Canada - Christine Jessop, 9, Queensville, Ont, 3 Oct 1984 *killer identified* #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This news proves yet another example of how deadly LE tunnel vision corrupted this case. Mrs. Jessop's claim that CH was among friends who were allowed to enter her house without a family member present should have sent off red flags. That was ignored by LE due to tunnel vision, but it is surprising that CH was overlooked again when her case was passed on to TPS for fresh eyes to review her file in 1998. It makes me wonder if TPS received a complete file.

Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal

Twenty-four hours after Christine Jessop vanished from her small-town home in Queensville in October 1984, a York Regional Police investigator questioned family friend Heather Hoover about the child’s sudden disappearance, but did not interview her husband, Calvin Hoover.

A month later, as the search continued for the nine-year-old girl, her mother Janet Jessop told the same officer that Calvin Hoover was among several friends who would be allowed to enter her home without a family member being in the house.

But the now-deceased Hoover was not once questioned over the decades police probed Jessop’s murder.
“Heather Hoover, then 27, told Bunce both she and Calvin worked at Markham’s Eastern Telecom with Christine’s father, Robert.”
Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal

The media reports I’ve noticed all say both HH and RJ worked for Eastern Telecom, but not CH as well. Also in the media report above there’s no mention of the telephone call to HH with CJ crying in the background since she couldn’t go along and visit her dad in prison.

Does anyone know how long RJ had been in prison when CJ was murdered? It wouldn’t surprise me if CH unexpectedly dropped by the Jessop house from time to time under the guise of a thoughtful caring friend, as is often the habit of diabolical predators/pedophiles waiting for an opportunity.
Joanne Hoover Obituary - Welland, ON | ObitTree™
The obituary for CH’s 2nd wife, lists her as a stepmother for 4 boys/men with the Hoover last name. That means HH had 4 boys at home to take care of while her husband was out raping and killing a little girl. And she managed to squeeze in working a day job at the same place as CJ’s dad. How was he not needed at home that night? How did he get away with being out for the evening. Taking care of 4 boys would not be easy. He would have been needed at home. In light of today’s Toronto Star article, which says that CH also worked at the cable company with his wife and CJ’s dad, maybe he worked evenings and called in sick? We don’t know what he did there. Maybe he installed cable? Is that something that was done in the evening when people were home from work?
This news proves yet another example of how deadly LE tunnel vision corrupted this case. Mrs. Jessop's claim that CH was among friends who were allowed to enter her house without a family member present should have sent off red flags. That was ignored by LE due to tunnel vision, but it is surprising that CH was overlooked again when her case was passed on to TPS for fresh eyes to review her file in 1998. It makes me wonder if TPS received a complete file.

Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal

Twenty-four hours after Christine Jessop vanished from her small-town home in Queensville in October 1984, a York Regional Police investigator questioned family friend Heather Hoover about the child’s sudden disappearance, but did not interview her husband, Calvin Hoover.

A month later, as the search continued for the nine-year-old girl, her mother Janet Jessop told the same officer that Calvin Hoover was among several friends who would be allowed to enter her home without a family member being in the house.

But the now-deceased Hoover was not once questioned over the decades police probed Jessop’s murder.

From your link-
“The deceased Calvin Hoover has reportedly been depressed for over 30 years,” reads a police occurrence report that summarized the death and noted it was Hoover’s second suicide attempt in less than a year.”

As long as CH didn’t go on to commit more murders, I can’t help but think in one sense justice was better served as there’s a good chance he lived a far more miserable existence if he had a conscience, than if he’d served a sentence a prison in one of Canada’s comfortable penitentiaries. Plus if he had been convicted in the 1980s or 90s, the maximum he’d have served would’ve been 25 years so he’d be released by now. Not that it’s a good thing he wasn’t convicted...but in this case it appears karma succeeded in applying an apt punishment. JMO
Joanne Hoover Obituary - Welland, ON | ObitTree™
The obituary for CH’s 2nd wife, lists her as a stepmother for 4 boys/men with the Hoover last name. That means HH had 4 boys at home to take care of while her husband was out raping and killing a little girl. And she managed to squeeze in working a day job at the same place as CJ’s dad. How was he not needed at home that night? How did he get away with being out for the evening. Taking care of 4 boys would not be easy. He would have been needed at home. In light of today’s Toronto Star article, which says that CH also worked at the cable company with his wife and CJ’s dad, maybe he worked evenings and called in sick? We don’t know what he did there. Maybe he installed cable? Is that something that was done in the evening when people were home from work?

As he apparently was employed by Eastern Telecom, I think it can’t be assumed he had an 9 to 5pm office job. If he was a labourer involved with installation of underground cable service, his job would’ve involved travel to outlying locations in southern areas of Ontario as well, perhaps even overnight stays depending on the service area at the time.

