Found Deceased Canada - Genevieve Cormier, 19, St John, NB, 29 Sept 2013 - #2

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Wonder if there has been a report of a missing female from that area recently?
Hi, swedie!

It looks like they now know her identity, but they will not release it. They are saying only that she is between 50 and 60 years of age; and, of course, that no foul play is suspected after the preliminary autopsy.

Here is the link for that info:

It is a very, very short article from a local radio station; so I won't quote anything from it.

Earlier I did read that there were no missing females from the area--that's why they sought public help, I think. How sad is that, really--to think no-one even knew, or bothered to report, this missing soul.

The CBC might have a little more later, but it probably won't be too much, either.
Almost the same size and clothing Yeonee was last seen wearing...high boots,black leather jacket.

Yes, I thought that was interesting, too.

I'll post the pictures so we'll have them here for quick reference.




All above pictures from this link, plus an article:

Only five feet tall, too.

Everything looks to be in good shape. I don't think she could have been in the water long, though maybe they cleaned things up well. This time of year the water is pretty cold, but I don't think it would preserve man-made things.

I wonder what her actual age is--as sometimes they can be a ways off when just approximating from remains. (Sorry to type that.)

It did say salt and pepper hair--so that fits with the 50 to 60 age group.
LE may not want to release her name because the family doesn't want it released. Possibly because this woman may have indicated or attempted suicide at one time or another or may have suffer mental illness. JMO.
LE may not want to release her name because the family doesn't want it released. Possibly because this woman may have indicated or attempted suicide at one time or another or may have suffer mental illness. JMO.
True enough. It seems to me they cared so little about her that they didn't even know she was missing--or bother to report her missing.

Still, not all people respond the same in situations; so it's hard to say.

In all honesty, perhaps they have a point--if given the choice, why release the name of someone they at least once cared about only to have their death publicized as a suicide.

The succinct wording of the articles on this lady are chillingly reminiscent of the early articles written on Shelby Dawn Williams.

Still, what they cannot hide, and what they cannot deny, is that law enforcement has another body found floating at Long Wharf. It raises questions--it should--and I suspect they know that.

However, "the police have concluded their investigation."
It looks like the watch had stopped at 7:05 and no date indicator from what I can see.

I've been thinking a lot about Genevieve this week. It has been a year....and now this!! Perhaps no connection but the same area of the same city, a young woman...i pray she is found safe but I have a sinking feeling in m stomach.

I looked for a WS thread on this young lady but did't see one?

Eta: Nevermind, I see she was found safe :) :
It's been a long time since I've been on this thread so need to refresh myaself on all the details again, but a question before I forget: Looking at these cases backwards, other than suicide, and other than foul play, can anyone provide any plausible scenarios as to how these could be accidents. Tia.
It looks like the watch had stopped at 7:05 and no date indicator from what I can see.
Great catch, Jilly!

IF that is 7:05 am, I think it is worth noting that Yeonhee Choi was last seen at around 6 am.

IF it is 7:05 pm, that would be a slightly new time: Shelby, last seen in the very early morning hours; Genevieve, last seen at approximately 4:15 pm, iirc.

Nothing yet in the middle of the day, though--so, maybe working?

I am so curious to know if there is a connection to the west side of Saint John, in this latest "suicide."

I'm praying one of the more local ladies might drop in. The latest "victim"--and I think it's okay to call her that, whether she was a victim of suicide or a victim of something much more sinister--must have at least had neighbours.
It's been a long time since I've been on this thread so need to refresh myaself on all the details again, but a question before I forget: Looking at these cases backwards, other than suicide, and other than foul play, can anyone provide any plausible scenarios as to how these could be accidents. Tia.
Hi, margarita!

Oh, yes. Just as an example, motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of death each year, and we all know how to drive. Another good example may be an electrician that gets electrocuted. We are all always aware of the dangers surrounding our everyday lives, but can be guilty of having one second of poor judgment, or a lapse of attention, and sometimes that is all it takes.

Now, to be more specific to these cases: Yeonhee and Genevieve were travelling on the same path. I would consider the path safe, although somewhat isolated--it has a firm basin of solid rock beneath it. There are, however, parts of it that are very close to a dangerous body of water. Genevieve would have been especially aware of that fact, as she was from the area and had travelled the path even as a little girl. Yeonhee, perhaps not so aware.

