CANADA Canada - Jon Michael Riley, 47, Meaford ON, 26, Apr 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Bringing this post by poster FindingJonRiley, over from the BM thread and adding this link, fwiw.
How can storing bodies in planters starting 8 years ago be temporary? I believe he had a different killing location before 2010 in northern Ontario, on the property his family has owned since the 1700s. He likely has many dumping grounds. When I consulted a psychic (I was desperate since police would not investigate) she said my brother Jon Riley, who went missing 4-26-13, was befriended by an older man with a grey beard. They met at a restaurant/pub that had a bear logo over the door. She said there was an accident at a saw mill. The geography she mentioned was the Trent-Port Severn waterway and she thought Trenton and the Warsaw Caves were relevant. She is based in Florida and doesn’t know Canada at all. McArthur was raised on this waterway.
Dog & Bear

1100 Queen St W, Toronto, Ontario
The sign fits the reading but it’s a gay bar. Jon isn’t gay. We didn’t think Jon was connected to the McArthur murders until the police contacted us.
Jon was sexually assaulted by a high school band teacher in the 1980s. The teacher befriended him and groomed him for 1.5 years before the assault. It was devastating to Jon. He didn’t want to admit to friends that it happened. We were forced to change high schools and the teacher was forced out of teaching. It was swept under the rug. Jon was really popular in high school and this incident changed everything. Eventually, the teacher ended up back in the classroom and Jon made it his life mission to get him out of the classroom. Bob Judge was a pedophile who abused many male students over many decades. When Facebook first came out, Jon and I launched a campaign where he came forward about his abuse and with the support of an attorney, we posted and messaged everyone we could at the school (both past and present students.) Bob Judge threatened my brother with attorneys. Eventually, mstudents ended up coming forward. Jon is a hero. He won the case and the teacher was stripped of his teaching license. When people ask if my brother is mentally ill, I have a hard time answering. It is this experience pursuing the teacher that broke my brother. I share this story here so that people have a better picture of who Jon is. Prosecuting the teacher happened just a couple of years before he vanished. At the time of his disappearance, he had just finished a computer job contract and went to Toronto for manual labour. He didn’t bring his computer with him. He wanted to get in shape for the summer. He sailed his boat throughout Georgian Bay and island hopped and camped. He would’ve put his boat in the water at the end of May 2013. He disappeared April 26, 2013. He mentioned to our Mom that he was going to Toronto to meet someone for work. He left a note that he was going to Toronto for a “couple of days.”

When I first read about McArthur bc friends were making the connection, Jon seemed like an unlikely victim. However, he vanished during Project Houston when the Gay Village was under heavy police surveillance. Police were interviewing people in the Village. It was well known at this time that men were going missing. Gay men knew to not even walk home alone at night. It’s unlikely during this time period that McArthur would’ve taken someone from this community. It’s also unlikely that McArthur stopped killing during this period. As soon as Project Houston ended, his victims are from the Village. There is a gap if you look at the McArthur timeline.
Based on information from police, we know Jon is a possible victim. We are holding onto to hope that since they would not have met via a gay bar, or a dating app, that Jon isn’t a victim. Jon did however stay in shelters and his first choice was always the Salvation Army where victim Dean stayed. Dean landscaped for McArthur. The way jobs are solicited in the shelters are postings on a bulletin board and also faxes that would’ve been thrown out. McArthur did generally not leave a paper trail. He recruited laborers from the shelters and then met workers away from the shelter, such as in front of a convenience store. In all of the papers the emphasis on Dean is that he is a sex worker. This is true. But he was primarily someone who did odd jobs and he also volunteered serving meals and from everything people have shared with me, he was a nice guy who worked hard. Jon is a really nice guy and isn’t suspicious of people. He is extremely helpful and is a very hard worker. We can see him being lured into a landscaping job with McArthur.

