Canada - Bruce McArthur charged in murders of six men, Toronto, 2010-2017

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ITA, but IMHO I think it is a still from a video found on BM computer/laptop. If that's the case, could this mean BM only took video/pics of his victims post-mortem? (speculation)

My first impression of the image released by the TPS was that the IUD's was black, but after comparing to images found online, most black males in their forties seem to have a receding hair line. Noticing how much hair this person has, I am now thinking he could be Sikh. Could the reason LE is having trouble identifying him be because this person used a Sikh turban, like the one our Minister of Defence wears? If that's the case, maybe people that knew him don't recognize him without the turban? (Just speculation)

Or is it possible that the person's hair was cut off after he was murdered or just prior to?
I think it's a far stretch to ascertain ethnicity (i.e., Sikh) from receding hair line. FYI, Sikh men do also lose hair. But I agree that maybe the person wore his hair differently when alive, and or possibly wore a cap most of the time. And that maybe why people kind of recognize having seen him.
I respect Idsinga for putting together this report and bringing it to the attention of the Professional Standards Unit, but was he not also on Project Houston? The same task force that told the families of the missing men that their loved one had taken off on purpose (after they brought computer/online information to their attention)?

I agree. This article, which I posted earlier, definitely raises this point.
The hair on the UID picture was painted on in photoshop. I’m not sure how much they made him look like how he was in the picture prior to “cleaning up”, but most of the beard is reconstructed, the lips aren’t right, the one eye is copy and pasted from the other, and the beard line on the one side is drastically lower than the other side (I don’t know a single male who would be okay with it being that off). I also will venture that the lighting was poor at time of original photo (late afternoon-night) so we have no idea true skin tone and as this is a photo taken posthumously, he will have no muscle control which will get rid of brow furrows, relax lip/mouth structure, etc. This photo was heavily shopped. People who know him will see him, but those of us scanning thousands of missing person’s listings may miss him if we aren’t aware that he likely of South Asian descent and likely markedly different from this photo we have.

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Or West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Iraqi, Jordanian) or even North African (e.g., Moroccan, Tunisian, Egyptian).
Or West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Iraqi, Jordanian) or even North African (e.g., Morrocon, Tunisian, Egyptian).

You aren’t wrong. I’ve been quick to assume South Asian, but West Asian and North African can fit as well❤️ Thank you for keeping me inline.

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I have to say that as much as this is difficult and hard for the victim's families and the LGBTQ community, BM's ex-wife and next of kin (and daughter - not sure about the son) must be feeling terrible to be connected to such a monster. I cannot begin to fathom what it's like for them to feel judged by the public because they are connected to BM.
Idsinga pointing the finger at TPS - internal investigation - yet people will still call us out for being angry at TPS for their failures. Hmmmmmmm.
Idsinga pointing the finger at TPS - internal investigation - yet people will still call us out for being angry at TPS for their failures. Hmmmmmmm.

I hear you.

The general public wants to place their trust in the law enforcement because their safety and security depends on them doing their work. In other words LE "remain enshrined as sources of protection and heorism." And, so, when someone criticises the LE for mis-steps and "failures", some people perceive that as an attack on their ideals concerning LE.
It is also possible that TM is listed as living there, and may even have personal belongings at the address, but not actually reside there for most of the time.

BBM: I think I wrote about this earlier: before BM’s arrest, many of us speculated that there was a possible serial killer coming into town from elsewhere around holidays/events. I now think it’s possible that the murders occurred when son/roommate was out of town because holidays/events.

I’m also cautious about assuming son physically lived there full time, whatever court documents say. Just because that was his official listed residential address, doesn’t mean he actually did reside there all the time. JMO, IMO.

This case is so horrifying. I don't even want to imagine what else is going to come out. BM is as evil as they come and the depths of his depravity will be further revealed. So sad for the victims, may they RIP. Heartbreaking and devastating for the families, thoughts and prayers to them.

