Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #4

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The police have an agenda and it's the same one they have had since day one. "33". Nothing to see here.... they have been instructed as such to treat it at M/s and leave it at that.

The private investigation has given us a glimpse at the truth. Explains why they recently took the other vehicle for forensics.

People don't want to believe it's a hit but every single things points to it being a hit. Now we have this article....sometimes the things you think are crazy and consipiracies are %100 real. Life isn't as simple as it seems.

Jealous this is a very strong statement. Who do you believe has the motivation and power to be able to instruct the TPS to treat this as a murder suicide? Any why would they do so? Interested in your thoughts on this.
Interestingly the star article states "...Family sources say the last cellphone communication..."
The first thing this sparked for me was 'were the phones left at the scene'? Imo, if this was a hit, and by skilled individuals, they would be wise to leave the phones. However, if the phones are gone, that's a huge sign to support a double-homicide.
its ao odd. The articke says that belts were looped around their necks and then the end of the belt tied to the railing. Surely the belt itself was not used only on the railing as trying to knot a belt wouldnt work as it would just come undone. i think it was mentioned ropes were used along with the belt but it doesnt say that in the article. It seems that the rope is missing that bound their wrists. could that be the same rope used with the belts? could they have been bound prior to arriving home? most unlikely. i was just googling honeys name and up popped a book. "my revenge is sweeter than honey" so odd.
I think if this as a hit (professional ), there is very little evidence. Add on the contamination of crime scene by 1-3 paramedics, 2-4 firemen,4 police, 1 real estate agent, 1 housekeeper.(all these numbers are guesses only, based on usual numbers of any medical emergency call.)
I wonder if one of them was killed first, then second one nabbed coming in front door later.Wasn’t HS car out front? One man could over power her, but surely it would take two for BS?
Hand ligatures? To control them til they got to where death was going to occur. Very doubtful a killer would drag dead bodies?
I don’t care what anyone says, but propping them up in attempts of a sitting position at poolside, is a message. A clean professional hit isn’t in the staging business. To me it smells of a sarcastic immature statement. Who’s?
Big pharma, or trashy druggie cousins?
I think the leak is genuine, why else would Donovan put his cred on the line? Whether it as a smart move or not???
I also think...if prof hit, you will never find killers, but bunglers like the cousins...only matter of time.
its ao odd. The articke says that belts were looped around their necks and then the end of the belt tied to the railing. Surely the belt itself was not used only on the railing as trying to knot a belt wouldnt work as it would just come undone. i think it was mentioned ropes were used along with the belt but it doesnt say that in the article. It seems that the rope is missing that bound their wrists. could that be the same rope used with the belts? could they have been bound prior to arriving home? most unlikely. i was just googling honeys name and up popped a book. "my revenge is sweeter than honey" so odd.
I think that it is possible the belts were looped around the necks using the buckle to make the loop. Then tied to the railing. I think knotting is possible if it is not a wide belt. Just a thought on if it is posssible.
Seems strange that the first autopsy didn't identify the ligature marks around their wrists - or, if it did, that TPS didn't modify their statement about the deaths. If this theory of how they were killed is true, it sounds like a hideous and frightening way to die. Kind of wish they had found drugs in their systems.

Nobody said the official autopsy didn't find ligature marks on the wrists, it was just not revealed to the public.
Nobody said the official autopsy didn't find ligature marks on the wrists, it was just not revealed to the public.

Their is also a chance that there were marks on the wrist so and the pathologist didn’t consider them ligature marks.

Lots of what is is being taken as fact here is actually a matter of expert opinion.

Anyone with a litigation background knows experts often differ.
I'm intrigued by the wrist markings. They would know this from their own private autopsy so that's not really in doubt. Highly unlikely BS bound his own wrists IMO, and also took the binding off.

Do you think that maybe gaffer tape was used on the wrists because it is easy to dispose of by flushing it down a toilet or thrown in a sewer grate?
Removed because it retains dna?
imo, speculation.
Private investigators believe that the billionaire Toronto couple found dead at their home in December were murdered by multiple killers, a source with direct knowledge of the parallel probe into their mysterious deaths told CBC Toronto.

The new information contradicts a widely circulated theory that Barry and Honey Sherman died as a result of a murder-suicide — a notion that is regarded as fiction by those who knew the Shermans well.

Barry, 75, and Honey, 70, were found dead by a real estate agent in the basement of their Toronto mansion on Dec. 15. The source said their bodies were in an upright seated position on the floor near an indoor pool.

Their wrists showed evidence that they had been, at one point, bound together. No rope or other materials that could have been used to tie their wrists were discovered, the source told CBC Toronto.

Their bodies were otherwise limp and their arms unbound when they were discovered, the source said.

