Canada - Bruce McArthur- Pleads Guilty - murders of 8 men, Toronto, 2010-2017 #2

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No. but thank you for posting it. lol

Det. Idsinga spoke with George Logagianes during the noon newscast today.
It was a short interview but he said that 'experts' in serial killers would have him looking for a mid 30s, brown skinned man as the killer. WRONG
Also that 'experts' say that men don't kill in their 60s. WRONG
There was a bit more but I couldn't watch all of it. Basically, he was saying that BM has blown all known information from 'experts' out of the water as far as being a serial killer.

Hopefully, CP24 will run it again tonight, possibly on the evening news.

Seems there is no video of it but it was almost better than the formal news releases, as he was relaxed and 'chatty' with GL. Sometimes, they say little bits that they won't in a proper news release.

Thanks again dotr.;)
Well, technically the experts said that serial killers don't usually start killing in their 50's or 60's. Of course anything is possible, however.
Bittersweet news today. I am glad they were able to give this man's family peace, and to maybe give his soul some peace too. He looks like he was a kind and sweet and gentle man.

Every time a new name or body is announced, my heart is so heavy. BM isn't cooperating and who knows how many people have yet to find rest?? Each discovery is someone who can be given some peace, but each is also another victim of this monster. :(
Perhaps others have already pointed to this, but most victims share the profile of having been a newcomer to Canda, refugee, and had little family/friendship ties in Canada. IMO he was also targeting this profile.

I'm not sure that's entirely true, although perhaps BM was targetting men who didn't appear to him to have close ties, when in fact they did. Also, I think for a time during and after Project Houston, BM did possibly avoid targetting men whose disappearance would attract attention.

Several of the victims had wives, and some had children. I don't believe any of them had gay partners though. We know very little about some victims citizenship status, because their families in Canada don't wish any information to be released:

Dean Lisowick and Andrew Kinsman, and perhaps others, were born in Canada. Skanda Navaratnam is the only other victim who is noted to have arrived as a refugee, but I'm pretty sure that was not relevant to his being targetted.
Perhaps others have already pointed to this, but most victims share the profile of having been a newcomer to Canda, refugee, and had little family/friendship ties in Canada. IMO he was also targeting this profile.

I'm not sure that's entirely true, although perhaps BM was targetting men who didn't appear to him to have close ties, when in fact they did. Also, I think for a time during and after Project Houston, BM did possibly avoid targetting men whose disappearance would attract attention.

Several of the victims had wives, and some had children. I don't believe any of them had gay partners though. We know very little about some victims citizenship status, because their families in Canada don't wish any information to be released:

Dean Lisowick and Andrew Kinsman, and perhaps others, were born in Canada. Skanda Navaratnam is the only other victim who is noted to have arrived as a refugee, but I'm not sure that was relevant to his being targetted.
I'm not sure that's entirely true, although perhaps BM was targetting men who didn't appear to him to have close ties, when in fact they did. Also, I think for a time during and after Project Houston, BM did possibly avoid targetting men whose disappearance would attract attention.

Several of the victims had wives, and some had children. I don't believe any of them had gay partners though. We know very little about some victims citizenship status, because their families in Canada don't wish any information to be released:

Dean Lisowick and Andrew Kinsman, and perhaps others, were born in Canada. Skanda Navaratnam is the only other victim who is noted to have arrived as a refugee, but I'm not sure that was relevant to his being targetted.

Skanda was from Sri Lanka as was Kirushna. Selim came from Turkey, Majeed was from Afghanistan, Abdulbasir was from Afghanistan, Soroush was from Iran. Only Dean and Andrew were born here.

** Editing to add that Kirushna was a refugee that had his refugee application denied and Skanda was a refugee as well. The other men immigrated here. Their status as refugee or immigrant are important as the lack of family and roots here absolutely has an affect. It’s possible BM preyed on people who he believed were more vulnerable. So in Skanda’s case he was afraid of returning home and Kirushna was apparently in hiding (so under the table jobs? I wonder if this is the connection..). Either way, there is a pattern here and there absolutely is relevance.

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I just made this. My program wouldn’t let me do all 4 the same size; no one is more important than the next. I just wanted a cohesive picture of all the men in happy times. No passport pictures or mugshots❤️ I am not claiming this as my own. So share or delete if it’s not okay.


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I just made this. My program wouldn’t let me do all 4 the same size; no one is more important than the next. I just wanted a cohesive picture of all the men in happy times. No passport pictures or mugshots❤️ I am not claiming this as my own. So share or delete if it’s not okay.


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This is excellent. Thank you very much!

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I find it so sad, distasteful and disheartening every single time this pic shows up in the Bruce McArthur threads.

It is supposed to be a pic of Skanda, but it is a pic of BM.

Mods and/or admins, could someone please look into this problem and correct it? It is so improper and must bring such grief to Skanda’s family and friends.

I have asked a few times, but nothing has been done.

Horrible to see BM’s face on what should be Skanda’s photo.


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I find it so sad, distasteful and disheartening every single time this pic shows up in the Bruce McArthur threads.

It is supposed to be a pic of Skanda, but it is a pic of BM.

Mods could someone please look into this problem and correct it?

Horrible to see BMs face on what should be Skanda’s photo.


