Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #10

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As KW has stated he was never at their home on Old Colony Rd. and he only communicated via lawyers, KW wouldn't have a clue what kind of alarm system was installed nor the state of their very long marriage, IMO
Unless he was stalking the couple in a major way, in various aspects - insiders in the TPS, insiders in the social circle, it seems insiders at the alarm company the couple used, insiders via B's personal trainer, and who knows what other intel was being gathered on the couple and for how long? Which I would think if this type of thing *was* going on, might be a major clue in this case?
Unless he was stalking the couple in a major way, in various aspects - insiders in the TPS, insiders in the social circle, it seems insiders at the alarm company the couple used, insiders via B's personal trainer, and who knows what other intel was being gathered on the couple and for how long? Which I would think if this type of thing *was* going on, might be a major clue in this case?

I guess if this was happening as you say, there'd be a case for criminal charges. At the very least, watching and besetting.
Hey I could post the entire private text conversation, but that would be kind of a douche move don't you think?
Actually no, it wouldn't - not considering that you have already stated what Joe said, including 'his exact quote' on the matter. So Joe obviously already knows who you are and knows that you repeat publicly what he says. Nothing more to lose by posting the entire private text conversation.
Unless he was stalking the couple in a major way, in various aspects - insiders in the TPS, insiders in the social circle, it seems insiders at the alarm company the couple used, insiders via B's personal trainer, and who knows what other intel was being gathered on the couple and for how long? Which I would think if this type of thing *was* going on, might be a major clue in this case?

From the very first day Kerry placed himself on MSM, the question of WHY it’s so important to him that the Sherman deaths were not a double murder, if he wasn’t involved as he claims, has never been answered.
You can chose to believe what you like. I told you all about Gomes' and Price's promotions a day before MSM reported it. I don't post **** that didn't happen. And I am not going to post a private text conversation to appease a bunch of people that are going to find a way to ignore it anyway.

Yes. It was in the Toronto Sun online, by that time. You must have read it as soon as it was posted. It was in the hard copy paper the next day.
You can chose to believe what you like. I told you all about Gomes' and Price's promotions a day before MSM reported it. I don't post **** that didn't happen. And I am not going to post a private text conversation to appease a bunch of people that are going to find a way to ignore it anyway.

Either you’re an insider or you’re not but you can’t have it both ways. Even then, you’re right, it’s not required that anyone believes your alleged conspiracy theory is true.
You do realize that Kerry and Barry are related right? Even if they weren't speaking, they would obviously have mutual acquaintances.

I don’t think it’s obvious at all.

Even though the two were related by blood, the siblings were adopted and raised by a non related family, the two are almost a generation apart in age, their social circle differs, not to mention a variance in wealth (unless Kerry refused to pay Barry back the $6 or $8 million out of spite). Furthermore it was no secret that Kerry publicly expressed his animosity towards Barry over the years via the media involving the ongoing billion dollar lawsuit, the largest filed in Canada. So it wouldn’t be surprising if Kerry was often mentioned as a possible suspect by those connected to the Shermans during early interviews, even if over nothing more than the timing of the dismissal of the “bitter family feud”/lawsuit and costs awarded.

Considering all that, that anyone close to the case or the Shermans, related or not, was blabbing inside information to Kerry, no I just don’t believe it.
You can chose to believe what you like. I told you all about Gomes' and Price's promotions a day before MSM reported it. I don't post **** that didn't happen. And I am not going to post a private text conversation to appease a bunch of people that are going to find a way to ignore it anyway.

Go ahead and post the text conversation.

That way, we know it exists.

We'll read it and decide for ourselves if its relevant. Thanks
You do realize that Kerry and Barry are related right? Even if they weren't speaking, they would obviously have mutual acquaintances.
I would beg to ask... how is their blood relationship status relevant at all in this case, when the facts are that for longer than the past 10 years, they have been at odds.. publicly. Not privately. Anyone of meaning in B&H's lives was aware of this.

