CANADA Canada - Lindsay Buziak, 24, Victoria, BC, 2 Feb 2008

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DNA Solves

To this day Saanich Police has made no arrests and released only a limited amount of information to the public.

“I learned to accept years ago that communication with Saanich Police is a one-way street,” says Buziak. “I provide information, and they receive it, and I get nothing back. I’m not mad about that. I don’t question that, I just question nine years.”

Buziak, now 62, is back in Saanich this week for the seventh annual Lindsay Buziak Walk For Justice. The Calgarian visits annually for the walk. This year’s starts Thursday at 10 a.m. and follows the traditional 17-kilometre route from Royal Oak Burial Park to De Sousa Place (the crime scene) in Gordon Head, then to municipal hall.
The podcast was very well done. My thoughts on it are: Jason sure wasted a lot of time getting to Lindsay. I don't think he was involved but lost the chance to save her by not knowing the location and then sitting in a car outside for 20 minutes while she was being killed. Wasted 35 min in total, at a viewing that he knew Lindsay was worried about her safety. Wonder why he has refused to give his DNA? It was definetly a hit, stabbed 40 times and throat slit. Also her recent breast implants were targeted, to me I think it was a female who hired the hit. I do not feel that it had anything to do with drugs. I feel it was personal. They knew exactly what would get Lindsay to the scene with the million dollar possible home sale. I think the woman that helped with the murder wanted to back out which is why the guy called her later saying that his wife was sick. I think he later convinced her to help and she showed up with him. I think she is the weak link and she could make a deal turning the man in. She is at risk of being killed also, I think she was probably the wife or girlfriend of the killer. Or has she already been killed? There are so many connections between people, interesting connections. It's sad that her murder will probably never be solved.
I have read in the media that her boyfriend possibly had gang ties? I don't understand why there was no more info on that. Maybe it wasn't him who did it or planned it. Maybe it was a rival gang? Maybe it was some one who didn't like her who her boyfriend knew? It just blows my mind how little information is out to help the public possibly send in tips.
I listened to the Casefile Podcast.

They would have us believe that half the population of Vancouver Island was involved in some kind of conspiracy to murder Lindsay in the mistaken believe that she she had ratted out some drug deals.

Yes, she hung with a pretty fast crowd. Along with the rich kids and hip young professionals, her social circle included a few sketchy characters. Drugs were sold, money was made and occasionally arrested were made.

BC has a low murder rate compared to much of North America but a high percentage of murders that do occur there are believed to be " drug related". It is reasonable to believe that any unexplained murder must be one, particularly is there are drugs in the periphery of that person's life.

But do Victoria Drug dealers really hire middle aged couples to do their dirty work. Would these "hit teams" really kill a women by stabbing her over 40 times in the breast area? I have no experience with hired "hits," but I would expect them to be quick, discreet and clean. This was messy overkill. It was also very sexual in nature.

I suspect the killer had a fantasy "kink" about stabbing a young woman and got his wife to go along with it. He probably saw Lindsay's picture in an advert an set up a perfect crime. The perpetrator had no ties to the victim or the crime scene.
I suspect the killer had a fantasy "kink" about stabbing a young woman and got his wife to go along with it. He probably saw Lindsay's picture in an advert an set up a perfect crime. The perpetrator had no ties to the victim or the crime scene.
(snipped by me) This was my first theory on the murder, then I thought maybe a woman might not like who Lindsey was dating. I hope this gets solved.
The fake client who attacks a realtor who is showing a property is pretty close to a perfect crime. The perpetrator can usually pick his target because the photos of agents are often prominently displayed in promotional material and it is very common someone to request an agent they do not know ( either from adverts or referrals.) It is normal practice for the homeowner to be away when the house is being shown so there will be no potential witnesses and the perpetrator will have no links to the house.

There have been a number of high profile, unsolved crimes of this type in the US and now it the law in some states and standard practice elsewhere to have a prospective client come into the office and present photo id, which is photocopied before the agent shows the house. I was surprised this procedure was not in effect for Lindsay.
I was thinking they actually called her cell phone because she asked her how she got her number. The person said a previous client referred her. The client was apparently named since it was said that the client named was out of town and could not be reached to confirm this referral. I don't see how any stranger looking for a thrill kill could have had that information. It has to be someone close to her, whether at work or personal life, that set this up. I suppose you could look up prior sales records and choose a name, but how lucky was it that person was unavailable that they picked? Doesn't seem random. The fact that the development is tied to the mother is suspicious too. Why that house--it wasn't even one of Lindsay's agency properties. They chose that house for a reason. Even if the couple didn't request it, they set up parameters that would mean that house would come up. And the mother is tied to someone who owns it? What are the odds?