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The only pictures I want wiped off this earth are these ones of BM. It’s what drove me to make the other picture. There is something inherently and disgustingly wrong with them still utilizing Dean’s mugshot (and now Kirushna’s passport or refugee application picture?) WHILE THEIR FREAKING MURDERER HAS THESE PICTURES BEING USED. Don’t even get me started on the ones at the Falls with the rainbow. RAINBOW. LGBTQ2 MURDERER. I HATE THE MEDIA (and that the police won’t release a mugshot). At worst they should just be using court drawings now[emoji35]

** Editing only to add that I’m emotional. I rarely use the word hate. So I apologize to the media reading this. It’s not specific. But I urge anyone with the ability to change it, to do so. Thank you.

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Skanda was from Sri Lanka as was Kirushna. Selim came from Turkey, Majeed was from Afghanistan, Abdulbasir was from Afghanistan, Soroush was from Iran. Only Dean and Andrew were born here.

** Editing to add that Kirushna was a refugee that had his refugee application denied and Skanda was a refugee as well. The other men immigrated here. Their status as refugee or immigrant are important as the lack of family and roots here absolutely has an affect. It’s possible BM preyed on people who he believed were more vulnerable. So in Skanda’s case he was afraid of returning home and Kirushna was apparently in hiding (so under the table jobs? I wonder if this is the connection..). Either way, there is a pattern here and there absolutely is relevance.

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I agree, a serial killer is going to make sure he can get physical power over his victim. It appears BM achieved this through sexual role play. A serial killer is also going to ensure no one can identify him as being associated with the victim. That must be uppermost in his mind. It seems BM accomplished that by either randomly picking the person up, or by arranging meetings that he felt confident would be kept private. In most cases that was because these were sexual encounters, and people have a habit of not informing other people of their hook ups.

It seems BM had a physical type he was attracted to, he'd had a boyfriend of this type. His victims fit this type. Most men of this type in Canada are immigrants. Was he attracted to this type because he believed they were vulnerable by virtue of being immigrants? I don't believe it is that simple. I believe the motives in his choice of victim were sexual and psychological. He was careful to cover his tracks, especially by hiding the bodies.

Skanda had a home and community of close friends in Toronto's gay village, I don't think it's correct to say the defining characteristic in connection with his murder is that he was 'afraid' to return to Sri Lanka.
There are legal reasons for NOT releasing the mugshot of BM. Just an FYI
I don't see any reason why they can't. Historically, LE release mugshots when they believe there could be more victims. This should be entirely the case here, yet they relied on reporters to utilize his social media. Seems wrong to me!

They do it in other cases all the time, what's the difference here? Legally or otherwise?
Apr 17, 2018
[h=1]Police 'always had that feeling' a killer lurked in the Gay Village, McArthur investigator says[/h]
"We've always had that feeling," Det.-Sgt. Hank Idsinga said of police hunches that a killer may have been preying on men in the Church and Wellesley neighbourhood. Some LGBT residents say there's been open speculation within the community about that possibility for years, and that those fears were communicated to police.

"Until I have that evidence, I can't say it. And that's what we dig for," Idsinga told CBC News.

Idsinga, a veteran investigator, said cracking open a planter in the morgue and finding a human skull was an emotional moment.

"It was sickening, and it was angering," he recalled.

"I was very angry at the time. That this had happened. That this had gone on in this city … I've been working in the city for almost 30 years doing police work, trying to keep the city safe. And realizing this has gone on, it angers you."
Between 1975 and 1978, 14 men from the Gay Village turned up dead. It was widely speculated at the time that the slayings were the work of a serial killer, though police never said so.

"And while I have no evidence whatsoever linking Mr. McArthur to any of these cases, we are definitely looking at them," he said.

"Obviously if that happens it's going to open new doors."
I don't see any reason why they can't. Historically, LE release mugshots when they believe there could be more victims. This should be entirely the case here, yet they relied on reporters to utilize his social media. Seems wrong to me!

They do it in other cases all the time, what's the difference here? Legally or otherwise?

Maybe people who may still have information about BM or any of his known or yet to be known victims, will better recognize him from his pseudo nice guy persona as seen in the released photos, as opposed to a mug shot?
imo, speculation.
This was tweeted by Ann Brocklehurst on why mugshots aren't released in Canada. This is different than in the US.

Releasing a mugshot could result in the killer getting away with it, on the argument that police prejudiced his right to be presumed innocent. The public may have decided he's guilty, but it is the trial in the courtroom that matters. At that trial, every single action by police will be subject to challenge, and later by appeal, by the defence. Actions by the media can't be challenged in the same way.

In general, no photo is released by police unless it is important for the investigation. As someone once said "Public curiosity is not probable cause".

Police in this case haven't released any photos of McArthur, they don't need to, it's not necessary for the investigation. They published his name. They left it up to the media to find and publish photos, if they wanted to.

The media used the facebook photos because, once someone publishes photos on facebook, they're considered public domain and can be freely used by the media without permission. Most have settled on using one photo which shows him as looking serious.

I believe all the other photos of McArthur were deliberately published by media outlets in order to highlight the shock value of the story "This nice looking grandad is a serial killer". It sells papers, it's fabulous clickbait.

If you don't like the way media use photos to draw readers into stories, or to cover a story angle, I think the complaints should be directed to the particular media outlet that makes you upset. The justice system works and is taking care to ensure this man spends the rest of his life in jail. Blackening his public image by publishing 'less happy' looking photos of him isn't really the kind punishment we're looking for, is it?.

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