Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #5

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No it's got nothing to do with me liking or disliking the article.

The article is implying that 7000 people affiliated with LE had access to this information. There's no other way to interpret that sentence in my opinion. And that statement is ridiculous.

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You’ve shifted now. You originally stated that “We're to believe LE has 7000 people working this case? And that includes civilians? “.

The fact is the TPS is 7000 strong with potential access to the information and they are locked down tight.

Meanwhile the family, who pleaded for privacy and due process, have their white knight investigative team planting lurid details and elaborate theories in the press.
You’ve shifted now. You originally stated that “We're to believe LE has 7000 people working this case? And that includes civilians? “.

The fact is the TPS is 7000 strong with potential access to the information and they are locked down tight.

Meanwhile the family, who pleaded for privacy and due process, have their white knight investigative team planting lurid details and elaborate theories in the press.
I was quoting the article, I've not "shifted" anything - she specifically said civilians. I was just condensing it for my last post, I'll correct it now.

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Sure it’s your opinion. Opinions can be irrational. It’s impossible for 7000 police to work on one investigation. You just don’t like the article.

The leaks are clearly identkfied as coming coming from the family’s side, so when you say we you mean you and you are being willfully blind.
The leaks were said to come from the Sherman Team according to CB, the Team denies this. So, you can say they're lying, but I don't think they are.

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I fully agree with this. The wrist markings surely support a double-homicide theory, but I don't see any evidence so far of a professional hit. I'm wondering what it is exactly that makes them support this detail?

If it was a “hit”, I tend to think the same as you. It’s not clean.

Some hits are meant to send a message. The dirtier the better.

I am seen as the crazy conspiracy nut of this thread but, the TPS know what happened and tried to push an agenda. Family and friends knew better, hired the PI. PI is probably in danger now too - they obviously are aware this is something bigger than they expected.

The leaks were said to come from the Sherman Team according to CB, the Team denies this. So, you can say they're lying, but I don't think they are.

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The leaks are far too self-serving to not come from the the Sherman team/family.

Why would journalists outright lie about the source? Seems unnecessary. Protection sources is one thing. Lying is another.
Would someone be so kind as to update me on exactly WHY the PI's feel there are multiple murderers?
"Team Sherman has a complement of seven, counting Greenspan, compared with the Toronto force, which has more than 7,000 employees, officers and civilians."

Sorry, to me she sounds unprofessional and biased.

We're to believe LE has 7000 people working this case? And that includes civilians?

Was she all up in arms when the original "leaks" happened in Frank mag, etc?

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I didn't get from this that 7000 people are working on the case. I believe she was simply stating the comparison in size between Team Sherman (the private investigation) vs. the size of TPS.


I honestly believe this family has every right to bring in the best private investigators to determine what really happened to their loved ones. We have seen this happen before in other cases. They also have a right to speak out on any subject. Where is the proof they are 'planting' anything and for what purpose? They most certainly could believe everything they have said.

I remember the Holly Bobo family hired their own investigators fairly early on to investigate the case of their then missing daughter who's partial remains were found years later.

At first I thought they did so because they felt the TBI wasn't trying hard enough to find the ones who had kidnapped their daughter. Now I believe they did so back then because they knew the lead investigator of the TBI on the case was refusing to even include the four potential suspects on his list of possibles. Zach, Dylan Adams, Jason Autry, and Shane Austin.

During the trial it was uncovered that TBI Dicus had tunnel vision and would consider one suspect only although he didn't have one bit of concrete evidence to support any of it. His obsession wasted two years of valuable time. Yet he refused to consider the 4 suspects for the two years he was in charge of the investigation before being removed finally. But Bobo PIs, very early on, during their investigation had all four suspects' names at the top of their list of potential suspects, and had evidence pointing toward all of them being involved. In the end, the PIs were right and TBI Dicus was flat wrong.

I have seen over the years PIs for other families who do a masterful thorough investigation and through their investigation the cases were solved. Its painfully obvious LE doesn't get it right every time. PIs are usually those with vast experience in law enforcement themselves.

Many PIs are usually very willing to speak with law enforcement during and after the investigations are completed. LE will often tell the PIs if they run across something in their investigation that would help resolve the case to please let them know.

After all the wanted result should always be to solve the mystery of how someone died or if it was murder-suicide or double homicides. etc. It shouldn't ever be about egos and just wanting to be right.

I have watched several cases on ID where victims were found deceased and it was mistakenly ruled a suicide when it was actually murder all along.

The murder-suicide comment supposedly by LE was said way too early in the ongoing investigation. It should have only been among the possibles along with all other possibilities including this being a double homicide. Having no forced entry means nothing for we have seen many horrific murders happen when the victim's home showed no forced entry.

If LE did leak to someone that this was a murder-suicide they should be ashamed. A thorough investigation is done first and then when they declare something it will be factual instead of an early assumption.

I am glad the family have hired PIs. It puts more pressure on LE to come up with the right answer.

The leaks are far too self-serving to not come from the the Sherman team/family.

Why would journalists outright lie about the source? Seems unnecessary. Protection sources is one thing. Lying is another.
I don't get it, who lied about their sources?
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Lol, yeah that choice of wording annoyed me also. There is not 7000 folks working the case. It's likely relative to the 7 people on "team Sherman".

Pretty sure she meant that TPS has 7000 staff to draw from if required, not all 7000 working on the case at once.
As always Oceanblueseyes is spot on!

If LE did leak to someone that this was a murder-suicide they should be ashamed. A thorough investigation is done first and then when they declare something it will be factual instead of an early assumpti

Over the course of 5 threads many posters have voiced opinions similar to mine.