I hope sharing this information helps understand how Jon may have crossed paths with McArthur, but I also hope it helps brainstorm other possibilities for Jon’s disappearance. Since Jon and I were in the middle of writing a project, there is no way he just vacated his life. We were in the middle of email exchanges when communication abruptly stopped. He has 2 sisters in Hawaii. He visited us often and would’ve come here if he wanted a break from his life. He was excited about boat season coming up. He has a close relationship with my son who is now 11.
Police in Canada do not investigate missing persons. We couldn’t even get a report filed for weeks and weeks. Jon was not listed in the RCMP national databae of missing persons for over 1.5 years. There is therefore a chance that something happened during that year and if they checked the missing persons database he wouldn’t have shown up — for instance if he was in an accident. He has a Hawaiian driver’s License so he could’ve been mistaken for an American if there was an accident. Jon also didn’t have a cell phone. He left his ATM card at home and only had cash on him. He was obviously just visiting Toronto for a weekend. Jon traveled all over the world, but he always took a long time planning these trips. We knew when he was gong and he always sent postcards and handwritten letters during his travels.

When Jon vanished, it was a break from his regular patterns. It was obvious that something happened, which is why it’s so infuriating that police refused to investigate.

Right now, we are waiting on DNA tests to see if he is one of McArthur’s victims that have already been found in the pots. There’s a chance that McArthur has multiple burial areas and we may never find Jon’s remains if he is a victim.

I’m happy to answer any questions and I appreciate everyone's help. I have been searching for my brother for almost 5 years and the last few weeks have been unbearable.
Published on Nov 5, 2014
Missing: JONATHAN MICHAEL RILEY D.O.B.: July 3, 1966 Date reported missing: December 10, 2013 Last seen: On or about May 1, 2013 Location: Meaford, Ontario Contact to report tips: Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) 1-888-310-1122 or Grey County OPP 519-794-7827 (dispatch centre) “Mom gone to Toronto for a couple of days. Got my GST.” That was the last note Jon Riley wrote to anyone before disappearing more than a year ago. When Riley didn’t return after a couple of days, his mother was not alarmed, assuming he had decided to stay in Toronto. It was his younger sister Judi who realized something was wrong when she didn’t get her regular emails from her brother. She said she had a family friend living in Toronto file the missing person report through Toronto’s 22 Division. Almost a year and a half later, the family is devastated to learn through the fifth estate that Riley was never entered into the RCMP’s national missing persons website


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The sign fits the reading but it’s a gay bar. Jon isn’t gay. We didn’t think Jon was connected to the McArthur murders until the police contacted us.
Jon was sexually assaulted by a high school band teacher in the 1980s. The teacher befriended him and groomed him for 1.5 years before the assault. It was devastating to Jon. He didn’t want to admit to friends that it happened. We were forced to change high schools and the teacher was forced out of teaching. It was swept under the rug. Jon was really popular in high school and this incident changed everything. Eventually, the teacher ended up back in the classroom and Jon made it his life mission to get him out of the classroom. Bob Judge was a pedophile who abused many male students over many decades. When Facebook first came out, Jon and I launched a campaign where he came forward about his abuse and with the support of an attorney, we posted and messaged everyone we could at the school (both past and present students.) Bob Judge threatened my brother with attorneys. Eventually, mstudents ended up coming forward. Jon is a hero. He won the case and the teacher was stripped of his teaching license. When people ask if my brother is mentally ill, I have a hard time answering. It is this experience pursuing the teacher that broke my brother. I share this story here so that people have a better picture of who Jon is. Prosecuting the teacher happened just a couple of years before he vanished. At the time of his disappearance, he had just finished a computer job contract and went to Toronto for manual labour. He didn’t bring his computer with him. He wanted to get in shape for the summer. He sailed his boat throughout Georgian Bay and island hopped and camped. He would’ve put his boat in the water at the end of May 2013. He disappeared April 26, 2013. He mentioned to our Mom that he was going to Toronto to meet someone for work. He left a note that he was going to Toronto for a “couple of days.”

When I first read about McArthur bc friends were making the connection, Jon seemed like an unlikely victim. However, he vanished during Project Houston when the Gay Village was under heavy police surveillance. Police were interviewing people in the Village. It was well known at this time that men were going missing. Gay men knew to not even walk home alone at night. It’s unlikely during this time period that McArthur would’ve taken someone from this community. It’s also unlikely that McArthur stopped killing during this period. As soon as Project Houston ended, his victims are from the Village. There is a gap if you look at the McArthur timeline.
Based on information from police, we know Jon is a possible victim. We are holding onto to hope that since they would not have met via a gay bar, or a dating app, that Jon isn’t a victim. Jon did however stay in shelters and his first choice was always the Salvation Army where victim Dean stayed. Dean landscaped for McArthur. The way jobs are solicited in the shelters are postings on a bulletin board and also faxes that would’ve been thrown out. McArthur did generally not leave a paper trail. He recruited laborers from the shelters and then met workers away from the shelter, such as in front of a convenience store. In all of the papers the emphasis on Dean is that he is a sex worker. This is true. But he was primarily someone who did odd jobs and he also volunteered serving meals and from everything people have shared with me, he was a nice guy who worked hard. Jon is a really nice guy and isn’t suspicious of people. He is extremely helpful and is a very hard worker. We can see him being lured into a landscaping job with McArthur.

