CANADA Canada - Audrey Gleave, 73, Ancaster ON, 30 Dec 2010 #9

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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"Young and close" = there was the young son who lived across the street from Audrey. For ME, young = 17 - 29 while close means geographically. But that's only my humble opinion.

There have been murderers as young as 13 - 15 in Ontario.
To me, 'close' means someone who is known to be part of AG's life.. close to the case, not necessarily in proximity. jmo.
What happened to the DNA samples resent to the crime lab for mixed DNA testing back in 2019? The senior forensics officer from Tim Bosma's case was handling DNA evidence from Audrey's case at that time.

What happened to the DNA samples resent to the crime lab for mixed DNA testing back in 2019? The senior forensics officer from Tim Bosma's case was handling DNA evidence from Audrey's case at that time.

Great find, thank you Gina20! Too bad it doesn't say the results of that additional testing!!!!!! :mad:
To me, 'close' means someone who is known to be part of AG's life.. close to the case, not necessarily in proximity. jmo.
I'm aware my question probably seemed a bit silly lol!

Just wanted to be clear that we're not talking young and close as in say, maybe the son of a neighbour or something like that.

@Gina20 Are you confusing the details of Sonias' case with Audreys'? IIRC there was an "admixture" DNA sample available for SV but am unsure if anything came of it. As far as Audrey is concerned for some reason I cannot recall DNA being mentioned?

That article states they are capable of testing complex DNA mixtures and have had the ability for the past 4 years. So... what about Sonia??
To me, 'close' means someone who is known to be part of AG's life.. close to the case, not necessarily in proximity. jmo.
LV's nephew was young at the time. Because AG got invited for family celebrations like Christmas, I can imagine him being a wellknown acquaintance of Audrey. But I don't know for sure, if indeed they were known to each other or not.
LV's nephew= JV
I can tell you who would know everything about her vehicle: Service Ontario, her insurance company and the police. I do hope the police assigned to Audrey's murder look up the vehicle abstract for her Camaro, in light of this theft ring.

Let me say it again. This theft ring could be responsible for Audrey's murder. I have no idea how long this group has been operating, but the police do. Which dealership sold the Camaro to Audrey? Where did they register it? Who was the agent who processed the registration, and are they linked to a group of car thieves?
Why not take the car if the theft ring was why she was murdered? Why kill her and stage it as a sexual assault but leave without what you came for?

I think the last thing the theft ring would want is added attention and homicide detectives are now also investigating.

Someone stuck around to stab her repeatedly, with what I am not sure (did they bring the weapon or was it handy in the garage), but it is suggested they then staged the scene.

IMO to stage the scene in this manner, it was someone who knew her and this premonition of AG's that she would pass in a sexual attack.

If someone had broken in I would expect that AG would let the dogs protect her, so her being in a space separate from her dogs is interesting, I cannot recall if anyone knew or reported if the dogs were caged in the home at all when AG was home alone?

If the dogs were not with her in the garage why not? did she know the person, were they afraid of the dogs so they locked them up so they could visit? One of her most trusted friends said they visited out front and sat on a bench or chairs they did not visit with her in her garage, it was used to enter the home in her absence not to sit and socialize with a friend.
I feel like PK knows where she bought that car. He has to know. Maybe we all knew at one time but it escapes me now.

How does one peel off the dealership name? All of mine are on the licence plate holder.
I have removed those license plate holders as well, especially if purchasing a used car, I was not wanting to advertise the purchase of a used car.

Since living in an area that Paul Bernardo frequented to search for victims in bars and having friends that had LE boyfriends my group of friends was told to never leave our purse/ID, especially driver's licenses at the table as we danced. PB was grabbing purses from under tables, taking and or copying the driver's license info, replacing the purse (id's found at his home, many of those women had no idea how he got the info), and then just going to your home later to attack. He did not need to follow he had your age, picture, and address already.

It was also thought he would go through unlocked cars, looking in glove boxes for insurance and other personal info. Again our LE friends said to never leave this in the glove box, keep it in your wallet with you at all times.
After the murder, did any of AG’s coffee group try to push LE for results?
Mentioning the coffee group, in this article it states she told someone she would make the Wed coffee, when she did not, did anyone try to contact her?

