CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

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I haven't been back on this thread for a while. I know that many of us believe that the murders may have been a professional hit but were procured by unknown person(s) close to them or in their sphere. I still believe that but just reviewing some older news items from around the time they died made me think about issues regarding Barry and his cutthroat affect in the business of generic drugs and Honey's high profile as a committed leader for charity events that benefited the Jewish diaspora.

A few things were happening in Ontario and Canada at the time. The first was the legalization of cannabis. Barry Sherman had plans to create a 'pot pill' in conjunction with the newly created CannTrust. Jack Kay was an early investor. CannTrust eventually filed for bankruptcy after being charged with illegally growing cannabis in unlicensed facilities. Another start up cannabis company was Aleafia who had on its board, Julian Fantino who had been OPP Commissioner as well as a former Toronto police chief. Link: Barry Sherman was helping to develop ‘pot pill’ for medical marijuana users

The second was the looming issue that big pharma companies were threatening to limit or stop introducing new drugs into Canada if the federal government went ahead with its plan to use generic drugs in a national pharmacare plan. See attached link: Pharmacare plan relying on generic drugs could prompt reaction from big pharma: memo - National |

Not too long after the deaths of the Shermans one of their friends, Dr. Eric Hoskins resigned from the provincial government as Minister of Health to head a federal agency responsible for the creation of said federal plan. To this day, nothing has been decided.

Barry could have been the target and Honey was collateral damage.

The interview shown above with Barry and Honey just before their murders reminded me how Honey was serious in her investment into the United Jewish Appeal Federation and her extraordinary ability to get charitable donations for the Jewish Community. Although the UJA considers themselves an apolitical organization and don't invest in Israeli settlements in the West Bank they do agree that their aim is to help Israelis everywhere regardless where their address is. Links:

By 2017 there were record numbers of Jewish settlements in the West Bank in Israel. Notwithstanding the terrible events of Oct 7 2023 there has been global pushback regarding West Bank settlements for several years and today that pushback hasn't declined. Link: Israel’s illegal West Bank settlement plans face global condemnation

Even though I still believe there is a personal aspect to these murders I think there's a possibility that external circumstances could have a connection regardless how tenuous. It has always been stated Honey suffered more injuries than Barry did. Maybe she was more feisty during the attacks and fought back more than Barry but maybe she was the target, too.

There does seem to be a lot of investigations by the TPS that extend beyond the borders of Canada.
I agree. The 'why place the Sherman's in the pool room' is most interesting question. One would think if you wanted to kill two people and have it look like a murder-suicide, having them poisoned together or shot with a gun would be more believable. Police would arrive, see what most of us was a typical murder suicide scene and likely say, 'case closed'.

So the killers went to a lot of trouble by moving bodies, strangulation, and setting the whole staging scene up. To me the pool room activities were not an attempt to confuse the TPS, but rather for some other reason.

Now I believe we can assume, that if the killer(s) were professionals they would only have done the staging at the request of their employer.
If they were not professionals, but the ones who wanted the Sherman's dead, definitely the staging is extremely symbolic.

If we can discern what the staging and the processes that were required, we can likely understand what the perpetrators' motivation, and quite possible who they were.

So the questions are:
Why strangulation?
Why physically hang the bodies?
Why in the Pool room?
Is the symbolism, related to Pharma; Business and Investments: Religion; Family Matters and Relationships; or non-Family Matters and Relationships.

Answer these questions, and you will have a good idea whodunit.

Or was the staging a diversion to confuse everybody?
Good summary.

It seems like a very tidy, non-grotesque, non-violent murder scene - except for the strange business with the belts and railing.

No pools of blood, visible wounds, objects broken and scattered about, victims left in contorted positions where they died, or roughly, bloodily, dragged and dumped.

Nothing about this crime scene, except them being dead, suggests violence at all.

If they were left lying face up on the ground, or even better on sofas/beds, clearly having been tied up and strangled, IMO that could signify someone close to them who just didn't like violence, and wanted to quietly put them out of the way, as a necessity to do with getting at their money.