On the comments/quotes above, according to the Vice article, both BM and ex-spouse JM were surety for TM. Being a surety is very serious. See the links. Conditions of bail usually require the person to live at a specific address, thus someone cannot state any address and then just live where they like. It's possible he could have declared two addresses (mother and father) if both were acting as his surety. One can only guess if his mother did not want him around based on the type of behaviour TM was accused of. TM had to go back to court to change the conditions of his surety because BM was part of the surety. See The Toronto Star link


[/URL]"The trio avoided reporters at the 150 Bond St. courthouse Thursday afternoon, where Todd was scheduled for a brief hearing to substitute his surety on the terms of his bail.
(Todd McArthur is facing charges of breach of probation, making indecent telecommunications, and criminal harassment.)"
"Bail conditions are rules that you must follow while you're out on bail and your case is being decided by the courts.
For example, you may:

  • not be allowed to communicate with the complainant
  • not be allowed to communicate with your co-accused
  • not be allowed to go within a specific distance of a specific place
  • have to live at a specific address
  • have to stay at home during specific hours, usually overnight
  • have to follow the rules of a house arrest
Make sure you understand what your bail conditions are. If you do not follow your bail conditions, you can be arrested and charged with failing to comply with your bail. This is a criminal offence. If this happens, you will be held in custody for another bail hearing. It will be more difficult for you to get bail a second time."

See also:

And you'll remember how James Forcillo violated his bail by moving in with his girlfriend prior to receiving approval for an official change of surety from his wife (and living in their family home) to his new girlfriend. Assets are also involved, it's not a simple thing.
Dear WS folks,

Could someone be so kind and direct me to the best link for missing persons, please? I am trying to help and look through some files and the link(s) I've found are often with outdated information (either persons located or deceased).

Thanks bunches!!
Dear WS folks,

Could someone be so kind and direct me to the best link for missing persons, please? I am trying to help and look through some files and the link(s) I've found are often with outdated information (either persons located or deceased).

Thanks bunches!!

I hear you.

The general public wants to place their trust in the law enforcement because their safety and security depends on them doing their work. In other words LE "remain enshrined as sources of protection and heorism." And, so, when someone criticises the LE for mis-steps and "failures", some people perceive that as an attack on their ideals concerning LE.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man
It’s been difficult hearing about all the ghastly crimes of BM and when thinking of what his victims endured prior to death, it’s a terrifying thought to contemplate. My deepest condolences to all the loved ones left behind to carry the burden of their sorrow while trying somehow to fathom the unimaginable evil of BM.

What I find so hard to understand is how many people have now come forward since BM’s arrest to talk about very scary experiences they had with him. They are indeed lucky to be alive!

I have always been a little naïve about the darker and more dangerous elements of life and the people who occupy these secret shadows. I cannot imagine why anyone would contact a stranger for a sexual encounter that would include being harmed as a means to attaining pleasure. From what I have read since BM’s arrest, he was actively pursuing submissive partners and stated that he liked to abuse people. I admit I know little about the lifestyle that involves BDSM activities, but it just seems to me that it is common sense not to offer oneself up as a submissive to any stranger. If there was BM, there could be others like him – violent, no respect for boundaries, no compassion or conscience. Maybe they are not serial killers, but serious emotional and physical harm can come to people who put their trust in the wrong person and that worries me. I'm presuming since these type of connections are being made online all the time, that most of the time things thankfully work out ok, but I would advise anyone not to trust a stranger with your most intimate self. Trust is earned and it takes time, IMO.

I don’t care if someone is straight or gay or bi or whatever sexual orientation, but I think it is seriously risky to engage in sex with strangers at all, but especially when the person expresses sadistic desires. It made me feel sad to read the piece in the Huffington Post blog about how some people feel of colour, gay men, and others are used to being victimized by dominant white male sex partners. If one is to engage in BDSM activities, I would think that behaviour requires real trust between two willing, informed and adult partners. IMHO, BM preyed upon those who had similar sexual proclivities and because they did share this interest, he was able to lure them unwittingly to their deaths. They placed their trust in him at a point where they were most vulnerable – during sexual expression. It is just heartbreaking.

