Canada - Liana White, 29, Edmonton AB, 12 July 2005 - #1

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First...I hope someone will take good notes on the press conference:

Some thinking out loud (yes, stream of consciousness too)

"Michael White last saw his 29-year-old wife, who is four months pregnant and has a two-year-old daughter, about 6:15 a.m. Tuesday, as she left for work as a clerk at the Royal Alexandra Hospital."

Did "he" say he saw her last at 6:15am when she left for work, were those his words, his statement. My feeling is that Darryl (the city worker) was taking a bus to work, probably his everyday schedule and it seems he would know when he would have to get to that bus, what time he left home to walk to the bus and so on (did the bus driver see him get on the bus at the stop.) Probably a fairly good witness. Olah, did she have a regular gym schedule. If so, she probably knew her routine and timing, plus it is said that she called on her way to and from work (were these calls recorded, most are.) My thinking is that almost anyone out at 5 to 6:15am had a "schedule" and could pin down times when they saw that vehicle fairly closely.

IF they all collaborate seeing that vehicle prior to 6:15am (5am, 5:50, 5:55), and IF the husband intimated that she was "just leaving for work" at 6:15am, we really do have very serious problem to get beyond i.e. his word is disputed by a number of witnesses to that empty vehicle.

The shoes...those have bothered me... Did she walk around that park for exercise everday early? If so, had she put her shoes down to switch to her walking shoes (for exercise?) But the anonymous neighbor said she left for work at 6:15 am daily. The neighbor didn't say, "she left at 4:45, went walking, came home, got ready for work, then left at 6:15am" Of course, maybe she wasn't asked that? Or maybe that wasn't known. But...did the husband offer that? No, it appears "he saw her well and leaving for work at 6:15am" - or so those words have been attributed to him.

Honestly...nailing down the witnesses, clarifying his statement takes care of a whole lot in terms of where to look for the perp first. IF there is no confusion when those things are looked at (and that shouldn't take long if you have people on a schedule who can back their statements), then the rest is what he did and where her body is now.

Hopefully the news conference will clarify whether the witness statements are correct. My gut feeling might be that the police are already very clear on a few things and maybe they are just letting the perp have a few days of free time to see if they will point him towards where the body is by some of his actions. I hate to say it... ON THE OTHER HAND...if the witness statements are not trustworthy, I guess then I look at everything else far more closely.

Questions in the meanwhile:
1 How visible is this parking area where the car was found, and from how many angles. How many commuters are commuting at that time in the am.
2 How many perps are perping at 5am in the morning
3 Why did she pull off there, were there other safe road side stops besides that park
4 Is it daylight at 5am in Edmonton
5 It seems like only a stranger would dare anything in a well lit and well seen place, but 5 am in the morning, 5:55am?
6 How many hours were her shifts? Why get up two hours before the shift and be out of the house if it is a long day (my daughter's shifts are twelve hours.) Most moms of a toddler would conserve their energy for their little one wouldn't they? The baby would be sleeping when she got ready for work, so save the energy by getting up a little later, and having the energy for the little one after work?

We know a neighbor saw her the night before when Ashley was petting the dog. The only other person to see her after that was who, husband? Who spoke to her on the telephone last?

We also had a neighbor conjecture, "Maybe they had a fight?" Has this neighbor heard one before or was this a typical reasonable guess.

Based on what we know so far with the witnesses, hate to say it, but my guess would be an imminent arrest of the husband BUT...could they arrest him without any other evidence?

Waiting for our "Edmonton" news conference listener's reports.

nightowl said:
"The driver's door was wide open and Ms. White's purse and keys remained inside. Her wallet was missing and her identification and shoes were scattered around the parking lot. More identification was found in the northwest corner of the ballpark and her cellphone was found switched off in the grass about 15 metres from the SUV."

Here's another detail about the keys: "Police received a call yesterday morning after someone reported seeing a suspicious vehicle parked in a gravel parking lot next to a soccer field. They found Liana White's brown Ford Explorer with a door wide open and keys inside, but not in the ignition."

If the keys were not in the ignition, then it looks like she pulled over and took her keys. I'm still leaning towards the possibility that someone tried to pull her over by flashing her lights to suggest that she had a flat tire or something. It looks like she pulled over, got out of her car with cell phone and wallet in hand and then someone grabbed her. He put her in his car and as he was leaving he threw the phone and the ID out the window.
Yup, weight adjusted to 150 pounds. I had the same questions as Tybee. If those were recent pictures of Lianne, her face was so slender that it definitely defied a 5'4" 4 month pregnant woman at 190 pounds.

Mabel said:
If whoever abducted her was pretending to be a police officer, she may have taken her wallet out of her purse to show her driver's license. I can't understand why the police are saying there was no sign of a struggle. Don't her belongings scattered all over the place indicate that there WAS a struggle?
That's exactly what I was thinking. If I was being pulled over by an officer, I would immediately grab my wallet to pull my driver's license out. Maybe she still had her wallet in her hand when she was grabbed and just didn't let go of it. If the shoes were slip on type, they may have just fallen off as she resisted him. Or maybe she took off running while still holding her wallet and grabbed her phone to try and call for help but the person caught up w/ her and grabbed her. The phone was taken from her, switch turned off and thrown and some of her identification fell from her wallet that was clutched in her other hand and maybe went unnoticed. Her shoes came off as she was dragged away.