IMO, their physical position is similar to how Robin Williams mode of death was widely published in 2014 - I recall at the time, this was the first time I heard the details of suicide by hanging from a low point, rather than the 'kicking a chair' cliche. Williams also used a belt.

"clothed, in a seated position and "with a belt secured around his neck, with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet door and the door frame," Boyd said. "His right shoulder area was touching the door, with his body perpendicular to the door and slightly suspended"

I don't think this staging could have had any other purpose than to imply 'suicide, not murder'. Did the person think they'd get away with it? Why not? - Dellen Millard did, until he got caught for having murdered other people.

IMO, the fact the children insisted it had to be murder, kind of rules them out for me - why go through all that staging, just to vehemently deny it? I find KD's suspicions (as I've heard them reported), quite mystifying.

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Good summary.

It seems like a very tidy, non-grotesque, non-violent murder scene - except for the strange business with the belts and railing.

No pools of blood, visible wounds, objects broken and scattered about, victims left in contorted positions where they died, or roughly, bloodily, dragged and dumped.

Nothing about this crime scene, except them being dead, suggests violence at all.

If they were left lying face up on the ground, or even better on sofas/beds, clearly having been tied up and strangled, IMO that could signify someone close to them who just didn't like violence, and wanted to quietly put them out of the way, as a necessity to do with getting at their money.

IMO, their physical position is similar to how Robin Williams mode of death was widely published in 2014 - I recall at the time, this was the first time I heard the details of suicide by hanging from a low point, rather than the 'kicking a chair' cliche. Williams also used a belt.

"clothed, in a seated position and "with a belt secured around his neck, with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet door and the door frame," Boyd said. "His right shoulder area was touching the door, with his body perpendicular to the door and slightly suspended"

I don't think this staging could have had any other purpose than to imply 'suicide, not murder'. Did the person think they'd get away with it? Why not? - Dellen Millard did, until he got caught for having murdered other people.

IMO, the fact the children insisted it had to be murder, kind of rules them out for me - why go through all that staging, just to vehemently deny it? I find KD's suspicions (as I've heard them reported), quite mystifying.

That's thinking like a normal person but many murderers think they are smarter than police and that they can get away with murder so they help too much.
FWIW- I like reading theories about the crime, but I personally believe they should be based on what has been reported by respected media or in the court documents. I think we do that 99.9% of the time here, imo.

I can recall and assemble details about the case but when it comes to walking in the killer’s shoes I’m unable to. Why the pool room? Why in that manner? Why spend extra time in the home if your goal is to kill them and get away with it? Who does something like this? Why at all?
IMO and speculation. It may all have to do with BS parking in the basement garage and being surprised and killed as he entered his house downstairs by the basement gargage house door. In the time between BS arrived home and HS arrived home before him, HS was killed and already dead upstairs. The killer must have then dragged BS into the pool area and hung him by the rail first due to his back positioning since BS was already in the basement first. Then the killer would have dragged HS's body downstairs and into the pool area and hung her by the rail second due to her front positioning there. If the body was dragged by pulling the hands, then there would be feet scuff marks. If the body was dragged by pulling the legs, there would be no feet scuff marks. About the pool being used, the killer must have noticed the special lock door for the pool room which may be similar to those walk in freezers and may have found that it was the most secure room in the house to stage the bodies in.
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One thing I believe for sure is that the killer or killers didn’t know enough about physiology if they staged the scene. The belt ligatures were pointless if they were trying to make it look like they were the murder weapons. The thin ligatures they killed the Shermans with and removed from the scene left telltale marks that showed they were part of the mechanism that caused their deaths. Based on what KD has written my guess is the belts showed only post-mortem damage. The missing wrist ligatures also left marks.

My guess is they also didn’t know that a victim could bleed as a result of ligature strangulation. Maybe a big issue for them became the transfer of Honey’s blood, part of it possibly being that blood smear in the railing. Did they get it on themselves? Then maybe transfer it elsewhere?
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Good summary.