From your link-
“The deceased Calvin Hoover has reportedly been depressed for over 30 years,” reads a police occurrence report that summarized the death and noted it was Hoover’s second suicide attempt in less than a year.”

As long as CH didn’t go on to commit more murders, I can’t help but think in one sense justice was better served as there’s a good chance he lived a far more miserable existence if he had a conscience, than if he’d served a sentence a prison in one of Canada’s comfortable penitentiaries. Plus if he had been convicted in the 1980s or 90s, the maximum he’d have served would’ve been 25 years so he’d be released by now. Not that it’s a good thing he wasn’t convicted...but in this case it appears karma succeeded in applying an apt punishment. JMO
Whenever a perpetrator dies before s/he can be brought to justice, I always make sure to check out the cause of death so I can find comfort in knowing that they suffered a karmic fate.

Highlights are cancer, diabetes (Frank Wypych), car accidents (Clayton Carl Giese, Arthur Raymond Davis), getting shot by police (Jeffrey Lynn Hand), execution (James Otto Earhart, Jerry Walter McFadden), overdose (Philip Cross, Robert Dale Edwards, Donald Cox), suicide (Robert Eugene Brashers, David Mabrito, James Richard Curry, Calvin Hoover), and even homicide (Vernon Parker, Robert Lynn Bradley). Even if Hoover didn’t exactly face justice in this world, at least he didn’t pass away pleasantly. He must’ve figured that it was only a matter of time before the law caught up to him.
Whenever a perpetrator dies before s/he can be brought to justice, I always make sure to check out the cause of death so I can find comfort in knowing that they suffered a karmic fate.

Highlights are cancer, diabetes (Frank Wypych), car accidents (Clayton Carl Giese, Arthur Raymond Davis), getting shot by police (Jeffrey Lynn Hand), execution (James Otto Earhart, Jerry Walter McFadden), overdose (Philip Cross, Robert Dale Edwards, Donald Cox), suicide (Robert Eugene Brashers, David Mabrito, James Richard Curry, Calvin Hoover), and even homicide (Vernon Parker, Robert Lynn Bradley). Even if Hoover didn’t exactly face justice in this world, at least he didn’t pass away pleasantly. He must’ve figured that it was only a matter of time before the law caught up to him.

That’s quite an impressive list, thank you for sharing!
“Heather Hoover, then 27, told Bunce both she and Calvin worked at Markham’s Eastern Telecom with Christine’s father, Robert.”
Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal

The media reports I’ve noticed all say both HH and RJ worked for Eastern Telecom, but not CH as well. Also in the media report above there’s no mention of the telephone call to HH with CJ crying in the background since she couldn’t go along and visit her dad in prison.

Does anyone know how long RJ had been in prison when CJ was murdered? It wouldn’t surprise me if CH unexpectedly dropped by the Jessop house from time to time under the guise of a thoughtful caring friend, as is often the habit of diabolical predators/pedophiles waiting for an opportunity.

From RR, ty to Angleterre

Dad Bob was working as a telephone system installer for Eastern telecom Scarborough in 1984
He was then sent to prison on 17th September 1984

ETA Sept 17 - Oct 3, 1984, 16 days
As he apparently was employed by Eastern Telecom, I think it can’t be assumed he had an 9 to 5pm office job. If he was a labourer involved with installation of underground cable service, his job would’ve involved travel to outlying locations in southern areas of Ontario as well, perhaps even overnight stays depending on the service area at the time.


Wondering if the red plastic chips found on CJ's socks could have been from red conduit or wiring.
Honestly, I don't think he was ever asked. I think he flew under the radar, was never on the radar, and when his name came up as the match to DNA they all asked a collective "WHO?"

I hate kicking LE, but in this case, it was a bad scene from Day 1. They honed in on one person and never looked beyond.

Thank God for DNA. If not for this technology GPM would still be sitting in jail.

I just read the Nov.11 article mentioned above, and that a victims rights group is asking for an investigation into why Calvin Hoover wasn't looked at more at the time as a possible suspect. I am stunned too to read that it was mentioned to LE several times by his wife that he was one of the Jessop's friends who had access to the house, yet he wasn't even interviewed!
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Well, I described a few of them earlier in the thread. Some occurred in the eighties and a few in the nineties, but I believe other posters have mentioned other crimes that occurred after that.

Some of the cases I looked up were Delia Adriano, Jami Fernandez, Kelly Mombouquette, Carrie Potts, Kerrie Anne Brown, Sharmini Anandavel and Lizzie Tomlinson.

All occurred in the same general area. If you google the names you should be able to find some information.
Yes, I see that and I believe LE was going to check into possible other victims of this monster Calvin Hoover!
Wow. What an oversight.

Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal
November 11, 2020.

" Hoover's son had discovered his father's body at their Port Hope home on Aug. 16, 2015, after returning from a wedding.

