Found Deceased Canada - Chelsea Poorman, 24, Vancouver, 7 Sep 2020

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IMO this is sketchy. Why in the world would a young healthy woman perish the night she disappeared, in a busy area near downtown Vancouver? It makes no sense. If she was injured or hurt in some way she could’ve walked to Granville and gotten help. IMO someone did something to her and left her there.

BTW- as far as I know, there is often a lot of info that can be gleaned from skeletal remains, like injuries to the skull etc.

And sorry, but I have very very little faith in BC police after what happened with Robert Pickton and how BADLY they bungled that (Bias against Pickton's victims led to police failures, indifference - Bias and racism runs deep and it’s not easy to get rid of. With an Indiginous victim like Chelsea they could easily sweep this under the rug without public pressure.
On CBC online news this afternoon it was reported that Chelsea's mother said that part of her skull was missing. I wonder as you have suggested here if that is what happened in Chelsea's case. Her mother also said that police told her that they were going continue investigating. Maybe they are waiting for toxicology reports if anything can be gleaned from the bones, perhaps after pressure from Chelsea's family. IDK, just MOO.
I hope WS lets me post these images from Google maps. This is the property were Chelsea was found. According to CBC news, her body was "spotted in the backyard" of 1536 W 36th Ave, Vancouver by a construction worker. Question: What's in the left backside of the house? It looks like a bunch of trash to me. Any guesses?Screenshot_20220516-185538-196.pngScreenshot_20220516-183124-850~3.png
I hope WS lets me post these images from Google maps. This is the property were Chelsea was found. According to CBC news, her body was "spotted in the backyard" of 1536 W 36th Ave, Vancouver by a construction worker. Question: What's in the left backside of the house? It looks like a bunch of trash to me. Any guesses?View attachment 344367View attachment 344369
Could it be a construction dumpster? Perhaps someone started rehabbing it in the past and ran out of money?
Imo she wouldn't have succumbed to the elements outside in late summer weather.
Hopefully someone comes forward with more information about that night...the situation is very unsettling to me
Hypothermia in the summer is actually quite common.

Hypothermia in the summer is actually quite common.

Yes but the hypothermia has to come about if the conditions are conducive to it. So since it was summer unless she got wet somehow I don't see how that could be possible. I can see that happening if she was doused with cold water and left there or swimming but it was an unoccupied property so the swimming pool wouldn't be filled. The utilities in the home were turned off as far as I recall. However, how did the gardner keep the front lawn green and in good condition, water would be needed from somewhere for the lawn to be in great condition.
Could it be a construction dumpster? Perhaps someone started rehabbing it in the past and ran out of money?
Some media outlets say the deck (back), yet others say the back yard, others say under the deck (back). At the right side of the house looking down from the arial view there looks to be some bags of trash like the one in the area with lots of trash (in a dumpster?) Looking at the arial view there aren't many places where a body could lay unnoticed. Wouldn't someone notice a blanket with decomposition or at least smell it? It just doesn't make sense. I don't see an entrance onto the property from the back yard, although we don't know there could be. The front gate has a lock on it. Maybe when Chelsea arrived there the lock was broken. I wonder if any investigation was done as to the lock being broken and when it was replaced perhaps that may offer a clue as to a time. IDK these are just my houghts. If the lock was broken then maybe someone placed her where she was found at that time. If there is an entrance at the back then perhaps her entrance was from there, although it would have to be unimpeded as she per her accident in 2014 and the legbrace she needed and wore. MOO.
Here is a posting of the property on a real estate site, seemingly from 2014 when the property was last sold (according to Zillow). There is a video, floorplan, and extensive images of the house on the site, but I'll upload some outdoor photos below.





Looking at street view of the property on Google Maps from a short while after Chelsea went missing (October 2020) the downstairs windows look partially boarded up or covered with paper. I also spotted what looks like a security camera on the side of the property.
From the aerial view, I couldn't see any gate or barrier separating the front and back yard.