We just don't know what that sexual component was. It must be part of the holdback. We also don't know if Audrey took a knife into the garage after her dogs alerted her to an intruder, or if her attacker brought something with him (to threaten Audrey/intending to kill her) or if he or she grabbed something in the struggle that was a weapon of convenience.
I am not sure why someone with aggressive protective dogs would go into a garage with a knife, why not send the dogs in the garage and call the police yourself?
I'm just grasping at straws when I suggested someone contact Dr. Mellor. Is anyone really trying to solve this case - except us?

I'm also thinking of why AG would say that to her brother-in-law. Had she been threatened at some time by someone? I highly doubt AG just said it out of the blue.

Why aren't PK and LV beating down the doors of LE to work on this case? So frustrating.

Do we know that PK and LV are not following up regularly with LE? Do you know either of them and know this for a fact?

If we look at many other cases, we hear that for years the family has called regularly to be told, nothing new this week/month. But the media do not report this with that same regularity.

An article with her BIL comment that could have been in a conversation about why she needed the dogs, to help with her fear of living alone in the rural area she did. We do not know if she said that once in her life or shared that with others if others were in the area of the conversation when it happened.
Do we know that PK and LV are not following up regularly with LE? Do you know either of them and know this for a fact?

If we look at many other cases, we hear that for years the family has called regularly to be told, nothing new this week/month. But the media do not report this with that same regularity.

An article with her BIL comment that could have been in a conversation about why she needed the dogs, to help with her fear of living alone in the rural area she did. We do not know if she said that once in her life or shared that with others if others were in the area of the conversation when it happened.
No, I know nothing about PK and/or LV. That said, LE "usually" put out a statement saying that ( paraphrasing ) they have been in touch with friends and are still looking into the case at hand. With Audrey's case we have complete silence. And to be frank, that continued silence is upsetting to me. Audrey Gleave deserves justice. For some unknown reason, this case is always on my mind. Right from day one. I can't explain it.
From what we know, only Audrey, PK and his wife Alex knew about the visit. If memory serves.
And anyone that AG could have told after she last spoke with PK?

I am more curious about the coffee group, did they know AG planned "hell or high water" that she would be there on Wed morning? She did not arrive, had she told anyone she was not making it after all or was she just a no-show? Who tried to reach out to AG when she missed Wed meet-up? it is said she was a creature of habit did her close-knit group not become concerned about her absence both physically and verbal/email.
No, I know nothing about PK and/or LV. That said, LE "usually" put out a statement saying that ( paraphrasing ) they have been in touch with friends and are still looking into the case at hand. With Audrey's case we have complete silence. And to be frank, that continued silence is upsetting to me. Audrey Gleave deserves justice. For some unknown reason, this case is always on my mind. Right from day one. I can't explain it.
thank you for the reply.

The silence of many of these cases we discuss and review here is tough. The media no longer has any new details to share or publish, LE does not have an abundance of fresh leads or information to follow up on that they are sharing, and the case has gone stagnant in the public view.

We really have very little proof of anything and continue to throw out ideas of how it could or could not happen. Even when we do not have privy to the actual facts, nor any path to prove any facts. We can only go on what the media wanted to sell us.

I now have very little to post on the cases I came to this site and registered to join the conversation and review not long ago.

I grew up in an area where 2 children were missing to have never been located to this day, 40+ yrs later. These are cold cases, they were before I joined. Some of these reviews took me to other cases that could be linked/related or were in the golden horseshoe area, I have participated in conversations to share any intelligence I know or found.

I get riled up that we cannot be more useful when cases do become cold. Why do suspects that have died get to keep their privacy?

Maybe we should start lobbying for the collection of all deceased people's DNA, this DNA should be stored by the government and can be accessed via warrants in specific cases. And use this collection of information to compare against LE databases with victim DNA samples automatically and regularly. Suicides for sure should be looked at, (especially if it is a shocking suicide - no one could believe that person would take their own life or surprised they did not seem unhappy etc)

Of late with our advances in DNA technologies and the ability to find for example Christine Jessop's (CJ) killer, I think we would find many more of these sick people have died, naturally or not they are dead, it is just inconceivable that with that death the secret of their sins is taken to the grave with them. That to me is unjust.

IMO it is we who are here on earth living with the loss and or knowledge of these terrible crimes against humanity that suffer the consequences of these horrendous acts, when we die we should have no secrets left to keep, like Vegas, what happens on earth should stay on earth. I understand most of these culprits have a family and it is them that are being protected by this information being kept silent.