As for how the police investigated things, I am going to wait for the answers from TPS and in particular, Det. Sgt. Hank Idsinga. I have complete trust in his judgment. He has been notably transparent and forthcoming, and I think he and his team will get to the bottom of any mistakes that were made. I don’t want to criticize TPS homicide team because I think they need and deserve the support of the public to continue investigating this very complex and gruesome case. I think the police for the most part do care very much about the victims and the crimes committed against them, and I think they want the same outcome as we all do – they want to uncover every detail about BM and his crimes and protect that information as evidence until they can secure a conviction.

All MOO.

Dotr - thanks so much for the help.

In addition to trying to find helpful websites, was also having difficulty in finding any reliable statistics. Unfortunately, that system itself seems flawed - at its initial and most crucial point: data collection and sharing information across agencies (local, provincial and national).

This is an excellent article that sheds some light on the policy and procedures in LE reporting/sharing missing persons information, how they triage cases, and the inconsistencies that still exist in building and updating accurate data bases.

The older Globe and Mail article is dated Feb 16/18 and contains some outdated information regarding the specifics of BM's case. Had missed reading it at the time and hope all of you find it helpful as well.

Toronto Police also haven't created a central missing-persons unit, or dedicated any full-time staff just to missing-persons cases, despite overseeing thousands of cases. It's a gap the service is considering filling, acknowledging it may have allowed police to identify a pattern of mysterious disappearances in the Village sooner.

The RCMP created the public registry,, in 2013 as a tool to focus the attention of investigators, coroners and the public together onto outstanding missing-persons cases. The site now contains a searchable database of 1,200 cases, but it remains an opt-in system, leaving the decision on whether to publish a specific case to the lead investigator.
Interesting CBC article (Oct 13/17) regarding the proposed DNA data bank for helping solve missing persons cases. According to the article, at the time, it has yet to be implemented.

The RCMP's national DNA data bank (NDDB) was created in 2000. Up until now, the law had limited the national police force to an index for convicted offenders and crime scenes.

Three years ago, in its 2014 budget, the federal government committed $8 million to create the DNA-based missing persons index with the hope that coroners, medical examiners and police could use it to match missing persons to unidentified human remains.

...anyone who chooses to submit their DNA — for example, a family member of a missing person — must provide informed consent to have their samples searched for a period of up to five years and that their DNA can only be used for comparisons with a humanitarian purpose.

What happens at 5 year expiry date?

While not a panacea for solving all outstanding missing persons investigations, the introduction of the new indices will help to ease the suffering of those Canadians missing loved ones by assuring them that all new investigative avenues available to police are being pursued.

The database was supposed to be up and running more than a year ago. When CBC News last reported on the delay, a Public Safety spokesperson said the federal government was reviewing the program's service delivery model.

"The government has been diligently working to setup the missing persons index in the RCMP's National DNA Data Bank, and it will be up and running early next year. The index will help provide much-needed certainty and closure to the family and friends of those who are missing," said Goodale.
In this Globe and Mail article (Mar 07/18) discussing the current TPS internal investigation and generalities on what led up to the probe; one very interesting bit of information was included and stands out, that until today, had not seen reported:

...a police source told The Globe...Mr. Faizi, whom Mr. McArthur is said to have communicated with on dating apps....

Has this specific connection been reported previously, and I missed it?
REMAINS ALL OVER THE CITY: Bruce McArthur now charged with five murders

Bruce McArthur is now officially an alleged serial killer.

On Monday, Toronto Police charged McArthur with three more killings, in addition to the two murder charges from Jan. 18. And they say they believe there are more victims.

McArthur, 66, is now charged with also killing Majeed Kayhamn, Soroush Marmudi and Dean Lisowick.