It is fairly typical for mutual friends to take sides when there is a big split in a relationship, even though they may not wish to have to take a side. As far as I have understood, B wasn't really much into 'social networking', other than what he had to do via H's philanthropy. And from what I understand, the Shermans and KW were *not* of the same social/financial stature, so no, I do not think it is *obvious* that they would have mutual acquaintances.

And even if so, anyone meaningful to the Shermans, who would have or may have been privy to inside knowledge of their lives and their marriage, etc., would most certainly not be flapping their lips to their friend's enemies. Any inside info that KW may have gathered, was likely public and common knowledge, info happened upon, info embellished upon, info completely made up to stir the pot, etc. Unless of course, he *was* stalking the couple. And if so, why?
People tend to be very brave on the internet. I doubt you'd say that to my face.
Actually, after a year of reading your insulting comments to people who don't share your opinion, and implying they are stupid because of it,.....yeah I would. You simply seem to enjoy trying to make other people appear inferior to you if they don't agree with you! You might want to read some of your responses. Seems like a pattern. MOO
You can chose to believe what you like. I told you all about Gomes' and Price's promotions a day before MSM reported it. I don't post **** that didn't happen. And I am not going to post a private text conversation to appease a bunch of people that are going to find a way to ignore it anyway.

Link to your post, please. That’s something we can confirm.

IIRC, several of us had posted the MSM link to the promotions and were on the thread talking about the article hours before you posted the the same link with your comments.

If you can dig up a post where you predicted this before we posted it here, or before it hit MSM, we can confirm it.

ETA: With 100% certainty- if you post the texts, they won’t be ignored.
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You can chose to believe what you like. I told you all about Gomes' and Price's promotions a day before MSM reported it. I don't post **** that didn't happen. And I am not going to post a private text conversation to appease a bunch of people that are going to find a way to ignore it anyway.

Here’s what I found: casesensitive first posted the link to Warmington’s article on the promotions, on the evening of December 6th, 2018:

Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #10

The next morning, on December 7th, 2018, you posted the same link with your comment on the promotions:

Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #10

I searched, but I couldn’t find where you predicted the promotions on or before December 5th, 2018.

Can you please link your post made prior to December 6th, 2018, with the information about the promotions?

Eta: I only bolded the dates, it’s a glitch that everything I typed afterwards is bolded.
Regarding video tape, stalking and generally keeping tabs on the S family, imo, all totally possible, re reading this incomplete list of characters associated with BS.
Maybe there is video/ audio somewhere and not necessarily from within the Sherman household, perhaps someone does know exactly what happened in the house and why?
Maybe the 10 million reward is for those kind of players to come forward, maybe they already have leaked bits of information/ misinformation here and there?
If a fictionalized movie was made based on this case, Frank D'A would no doubt want to play himself, wondering if it would be okay with KW if he was played by Kim Coates?
All speculation, imo.rbbm
Bad Blood’s second season is a deftly made, superior crime drama
Open this photo in gallery
Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman
by Anne Kingston and Michael Friscolanti
Apr 5, 2018
"Sherman’s wealth saw him cross paths with high society and low—from business and political elites to shady characters out of a Coen brothers movie. His investments outside of Apotex were both extensive and, at times, perplexing—a list that includes a failed casino bid, a money-losing gold mine, an outfit that produced therapeutic pads for horseshoes, a stake in the hottest commercial real estate venture in the country, a now-bankrupt jewellery company that dealt in “loose diamonds,” an investment in a yacht named The Great Gatsby that never existed and his backing of B movies Real Gangsters! and Sicilian Vampire."

