the Gleave investigation. Hamilton LE have shown a lack of regard for procedure in some recent cases.

From the attached article...

The claim accuses the Hamilton police of taking the bizarre texts at face value. “The defendants did not investigate, adequately or at all, false allegations found in the MSN messages,” it states.

Interestingly, just last month, a Hamilton judge awarded $46,000 in damages to Michael Dixon in his lawsuit against the Hamilton police. A black man arrested for a break-in that witnesses said was committed by a white thief, Dixon was actually on a bus at the time of the crime. Police failed to check out his alibi.

One officer “ignored evidence that would have assisted him and turned a blind eye to various crucial aspects of the investigation,” Justice Kim Carpenter-Gunn said in her decision.
I recall doing a good bit of research concerning rape of elders when I was working on the Texas Serial Rapist thread. There seems to be an underlying theme about rage against female authority figures. It's highly doubtful that Billie Joe Harris of Texas actually knew any of the elder women he raped but he carefully chose a particular profile, stalked them, played with their minds (sneaking into their homes while they were out and cooking, using the bathroom, or moving things) and then broke in and raped them. He fully undressed for many of the rapes and used odd phrases--ie "make love". It sure as heck wasn't love. One poor lady had a stroke. One was raped twice, even after she was moved across town.

Billie Joe Harris, by all accounts, was a lothario. He had a number of wives and it seems, a lover in every town. He worked for the state and thus traveled quite a lot. His first rapes were in a small town, Yoakum, where there happens to be a well known and long-standing children's ranch for troubled children. The man has not come to trial but I still believe that something will come out about him being rageful towards older white women (BJH is black). I will not be surprised to learn that he might have suffered some abuse (perceived or real) at the hand of an older white authority figure--teacher, foster mother or other "helper". The things he stole were beyond strange--cuckoo clocks and mounted deer racks.

My point is that I think that Harris was seeking a specific profile for his victims. And he seemed to find one every few months for at least two years. The victims represented someone he loathed, IMO.

Being that Ms. Gleave spent most of her life teaching, isn't it entirely possible that some student butted heads with her? Sure, most adored her. But that fact alone, can make an "outsider" seethe with jealousy. Those who are most unstable often detest those who are. And the onset of most mental illnesses occurs during the teen and early 20s years. Just the time when a young man/woman might have felt tremendously slighted. After all, Ms. Gleave was known to give special attention to some students; driving them home and tutoring. She was also a high school girls' basketball coach. To an unstable person that looks like favoritism and they read it as an affront. I know we read glowing memories and accolades for the woman but I imagine those remembrances were from her favorite students. Possibly one who wasn't a favorite still lives in the area or ran across Ms. Gleave and that "wound" was reopened.

Concerning the "sexual component", I keep thinking that LE is not referring to rape. I'm not sure how Canadian authorities would describe the crime (and keep certain details from the public). Wouldn't they say rape, though, if there had been a rape? "Sexual component" strikes me as some sort of sexual torture or mutilation. That could only come from a rageful known attacker, a serial attacker seeking a particular profile, or someone bent on violence through a sick involvement in the occult, IMO. And we having seen a similar attack before or since, have we?

I also think that Ms. Gleave distant past needs to be carefully looked at. What really happened to her mother? Was her father the scientist/author we found and what happened to him? Is Audrey Gleave her true name? What about the former husband and his business dealings? Being that her family seemed to come from Eastern Europe just prior to the WWII, could there be an element there? She seemed fascinated by Einstein and a number of other incredibly bright men and women fled Europe at that time and came to the US and Canada. I can't forget the connection to nuclear study when looked at it the context of the fact that she was a small town high school science teacher.

