GUILTY Canada - Loretta Saunders, 26, Halifax, NS, 13 February 2014 #1

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I wonder when the last time Loretta herself used her bank card? I wonder if she has a limit to how much she can withdraw at a time?
This is good for justice:

"Police are winning the unceasing war over the rights of suspected criminals on a major battleground - the Supreme Court of Canada.

In a ruling full of friction between a bare majority of judges wanting to avoid hampering officers in their work and a minority fighting for the rights of the accused, the court said on Friday that while suspects have a right to consult a lawyer and to be informed of that right, they don't have a right to legal counsel while they are being interrogated."
Respectfully snipped by me for space considerations (RSBM):

Welcome to WS - agree that this was not a Valentine's day motive - it was more a crime of opportunity.
Yes Welcome. My hope is it be resolved soon as VH should be landing in NS soon.
To expand on your post
The bf had reported that LS got a hold of "them" by phone was never clarified which one.
They were in possession of LS's phone also.
LE spent 2 days searching the apartment. The search warrant is not sealed but has not been released yet.
There was a MSM report of the 2 possibly being seen at a gas station close to the apt with the car early evening of the 13th.
Someone posted on the Help find LS pg that BL was seen buying drugs at around 5 pm alone and was supposedly acting paranoid[speculation? post was deleted]
Were in the Town of Harrow for a few days before they were arrested. Harrow is approx a 23 hour non stop drive from Halifax.
I wonder if they were going to paint the car in Harrow? Change the plates?
Further idea to the evidence they do have, what about the wheel wells of the car itself, I know the transcanada can be a dusty mother, but if these two had driven to a secluded area or dirt road, what was the weather road conditions around the time of Feb. 13th? would there be any possibility of soil samples from the bottom of the car after all that driving that could help pinpoint geographical areas? Stupid winter probably reduced this possibility to zero is my guess..
The boyfriend thing still has me so puzzled. How does it take so long to realize some one is missing? If he knew she was trying to collect the rent from the 2 POI's, and she didn't return, why does he not wonder where she and his unborn baby is for 5 days?

My spouse & I worked opposite shifts, but there were always signs of the other's activity. I would know if my spouse was there or not by simply looking around. Toilet seat up or down, anything new in the garbage, socks, undies, dirty clothes in the hamper / laundry, dirty dishes, shoes, coat, boots missing or present, foot prints in snow, vehicle tracks, food items consumed from the fridge, water droplets in sinks, shower, & tub, damp or dry towels, bed made or not, etc.

Maybe because I grew up in the home of a detective, I immediately see these things on arriving home. I would be would have at least started contacting relatives & friends within hours of her leaving based on observations made around the house showing lack of activity. It wouldn't take me 5 days to start wondering the where abouts of a family member. Especially some one carrying my baby. Even if he wasn't 100% sure that the baby was on it's way, from a home pregnancy test, he would have been fairly sure. We all know the home tests are pretty reliable, they've come a long way. He must have also known she kept close daily contact with her family members, I would think he would have been calling or texting them by night fall if she had not returned.

Like that TV show, the 1st 48 hours are the most critical. After that witnesses become unclear on details, evidence gets tainted, etc.

I also wonder if he asked his parents to come to Halifax or they just decided to come to support their son? Is the bf a person of interest as well? Did he ever reply to the request for her mother's name? Or was that the point he became suspicious?
Did Leggette have his mohawk when he was arrested? That is a detail that most gas station attendants would remember seeing.
Further idea to the evidence they do have, what about the wheel wells of the car itself, I know the transcanada can be a dusty mother, but if these two had driven to a secluded area or dirt road, what was the weather road conditions around the time of Feb. 13th? would there be any possibility of soil samples from the bottom of the car after all that driving that could help pinpoint geographical areas? Stupid winter probably reduced this possibility to zero is my guess..

Possibility of about zero would be about right imo - snow and then rain and a flash freeze on top of that.
The boyfriend thing still has me so puzzled. How does it take so long to realize some one is missing? If he knew she was trying to collect the rent from the 2 POI's, and she didn't return, why does he not wonder where she and his unborn baby is for 5 days?

My spouse & I worked opposite shifts, but there were always signs of the other's activity. I would know if my spouse was there or not by simply looking around. Toilet seat up or down, anything new in the garbage, socks, undies, dirty clothes in the hamper / laundry, dirty dishes, shoes, coat, boots missing or present, foot prints in snow, vehicle tracks, food items consumed from the fridge, water droplets in sinks, shower, & tub, damp or dry towels, bed made or not, etc.

