CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

.... if it hadn't been deleted by a tech savvy killer.
I'm surprised this imagined killer confined themselves just to the murder of this couple. Why haven't they taken out Bill Gates, Putin, etc? Or, at least, turned the tables on whomever ordered the hit, and ended up with all the money themselves!

In summary, Honey and Barry were murdered, and only Barry's Will existed as far as the estate was concerned.
If one believes the 'follow the money' theory. It is the heirs who got the money as the result of the Sherman's deaths.
If you are looking for a motive, that could be one.

If one believes Honey had a Will which would have deprived the heirs of some financial benefits, then you could say the 'follow the money' motive is even stronger, and it also points to the heirs.

Historically, Money and Power are often reasons for murder.
I think, if the goal was to inherit all the multiple billions in family wealth asap, then IMO murdering Honey would just be about removing her from standing in the way of selling the company, rather than caring about the, possibly, one or two million she might have promised to anyone in her personal will.


ETA - Or perhaps she might have knowledge/suspicions of who had killed Barry, if he was the sole target.
''The following two passages, taken from an affidavit written one month after the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman, outline just some of the constraints placed on the Toronto Police Service by Apotex’s lawyers:
The TPS will provide any documents that they wish to seize to Goodmans, who will review them to identify any documents or portions thereof that may be subject to a legal privilege. Documents that are not so identified by Goodmans, and any portions of documents that are not so identified and that can reasonably be extracted on site, will be provided to the TPS by Goodmans and may be seized in accordance with the terms of this search warrant. (page 73)
Following its privilege review, Goodmans will provide in a secure manner copies of any non-privileged documents and portions thereof, and a copy of the privilege log, to Det. Brandon Price or his designate at the TPS to be used in the police investigation. Goodmans or the Experts will retain in its secure possession the copies of any privileged documents and portions thereof that are not otherwise returned to the TPS. No person shall be entitled to access the copies of privileged documents or portions thereof retained in Goodmans’ or the Experts’ possession without a Court Order or, in the case of access by TPS, the consent of the potential privilege holder. (page 74)
''The following two passages, taken from an affidavit written one month after the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman, outline just some of the constraints placed on the Toronto Police Service by Apotex’s lawyers:
However, there is no indication those quotes refer to documents on Honey's phone.

The issue came up when police wanted to search Barry's office and his computer.
"Legal wrangling over confidential drug information kept homicide detectives from getting access to Barry Sherman’s office for one month after the murders."
"Cops did not access Apotex founder Barry Sherman’s office until four weeks after the murders of Sherman and his wife Honey

I did documents for a living, the issue of who has custody and control of documents - in the case of Barry's office it was Apotex- as well as, whether documents are related to Apotex business, vs are private to a person who didn't even work for them, makes a critical difference in what that language is referring to.

I agree with this is general concepts. Another consideration is that a practical lawyer may err on the side of conservative, if he or she felt that he/she may be sued by very deep pockets, for example. MOO.
The fear regarding being sued by 'deep pockets' client would not be a concern, if the client is dead, as in Honey's case.

If I as a lawyer, which I am not, violated Honey's privilege protections, it would be extremely difficult for Honey to sue me, but I could be in trouble with the Law Society. That is why I agree with Hexicon who said "I would seek an advisory opinion from my bar association on whether/what I could disclose."

We have been speaking very much in the hypothetical world, with 'what ifs' and 'but could haves''.
Such as what if Honey had a new Will, and it could have added new heirs, and what if it removed current ones. The Killers could have seized that new Will and destroyed it. This could have happened.

However it would point further suspicion onto the existing heirs, who actually did receive the estate and had a great motivation to kill Honey and Barry.

In either scenario, Will or no Will for Honey, the same people are under suspicion.

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