Just some ideas I've been turning over and over in my mind.
From Missizzy's excellent post above.I "snipped" this comment and hope that it is acceptable to do so in this way.
"She was also a high school girls' basketball coach. To an unstable person that looks like favoritism and they read it as an affront"
Can they be certain a female/*advertiser censored* is not involved?
Concerning the snip from my post above; I inserted the sentence as an afterthought and it doesn't really flow upon re-reading. However, looking at it snipped made me look at the statement anew. I am concerned that a student could have had a festering hatred against Ms. Gleave due to the time she seemed to dedicate to certain students. Then, there's the issue of the basketball team. I didn't even know about that facet of her career until some old photos were shown on her memorial. She is standing next to a group of lovely young female athletes. So, her coaching career certainly could be an issue. Coaches are known to elicit very different responses from different students. Some kids adore them and others are put off by them. So the basketball angle is just another thing to consider, IMO.

I personally know five adults with spectrum disorder/high functioning autism who are all professionals. They are extremely bright but struggle socially. Each is devoted to one or more pets. Each is very thorny about their "space". And, each and every one of them is "hard to read" concerning their sexuality. They all come across slightly conflicted--not at all like the truly bisexual people I know. That somewhat fits my take on Ms. Gleave. It's entirely possible that a boy or a girl could have been attracted to her and was rebuffed. It's also possible that there was an inappropriate incident at some point in her career and that person sought her out.

I spend almost all my time on WS, researching and starting threads regarding those in the "helping professions"...doctors, clergy, teachers, coaches, therapists, etc. who have somehow harmed a child or teen. I cannot tell you how many unfortunate incidents involve teachers and coaches. Common as rain. Add in spectrum disorder and the numbers soar. I'm no expert on pedophilia or the sexual abuse of minors but I've noted that there is certainly a subset of people who seem to not accurately read age or gender. They simply, and often foolishly, act on their attractions.

I do NOT want to cast doubt on Ms. Gleave but it's just something I think needs to be on the table. The woman was brutally murdered by someone with an agenda.
Just happened to stumble over this:

This is an article about a satanic funeral held in Hamilton in January 2010. I was looking at the Satan International Network and found that there is a meet-up group with members "from as far away as Hamilton":

In googling "satanic Hamilton", I came upon a notice on the Church of Satan site, which mentioned the funeral.

Possibly locals might recognize these names. Just throwing the net wide.
Do the local posters we have on board know if any of these sites are close to Ms. Gleave's:

There seems to be a number which have moonlight walks. And there are repeated cautions not to trespass on any of these properties during "off" hours. This tells me that trespassing on supposedly haunted sites must be a continuing problem. Does anyone know if any are close to the Gleave home or the cemetery? Or if there might be some sort of connection to Ms. Gleave?

Also, I think I might have posted this before:

I believe this is where Ms. Gleave's pets were laid to rest. It was stated in one of the articles that she went there several times each week. Being that this place is known as "haunted" and seems to draw nighttime visitors, I wonder if she might have encountered someone there and gave them a ride.

Police investigating possible (double) murder of elderly person(s) in Tillsonburg, about an hour's drive from Lynden. Few details as yet, unconfirmed report that one victim's mouth was sealed with duct tape. Not likely related to AG's case, but just so close in proximity/age that it makes me wonder.

Just a follow up on this case - appears to be unrelated -

An investigation near downtown Tillsonburg into what could be the deaths of an elderly couple Wednesday is believed by police "to be an isolated incident."

In a press release sent out late in the evening, Oxford County Ontario Provincial Police Const. Michelle Murphy also wrote "that public safety is not a concern" as a result of the deaths.
James Adcock, a professor, author and cold case expert who consults police in the United States, said police services investigating homicides often fall victim to “booby traps,” including tunnel vision.

DNA only solves about 30 per cent of cases, he added.

In his opinion, and without having read the police notes on the case, he said Scott doesn’t meet the profile of the murder.

People who behave oddly can be easy targets, he said.

Given the severity of Gleave’s beating and her extremely private and quiet lifestyle, Adcock believes the murder was done out of anger and was likely committed by someone she knew, someone who was watching her or someone with issues related to women.

Police need to go back and start again with the victim’s profile, he suggested. “If you know your victim, you know your murderer.”

In most homicide investigations, the killer is known to police within the first 30 days but may not be considered a suspect because they are nice or co-operative, he said.

