Found Deceased Canada - Chelsea Poorman, 24, Vancouver, 7 Sep 2020

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''Skeletal remains of the 24-year-old Cree woman were found outside a vacant mansion in Vancouver's wealthy Shaughnessy neighbourhood on April 22. Poorman was last seen Sept. 6, 2020, when she met her sister for dinner and drinks on Granville Street in downtown Vancouver. She was reported missing two days later.

Kiernan told CBC he broke into the Shaughnessy home on May 11 and 12, after police investigators had left, and was shocked to find several of Chelsea's personal items still on the back patio where her body was found, including part of her cellphone case, socks, a bus pass, hair elastics and what he called a "disgusting" number of police gloves strewn about.

"There's just a ton of items," he said. "A lot of identifying things that she had in her purse that should have been, in my opinion, at the very least been collected for the investigation. Nothing was collected."

Police said in an earlier press conference there was no evidence Chelsea was ever inside the house. Police said she likely died at the property on the night she disappeared or shortly after. Sheila Poorman, Chelsea's mother, said her daughter was missing several fingers and part of her skull, details that have not been released by police.''
''Skeletal remains of the 24-year-old Cree woman were found outside a vacant mansion in Vancouver's wealthy Shaughnessy neighbourhood on April 22. Poorman was last seen Sept. 6, 2020, when she met her sister for dinner and drinks on Granville Street in downtown Vancouver. She was reported missing two days later.

Does anyone else think that the article seems to suggest that she wasn't found under a blanket at all?

"Kiernan said there was a lot of confusing communication from investigators after Chelsea's remains were found. He was first told by police she was discovered in a rubbish pile. Then he was told she was found lying on a cushion with a blanket over her. He said it was only after speaking directly with the contractor who discovered her body that he learned neither was true, that she was found lying on the back patio of the house."
Does anyone else think that the article seems to suggest that she wasn't found under a blanket at all?

"Kiernan said there was a lot of confusing communication from investigators after Chelsea's remains were found. He was first told by police she was discovered in a rubbish pile. Then he was told she was found lying on a cushion with a blanket over her. He said it was only after speaking directly with the contractor who discovered her body that he learned neither was true, that she was found lying on the back patio of the house."
Does anyone else think that the article seems to suggest that she wasn't found under a blanket at all?

"Kiernan said there was a lot of confusing communication from investigators after Chelsea's remains were found. He was first told by police she was discovered in a rubbish pile. Then he was told she was found lying on a cushion with a blanket over her. He said it was only after speaking directly with the contractor who discovered her body that he learned neither was true, that she was found lying on the back patio of the house."
Both this article and the one above from @dotr are really informative. Something stinks. John Lordan did two videos on Chelsea a few months ago and he discovered while using Google maps that the area she was last seen in was in the vicinity of a police station. The whole case is infuriating.
Although I would be perfectly willing to believe that this was an accidental death aka "misadventure", it really seems like law enforcement was extremely lax about gathering forensic evidence at the very least which not only makes it hard to believe any particular narrative, it also begs the question of if they were equally lax about investigating her disappearance and furthermore if they are this lax about all missing persons or if Chelsea was a low priority on account of her ethnicity (or some other reason).

You would think that in 2022, law enforcement would know that is the process of public opinion. Maybe public opinion matters less to them than I would assume.
Found this from APTN news. Warning, it's heartbreaking but at minute 3:30 APTN reporter states that Chelsea was found on a balcony on the backside of the house. I'm assuming that APTN got permission from the neighbors whose yard the reporter is standing in. There's a clear view of the balcony the reporter is referring to. None of the neighbors noticed anything out of the ordinary?
What about the security cameras that usually alerts you when movement is indicated? No one saw the form of a person under a blanket? Just trying to understand all of this...
Well,it just raises more questions in my mind. How did she get up on that balcony. Both balconies are enclosed so no stairs. Wow! At the very least someone has to be complicit if nothing else. She had to be brought by somone. How else could she enter the house and go to that balcony she was found on? There is no way to access the balconies other than from the house according to what the APTN reporter stated. How does a person with a leg brace climb up or even a window, at the very least possibly someone gave her a boost up one of the first floor windows. This seems so unlikely, however. Why would Chelsea with her condition due to her injuries in the car accident take this risk. IMO she wouldn't. If she was under the influence of alcohol or drugs she would be slower than usual in her movements and probably less flexible so she wouldn't risk it or at least couldn't do so under the influence. What about the stench of a decomposing body a neighbor from where the reporter was standing would be able to smell it. Not seeing decomposition, NO!
Fellow Sleuthers I just thought of how someone could have brought her to the property without neighbors noticing. How about concealed in something like a bag or duffle bag. Skelatonized in the bag? Now its raising questions (after seeing the APTN coverage) to me that perhaps there was no decomposition at the mansion property, but somewhere else. The other question would be is why would whoever placed her there choose this place and not somewhere remote. IMO to throw LE off that it was "not a suspicious death!" One more thing what about if the neighbors believed that Chelsea's remains and belongings were halloween props. That would only be if they could see her skelatonized remains on that deck. If it was visited by the homeless population (the property) then if they were under the influence perhaps they didn't notice when they were in the yard. Its hard to see from below, though. They would have to get inside the house to get to the deck. Or break in at least. So even this doesn't seem plausible to me, homeless people of course would report finding something so shocking.
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An abandoned mansion isn't the kind of place one would dump a body. It is the kind of place someone would take a live person to try to falsely impress them. My initial guess was that there had been an illicit house party there and that she had been lost track of and made her own way to wherever she was found where she died of exposure or overdose. However, it could also have been a more intimate kind of trick where a guy takes her by herself to try to make her think he's wealthy from which there are a number of ways it could come to an actual murder.