It seems like a very tidy, non-grotesque, non-violent murder scene - except for the strange business with the belts and railing.

No pools of blood, visible wounds, objects broken and scattered about, victims left in contorted positions where they died, or roughly, bloodily, dragged and dumped.

Nothing about this crime scene, except them being dead, suggests violence at all.

If they were left lying face up on the ground, or even better on sofas/beds, clearly having been tied up and strangled, IMO that could signify someone close to them who just didn't like violence, and wanted to quietly put them out of the way, as a necessity to do with getting at their money.

IMO, their physical position is similar to how Robin Williams mode of death was widely published in 2014 - I recall at the time, this was the first time I heard the details of suicide by hanging from a low point, rather than the 'kicking a chair' cliche. Williams also used a belt.

"clothed, in a seated position and "with a belt secured around his neck, with the other end of the belt wedged between the clothes closet door and the door frame," Boyd said. "His right shoulder area was touching the door, with his body perpendicular to the door and slightly suspended"

I don't think this staging could have had any other purpose than to imply 'suicide, not murder'. Did the person think they'd get away with it? Why not? - Dellen Millard did, until he got caught for having murdered other people.

IMO, the fact the children insisted it had to be murder, kind of rules them out for me - why go through all that staging, just to vehemently deny it? I find KD's suspicions (as I've heard them reported), quite mystifying.

I don't think the killers thought for one minute that anyone would believe it was a M/S. But, i do believe they were delighted when Brandon Price made his statement on the early evening of Friday the 13th December 2017 alluding to that.
I haven't commented on this thread for a while, but I read it regularly.

With the many possible motives and perpetrators in play - relatives, business associates, pharmaceutical companies, parties sued by Barry and perhaps political interests - it is very difficult to identify suspects. I'm sure TPS is closer than any of us.

That said, my personal theory is that one of the parties involved in the design and construction of the Sherman's Old Colony Rd house became enraged as they saw the house listed for sale, and planned the murders. The Sherman's sued almost everyone involved in the house, recouping most of the money spent on it, but the house was going to be sold for a huge profit. The suits were likely ruinous.

Of course, with so many other possibilities, the motives remain an open question.
I'm on the fence whether there was more than one person involved in the murders. At least at the site of the murder. On one hand I can see a person who's been hired by someone to do the dirty work whose only function was to kill his targets. The fact they used ligatures to kill suggests to me someone who is proficient in that type of killing because it's renders the victim unconscious in seconds if done correctly. It's a good choice because it doesn't leave much behind that can be used as evidence other than the actual ligature marks that were initially hidden by the belts. Subduing the victims first by tying their wrists with zip ties also makes them more compliant.

What comes into question then is when each of the victims were zip tied. If Honey came in the home her usual way she would have to be in the home proper before she was aware that someone was there. That's when she may have made a run for the front door losing her phone in the process. I think she saw an intruder when she came into the kitchen. Maybe they were just sitting there waiting for her or stayed hidden until she'd changed her shoes and taken off her coat. Of course, the killer may have had a weapon to threaten the Shermans or at least Honey to comply with the binding of her wrists.

There's been conversations as to whether Honey was killed before Barry got home but I'm not sure about that. The fact that both of them had impressions of zip ties on their wrists suggests that the killer wanted them compliant not only to hamper escape and the actual killing but maybe to get some information from them. Once he had Honey secure he went down to the garage waiting for Barry to come home. He obviously caught him by surprise since he dropped the home inspection report just as he came through the door from the garage.

So now we have the Sherman's in the home with their killer. Did they know that? Did they think it was a robbery or a threat to provide information of any type; did Honey have a will and where was it; what were the plans for Apotex in Florida; what were his plans to pay the billions he owed to the companies since he threatened not to pay; etc etc.

Conversely, if the killer was someone known to them I can see that disbelief and arguments may have occurred finding them in their home uninvited and were completely blindsided by the way the night progressed. Out of the two, I see Barry as more passive-aggressive of the two whereas I could see Honey who had an upfront, aggressive personality according to many people would have challenged the perp and that's what may have gotten her physical injuries prior to the strangulation.