Adcock warned that unless Gleave was murdered for a deeply personal reason, there is a likelihood the killer could strike again.

“This is not going to be the last,” he said.

Adcock also suggested police look for sexual assault cases in the area. There is a still-unexplained sexual component to Gleave’s murder.

Homicide unit Staff Sergeant Steve Hrab, the lead on the case, is on vacation and his supervisor, Superintendent Bill Stewart, was also not available Tuesday.

Media relations Staff Sergeant Terri-Lynn Collings said police continue to investigate, are asking that anyone with information come forward and advising neighbours to remain vigilant.

Some of the comments by experts are speculative, she added.

“We’re based on facts, not opinion.”

Last Friday, Stewart said investigators were not ruling anyone out.

Assistant Crown attorney Warren Milko withdrew the charges because new evidence led his office to conclude there’s “no probability of conviction.”

read more:

I wish Det. Smyth could have a look into Audrey's case, JMHO.
We discussed the murder of Denice Fox (yes, that's the correct spelling) of Mineola, NY on page 10 of the first thread. A neighbor, Evan Marshall, was convicted in that murder and dismemberment. That was a very frightening case as the young man was spending a vacation in a relative's home near Ms. Fox. There's lots of articles on the web about the case. There are articles about how the insurance company is fighting to not pay up, how the family was displeased (rightly so) about the 30 year sentence, about how the details were sealed as they were thought too horrific to release, and about how Marshall will be eligible for parole....yes, parole!!

Where is he now? I'll keep checking.
Evan Marshall is incarcerated at the Clinton Correctional Facility in New York. His scheduled release date is 2035. So, we can discount him. However, for a "profile", I highly suggest reading some of the articles about this case.

I recall finding some interesting and disturbing information about a live-in friend of a neighbor of Ms. Gleave's early on. This was a person who was staying at a nearby house and was from the US. This person had a fascination with cemeteries and spent their time photographing graves and statuary in cemeteries. I can't post any names as this person is officially uninvolved. It might be nothing at all but I found it curious.
O.K., we're back to square one. I've looked back at thread #1 to refresh my memory, and I made some notes to summarize what I know. I will post that info in a few separate posts. Please highlight any key points that I have missed or that are incorrect.



Born in Canada in 1937. Physics degree from McMaster University (1967) ; graduated from teachers college in 1969. Married after graduating, but divorced for many years. Lived alone in a semi-rural area. Retired high school science teacher. Smart, private, “wouldn’t hurt a fly”, smoked. Liked cars (drove a white, sporty Camaro), books, golf, gardening, bridge (against computer), computers. Loved her dogs. Visited her old pets at the pet cemetery every 2-3 weeks. Liked routine, particularly in her social dealings. Met several (male) ex-colleagues every Wednesday morning at a coffee shop. Used to play golf with the same person every week at Brantford Golf & Country Club, until she stopped several years ago. Goes to her friend’s house every Sunday morning and joins their family for most holidays (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving). Would send occasional emails to neighbours and friends. She was believed to be messy, possibly a bit of a hoarder.

Her dogs: Two German shepherds, who were not well-trained, made visitors nervous. Audrey would apparently barricade them in the kitchen on the rare times that someone came into her home. They were allowed to run on the property and would run down to the road and bark at people bicycling by.
Key people related to Audrey or the case

Her parents: Her mother “disappeared” many years ago (circumstances unknown). Her father is dead. She was an only child.

DS (“homeless man”). LE’s prime suspect. Charged with her murder in Feb and then released in June due to lack of forensic evidence. A 50 year old homeless man who stayed in a deserted barn approximately 6 km (4 miles) up the road from AG. Locals had seen him on a number of occasions. He was arrested on breach of probation and carrying a concealed weapon (hunting knife) the day before AG’s body was found.
LV. Her best friend, who she visited regularly. Last person known to have seen Audrey before her murder.