Hoover had left a message on a yellow sticky note on his bathroom mirror: "Hope you all have a good life," it read.

"The deceased Calvin Hoover has reportedly been depressed for over 30 years," reads a police occurence report that summarized the death and noted it was Hoover's second suicide attempt in less than a year."

Notice that the 'over 30 years' of so-called 'depression' corresponds with the number of years since he had murdered poor Christine in 1984.
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I wonder why CH was among several friends allowed to enter the Jessop home without anyone being there. Especially since many reports by the mother and brother have been that they were close with HH but hardly knew her husband CH. On one hand, they weren’t close with him at all, and on the other, he's described as their friend who was permitted unrestrained access to the home. So bizarre!

"A month later, as the search continued for the nine-year-old girl, her mother Janet Jessop told the same officer that Calvin Hoover was among several friends who would be allowed to enter her home without a family member being in the house.”

Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal
Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal

Based on this, it was more than just a telephone call made on the morning of Christine’s death to HH. The family visited the Hoover home in Scarborough on Oct 1 (2 days before CJ’s her death on Oct 3). Christine evidently thought she’d be visiting her father over Thanksgiving weekend. No wonder she was so upset if she was surprised that she wasn’t permitted to go after all.

Also, was it reported previously that the Hoovers had lived in Scarborough?

I absolutely believe it wasn’t the first time CH had assaulted Christine, given his accessibility to her through visits. (MOO).

"According to the document, Hoover’s now ex-wife Heather told Sgt. Raymond Bunce on Oct. 4, 1984, that Christine had visited the Scarborough home she shared with Calvin Hoover only a few days before, on Oct. 1, alongside her mother Janet and brother Kenney.

“Heather Hoover advised that Christine was in good spirits but was upset about her father being jail. Christine was looking forward to visiting her father on Thanksgiving weekend,” according a summary written by Smith."
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To the best of my knowledge they can ASK for DNA, but no one actually has to provide it to police willingly. Many people will refuse to submit DNA to police for testing even if they're NOT guilty of the crime in question. Why? Well, what if they're not guilty of THIS particular crime, but are guilty of some other atrocity? Or, what if you simply disagree with DNA collection on principle? In those cases, police would have to apply for a warrant to obtain the DNA and then the courts decide whether the person will or won't submit to DNA testing. That said, if I were a criminal, and I knew my DNA might tie me to some other crime, I'd be asking a lawyer to write up a contract stating that the DNA collected could only be used to test against the crime in which I was a person of interest, and then must be destroyed, not used to compare against other crime scenes, or be entered in CODIS etc.

I wonder how many criminals have successfully had such a contract drafted and signed by police and other parties?

Yes, and so if the law stiuplates no access to DNA without a person willingly providing it, or without a search warrant — then I wonder why it’s permitted to be accessed through means of trickery or a discard sample. LE is going to get the sample regardless of the law.
Yes, and so if the law stiuplates no access to DNA without a person willingly providing it, or without a search warrant — then I wonder why it’s permitted to be accessed through means of trickery or a discard sample. LE is going to get the sample regardless of the law.
(My guess) is DNA from a discarded object is the same thing as a fingerprint on an object and no warrant needed
Yes, and so if the law stiuplates no access to DNA without a person willingly providing it, or without a search warrant — then I wonder why it’s permitted to be accessed through means of trickery or a discard sample. LE is going to get the sample regardless of the law.
I have understood for a long time, that it is legal for police to recover items discarded, whether it be the trash, recycling, etc. (Once discarded, the item becomes a free-for-all item.) This has come to light in other cases I have followed, both from way back when DNA technology started being utilized, and more recently.

I guess the thing with retrieving a discarded item would be that the officer in question would have to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury, that it was retrieved without/before contamination could occur, and/or ensure the correct item was retrieved, as opposed to say, a different disposable cup discarded by someone uninvolved, etc. I guess the chances of a suspect's DNA matching a cup discarded by someone else would be unbelievable though?

But for an officer to deliberately trick a suspect into providing DNA through false identity (hairdresser?) and false pretenses (free haircut?), seems like another level, and that it should be disallowed??

OTOH, I suppose sting operations, recordings, jailhouse bunkies, are all really the same type of thing?
Does anybody know what this is actually saying … "That Calvin was with their children” ?

“At this point, Heather Hoover advised that Calvin was with their children, and she had nothing to add to her statement,” reads the summary.

Police were told Calvin Hoover had access to Christine Jessop’s home — but her likely killer was never interviewed, documents reveal
I got from that, that it is part of the officer's summary report when LE was applying for a warrant to obtain DNA from CH's blood sample held at CFS, and that it came from HH's original statement in she had nothing to add and she had to run since her husband had the kids (which might cause one to wonder why she might be concerned about that?????????????)

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