I wonder if we know whether Barrie's own belt was used on him or whether it was used on Honey and the never worn belt was used on him. That would mean the belts had been a topic of conversation within the Sherman household and beyond because everyone seemed to know the saga of Honey trying to buy him extravagant gifts and him returning them. And someone knew where they were. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if the plan was always to hoist Barry with his own petard (a 10 dollar belt a classic example of his parsimony with some members of his own family while dishing out millions to peripheral entities he lived vicariously through)
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Cedars said "IMO, the fact the children insisted it had to be murder, kind of rules them out for me - why go through all that staging, just to vehemently deny it? I find KD's suspicions (as I've heard them reported), quite mystifying."

Some of us are assuming the children acted in a unanimous way and were in total agreement on this issue. We have no way of knowing for sure. It could have been only one child who was very sure it was murder, with the others tagging along, even the one who might have known what really happened, keeping quiet and agreed with the consensus so as not to draw attention to oneself.

Maybe that what KD knows or thinks, and bases his opinion on that.
Warwick 1991 said " one of the parties involved in the design and construction of the Sherman's Old Colony Rd house "

I certainly hope the TPS checked those individuals out carefully and confirmed alibis. What I cannot connect is how the staging in any way is related to the original construction. If someone was seeking retributive justice over this issue, I would think there would be something symbolic in the staging. I think at least Barry should have Home Inspection report in his pocket in the pool room, which (I assume) the home was solidly built.

Cedars said "IMO, the fact the children insisted it had to be murder, kind of rules them out for me - why go through all that staging, just to vehemently deny it? I find KD's suspicions (as I've heard them reported), quite mystifying."

Some of us are assuming the children acted in a unanimous way and were in total agreement on this issue. We have no way of knowing for sure. It could have been only one child who was very sure it was murder, with the others tagging along, even the one who might have known what really happened, keeping quiet and agreed with the consensus so as not to draw attention to oneself.

Maybe that what KD knows or thinks, and bases his opinion on that.
Warwick 1991 said " one of the parties involved in the design and construction of the Sherman's Old Colony Rd house "

I certainly hope the TPS checked those individuals out carefully and confirmed alibis. What I cannot connect is how the staging in any way is related to the original construction. If someone was seeking retributive justice over this issue, I would think there would be something symbolic in the staging. I think at least Barry should have Home Inspection report in his pocket in the pool room, which (I assume) the home was solidly built.

The garage structure, pool and tennis court above the pool were at the heart of the lawsuit. I also think the original construction lawsuits may be a possibility, but then I don’t understand how the estate would be embedded in the investigation.
One thing I believe for sure is that the killer or killers didn’t know enough about physiology if they staged the scene. The belt ligatures were pointless if they were trying to make it look like they were the murder weapons. The thin ligatures they killed the Shermans with and removed from the scene left telltale marks that showed they were part of the mechanism that caused their deaths. Based on what KD has written my guess is the belts showed only post-mortem damage. The missing wrist ligatures also left marks.