The only other suspect I could think of is a jealous woman. Was the bf seeing someone on the side? When Jason and Lindsay seemed to be doing better after a near breakup, did the side person become furious? What about Matt's gf at the time? Did she somehow get wind that Lindsay was thinking about him again? And then earlier in the thread there was a rumor posted about her seeing someone who was married. Don't know if that is even true, but if so I'd suspect the wife. Look at the Sherri Rasmussen case. Guy marries someone. Old gf hadn't been out with him for 2 years but ends up going to her house and killing her. Also, Kathy Whitehead. She was engaged to a man who had been married. Wife gets a friend of her daughter's to set her up by luring her out for a phone call. They then abduct her, stab her, pour gasoline on her and set her on fire. Scorned and/or jealous women can be vicious. Then the case where the ex-gf kidnaps the new wife and baby and takes them out and executes the woman and lets the baby die resting on her chest because she was still carrying a torch for the man though they had not dated in a while. And the young college student in Alabama lured by one of her friends out into the woods and shot twice? Motive--the girl had designs on the victim's boyfriend. This wasn't even shared or known really by the boyfriend. She thought she might have a chance if the girl was out of the way. Stabbing the breast implants and the face and head area could be signs of a jealous female.

Just click on the link the link; it will get you to the Casefile site. No need to download anything.

The information provided in the podcast is interesting but how credible is it?

I'm watching Dateline ID and searched Lindsay name on here. But the podcast is great. Thank you for the podcast case files!
I read somewhere that Lindsay was suspicious of the woman, which is why they think the man called to confirm the appointment instead of the woman. Also, I understand you do not think Jason is involved, but if you look at his movements from 5:15 to discovering the body, all sorts of red flags go up. He was late to get to the house. The same house she voiced concern over showing. He gets there and there is no buyer's car anywhere, so what does he do? He pulls past the house and sits. He doesn't pull up out front or even knock on the door; he pulls past the house like he does not want to be seen. I personally think he did this to give the people time to get out of the house. Then, after sitting there and not calling Lindsay, but texting instead (why, when he called her at 5:30?) he pulls around the corner and sits for more time. I have come to realize this is very, very odd behavior.

Oh, and add to it that when he ran in the front door, as per his reenactment, he ran straight upstairs to the master bedroom. Why not the garage? Why not the kitchen? Why not one of the other bedrooms?
If you missed the link in post #239 by MrsThreadgoode, or you don't have iTunes....There is an incredibly thorough podcast, with lots of info and interesting associations I'd never heard before located here:

I personally consider it a 'must listen' if you care about Lindsay's case. It sounds like there are several chefs in this stew.
According to Dish, Dateline NBC's coverage of Lindsay's case will be on ID tonight at 8:00 pm.

Thanks for the heads up, the show is also repeating at 11 pm. tonight.

Dateline: Real Life MysteriesSeason 10 Episode 16: The Dream House Mystery
Landing a dream assignment, real estate agent Lindsay Buziak agrees to show a million-dollar home to a mystery couple, then she is stabbed to death at the opulent estate.


If you missed the link in post #239 by MrsThreadgoode, or you don't have iTunes....There is an incredibly thorough podcast, with lots of info and interesting associations I'd never heard before located here:

I personally consider it a 'must listen' if you care about Lindsay's case. It sounds like there are several chefs in this stew.
This was a really good podcast.

I feel like I need to do a flowchart after listening.

I have to say, that the LE interviewed at the end was most fascinating. So much of what he said about the case can apply to many cases. I found it fascinating.
In the news today: Website confession jolts Lindsay Buziak murder case

Somebody posted a comment on claiming to be responsible for her death. I'm sure it's not the actual murderer but could be someone who knows something from the tone/info in the comment. Lots of replies to it, haven't had a chance to read everything but hope to later...
Thank-you, kmclaren for alerting on this confession.

I hope Jeff Buziak is familiar with how to obtain the data on the back end through his website domain hoster site statistics function. He will be able to gather alot of information regarding who is accessing his website, and in particular, regarding that confession.

I will refrain from commenting about the actual confession.

Praying for justice.

Father of Lindsay Buziak on suspicious comment left on website dedicated to his daughter

Jeff Buziak, father of B.C. realtor Lindsay Buziak, speaks with Global News after a suspicious comment was left online confessing to her 2008 murder.

Police say they are aware of the website and its contents and all tips and leads are investigated.

Jeff, who now lives in Calgary, Alberta, told Global News after waiting so long for an arrest in the case, he is “somewhat numb” to a comment like this but he alerted the police right away.
“Certainly my emotions ring all over the place, they’re bouncing off the wall,” he said.
“What I do try and remember is that this isn’t about me. This is about my beautiful young daughter who was murdered and got executed while she was working.”
updated info: 2010: Saanich police have revealed more evidence suggesting that the murder of realtor Lindsay Buziak was a carefully planned crime carried out by attackers who specifically targeted the 24-year ReMax agent.

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