This, imo, is what has to be acknowledged as giving law enforcement their "leg" to stand on--accidents do randomly happen, and Yeonhee and Genevieve were in an area where it could be justifiable.

With Shelby, as with the latest victim, we can't confirm how they ended up floating at Long Wharf. Shelby was last seen in the uptown area, and at the time was actually living within walking distance of it. She had spent some of her childhood being raised on the west side, and did have close relatives still living on the west side, including her young son.

Now, with the suicide theory--that can also conveniently fit. Yeonhee was new to the area and was one of the many millions of women in that age group with a prescription for anti-depressants. Shelby had recently lost her second child, and was seeking help to get her life together. Including Genevieve in a suicide theory is really, really a stretch; but it was put out there and only slightly retracted because it upset her family so much.

With our latest victim--I know without reading another publicized article about it--the "suicide" theory would be hard to dispute. A woman alone--that no-one even bothered to report missing? Oh, yeah. They would say that was suicide and promptly close the books. You can bet on it.

I will add this to support my personal theory--the serial killer scenario. These four victims were all petite women walking alone when last seen. (Okay, I can't be certain that the fourth victim was walking alone when last seen, but I would bet on it.)

The dates and intervals of their deaths fit. He (?) gave the six month intervals a rest, but that is most likely because the heat was on after he took Genevieve. This time, he (?) seems to have chosen with more care.

But even that all fits with a serial killer's modus operandi.

With the greatest respect and heartbreak for all four victims, I will mention that the evil I believe is behind these deaths, is interested only in violence against females. Age doesn't matter. When the urge within him (?) arises, he (?) searches for a female alone--a petite female, one easily overpowered. One that is in a secluded area, or at a time when there just aren't a lot of people up and about. He probably can't sleep until he is sated.

He (?) enjoys reading the press releases of his "suicides."

Of course, this comment is totally a "my opinion only" comment.
Did anyone read the comments at the bottom of this article? I have no idea who the commenter could be referring to other then an elder woman or another woman from Grand Falls, who was suspected of having gone over the Falls last year. Her body was never found. From the Edmundston, NB area? I did a quick search on the Falls woman but found no information. MOO.
Truth,we need a thread dedicated to this.

I cannot say I disagree; however, I want to add how much I appreciate all the leeway we have been given by the moderators--to date--on this thread.

It would almost be a shame to start a new thread now because we do have a lot of information on here, even being allowed to show what we feel connects Genevieve to Shelby and Yeonhee.

Also, being allowed to mention the latest possible victim--matched only by the location of her remains and the timing. (Not small things, though.)

And all the above in spite of the fact that these deaths have been apparently closed as suicides/accidents, which somewhat closes down the discussion! (Perhaps part of the plan, eh?)

Maybe someday--but it will be a long, long time from now--this thread can be moved to the section on serial killers. I doubt that the light of truth will ever be officially allowed to shine on the deaths of these women, but the few details we have gathered will be able speak for themselves. At least in some way.
Did anyone read the comments at the bottom of this article? I have no idea who the commenter could be referring to other then an elder woman or another woman from Grand Falls, who was suspected of having gone over the Falls last year. Her body was never found. From the Edmundston, NB area? I did a quick search on the Falls woman but found no information. MOO.
I came up with the following link, but maybe you have already seen it.

It does appear that she is still missing.

I try to keep any eye on all the missing women in New Brunswick, too. Anything in the months of September and April really peaks my interest. It's hard to pick them out in other cities--if there are any; although I have to admit I suspect there are. That could account for the absences in the dates, which is only a guess on my part, of course.

I'm going to start paying more attention to where "suicides" are occurring in other New Brunswick cities, to see if I can find any patterns--as we are seeing in Saint John.