My guess is they also didn’t know that a victim could bleed as a result of ligature strangulation. Maybe a big issue for them became the transfer of Honey’s blood, part of it possibly being that blood smear in the railing. Did they get it on themselves? Then maybe transfer it elsewhere?
My belief, and of course, it is only speculation, is that the person(s) who killed them was an experienced, expert at killing quickly and quietly by surprise attack, quickly binding the victims with zip ties, to make them unable to fight back , and then using something like another large zip tie, to strangle them quickly,maybe over a soft scarf not to leave obvious marks. This person could have been perhaps x military, someone who could be trusted. I agree that this person, who was an expert at killing, was not a physiolgy expert, nor a staging expert. Being able to trust this person to never talk, someone who would be content with a large payment was likely extremely important, perhaps more so than being sure this person was a staging expert. Although, they may have presented themselves as an assassin with staging skills as well.What they did might have been accepted as a murder suicide in some cases, but this was a very high profile case, with expert pathologists performing the autopsies, and a police force that would feel a great deal of pressure, one would think, to get it right. If it were murder suicide, case closed, no more criminal investigation, and the killers would get away with it. At first it seemed as if they might.
I think the old adage of "follow the money" is the most likely to lead to the murder(s). Who stood to lose billions if Barry and Honey changed their wills? Who had to act quickly before they did this? Who would find it much harder to control the murder in Florida? I think it is possibly someone very closely connected to the family. It also reminds me of Dellen Millard, as someone else mentioned a few posts back, who also had all kinds of money, and yet wanted to kill his father, who might have disinherited him, costing him millions. For a time he did actually get away with making it look like a suicide. The only thing that got him caught was other murders he stupidly committed thinking he was an invincible criminal mastermind.It is quite likely that he, and the "mastermind" who had the Shermans killed, are both psychopaths, as well as the killer(s) who actually strangled them. IMO
Cedars said "IMO, the fact the children insisted it had to be murder, kind of rules them out for me - why go through all that staging, just to vehemently deny it? I find KD's suspicions (as I've heard them reported), quite mystifying."

Some of us are assuming the children acted in a unanimous way and were in total agreement on this issue. We have no way of knowing for sure. It could have been only one child who was very sure it was murder, with the others tagging along, even the one who might have known what really happened, keeping quiet and agreed with the consensus so as not to draw attention to oneself.

Maybe that what KD knows or thinks, and bases his opinion on that.
Warwick 1991 said " one of the parties involved in the design and construction of the Sherman's Old Colony Rd house "

I certainly hope the TPS checked those individuals out carefully and confirmed alibis. What I cannot connect is how the staging in any way is related to the original construction. If someone was seeking retributive justice over this issue, I would think there would be something symbolic in the staging. I think at least Barry should have Home Inspection report in his pocket in the pool room, which (I assume) the home was solidly built.

Maybe there was a symbolic reason why their bodies were posed in that very specific part of the house as follows:
"In 1996, after the Shermans' North York home was completed following five years of construction, the couple was dissatisfied with the work done on it. In particular, they claimed that the garage, a structure with a tennis court on top and a basement lap pool and hot tub, was faulty; Sherman called it a "disaster". He and his wife filed twelve separate suits against all the contractors; ultimately they would recover almost the entire estimated $2.3 million cost of building the house through favorable judgments." Their bodies were found in the swimming pool part that was closest to all of the other parts as well like the hot tub, garage, and tennis court. Coincidence?
My belief, and of course, it is only speculation, is that the person(s) who killed them was an experienced, expert at killing quickly and quietly by surprise attack, quickly binding the victims with zip ties, to make them unable to fight back , and then using something like another large zip tie, to strangle them quickly,maybe over a soft scarf not to leave obvious marks. This person could have been perhaps x military, someone who could be trusted. I agree that this person, who was an expert at killing, was not a physiolgy expert, nor a staging expert. Being able to trust this person to never talk, someone who would be content with a large payment was likely extremely important, perhaps more so than being sure this person was a staging expert. Although, they may have presented themselves as an assassin with staging skills as well.What they did might have been accepted as a murder suicide in some cases, but this was a very high profile case, with expert pathologists performing the autopsies, and a police force that would feel a great deal of pressure, one would think, to get it right. If it were murder suicide, case closed, no more criminal investigation, and the killers would get away with it. At first it seemed as if they might.
I think the old adage of "follow the money" is the most likely to lead to the murder(s). Who stood to lose billions if Barry and Honey changed their wills? Who had to act quickly before they did this? Who would find it much harder to control the murder in Florida? I think it is possibly someone very closely connected to the family. It also reminds me of Dellen Millard, as someone else mentioned a few posts back, who also had all kinds of money, and yet wanted to kill his father, who might have disinherited him, costing him millions. For a time he did actually get away with making it look like a suicide. The only thing that got him caught was other murders he stupidly committed thinking he was an invincible criminal mastermind.It is quite likely that he, and the "mastermind" who had the Shermans killed, are both psychopaths, as well as the killer(s) who actually strangled them. IMO
The person was probably an expert in using a garrote. A garrote is a weapon, usually a handheld ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line, used to strangle a person. It is used in underworld executions.
Maybe there was a symbolic reason why their bodies were posed in that very specific part of the house as follows:
"In 1996, after the Shermans' North York home was completed following five years of construction, the couple was dissatisfied with the work done on it. In particular, they claimed that the garage, a structure with a tennis court on top and a basement lap pool and hot tub, was faulty; Sherman called it a "disaster". He and his wife filed twelve separate suits against all the contractors; ultimately they would recover almost the entire estimated $2.3 million cost of building the house through favorable judgments." Their bodies were found in the swimming pool part that was closest to all of the other parts as well like the hot tub, garage, and tennis court. Coincidence?
Please provide a link for this quote.
Thank you,
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, IMO the lawsuits over the Old Colony Rd house may have precipitated the murders.