Without concrete forensic details there's no way to draw much conclusion but my instincts strongly suggest she was alive when she arrived at that property and if I was an investigator (private apparently) I would start by taking a hard look at the young men who are connected to that house and have a history of partying and/or womanizing "playboy" type activity.
An abandoned mansion isn't the kind of place one would dump a body. It is the kind of place someone would take a live person to try to falsely impress them. My initial guess was that there had been an illicit house party there and that she had been lost track of and made her own way to wherever she was found where she died of exposure or overdose. However, it could also have been a more intimate kind of trick where a guy takes her by herself to try to make her think he's wealthy from which there are a number of ways it could come to an actual murder.

Without concrete forensic details there's no way to draw much conclusion but my instincts strongly suggest she was alive when she arrived at that property and if I was an investigator (private apparently) I would start by taking a hard look at the young men who are connected to that house and have a history of partying and/or womanizing "playboy" type activity.
After I posted yesterday I was thinking of this aspect that you mentioned in your post here. Specifically the playboy, womanizer type of aspect. Someone, a guy trying to impress her let her inside the house. but then LE hasn't said anything about the home being used by Chelsea specifically or that she entered it. All we've heard is she was found outside of the house. So what confuses me is to get to the deck she would have entered the house, so someone either let her in or brought her there after death. I am assuming a forensic investigation was done inside the house and it turned out to be negative so that's one of the reasons I am suspicious that her death was not at this property. Of course these are my assumptions and it could be forensics confirmed she was at the property for whatever reason. No utilities inside just vacant rooms. If it was a party house then why wouldn't the owners or the management company secure the property more so unautorized people don't/didn't get inside? Just a little more security would have stopped the unauthorized from entering.
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An abandoned mansion isn't the kind of place one would dump a body. It is the kind of place someone would take a live person to try to falsely impress them. My initial guess was that there had been an illicit house party there and that she had been lost track of and made her own way to wherever she was found where she died of exposure or overdose. However, it could also have been a more intimate kind of trick where a guy takes her by herself to try to make her think he's wealthy from which there are a number of ways it could come to an actual murder.

Without concrete forensic details there's no way to draw much conclusion but my instincts strongly suggest she was alive when she arrived at that property and if I was an investigator (private apparently) I would start by taking a hard look at the young men who are connected to that house and have a history of partying and/or womanizing "playboy" type activity.
I was just reading that LE said that she was never inside that house. If one looks at Post #61 this thread one will see that LE said this and obviously it can be corroborated as it was in an earlier information release by LE. This is obviously one of the reasons people are suspicious about the circumstances regarding Chelsea's death.
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I was just reading that LE said that she was never inside that house. If one looks at Post #61 this thread one will see that LE said this and obviously it can be corroborated as it was in an earlier information release by LE. This is obviously one of the reasons people are suspicious about the circumstances regarding Chelsea's death.
Considering how inconsistent and incomplete the details from law enforcement seem to be, not just for us but for Chelsea's family too (who should be receiving all the available information), of I were an investigator I would still work from the assumption that she had been in the house.
Complete speculation. imo.
One scenario i could imagine,
CP starts to walk towards home at the end of the evening, but she becomes tired and her leg hurts, so when she is offered a lift, she accepts it and winds up at the abandoned mansion....

OR CP goes to a ''house party'' where there really is a party, but not an enjoyable one, or she is lied to and finds herself at a party for two, also not enjoyable.