Video Link to Press Conference Announcing the Scope of the Missing (and other) people Identified, January 29, 2018



More Charges Against Alleged Serial Killer

By Ron Fanfair, Toronto Police Service Published: 11:33 a.m. January 29, 2018

[FONT=&]Bruce McArthur has been charged with another three counts of First-Degree Murder, after police recovered the dismembered remains of at least three people from the backyard of a Leaside residence.


[FONT=&]The remains have not been identified.

[FONT=&]The body parts were allegedly found in large planters at the rear of the property on Mallory Crescent.

[FONT=&]The 66-year-old self-employed landscaper was arrested and charged on January 18 with the deaths of Selim Essen and Andrew Kinsman earlier in the year.

[FONT=&]Esen, 44, of no fixed address, was reported missing by a friend on April 20, 2017. He consistently frequented the Church & Wellesley St. area and Kensington Market and often had a small plastic suitcase on wheels similar to a carry-on bag.

[FONT=&]He was last definitively seen on March 20, 2017, even though there have been reports that he was also observed by a member of the community as late as April 14.

[FONT=&]Kinsman, 49, was reported missing by a neighbour on June 28, 2017. Kinsman, known to be active on social media, was last seen in the area of his residence on Winchester St. on June 26.

[FONT=&]At a news conference at police headquarters on January 29, Detective Sergeant Hank Idsinga said police believe MacArthur is responsible for the deaths of 58-year-old Majeed Kayhan, reported missing since October 2012, 50-year-old Soroush Marmudi, reported missing in August 2015, and 47-year-old Dean Lisowick, who was not reported missing.


[FONT=&]He said Kayhan was one of the men whose disappearance was investigated by Project Houston, which ran from November 2012 to April 2014. That project identified three missing persons – Kayhan, Skanda Navaratnam and Abdulbasir Faizi – from the Gay Village.

[FONT=&]Marmudi was reported missing in Scarborough by his family, while Lisowick was never reported missing.

[FONT=&]“We believe that he was murdered between May 2016 and July 2017,” said Idsinga.

[FONT=&]He said investigators continue to search McArthur’s residence at 95 Thorncliffe Park, and a residence at 53 Mallory, which McArthur used for storage for his landscaping work.

[FONT=&]Assistance from outside agencies, including the Ontario Provincial Police, the province’s forensic pathology services and the Centre of Forensic Sciences is being utilized to search these premises,” Idsinga said.

[FONT=&]He’s encouraging anyone who employed McArthur as a landscaper at their residence, and has not talked to police, to contact investigators at 416-808-2021.

“I would ask that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements to search your yards and gardens,” he said. “I thank all of these homeowners for their ongoing co-operation and wish to assure them that we will respect their privacy.

Investigators have identified about 30 properties within Toronto where McArthur worked.

“We believe there are more remains at some of these properties that we are working to recover,” Idsinga added. “…We have seized quite a few planters from around the city and we will continue to do that. There are at least two sites that we do want to excavate where people might be buried.”

People wishing to provide information can do so by calling 416-808-2021. They can also call anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS or



Would someone kindly correct the spelling of Mr. Kayhan, Mr. Esen, and Mr. Mahmudi's last names above.
I have to say that as much as this is difficult and hard for the victim's families and the LGBTQ community, BM's ex-wife and next of kin (and daughter - not sure about the son) must be feeling terrible to be connected to such a monster. I cannot begin to fathom what it's like for them to feel judged by the public because they are connected to BM.

Unless/until the police find ANY proof that they were involved, they have no reason to feel shame or embarrassment of any sort. AFAIK, they have done nothing wrong.

One does not pick ones parents/siblings/etc, BM and his wife divorced many years ago.

Of course they will be greatly upset by this but they are in no way responsible for the behaviour of BM.

I hope they can find a way to live without feeling stigmatized, guilty or 'involved' in his horrendous crimes.

They have my love.

As for those who judge them, best they remember it can happen in any family.
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