I hope sharing this information helps understand how Jon may have crossed paths with McArthur, but I also hope it helps brainstorm other possibilities for Jon’s disappearance. Since Jon and I were in the middle of writing a project, there is no way he just vacated his life. We were in the middle of email exchanges when communication abruptly stopped. He has 2 sisters in Hawaii. He visited us often and would’ve come here if he wanted a break from his life. He was excited about boat season coming up. He has a close relationship with my son who is now 11.
Police in Canada do not investigate missing persons. We couldn’t even get a report filed for weeks and weeks. Jon was not listed in the RCMP national databae of missing persons for over 1.5 years. There is therefore a chance that something happened during that year and if they checked the missing persons database he wouldn’t have shown up — for instance if he was in an accident. He has a Hawaiian driver’s License so he could’ve been mistaken for an American if there was an accident. Jon also didn’t have a cell phone. He left his ATM card at home and only had cash on him. He was obviously just visiting Toronto for a weekend. Jon traveled all over the world, but he always took a long time planning these trips. We knew when he was gong and he always sent postcards and handwritten letters during his travels.

When Jon vanished, it was a break from his regular patterns. It was obvious that something happened, which is why it’s so infuriating that police refused to investigate.

Right now, we are waiting on DNA tests to see if he is one of McArthur’s victims that have already been found in the pots. There’s a chance that McArthur has multiple burial areas and we may never find Jon’s remains if he is a victim.

I’m happy to answer any questions and I appreciate everyone's help. I have been searching for my brother for almost 5 years and the last few weeks have been unbearable.
Thank you for your strength in writing this. It is understandable that this is an emotional and unbearable time for you. I admire your fight immensely. In my opinion, your thought process is bang on as to what could have happened to your brother. His disappearance sounds so out of his usual pattern, and there's a disconnect between his behaviour and communication at the time, and then him vanishing. The similarities between him and Dean and their search for work, etc, can't go unnoticed either. I hope the TPS is now taking his investigation seriously.

As for your brother's mental health, he experienced an incredible amount of trauma. The trauma of the assault, the trauma of the betrayal, and the trauma of the fight to prosecute. All of this undoubtedly affects someone's emotional and mental wellbeing, but does not mean they are low functioning, irresponsible, or self destructive. What I'm saying is, I don't believe your brother chose to disappear or faced danger by his own doing. He sounds like an amazing person with a ton of resiliency.
Thank you for your note. Yes You’ve perfectly expressed Jon’s journey.

Weirdly, the school is Etobicoke CI and McArthur is currently being held in a facility in Etobicoke.

It was actually 2 band teachers who committed the assaults and many teachers knew about their actions but wouldn’t come forward. The other band teacher also molested students, and was married. When he died, they name the gym after the second pedophile, Don Strathdee. I admire Jon’s courage in pursuing this for decades. I also have so much respect for the other students who came forward. Here is one of many letters Jon received from Bob Judge’s attorneys over the years:plus the Facebook message Jon sent to as many people as he could.
“Subject: Bob Judge

My name is Jon Riley. I went to Etobicoke Collegiate in 1981. In grade 10 a music teacher, Bob Judge, sexually assaulted me in his home. I heard stories of another music teacher named Don Strathdee doing the same thing. If you have heard of anyone else that was assaulted by either of these teachers please contact the Toronto Police which are investigating Also I am suing Bob Judge for damages and need other victims to come forward to help my case, victim or someone with information. In confidence you can email my lawyer at The victims can go by a John Doe name and be represented by my lawyer at no costs and submit a claim too.

Jon Riley


Dear Ms. Jellinek,
We have been retained by Robert Judge to assist him in protecting his reputation while the unfounded allegations against him are being reviewed by the authorities.