But again if we look at CJ case, they let it out and the family was stunned that he did it, but I bet they are somewhat relieved to know the truth. If it were a family member of mine that was doing this I WOULD WANT TO KNOW.
I'm aware my question probably seemed a bit silly lol!

Just wanted to be clear that we're not talking young and close as in say, maybe the son of a neighbour or something like that.

@Gina20 Are you confusing the details of Sonias' case with Audreys'? IIRC there was an "admixture" DNA sample available for SV but am unsure if anything came of it. As far as Audrey is concerned for some reason I cannot recall DNA being mentioned?

That article states they are capable of testing complex DNA mixtures and have had the ability for the past 4 years. So... what about Sonia??

Nope. The article said that DNA from the crime scene in Audrey's case was "resent" to the crime lab for mixed DNA testing. I wasn't aware that police were looking for more than one perp until I read that.

Interesting, isn't it? That seems to have been the first and last mention of it. The senior forensics officer who sent that sample has since left the forensics section of the Hamilton Police Service.

Strange. Now I'm wondering if SV's case is more similar to Audrey's than we know. If so, it wouldn't be the first time police have been reluctant to warn the public about serial killer(s). This also piques my curiosity about known serial killer(s) who might have been committing crimes before they came to public attention. I can think of a couple.
Nope. The article said that DNA from the crime scene in Audrey's case was "resent" to the crime lab for mixed DNA testing. I wasn't aware that police were looking for more than one perp until I read that.

Interesting, isn't it? That seems to have been the first and last mention of it. The senior forensics officer who sent that sample has since left the forensics section of the Hamilton Police Service.

Strange. Now I'm wondering if SV's case is more similar to Audrey's than we know. If so, it wouldn't be the first time police have been reluctant to warn the public about serial killer(s). This also piques my curiosity about known serial killer(s) who might have been committing crimes before they came to public attention. I can think of a couple.
I don't think police are looking for more than one perp. In that article, it said 'resent' for mixed DNA testing, but that could mean LE was previously unable to break out any DNA on its own, to reveal a perp. ie the DNA of Audrey herself and the perp may have co-mingled. (ETA: just to clarify, I mean, as opposed to the DNA of two perps comingling)

I was hoping this was a brand new article, but alas, that article, was from July 2020, so just over two years ago. Hopefully they'd have results by now?

I was thinking about sexual assault cases, wherein the DNA of perp and victim may be mixed. But in AG's case, I think, moo, it was blood they were testing..... because.... I recall that interview with the officer who'd taken over the case (several years ago), in which she said there was no hard evidence of sexual assault. I take that to mean, no semen sample left. I also recall that LE took samples of the dogs' hair and blood.... so I wondered if they wanted confirmation that any blood was not mixed with either of the dog's blood. I guess the DNA could've been anything, such as even 'touch DNA'?
I am not sure why someone with aggressive protective dogs would go into a garage with a knife, why not send the dogs in the garage and call the police yourself?
People do sometimes look for themselves when they hear an odd noise. We don't know why she was in the garage, if she took a weapon, what time of day she went there, if someone entered the garage with one, or if they grabbed something to use as a weapon from inside the garage. We're brainstorming. Was a weapon left at the scene? We don't know. Answers to these questions might reveal the nature of this fatal conversation and who killed her. For all we know, it could have been a cake knife.
I don't think police are looking for more than one perp. In that article, it said 'resent' for mixed DNA testing, but that could mean LE was previously unable to break out any DNA on its own, to reveal a perp. ie the DNA of Audrey herself and the perp may have co-mingled. (ETA: just to clarify, I mean, as opposed to the DNA of two perps comingling)

I was hoping this was a brand new article, but alas, that article, was from July 2020, so just over two years ago. Hopefully they'd have results by now?

I was thinking about sexual assault cases, wherein the DNA of perp and victim may be mixed. But in AG's case, I think, moo, it was blood they were testing..... because.... I recall that interview with the officer who'd taken over the case (several years ago), in which she said there was no hard evidence of sexual assault. I take that to mean, no semen sample left. I also recall that LE took samples of the dogs' hair and blood.... so I wondered if they wanted confirmation that any blood was not mixed with either of the dog's blood. I guess the DNA could've been anything, such as even 'touch DNA'?
They did mention the types of DNA in the article. We don't know what was resent or what came of it. I hope they continue to resend evidence as this technology advances.

I'm more than a bit disappointed that this was never mentioned in any of the updates about Audrey's case.
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