Maybe because I grew up in the home of a detective, I immediately see these things on arriving home. I would be would have at least started contacting relatives & friends within hours of her leaving based on observations made around the house showing lack of activity. It wouldn't take me 5 days to start wondering the where abouts of a family member. Especially some one carrying my baby. Even if he wasn't 100% sure that the baby was on it's way, from a home pregnancy test, he would have been fairly sure. We all know the home tests are pretty reliable, they've come a long way. He must have also known she kept close daily contact with her family members, I would think he would have been calling or texting them by night fall if she had not returned.

Like that TV show, the 1st 48 hours are the most critical. After that witnesses become unclear on details, evidence gets tainted, etc.

I also wonder if he asked his parents to come to Halifax or they just decided to come to support their son? Is the bf a person of interest as well? Did he ever reply to the request for her mother's name? Or was that the point he became suspicious?


I think it's possible there are 2 completely separate sets of crimes in this case.

Does anyone know when VH is to make her appearance in court? I read the mother's desperate scramble this morning to find out which court and court time for BL's so the family could be present.
Did BL get a bail set? How much? I'm hoping the judge sets their bail very high as they have already proven they are flight risks. I pray they are both remanded IN CUSTODY, but without a body or evidence showing that LS is likely deceased, they will both likely get bail.
Well other than letting them stew and my previous ideas I would have to say it might just come down to letting them stew. I would be combing the trunk of that car for hair or fibres; I know it has been some time but it might be useful to get samples from under their fingernails and shoes, as although people are pretty diligent about washing their hands after a crime, if there was a struggle there is a chance of matter lodging under the nail.

Love the mohawk idea Matou but I doubt he would want to make that much of appearance, plus the roof of that car is pretty low, generally mohawks and low roofs don't mix. However, I am not a mohawkologist so you might actually have something here, as it would stand out to any gas station attendant you asked working that night if they did indeed see and talk to Blake.

I guess my problem with the transcanada route now is what if, I know it sounds crazy but what if they prepared before leaving? I would be interested in knowing if there is any gas droplets within the car or in the trunk indicating they might have brought a gas can just so they could make less appearances as they traveled. Maybe I'm also giving them too much credit since they were still stupid enough to use her bank card. It would be good to know exactly which branches they used them, once again because this would help us determine when they actually got the password, presumably from LS unless someone actually replied the maiden name to either texts and additionally, large gaps between branches could indicate trying to stay one step ahead of the law and avoid capture (which indicates guilt) or if they used branches only located in the vicinity of where they were finally apprehended. This simple detail would help us out as essentially digital evidence analysts more significantly on what city Loretta was last located nearest too and whether these two thought they could get away with it or are just plain stupid.
Originally Posted by Wondergirl
I think it's possible there are 2 completely separate sets of crimes in this case.

What do you mean WG - you have lost me. -end quote

elpher.....1st - possibly the bf made LS Disappear, and the 2nd - VH & BL stole the car and committed fraud. Note the JMO....( just that person's opinion)
A few things that come to mind:
1. We don't know if it's a credit card or a bank card that was used, right? In any case, the new chip-reader things that you just tap your card onto, don't even require a password or PIN. It's quite possible that they had her wallet and used it without needing to transfer funds.

2. There's been no mention of being in possession of anything other than the car and the bank/credit card, right? Nothing about a wallet? (even in a "theft-under" charge?). Does this mean they just took the card, or ditched the wallet?

3. Where are the parents of either of the accused? I have seen mentions of cousins here and there, but no reply from a parent of either or any other family member? Just curious what they would say or do in response.

4. If you read VL's facebook profile, those posts do not seem to be the posts of someone who could commit murder. They do, however, seem like the posts of a young woman who has gotten mixed up with people/circumstances that she later regrets, (on a regular basis, it seems). At the start of the New Year for the last couple of new years she posts a resolution to make it a better year, go to the gym, etc. etc. This leads me to think that she gets influenced by those around her, when at her core, she isn't "evil". This then makes me think that she, when removed from the person who influences her, might do the "right thing" and cooperate.

All of this is JMO.
Unless BL and VH have evidence to give the police to indicate the boyfriend I think this is very unlikely and what does sherlock say about the simplest explanation? If he did have something to do with it, they would both be pleading that they stumbled across Loretta's car, car keys, and bank card (which would never happen) or that the boyfriend had this elaborate idea.... I mean at this point in time, if he was the culprit, what do they have to lose? Tell the truth that he did it. Somehow I doubt they have a good enough story to pin it on him.

We have already covered why he took time to report it (her previous meth issue) and past tense use of the term "alive" simply because of english being a second language. Its possibly that he had something to do with it but generally the guilty culprit isn't the first to come out and speak with national media, I mean it happens but....
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