We are writing you to advise you that Jon Riley has posted a false and defamatory message on Facebook (see below) that indicates you are his counsel and that you have endorsed the Facebook posting.We have now confirmed that you do act for him and we demand that the Facebook posting and any other public allegations by Mr. Riley against Mr. Judge be removed immediately.

We trust that you are aware that similar allegations were made by Mr. Riley against Mr. Judge twice in the past; once in the late 1980's and again in the early 1990's. On both occasions the School Board concluded the allegations were without foundation. Accordingly, Mr. Judge has been entitled to teach at the Etobicoke Collegiate continuously since the 1970's up until Mr. Riley again made these false allegations.

While we understand that Mr. Riley has complained privately to the authorities, Mr. Riley has no right to make and disseminate public allegations without risking being liable in damages for defaming Mr. Judge.

To the extent that you are responsible for, or have endorsed, the public dissemination of these allegations our client will be holding you responsible for the considerable personal and professional damage to Mr.Judge's reputation and career.

Please advise Mr. Riley that out client also holds him responsible for the considerable personal and professional damage he has caused to Mr.Judge's reputation and career.

The allegations against Mr. Judge are entirely without foundation and have done, and continue to do, irreparable harm to his reputation.

Again, we demand on behalf of Mr. Judge that the Facebook and any other public allegations against Mr. Judge be removed immediately.

Our client reserves the right to put this email before a court in support of his claim for damages and /or costs against you or Mr. Riley if so advised.

I would be pleased to discuss this with you if that would be of assistance. In any event, please advise immediately if you and or your client are prepared to remove the Facebook posting and any other similar postings or public allegations immediately.

We would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this email.


Yours Sincerely,
Peter Jacobsen”
The sign fits the reading but it’s a gay bar. Jon isn’t gay. We didn’t think Jon was connected to the McArthur murders until the police contacted us.
Jon was sexually assaulted by a high school band teacher in the 1980s. The teacher befriended him and groomed him for 1.5 years before the assault. It was devastating to Jon. He didn’t want to admit to friends that it happened. We were forced to change high schools and the teacher was forced out of teaching. It was swept under the rug. Jon was really popular in high school and this incident changed everything. Eventually, the teacher ended up back in the classroom and Jon made it his life mission to get him out of the classroom. Bob Judge was a pedophile who abused many male students over many decades. When Facebook first came out, Jon and I launched a campaign where he came forward about his abuse and with the support of an attorney, we posted and messaged everyone we could at the school (both past and present students.) Bob Judge threatened my brother with attorneys. Eventually, mstudents ended up coming forward. Jon is a hero. He won the case and the teacher was stripped of his teaching license. When people ask if my brother is mentally ill, I have a hard time answering. It is this experience pursuing the teacher that broke my brother. I share this story here so that people have a better picture of who Jon is. Prosecuting the teacher happened just a couple of years before he vanished. At the time of his disappearance, he had just finished a computer job contract and went to Toronto for manual labour. He didn’t bring his computer with him. He wanted to get in shape for the summer. He sailed his boat throughout Georgian Bay and island hopped and camped. He would’ve put his boat in the water at the end of May 2013. He disappeared April 26, 2013. He mentioned to our Mom that he was going to Toronto to meet someone for work. He left a note that he was going to Toronto for a “couple of days.”

When I first read about McArthur bc friends were making the connection, Jon seemed like an unlikely victim. However, he vanished during Project Houston when the Gay Village was under heavy police surveillance. Police were interviewing people in the Village. It was well known at this time that men were going missing. Gay men knew to not even walk home alone at night. It’s unlikely during this time period that McArthur would’ve taken someone from this community. It’s also unlikely that McArthur stopped killing during this period. As soon as Project Houston ended, his victims are from the Village. There is a gap if you look at the McArthur timeline.
Based on information from police, we know Jon is a possible victim. We are holding onto to hope that since they would not have met via a gay bar, or a dating app, that Jon isn’t a victim. Jon did however stay in shelters and his first choice was always the Salvation Army where victim Dean stayed. Dean landscaped for McArthur. The way jobs are solicited in the shelters are postings on a bulletin board and also faxes that would’ve been thrown out. McArthur did generally not leave a paper trail. He recruited laborers from the shelters and then met workers away from the shelter, such as in front of a convenience store. In all of the papers the emphasis on Dean is that he is a sex worker. This is true. But he was primarily someone who did odd jobs and he also volunteered serving meals and from everything people have shared with me, he was a nice guy who worked hard. Jon is a really nice guy and isn’t suspicious of people. He is extremely helpful and is a very hard worker. We can see him being lured into a landscaping job with McArthur.