This is a post from thread 3 dated 12/29/17 (I apologize for quoting myself but it is for emphasis)
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Heavy]
MizStery said:
I believe the family are convinced LE misinterpreted (overlooked) evidence from the CS. By hiring expert legal & seasoned investigators they could successfully launch a challenge to any attempt to rule it a murder suicide.
MizStery said:
[FONT=.SF UI Text]~con't from preceding post~
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Heavy]I am also convinced the ruling will be inconclusive. We have become accustomed to hearing cases being referred to an inexplicable tragedy.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Heavy]This is just my opinion. I also have been wrong on more than one occasion.
As in all cases here at WS, the family are considered victims. Stop slamming them for hiring a PI firm ... we'd probably do the same thing if we had the wherewithal to do so.

[h=1]Barry and Honey Sherman; the embodiment of tzedakah[/h] By

Bernie Farber -

January 23, 2018
The sudden deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman will haunt the Toronto Jewish community forever. Six weeks after this tragedy occurred, we know very little about what led to their deaths, but we know much about how they spent their lives.

I didn&#8217;t know either of them well. But during my time at the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), I worked on a number of initiatives with Honey Sherman, who was a powerhouse, with a Rolodex the size of a van and energy to spare. The daughter of Holocaust survivors, she grew up, like me, in the shadow of pain and darkness. I imagine it was her parents&#8217; experience that shaped her into the kind and loving woman she was.

Barry Sherman was very different than his wife. He was quiet and a little rough around the edges. As he was not one to socialize, he would often be seen at functions sitting alone at a table, while Honey Sherman was off corralling potential donors, or simply gracing everyone with her smile, stories and finesse.
I did, however, get to know a side of Barry Sherman that helped explain the measure of the man.
After speaking with Adela Dworin, who was then the director of the Gran Sinagoga Bet Shalom in Havana, I was told that the synagogue ran a small pharmacy and was in desperate need of supplies.

A call was placed to Barry Sherman at Apotex, the generic pharmaceuticals company that he owned. There was absolutely no hesitation on his part: he immediately got to work and gathered literally hundreds of pounds of the lifesaving medications, which he donated to the cause
The gift to Cuban Jewry was only a small token, in comparison to the millions of dollars that the Shermans gave to charity. But it demonstrated a precept of tzedakah that was more important: when we have that opportunity, we must do what we are able to do, in order to make other people&#8217;s lives better. Barry and Honey Sherman understood what tzedakah meant at its very core.
They will be missed. May their memories be forever a blessing.
I cannot believe that BS would take a bloody wife and hang her. Why?
Yeah, it's interesting for sure. They either have more information to suggest a hit, or they simply have a hunch. I'm not writing the theory off necessarily, I just want to know what evidence there is to support it, if any.

IMO the specificity of the information allows the announcement of the finding of double murder without alarming the general public: There is no ongoing threat to community safety because a hit is not random (the exception being a hit where there was a case of mistaken identity).

If they were saying "It was double murder" and not adding the part about the professional hit, then police may be required to respond in some way in order to calm the community (who should be concerned about their safety if this was a random killing as opposed to a professional/contract killing).
IMO the specificity of the information allows the announcement of the finding of double murder without alarming the general public: There is no ongoing threat to community safety because a hit is not random (the exception being a hit where there was a case of mistaken identity).

If they were saying "It was double murder" and not adding the part about the professional hit, then police may be required to respond in some way in order to calm the community (who should be concerned about their safety if this was a random killing as opposed to a professional/contract killing).

I don't know the rules on how police have to do it in Canada but here in the USA I cant begin to count the cases where LE all across the country in many different cases came out, and said the community wasn't in any danger. Implying each, and every time the victims must have known their perpetrators, and were specifically targeted.

Why they do this before the cases are even solved nor a suspect even arrested, I have no clue. However, so many were absolutely wrong once they finally found the suspect/s, and many of the victims were murdered by someone they never knew.

Some of them have been horrible home invasions which ended in horrific torture, rapes, and multiple murders committed by complete strangers. Some of the stranger home invaders also burned the victims when they were alive. Several of the victims were upper class like this couple. Yet time and time again the police in those different locations immediately said the communities weren't in any danger.

In fact they said it in one case where two parents were murdered and the police said to that community the same very thing...'not to worry ...........these victims were personally targeted' etc. leaving the community to believe it was someone known to the two parents who was another upper class family. This false impression allowed the murderer to go on and do other home invasions almost killing another woman before he was finally caught.

So when I see any police agency say this before they even know who the suspects may be nor have they even completed their investigation.........I have totally learned to dismiss it, and wait for the actual suspect/s to be arrested first.

I don't think we know yet if this was a contract hit, personally targeted and done by someone who knew them or done by another sadistic home invader/s which have been on the rise in recent years. It still may be ruled a murder-suicide but I really have my doubts that was the case. JMO though

If LE is sure it was a murder-suicide it seems by now they would have come out and confirmed it and what evidence they have that supports it.

IMO the specificity of the information allows the announcement of the finding of double murder without alarming the general public: There is no ongoing threat to community safety because a hit is not random (the exception being a hit where there was a case of mistaken identity).

If they were saying "It was double murder" and not adding the part about the professional hit, then police may be required to respond in some way in order to calm the community (who should be concerned about their safety if this was a random killing as opposed to a professional/contract killing).

The rest of the Sherman family should be pretty concerned if their parents were murdered by contract.
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