"Sherman’s final months saw him face an array of situations seemingly plucked from spy thrillers. In January, Apotex sued a former employee, alleging he had stolen drug formulations that he planned to use at a factory he was building in Pakistan. Months later, in a lawsuit loaded with salacious details, a key Apotex executive was accused of espionage by the company’s biggest rival. Apotex had been added to a list of generic drug-makers accused of price fixing in the U.S. On a personal front, Sherman was suing yet another known fraudster with whom he’d invested, while his decade-long legal battle with his estranged “orphan cousins” came down in Sherman’s favour in September—then took yet another bizarre turn."
Drug Spies Piracy is the pharmaceutical industry's dirty little secret; fighting back has become its dirty little war. With the stakes this high, there are no rules, no conventions. But that doesn't mean there haven't been prisoners. - September 6, 1999
By Richard Behar
September 6, 1999
"For their parts, Flack and Whybrow concede that bending or skirting the law was all but routine. By day, dressed in business suits, they posed as "procurement agents" seeking drug samples from suspect manufacturers; the samples would then be analyzed to see whether patents had been violated. By night the really dangerous work began: The pair would don dark clothes and leap over factory walls--taking photographs, rummaging through garbage bins, ripping labels off containers, and sometimes even entering the plants themselves. On one occasion, they were chased by a pack of rottweilers. Whybrow says he and Stuart Harvey have even fed sedatives--stuffed in chunks of meat--to guard dogs, and dodged gunshots from watchmen who'd taken them by surprise. Standard equipment on these runs included black latex gloves, mini-bolt cutters, a set of police radios bought on the black market, and a black foldable ladder for going over walls and barbed wire. And if, as Whybrow says, "you came up against a door, you might have to shoulder it...or use a jimmy, a piece of wood, or an old piece of metal."

"Sherman was a thorn in the side for most multinationals, and Smith was prepared to do anything to bring about his demise," says Flack. "Sherman would tie up the multinationals for years in litigation, while he was carrying on producing drugs and making millions. Smith had been chasing him for years. He hated Sherman. Sherman was like Adolf Hitler to him."

Sherman, pointing to his $80 million R&D budget, denies violating any patents. But Smith, acting on Bayer's behalf, was certainly convinced: "Smith wanted us to infiltrate the company," says Whybrow, "put a half kilo of coke in [Sherman's] trunk, and get him stopped by a police contact we have [in Canada]." Flack says that another option Smith suggested was setting Sherman up in a sex sting with an underage partner. Smith tells FORTUNE that if he made any of these comments, it was in the context of "joking over a pint of beer." But Flack says his boss was "deadly serious" and "desperate," and that he and Whybrow were fully prepared to carry out the frame-ups. "I was well paid by Bayer to seek out Barry Sherman's demise," says Flack, "and if that's what it took, then so be it."

"By late 1996, Flack and Whybrow were on the verge of putting a mole right in Sherman's plant. But in February 1997, Smith took the pair off the Sherman case temporarily and dispatched them to Cyprus."

"Meanwhile, like characters in a bad Tom Clancy novel, everyone is now trying to get the other guys to turn. Barry Sherman's Apotex is trying to get Flack and Whybrow to snitch on Bayer. Investigators at Kroll Associates, which has long done work for Chemo-Iberica, the target of Smith's defunct Nemesis operation, have met with ex-Carratu operative Stuart Harvey, hoping to get him to share details of the work he did against their client. ("What I know is worth a lot of money to Chemo, but I'm a bit loath to sit in bed with the enemy," says Harvey."
Regarding video tape, stalking and generally keeping tabs on the S family, imo, all totally possible, re reading this incomplete list of characters associated with BS.
Maybe there is video/ audio somewhere and not necessarily from within the Sherman household, perhaps someone does know exactly what happened in the house and why?
Maybe the 10 million reward is for those kind of players to come forward, maybe they already have leaked bits of information/ misinformation here and there?
If a fictionalized movie was made based on this case, Frank D'A would no doubt want to play himself, wondering if it would be okay with KW if he was played by Kim Coates?
All speculation, imo.rbbm
Bad Blood’s second season is a deftly made, superior crime drama
Open this photo in gallery
Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman
by Anne Kingston and Michael Friscolanti
Apr 5, 2018
"Sherman’s wealth saw him cross paths with high society and low—from business and political elites to shady characters out of a Coen brothers movie. His investments outside of Apotex were both extensive and, at times, perplexing—a list that includes a failed casino bid, a money-losing gold mine, an outfit that produced therapeutic pads for horseshoes, a stake in the hottest commercial real estate venture in the country, a now-bankrupt jewellery company that dealt in “loose diamonds,” an investment in a yacht named The Great Gatsby that never existed and his backing of B movies Real Gangsters! and Sicilian Vampire."

