GUILTY Canada - Liana White, 29, Edmonton AB, 12 July 2005 - #4

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I was following the Liana White thread (thanks to all of you who have kept us up-to-date on that). I was wondering if there have been any further developments, any news, etc.

Thanks in advance!
Daisy said:
I was following the Liana White thread (thanks to all of you who have kept us up-to-date on that). I was wondering if there have been any further developments, any news, etc.

Thanks in advance!
Autopsy is being done this morning at 9am, last I heard.
There's a few new posts in the discussion thread.
I, too, have been following this case, and unfortunately as many of us suspected, the husband has been arrested. :(
I have missed completely everything on this! I didn't know she had been found nor that her husband has been arrested! Do you have any links to media coverage on this that I can read?

BTW, thanks for responding!

PS: I'll peek in at the discussion thread as well. Thanks!
The thread has been moved to the Missing/Located Discussion Forum.
Thanks! Found it! PrayersForMaura - so far they've got some good media links there...I'll snoop around there. Thanks again, you guys!
Windchime ... I like your Minnie Mouse! Are you getting married?? I would assume that is why you're counting days and if so, congrats to you!!! :)
Ok -- I want to pose this question again: If Liana's body is too decomposed to determine a cause of death, then how can her body show signs of a struggle?

And based on this info, how did LE come up with a charge of 2nd degree? I'm thinking that Michael spilled some details, and LE based the charge on that. He probably made up some big sob story about what happened.

Should be interesting to see if he pleads guilty/not guilty.

Also, Jess's news conference post is a helpful reference; I bumped it up on the last page of part 3.
Originally Posted by PrayersForMaura
The "wounds so tiny" thing bugs me too.
And the fact that her body must have realy been decomposing if dental records had to be used to identify her.
I am speculating that the wounds so tiny, refers to strangulation marks on the neck which after rigormortus and extreme decomposation, shows up as tiny prick marks.

What bugs me is the comment, that other wounds possibly did not attribute to death, which wants me to think, it was of a sexual nature to look like a sexual predator.
spygirl said:
Ok -- I want to pose this question again: If Liana's body is too decomposed to determine a cause of death, then how can her body show signs of a struggle?

And based on this info, how did LE come up with a charge of 2nd degree? I'm thinking that Michael spilled some details, and LE based the charge on that. He probably made up some big sob story about what happened.

Should be interesting to see if he pleads guilty/not guilty.

Also, Jess's news conference post is a helpful reference; I bumped it up on the last page of part 3.
I agree- the first thing that comes to my mind as I think about this is if the body was so decomposed and there were tiny marks and so on- he had to have thought about this ahead of do you hatch such an elaborate-fool proof cover up without having a criminal mind? How do you go thru thre motions of grief and shock and anger if you had not premeditated how to get away with a murder?
I do not understand anyone getting second degree murder if they engage in an elaborate coverup-right there it tells me something about the persons ability and intention to deceive.
How do you pull off a perfect "cover-up" (so that you cannot be charged with a type of murder), if you have never thought ahead how to do that?
I know what everyone will be saying..he is guilty of a first degree coverup not first degree murder..but still I wouldnt know how to do it without research..
I hope they find a way to throw the book at this guy and lock him up for many years to come.

As Caas said, the creep should come clean and stop playing games so that the family can know what the hey happened and begin to heal. I bet he is counting on convincing a jury he did not do it.
Police stymied by cause of death..they may never know.
EDMONTON -- An important piece of the puzzle in the death of a pregnant Edmonton woman may never fall into place for investigators.

Despite further tests by the city's medical examiner, police admitted yesterday they may never know exactly what killed Liana White, 29, whose badly decomposed body was found in a ditch northwest of the city last weekend.

Originally Posted by Jess
These are just notes on the news conference. I am typing as they speak.
Detective Michael Campeau-- lead investigator

confirms it is Liana White
cannot give a time of death
cannot charge a person in Canada with the death of an unborn child
EDP had never gone to the house before
no criminal record
record with the military
media - put investigation under stress
there has been a policeman working on this file - every single minute
will not comment where the murder was committed
preliminary search of the house - found nothing
cause of death is undetermined
state of decomposition --more tests must be done
body shows signs of a struggle
they always knew where he was when he was searching
half ton truck - removed from scene-- vehicle left where her body found
financial difficulties
comments on tv -- out of the norm of a way a suspect acts
no polygraph
she was not fully clothed
person of interest- from the get go -- look at the family first- not as a suspect - later on in the week he became one
search warrants being prepared for financial situation
Both families - are devestated
tragic for both families
Liana's mom is not doing well at all-- thinks she has custody of Ashley
second time in house - forensic team has over 150 exhibits - at the house, SUV,field
house was pristine - not a red flag
2nd degree - no evidence of any planning
Sunday night-- he was arrested - lawyer caution/rights just after 4
He exercised those rights
murder took place between the 11th and the 12th
timeframe - times are different between him and the witnesses
last seen by ? ( someone else) at midnight
no evidence of any other person involved
paternity not questioned

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MP calls for law to protect unborn from attacks

Jess Registered User
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Liana White will be buried on Wednesday, July 27th. the Royal Alex has set up a trust fund for Ashley. Donations may be made at any TD branch

Global Morning News

Originally Posted by Casshew
New article this morning...not much new info...

Look at that sweet baby Ashley... now without a Mother and a murderer for a Dad :mad:

WindChime said:
Continue on :)
thanks windchime-hope you dont mind but I brought over some of the posts from just this am so we have them on this thread-since we will likely be here for a few days and its hard to go back and find things once a new part is started.
Thats a really nice photo of Liana on the obituary page.

I hope Mike White does the right thing and pleads guilty :behindbar
Casshew said:
Thats a really nice photo of Liana on the obituary page.

I hope Mike White does the right thing and pleads guilty :behindbar
that would be the decent thing to do-but something tells me that if he was going to be decent she wouldnt be dead..and if he was going to be decent after the death he would have called 911 and been a man..however, maybe if the families put emotional pressure on him or he is offered a deal he wll.
newtv said:
that would be the decent thing to do-but something tells me that if he was going to be decent she wouldnt be dead..and if he was going to be decent after the death he would have called 911 and been a man..however, maybe if the families put emotional pressure on him or he is offered a deal he wll.
Well it happened with Mark Hacking... so I am crossing my fingers for Mike White, hopefully he is clost to his family and they talk to him. Besides he is in Canada and chances are he will walk free again one day :bang:
Casshew said:
Well it happened with Mark Hacking... so I am crossing my fingers for Mike White, hopefully he is clost to his family and they talk to him. Besides he is in Canada and chances are he will walk free again one day :bang:
totally agree with your hope..and i hope so too
From a legal point of view, a person usually does not plead guilty to a crime, they take their chances with a jury. People who murder usually are not ethical people.

Especially with a crime that has a minimum of 25 years in Prison.

With all of the circumstances surrounding the death of his wife, there will be a lot of unanswered questions. No weapon, other suspects, reasonable doubt, cause of death, timeline, etc. Even if the Crown has as strong case, the defendant rolls the dice,what does he have to lose.

I would be SHOCKED if this man pleaded guilty. That would probably only happen with a plea bargain and a lesser parole period in exchange for.

Scott P did not plead guility and they only charged him with a crime(same as White) when LE positivly knows the person is dead.

If you don't have a body, the person is still missing and the defence will state: No one knows if this person is dead, they could be on a beach in Hawaii soaking up the sun, not wanting to be found.

With the finding of a body, a whole diffferent story...........

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