PK ( “handyman”). Found AG’s body and called police. Had been working for AG for past 6 years doing odd jobs around her property and house, including gardening. Had become friends over the years. 22 years old. Married. LE said early on in their investigation that he had been cleared of any involvement in AG’s murder.

DC (“vet”). Audrey’s vet for over 30 years. Retired from a Hamilton area vet hospital in 1994. Founder of Ancaster Pet Cemetery (since transferred to his two sons) – which AG visited every 2-3 weeks. AG stopped by DC’s house to pick up some medicine for her dogs a few days before Christmas.

L & D F: neighbours whose dogs started barking wildly at 2:30 in the morning the day before AG’s body was found. LF received the last known communication of Audrey’s, an email with a link to an audio or video clip of “Amazing Grace”.

Other neighbours quoted: BS (knew AG enjoyed tennis, talking about gardening, meeting old colleagues for computer club).
Wednesday morning coffee group: retired male teachers - AG’s former colleagues at Westdale S.S. Played tennis with them.

Allan G.: AG’s ex-husband. Married after AG graduated from teacher’s college at McMaster University in 1969. Married for 8 years. Build house together on Indian Trail, where AG still lived when she was murdered. He moved to Sturgeon Falls in northern Ontario in 1974. Hadn’t talked to AG since 1976.
The murder scene:

Audrey’s body was found brutally beaten, stabbed and sexually assaulted (a “sexual component” involved) at her home. LE described her murder as the most vicious they had seen in the past 10 years. Her body was found in the garage (true?), while her dogs were locked in a room of the house. (LE won’t say if someone forced their way into the home.) Her purse found undisturbed in the house. Some items were taken from the house. (LE declines to specify which items.)

LE towed her Camaro away for further examination. LE scoured a 3 km radius for clues. Some items were found but it was not known if they were related to the crime. (One reporter said “what looks like a miniature saw” was collected from the ditch.)

~ Dec 22/23: Vet last saw AG. AG visited his home to pick up medicine for her dogs.

Sat. Dec 25: PK calls AG to arrange to drop off the cake. AG says she is too ill, and they arrange to drop it off the following Thursday morning instead.

Sun. Dec 26: AG spends Boxing Day at LV’s house. AG was “feeling under the weather”.

Mon. Dec 27: LV takes soup over to AG’s house, as AG was feeling ill. This is the last known time that AG was seen alive.
• AG sends email to her coffee group to let them know she won’t be attending their Wed. morning get-together as she is ill.
• AG sends an email to LF in the evening. (link to “Amazing Grace”)

Wed. Dec 29 (2:30 am): The Ferguson’s dogs start barking wildly.

Wed. Dec 29: DS arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.

Thur Dec 30: Just before 11:00 am, PK finds AG’s body when he goes to drop the cake off. His wife doesn’t come as she is working. PK calls police.

Sun. Jan 2: police converge on barn @ 347 Lynden Rd.

Feb 2011: DS charged with the murder of AG.

June 2011: Forensics come back negative. Charges against DS dropped.
Not related to AG case, just an item of interest from that locale...
The victim in this case came forward as a result of a media release.
It is alleged:
− in September/October 2003, a man met up with a 21−year−old woman in Kingston, Ontario
− the man put an unknown substance into the woman’s drink,
− he then sexually assaulted her.
Amitabh Chauhan, 33, of Ancaster, has been charged with:
1) Administer Drug for Sex,
2) Sexual Assault.
Now I remember previously posting this link about the case ...
Paul Morse Wed Feb 23 20110 Military probes accused doctor

ACCUSED Ancaster doctor Amitabh Chauhan, who once trained to be a military pilot and is now part of the naval reserve in Hamilton, is being investigated by Toronto police for gang sexual assault.
Hamilton Spectator file photo
Related Stories Second sex assault claim against Ancaster doc
Toronto police say a second alleged victim has come forward in a sexual assault case involving two Ontario...
.A gang rape investigation involving Hamilton physician and naval reserve officer Dr. Amitabh (Amit) Chauhan of Ancaster has expanded to the Canadian military.
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