Just my opinion . . . .
>>Her shoes came off as she was dragged away.<<

I believe the reports so far indicate no evidence of dragging.
FacTink said:
First...I hope someone will take good notes on the press conference:

Some thinking out loud (yes, stream of consciousness too)

"Michael White last saw his 29-year-old wife, who is four months pregnant and has a two-year-old daughter, about 6:15 a.m. Tuesday, as she left for work as a clerk at the Royal Alexandra Hospital."

Did "he" say he saw her last at 6:15am when she left for work, were those his words, his statement. My feeling is that Darryl (the city worker) was taking a bus to work, probably his everyday schedule and it seems he would know when he would have to get to that bus, what time he left home to walk to the bus and so on (did the bus driver see him get on the bus at the stop.) Probably a fairly good witness. Olah, did she have a regular gym schedule. If so, she probably knew her routine and timing, plus it is said that she called on her way to and from work (were these calls recorded, most are.) My thinking is that almost anyone out at 5 to 6:15am had a "schedule" and could pin down times when they saw that vehicle fairly closely.

IF they all collaborate seeing that vehicle prior to 6:15am (5am, 5:50, 5:55), and IF the husband intimated that she was "just leaving for work" at 6:15am, we really do have very serious problem to get beyond i.e. his word is disputed by a number of witnesses to that empty vehicle.

The shoes...those have bothered me... Did she walk around that park for exercise everday early? If so, had she put her shoes down to switch to her walking shoes (for exercise?) But the anonymous neighbor said she left for work at 6:15 am daily. The neighbor didn't say, "she left at 4:45, went walking, came home, got ready for work, then left at 6:15am" Of course, maybe she wasn't asked that? Or maybe that wasn't known. But...did the husband offer that? No, it appears "he saw her well and leaving for work at 6:15am" - or so those words have been attributed to him.

Honestly...nailing down the witnesses, clarifying his statement takes care of a whole lot in terms of where to look for the perp first. IF there is no confusion when those things are looked at (and that shouldn't take long if you have people on a schedule who can back their statements), then the rest is what he did and where her body is now.

Hopefully the news conference will clarify whether the witness statements are correct. My gut feeling might be that the police are already very clear on a few things and maybe they are just letting the perp have a few days of free time to see if they will point him towards where the body is by some of his actions. I hate to say it... ON THE OTHER HAND...if the witness statements are not trustworthy, I guess then I look at everything else far more closely.

Questions in the meanwhile:
1 How visible is this parking area where the car was found, and from how many angles. How many commuters are commuting at that time in the am.
2 How many perps are perping at 5am in the morning
3 Why did she pull off there, were there other safe road side stops besides that park
4 Is it daylight at 5am in Edmonton
5 It seems like only a stranger would dare anything in a well lit and well seen place, but 5 am in the morning, 5:55am?
6 How many hours were her shifts? Why get up two hours before the shift and be out of the house if it is a long day (my daughter's shifts are twelve hours.) Most moms of a toddler would conserve their energy for their little one wouldn't they? The baby would be sleeping when she got ready for work, so save the energy by getting up a little later, and having the energy for the little one after work?

We know a neighbor saw her the night before when Ashley was petting the dog. The only other person to see her after that was who, husband? Who spoke to her on the telephone last?

We also had a neighbor conjecture, "Maybe they had a fight?" Has this neighbor heard one before or was this a typical reasonable guess.

Based on what we know so far with the witnesses, hate to say it, but my guess would be an imminent arrest of the husband BUT...could they arrest him without any other evidence?

Waiting for our "Edmonton" news conference listener's reports.


I've heard that the early morning hours are dangerous, don't remember where. 5 a.m., it's still pretty dark even with daylight savings time. Sunrise is at about 5:20 although the sun isn't really up yet for another hour.

There are similarities and differences to the Mark Hacking case. Differences are that they already had children, Mike White has a job and hasn't mislead anyone about what he does or plans to do. They lived in a family oriented neighbourhood for the last four years.

They've already searched the house and neighbourhood, making it clear that in any missing person case it's standard procedure to immediately do that. I'm sure they're still questioned Mike, going over all the details over and over again hoping that he'll remember something new.
FacTink said:
Yup, weight adjusted to 150 pounds. I had the same questions as Tybee. If those were recent pictures of Lianne, her face was so slender that it definitely defied a 5'4" 4 month pregnant woman at 190 pounds.


One of the pictures on TV showed her face as being rounder so I think the picture on the news is probably from when she is not pregnant.

Here's a link: (hope that link works)
This is so scary and sad!

I live only minutes away from the park where her SUV was found! My Grandson plays in that park almost every day! :( My grand daughter was born this past July 1st in the hospital where she works.