Screenshot 2022-05-17 174435.png
Yes but the hypothermia has to come about if the conditions are conducive to it. So since it was summer unless she got wet somehow I don't see how that could be possible. I can see that happening if she was doused with cold water and left there or swimming but it was an unoccupied property so the swimming pool wouldn't be filled. The utilities in the home were turned off as far as I recall. However, how did the gardner keep the front lawn green and in good condition, water would be needed from somewhere for the lawn to be in great condition.
I guess it's possible that she died of hypothermia but how did she get on the property with the security gate? She needed a cane, a lift in one shoe and had other disabilities from a serious accident yet she climbed the gate? Why? Or maybe the gate wasn't locked or was broken as @5W's stated. Supposedly the property owner had a person mowing the front lawn only but she was found around back. Seems rather strange to hire a landscaper for the front side of the house only. No one saw her in the backyard for 1 1/2 years? Not the landscapers? The neighbors? No one?
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I guess it's possible that she died of hypothermia but how did she get on the property with the security gate? She needed a cane, a lift in one shoe and had other disabilities from a serious accident yet she climbed the gate? Why? Or maybe the gate wasn't locked or was broken as @5W's stated. Supposedly the property owner had a person mowing the front lawn only but she was found around back. Seems rather strange to hire a landscaper for the front side of the house only. No one saw her in the backyard for 1 1/2 years? Not the landscapers? The neighbors? No one? This is the most recent article I have seen regarding Chelsea. Her father syas that she was found on the deck. For me that clears that part exactly where she was found on the property. But as you said no one saw her for so long or realized something was not right on the property, yes its so odd. Why is it that a contractor happened to stumble upon her remains and no one else especially neighbors, no smell? Another question that came to my mind just now is is why weren't scavanging animals taking the remains. So IMO it seems to me that she was put there when she was skelatonized not before. Otherwise there would be decomposition on the blanket and holes in it from scavengers. To me this does not make sense.
Looking at street view of the property on Google Maps from a short while after Chelsea went missing (October 2020) the downstairs windows look partially boarded up or covered with paper. I also spotted what looks like a security camera on the side of the property.
From the aerial view, I couldn't see any gate or barrier separating the front and back yard.

View attachment 344705
Perhaps those are some type of air vents and not cameras. Just a thought I could be wrong and they are cameras. One would think there would be cameras watching a mansion while owners are overseas at least.
IMO this is sketchy. Why in the world would a young healthy woman perish the night she disappeared, in a busy area near downtown Vancouver? It makes no sense. If she was injured or hurt in some way she could’ve walked to Granville and gotten help. IMO someone did something to her and left her there.

BTW- as far as I know, there is often a lot of info that can be gleaned from skeletal remains, like injuries to the skull etc.

And sorry, but I have very very little faith in BC police after what happened with Robert Pickton and how BADLY they bungled that (Bias against Pickton's victims led to police failures, indifference - Bias and racism runs deep and it’s not easy to get rid of. With an Indiginous victim like Chelsea they could easily sweep this under the rug without public pressure.
I understand your frustration. While race and gender do matter in these circumstances, vast majority of time it is risk behavior that makes them victims. We could argue to expand police forces and double the missing persons detectives, but the sad reality is it would not improve much. Those that live lives of mental illness, addiction and sex work tend to not have stable lives (home addresses, long term friends, maintain close contact with family).
I am not blaming the victims, just pointing out that their cases are more time consuming and harder to solve. This is the most recent article I have seen regarding Chelsea. Her father syas that she was found on the deck. For me that clears that part exactly where she was found on the property. But as you said no one saw her for so long or realized something was not right on the property, yes its so odd. Why is it that a contractor happened to stumble upon her remains and no one else especially neighbors, no smell? Another question that came to my mind just now is is why weren't scavanging animals taking the remains. So IMO it seems to me that she was put there when she was skelatonized not before. Otherwise there would be decomposition on the blanket and holes in it from scavengers. To me this does not make
I have the same questions.
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Found this from APTN news. Warning, it's heartbreaking but at minute 3:30 APTN reporter states that Chelsea was found on a balcony on the backside of the house. I'm assuming that APTN got permission from the neighbors whose yard the reporter is standing in. There's a clear view of the balcony the reporter is referring to. None of the neighbors noticed anything out of the ordinary?
What about the security cameras that usually alerts you when movement is indicated? No one saw the form of a person under a blanket? Just trying to understand all of this...
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Somehow I messed up this thread while trying to reply to a member. Apologies!

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