As far as the Sherman’s lawsuits for construction defects on the Old Colony Rd house is concerned, there was an article from the Toronto Star that was syndicated to other Canadian newspapers:

I know that Tricia’s post was not addressed to me, but I think the quote from @newclues comes from this article in Maclean’s magazine, a popular Canadian magazine: Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman
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Maybe there was a symbolic reason why their bodies were posed in that very specific part of the house as follows:
"In 1996, after the Shermans' North York home was completed following five years of construction, the couple was dissatisfied with the work done on it. In particular, they claimed that the garage, a structure with a tennis court on top and a basement lap pool and hot tub, was faulty; Sherman called it a "disaster". He and his wife filed twelve separate suits against all the contractors; ultimately they would recover almost the entire estimated $2.3 million cost of building the house through favorable judgments." Their bodies were found in the swimming pool part that was closest to all of the other parts as well like the hot tub, garage, and tennis court. Coincidence?
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As I have mentioned in earlier posts, IMO the lawsuits over the Old Colony Rd house may have precipitated the murders.

As far as the Sherman’s lawsuits for construction defects on the Old Colony Rd house is concerned, there was an article from the Toronto Star that was syndicated to other Canadian newspapers:

I know that Tricia’s post was not addressed to me, but I think the quote from @newclues comes from this article in Maclean’s magazine, a popular Canadian magazine: Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman
It is interesting that in their real estate listings, the architect that they had sued years earlier was mentioned.

Also, reading the following is interesting as it mentions someone who helped build their house and also someone else who helped get the house demolished:

Dedication — CHSM
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I haven't commented on this thread for a while, but I read it regularly.

With the many possible motives and perpetrators in play - relatives, business associates, pharmaceutical companies, parties sued by Barry and perhaps political interests - it is very difficult to identify suspects. I'm sure TPS is closer than any of us.

That said, my personal theory is that one of the parties involved in the design and construction of the Sherman's Old Colony Rd house became enraged as they saw the house listed for sale, and planned the murders. The Sherman's sued almost everyone involved in the house, recouping most of the money spent on it, but the house was going to be sold for a huge profit. The suits were likely ruinous.

Of course, with so many other possibilities, the motives remain an open question.
Actually everyone involved in the building of 50 OCR and was sued have gone on to have very successful business. I see there signs and trucks etc all over the city of Toronto.
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, IMO the lawsuits over the Old Colony Rd house may have precipitated the murders.

As far as the Sherman’s lawsuits for construction defects on the Old Colony Rd house is concerned, there was an article from the Toronto Star that was syndicated to other Canadian newspapers:

I know that Tricia’s post was not addressed to me, but I think the quote from @newclues comes from this article in Maclean’s magazine, a popular Canadian magazine: Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman
After re-reading the McLean's article you realize that under the persona of a introverted scientist who struggled in social settings that Barry Sherman was a ruthless business man who skirted the laws just barely keeping it legal in many of his dealings, especially within the framework of generic drug manufacturing. Re-reading Sherman's usage of charities and exploiting loopholes in the tax code, <modsnip> He was like a shark smelling blood in the water.
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