I hope sharing this information helps understand how Jon may have crossed paths with McArthur, but I also hope it helps brainstorm other possibilities for Jon’s disappearance. Since Jon and I were in the middle of writing a project, there is no way he just vacated his life. We were in the middle of email exchanges when communication abruptly stopped. He has 2 sisters in Hawaii. He visited us often and would’ve come here if he wanted a break from his life. He was excited about boat season coming up. He has a close relationship with my son who is now 11.
Police in Canada do not investigate missing persons. We couldn’t even get a report filed for weeks and weeks. Jon was not listed in the RCMP national databae of missing persons for over 1.5 years. There is therefore a chance that something happened during that year and if they checked the missing persons database he wouldn’t have shown up — for instance if he was in an accident. He has a Hawaiian driver’s License so he could’ve been mistaken for an American if there was an accident. Jon also didn’t have a cell phone. He left his ATM card at home and only had cash on him. He was obviously just visiting Toronto for a weekend. Jon traveled all over the world, but he always took a long time planning these trips. We knew when he was gong and he always sent postcards and handwritten letters during his travels.

When Jon vanished, it was a break from his regular patterns. It was obvious that something happened, which is why it’s so infuriating that police refused to investigate.

Right now, we are waiting on DNA tests to see if he is one of McArthur’s victims that have already been found in the pots. There’s a chance that McArthur has multiple burial areas and we may never find Jon’s remains if he is a victim.

I’m happy to answer any questions and I appreciate everyone's help. I have been searching for my brother for almost 5 years and the last few weeks have been unbearable.

Thank your for sharing these very personal details about your brother.
I can't imagine what you and the rest of your family have been going through. While this is understandably difficult for you over these past couple of months, hopefully the end result will be finding out what happened to your wonderful brother Jon.

Everyone, let's keep this case in the forefront in order to shake more information loose!
We just found the exact date of Jon’s disappearance: Friday April 26, 2013
If you can help,
We are seeking 3 things right now:
1) a list of all events that happened the weekend of his disappearance in toronto
2) advice on how to get medical records. Privacy laws have blocked us
3) a list of all missing men in ontario for the time period of Project Houston 11/2012 to 4/14
Thank you 🙏

Should we ask one of the Mods to change the thread's title to indicate April 26, 2013 instead of May 1, 2013?
April 3 2018
I’m hoping someone in Meaford saw Jon before his disappearance and would be willing to speak with me. People may hold clues and don’t realize they have information that can help us.” Judi says that Jon had a sailboat at the harbour and spent summers sailing and camping in Georgian Bay. Prior to his going missing, Judi says he was looking forward to another sailing season.
Riley was described as 175 centimetres tall, weighing 100 kgs, medium build, brown hair, with brown eyes. He would now be 52 years old. It is not known what type of clothing he was wearing. He may have been heading to Hawaii, Ottawa, or Toronto.
No disrespect, but are you 100% sure that Jon was not gay? I just ask because my own brother is gay and took 35 yrs to come out with it.
Always good to see a newspaper sharing our brother’s photo and info. Just an FYI — Police didn’t make the press release until December 2013 and they didn’t take the missing persons report until October 2013 — even withrepeated phone calls and visits to a Toronto police station. Jon disappeared during Project Houston. We should’ve been told about the men disappearing from the Village.
Please get your hands on his equa and trw finance reports from the months leading up to and after April of that fateful year. Following the money, will prove extremely helpful..Xoxo IOW if he did work for him, there will be a record of checks cashed hopefully. Scour his credit record from as many companies as possible.
Privacy laws in Canada prevent families from accessing any of this. This is precisely why laws need to change! A forensic search of accounting is crucial to finding missing persons.
Without incriminating ourselves, I will just comment that this experience has taught us how to access the inaccessible. We weren’t successful in finding any clues from this information.
If there’s anything related to BM, he would’ve paid cash. BM does not leave a paper trail.

We still need to access his medical records from his shoulder surgery <modsnip>
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