"Sherman’s final months saw him face an array of situations seemingly plucked from spy thrillers. In January, Apotex sued a former employee, alleging he had stolen drug formulations that he planned to use at a factory he was building in Pakistan. Months later, in a lawsuit loaded with salacious details, a key Apotex executive was accused of espionage by the company’s biggest rival. Apotex had been added to a list of generic drug-makers accused of price fixing in the U.S. On a personal front, Sherman was suing yet another known fraudster with whom he’d invested, while his decade-long legal battle with his estranged “orphan cousins” came down in Sherman’s favour in September—then took yet another bizarre turn."
Drug Spies Piracy is the pharmaceutical industry's dirty little secret; fighting back has become its dirty little war. With the stakes this high, there are no rules, no conventions. But that doesn't mean there haven't been prisoners. - September 6, 1999
By Richard Behar
September 6, 1999
"For their parts, Flack and Whybrow concede that bending or skirting the law was all but routine. By day, dressed in business suits, they posed as "procurement agents" seeking drug samples from suspect manufacturers; the samples would then be analyzed to see whether patents had been violated. By night the really dangerous work began: The pair would don dark clothes and leap over factory walls--taking photographs, rummaging through garbage bins, ripping labels off containers, and sometimes even entering the plants themselves. On one occasion, they were chased by a pack of rottweilers. Whybrow says he and Stuart Harvey have even fed sedatives--stuffed in chunks of meat--to guard dogs, and dodged gunshots from watchmen who'd taken them by surprise. Standard equipment on these runs included black latex gloves, mini-bolt cutters, a set of police radios bought on the black market, and a black foldable ladder for going over walls and barbed wire. And if, as Whybrow says, "you came up against a door, you might have to shoulder it...or use a jimmy, a piece of wood, or an old piece of metal."

"Sherman was a thorn in the side for most multinationals, and Smith was prepared to do anything to bring about his demise," says Flack. "Sherman would tie up the multinationals for years in litigation, while he was carrying on producing drugs and making millions. Smith had been chasing him for years. He hated Sherman. Sherman was like Adolf Hitler to him."

Sherman, pointing to his $80 million R&D budget, denies violating any patents. But Smith, acting on Bayer's behalf, was certainly convinced: "Smith wanted us to infiltrate the company," says Whybrow, "put a half kilo of coke in [Sherman's] trunk, and get him stopped by a police contact we have [in Canada]." Flack says that another option Smith suggested was setting Sherman up in a sex sting with an underage partner. Smith tells FORTUNE that if he made any of these comments, it was in the context of "joking over a pint of beer." But Flack says his boss was "deadly serious" and "desperate," and that he and Whybrow were fully prepared to carry out the frame-ups. "I was well paid by Bayer to seek out Barry Sherman's demise," says Flack, "and if that's what it took, then so be it."

"By late 1996, Flack and Whybrow were on the verge of putting a mole right in Sherman's plant. But in February 1997, Smith took the pair off the Sherman case temporarily and dispatched them to Cyprus."

"Meanwhile, like characters in a bad Tom Clancy novel, everyone is now trying to get the other guys to turn. Barry Sherman's Apotex is trying to get Flack and Whybrow to snitch on Bayer. Investigators at Kroll Associates, which has long done work for Chemo-Iberica, the target of Smith's defunct Nemesis operation, have met with ex-Carratu operative Stuart Harvey, hoping to get him to share details of the work he did against their client. ("What I know is worth a lot of money to Chemo, but I'm a bit loath to sit in bed with the enemy," says Harvey."

Frank D'A isn't talented enough to play himself.
Here is the message I received on the 6th.


But, your claim was that you announced that here to us before the headlines- you didn’t tell us that publicly, on the board. I’m not trying to dog you- you may be right. Just point it out to me.

There was a person on the board that broke a Warmington detail before it was released. It was a comment about ‘hog tying’. So, some indication Mr. Warmington is connected here.

ETA: Or, since Kerry texts Warmington, Warmington tipped him off. So your message may be from Kerry.
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