Fredericton is a city that really interests me.
I was desperately hoping someone would still be following this thread. I've been living in Saint John since 2013 and have been near obsessed with Genevieves case. It is heart wrenching. Her age- near mine when i moved here, her hobbies, her lifestyle, her friends. I hadn't heard of her case until I became close with one of her good friends, and after hearing of her strange strange disappearance, couldn't stop digging for more info. I constantly walk her path home that day and play over in my mind the possible scenarios. 3 years later and I am still where I started- I do not believe Genevieves death was an accident. Too many weird things happen in this city that are overlooked by the public because of the police force. The expected "no foul play" before they even knew her cause of death! Again, I frequent the trail she traveled almost daily, it is not an area apt to accidents unless you are being reckless. (I'm positive she wasn't, she was aware of the danger.) I'm praying someone picks back up on this thread!!
Hello maritimesleuth!

Even though there is not much to follow, I still do. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of Genevieve; and often of Shelby and Yeonhee--even the most recent "unidentified" suicide. How did she really spend her last hours? How did all these women spend their very last hours?

With the exception of Genevieve, law enforcement has closed all these cases as suicides. Out of respect for Genevieve's family, her case was closed as "accidental." However, suicide was strongly implied.

I hope you are very cautious when walking Genevieve's path; and I hope you do not walk it alone.

Yeonhee was last seen heading for the same path, and law enforcement searched it extensively before she was found floating at Long Wharf. Yeonhee and her husband often walked that path.

Shelby went missing from uptown, but she had roots on the west side; and was found floating at Long Wharf, like Yeohnee.
Hello maritimesleuth!

Even though there is not much to follow, I still do. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of Genevieve; and often of Shelby and Yeonhee--even the most recent "unidentified" suicide. How did she really spend her last hours? How did all these women spend their very last hours?

With the exception of Genevieve, law enforcement has closed all these cases as suicides. Out of respect for Genevieve's family, her case was closed as "accidental." However, suicide was strongly implied.

I hope you are very cautious when walking Genevieve's path; and I hope you do not walk it alone.

Yeonhee was last seen heading for the same path, and law enforcement searched it extensively before she was found floating at Long Wharf. Yeonhee and her husband often walked that path.

Shelby went missing from uptown, but she had roots on the west side; and was found floating at Long Wharf, like Yeohnee.

So these cases have been closed and GC's death was ruled accidental? Is her family satisfied with that conclusion or are they pushing for further investigation? These ladies deaths just don't sit right. I think there is more to these cases and here's hoping someone will speak up. JMO.
The other case,if anyone followed it,was Jeffrey Boucher in Ontario.Still don't buy the " suicide".That case still haunts me as much as Genevieve's.
Did anyone read the comments at the bottom of this article? I have no idea who the commenter could be referring to other then an elder woman or another woman from Grand Falls, who was suspected of having gone over the Falls last year. Her body was never found. From the Edmundston, NB area? I did a quick search on the Falls woman but found no information. MOO.
Hi, Swedie!

This lady's body was found in the Saint John river Aug. 5/15. Here is a link to a really short article--which is about all I can find:

The body of a woman found in the St. John River in western New Brunswick last week has been identified as being Murielle Beaulieu, say Edmundston Police.

The Edmundston/Grand Falls area is about a three and a half to four hour drive from Saint John; but the Saint John river runs through it all. So, I find this interesting and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Also, another lady from the same general area went missing July 31/15. She hasn't been found yet. Here is a link with a bit of information about her:

The Edmundston Police Force is still looking for information that may lead to the whereabouts of 44 year-old Jodi Roussell.

We speculated very early on in Genevieve's case that "someone" could be very knowledgeable about waterways; and these cases seem consistent with that. Plus, they stick basically to the "one every six month" theme.

So these cases have been closed and GC's death was ruled accidental? Is her family satisfied with that conclusion or are they pushing for further investigation? These ladies deaths just don't sit right. I think there is more to these cases and here's hoping someone will speak up. JMO.
Concerning Genevieve, all they really said was that foul play had been ruled out. I guess we can decide on our own if we want to call it a suicide or an accident.

My heart goes out to her family--there isn't anything they can do.
The other case,if anyone followed it,was Jeffrey Boucher in Ontario.Still don't buy the " suicide".That case still haunts me as much as Genevieve's.
I hear you, Jilly; some of these cases really get close to our hearts!

Let's light some candles and remember them--I don't know what else to do.


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