I feel just sick that her purse and other personal items were found, it doesn't look too good!

ETA I could go and take a bunch of picture of the park if anyone wants to see the area?

Anyone know when the news conference is? Has it been held? Is anyone reporting on this?

Hello karmarama,
I know what it feels like to have these tragedies hit so close. We STILL have the case of a murdered 18 year old in a "freeway commuter parking lot" near here that has never been solved. It makes me so sick for this girls family. Someone knows who did it, they have not been brought to justice, and this always feels very wrong to me. I still don't like driving by that place, I always think of this young girl. I always wonder WHY the perp has not been busted.

Yes karmarama, if you can take some pictures in and around that area, the streets, parking lot, the bus stops, anything that can help us get a clearer idea...that would be helpful. However, having said that...we might want to wait until the news conference today.

In the meanwhile, can anyone clarify to us whether corroborating witnesses, such as those that defy Mr. White's story, can be reason for suspecting/arresting him?

I don't want to condemn anyone before the truth is known, but witness times and White's time are as different as day and night so far.

FacTink said:

Anyone know when the news conference is? Has it been held? Is anyone reporting on this?

In the meanwhile, can anyone clarify to us whether corroborating witnesses, such as those that defy Mr. White's story, can be reason for suspecting/arresting him?

I don't want to condemn anyone before the truth is known, but witness times and White's time are as different as day and night so far.


If there is a news conference, it won't be on the news until the 6 o'clock news. Mike White can't be arrested unless there is sufficient evidence to hold him. It could take weeks before it's all sorted out but if Mike had anything to do with it, he will be arrested. If he is held for questioning, he can get up and walk out anytime he wants until he is arrested. The conflicting times could be evidence that another vehicle was parked in the area earlier, but until they know for sure that it was Liana's vehicle, it doesn't mean much. There were surriellance cameras on one of the parking lots, but not the lot where her vehicle was found. I'm pretty sure that Mike would have been taken in for questioning and during that time there would be a tape recorder and camera on him. If Mike did something with his wife, that evidence will become useful over time.
I just noticed... Laci, Lori & Liana :eek:

If her husband is involved this is just spooky.

I don't blame you for not wanting to drive by the place where the 18 year old girl was murdered :( it's very frustrating knowing that there are so many criminals out there, free to commit more crimes! let's hope that case gets solved soon or later!

I will wait for the news conference first :) if there is nothing new, I will go and take some pictures.
BTW Cassy gal...

I didn't have a chance to tell you that I found your earlier comments quite interesting AND I didn't miss them! ...i.e.

>>"Who ever has her, or if she is out there and you see me, or see this, just stay there and we will find you. I will find you."<<

'just stay there' = don't you dare surface?

'I will find you' = I know where you are?

I still struggle with the speech in the above. In the meanwhile, "I will find you." Has Mike been looking for Lianne? I know he has thanked others for doing so.

Missing mom not criminal investigation: Police News Staff
Thu. Jul. 14 2005

Edmonton police say they are not treating the disappearance of a young pregnant mother as a criminal investigation...yet.

Liana White, 29, failed to show up for work Tuesday morning. Her car, containing her personal belongings, was found abandoned in a parking lot near her home.

Her disappearance has prompted an intense search by police and civilian volunteers in the couple's suburban Edmonton neighbourhood.

Police say although her disappearance is suspicious and out of character, they are currently treating the case as a missing person's file.

They say while there is no identified suspect, they can't rule out anybody at this stage.

"In all reality we have to take a look at everybody who has something to do with her life," Acting Inspector Jamie Ewatski told CTV News.

"Whether its close family members, parents, or friends at work, we have to look at everybody."

Police say they have found no evidence of a struggle or that a crime took place.

Edmonton disappearance still a mystery

The Canadian Press
Thursday, July 14

Police in Edmonton say they're getting lots of tips, but still don't know what happened to a woman who disappeared on her way to work.

Twenty-nine-year-old Liana White, pregnant with her second child, has been missing since Tuesday morning.

Acting Inspector Jamie Ewatski says police have found no evidence of foul play and are still treating it as a missing person case.

White's SUV was found abandoned not far from her home, but all her belongings, including bank cards and credits, have apparently been accounted for.

There have been conflicting reports from witnesses about when White's vehicle was first spotted.

Ewatski says investigators are checking all accounts thoroughly in order to get an accurate timeline around her disappearance.
FacTink said:
>>Her shoes came off as she was dragged away.<<

I believe the reports so far indicate no evidence of dragging.
Ok, then maybe she was carried away kicking which caused her shoes to come off.
Casshew said:
That's a lot of dead women.... :eek: the article states the police have nothing to link them to the same killer, why is their no DNA or other evidence?
There's over 80 missing and unsolved murders in Alberta, especially Edmonton area since early 80's. THEY'RE JUST NOW talking about it potentially being the SAME person. Pssssss's me off. And many of the girls were dumped almost in our back yard just south of Sherwood Park. They refuse to call it a serial killer though. GO FIGURE :waitasec: :rolleyes:
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