The team of private investigators believes that the Shermans were, in fact, killed on Dec. 13, two days before they were found. This conclusion is based on the fact that Honey was wearing the same clothes she was last seen in, on Dec. 13, according to the source.

Private investigators also believe that Honey struggled with her killer or killers. She had cuts on her lip and nose, and was sitting in a pool of her own blood when she was discovered. However, there was comparatively little blood apparent on her upper-body clothing, suggesting that she had been face-down on the tile, bleeding, for some time before being bound to the handrail in an upright position, the source said.
Kevin Donovan: "They were found, side by side, sitting, legs out, away from the pool".

Did he miss-speak? All reports until now appeared to place them facing the pool.
I don't think he misspoke. I never got the impression from the original reports that they were absolutely facing the pool. I envisioned it as either/or.
Quite the graphic and descriptive report. Also mentions that the four children are planning to demolish the home after the investigation concludes. I don't blame them.

I don’t blame them either I would not want the house my parents were murdered in standing for me to drive past in the future either if I had the means to demolish it.

If robbery wasn’t the motive what are the possible ones?
I don’t blame them either I would not want the house my parents were murdered in standing for me to drive past in the future either if I had the means to demolish it.

If robbery wasn’t the motive what are the possible ones?
Yeah, I sometimes have to drive past the house I shared with an abusive partner, and I wish I could have demolished it. I can only imagine how they must feel.

I wonder if there are ex-business partners or pharmaceutical rivals, who would be capable of this? Possibly someone with a dark past, or even someone who just snapped. I also still keep the cousin(s) on the list of possibilities.
With TPS still holding the crime scene, I doubt they've even begun a parallel investigation yet. Ideas, brainstorming? yes, of course but they cannot do anything until the crime scene is handed over to them. IMO

Im not expecting much in the way of discrepancies as far as the autopsies/investigations are concerned. Both will be thorough and hopefully, in time they'll have a suspect and enough evidence to prosecute. IMO

You only think you're creeping over the fence? LOL too funny! <joking>

Does this mean the Sherman's were already dead when they were meeting with the Architect?
The details about Honey are so horrible. It just seems to get worse and worse - sounds like the killer(s) bashed a helpless woman in the face. If it is true that a sizeable portion of the currently illegal marijuana market is mob-controlled, could there be a connection to Apotex/ Sherman trying to develop a cannabis pill - currently for the medical market, but after legalization, perhaps more mainstream? Just speculating, of course, but this sounds like a very cold-blooded hit.
So then you're saying it's no longer a rumor? The article specifically names who preformed the autopsy and who's investigating. I personally see no reason to doubt the findings.

What i won't get after reading this is those who would support a murder/suicide theory that was put out there so prematurely. Seriously tho, how irresponsible was that mystery "source"? Hours after the bodies were found, long before an autopsy was performed they made up their minds based on what? Who's got egg on their face? (Of course we'll never know that! Who would want to come forward now and say they were that source!?!?)

Also, I'm of the belief that this will not hurt the investigation. If this was a professional hit or not, the killers are very well aware of the condition they left the bodies in. It wasn't set up to look like suicide. And I don't think they are concerned with who knows it was murder.

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Quite the graphic and descriptive report. Also mentions that the four children are planning to demolish the home after the investigation concludes. I don't blame them.
Playing the devils advocate here, but the children might want to demolish the house, just incase the police missed some evidence......... if you know what I mean.
Not that I believe that, but it could be a theory.
I am recently off the fence and leaning to double homocide, but the M/S theory is still viable. I can't completely rule it out. HS putting up a fight, might simply have been BS striking her, causing her to fall to pool tile. The blow was deadly, therefore he staged all the rest, not being able to live with what he had done.
The leakage of information (if accurate) is actually risky for a conviction if they ever find culprits.
Motive for a kill............espionage (drug formulary), business enemies, hatred by cousins, jealousy.
Geez, I can't imagine what those two went through, or the torment inside the children's heads. Absolute horror.
So then you're saying it's no longer a rumor? The article specifically names who preformed the autopsy and who's investigating. I personally see no reason to doubt the findings.

What i won't get after reading this is those who would support a murder/suicide theory that was put out there so prematurely. Seriously tho, how irresponsible was that mystery "source"? Hours after the bodies were found, long before an autopsy was performed they made up their minds based on what? Who's got egg on their face? (Of course we'll never know that! Who would want to come forward now and say they were that source!?!?)

Also, I'm of the belief that this will not hurt the investigation. If this was a professional hit or not, the killers are very well aware of the condition they left the bodies in. It wasn't set up to look like suicide. And I don't think they are concerned with who knows it was murder.

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Who specifically made up their mind and how do you know?

I read that the police were exploring the possibility of a murder suicide, but that doesn&#8217;t mean they weren&#8217;t considering other possibilities or had come to a conclusion.
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