Does she fall from a window, landing on a balcony, cracking her skull and her personal effects tossed down near her body where she is left to lay, OR was she moved from a different location and left at the mansion to misdirect any potential investigation, or just to get ''rid of a body'' whether the death was natural or otherwise?
I was just reading that LE said that she was never inside that house. If one looks at Post #61 this thread one will see that LE said this and obviously it can be corroborated as it was in an earlier information release by LE. This is obviously one of the reasons people are suspicious about the circumstances regarding Chelsea's d
Yeah it seems odd that an owner of a 7M dollar home doesn't have security cameras or an alarm system and parties are going inside and/or squatters. Also, neighbors wouldn't call police if they saw trespassers?
An abandoned mansion isn't the kind of place one would dump a body. It is the kind of place someone would take a live person to try to falsely impress them. My initial guess was that there had been an illicit house party there and that she had been lost track of and made her own way to wherever she was found where she died of exposure or overdose. However, it could also have been a more intimate kind of trick where a guy takes her by herself to try to make her think he's wealthy from which there are a number of ways it could come to an actual murder.

Without concrete forensic details there's no way to draw much conclusion but my instincts strongly suggest she was alive when she arrived at that property and if I was an investigator (private apparently) I would start by taking a hard look at the young men who are connected to that house and have a history of partying and/or womanizing "playboy" type activity.
There's nothing like bringing your date to a vacant home with no lights/electricity and telling her "it's my house" to impress her...but I agree with you that LE should have investigated anyone she was in contact with that night.
In this news video the reporter is standing in the neighbor's yard. Should we assume that somebody currently lives there since the news crew needed to get permission to report from their backyard? So I'm wondering where her body was hidden if the neighbors didn't notice anything "off" when they have a clear view of the back of the house (especially in winter).Screenshot_20220524-145002-195.png
There's nothing like bringing your date to a vacant home with no lights/electricity and telling her "it's my house" to impress her...but I agree with you that LE should have investigated anyone she was in contact with that night.
"We're having it redone right now but I have candles and music (and drugs). I think it's romantic" and so forth. This is absolutely a kind of ploy that will work on young women - and of course they would investigate anyone she had contact with. They don't know who the "Bae" was. What I'm advocating is looking at young dudes who have some kind of a connection to that house.
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Complete speculation. imo.
One scenario i could imagine,
CP starts to walk towards home at the end of the evening, but she becomes tired and her leg hurts, so when she is offered a lift, she accepts it and winds up at the abandoned mansion....

OR CP goes to a ''house party'' where there really is a party, but not an enjoyable one, or she is lied to and finds herself at a party for two, also not enjoyable.

Does she fall from a window, landing on a balcony, cracking her skull and her personal effects tossed down near her body where she is left to lay, OR was she moved from a different location and left at the mansion to misdirect any potential investigation, or just to get ''rid of a body'' whether the death was natural or otherwise?
I suppose these are plausable suggestions. Howerver, LE says she was never inside. Plus my question is where was decomposition if any on the property. There has to be a reason why Chesea's family is adamant that her death has mysterious aspects to it as these questions which some are answered others are not. The balcony part, skelatonized part, (entry/no entry?)
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Yeah it seems odd that an owner of a 7M dollar home doesn't have security cameras or an alarm system and parties are going inside and/or squatters. Also, neighbors wouldn't call police if they saw trespassers?
I know how did it happen that neighbors didn't call police on trespassers, parties. Either people had access to the house or broke in so which was it? It is odd. I was thinking I could have sworn I heard that a management company was taking care of the property. If that is true then shouldn't the company made sure the property was secure? I wonder what the management company said to Chelsea's family regarding this aspect.
I suppose these are plausable suggestions. Howerver, LE says she was never inside. Plus my question is where was decomposition if any on the property. There has to be a reason why Chesea's family is adamant that her death has mysterious aspects to it as these questions which some are answered others are not. The balcony part, skelatonized part, (entry/no entry?)
Complete speculation. imo.
One scenario i could imagine,
CP starts to walk towards home at the end of the evening, but she becomes tired and her leg hurts, so when she is offered a lift, she accepts it and winds up at the abandoned mansion....

OR CP goes to a ''house party'' where there really is a party, but not an enjoyable one, or she is lied to and finds herself at a party for two, also not enjoyable.

Does she fall from a window, landing on a balcony, cracking her skull and her personal effects tossed down near her body where she is left to lay, OR was she moved from a different location and left at the mansion to misdirect any potential investigation, or just to get ''rid of a body'' whether the death was natural or otherwise?
If it was a natural death why not tell the family, why not let LE know, why let the body become skelatonized? Why so many missed opportunities to do the right thing?

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