Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #14

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Here's another photo of where the RAV4 was burned, from a verified reporter's twitter. It really doesn't look like it would be stuck there. I have to wonder if they didn't just run out of gas.

Tessa Vanderhart on Twitter

Tessa Vanderhart‏Verified account @tessavanderhart
Gone: as RCMP leave the Sundance area search for B.C. fugitives Kam McLeod, 19, and Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, the spot where a burned-put RAV4 sparked all this is now empty. #gillam #wfp





12:38 PM - 5 Aug 2019

If $20 fuel at Split Lake went into the tank, I don't think they ran out of gas. I believe this was the end of the road for them. MOO
Just my opinion, but I the way I read this when I first saw it is a little different; the "if this is true..." part wasn't about the Ritalin snorting incident (that seems to be given as a first hand account) but rather regarding the killings.

I'm not surprised that, even if many of their peers witnessed such behavior as this one claimed, they would be reluctant to come forward - especially if they too were engaged in such behavior or similar. On the other hand, having only one anonymous witness makes it very, very plausible to doubt the veracity.

I agree with this train of thought. So many people in Port Alberni aren't talking period. BS had a reputation so this wouldn't surprise me and yeah, most teenagers aren't going to be jumping off rooftops saying this (then their parents will know what's really going on lol)

I'm not saying Ritalin was the be all and end all as part of this crime, just found it interesting how using might change someone's personality, brain chemistry and decision making. The side effects do in fact seem to mirror some of BS's behavior noted by people so the Ritalin might play a part in the puzzle (if true).

In regards to the quietness about Kam, PA is a small town. Maybe his parents are well known or respected in the community so people feel compelled to respect the family a little more(?) by staying silent. That and their genuine shock about him being involved, only thoughts here...
I think a lot of what you suggest should "change" is already in place.

Health care is free in Canada and it would be hard to make it cheaper. I don't think you can say this all happened because the system failed.
Health care in regards to Mental Health. Mental health is considered health care and it is NOT always free and long waiting lists to get services. I did not say this happened due to system failure. Wow! Please don’t put words in my mouth.
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It is only our presumption, isn't it, that they are the ones who burned their vehicle.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility that another person or persons would have compelling reason to burn a stolen vehicle, especially one featured almost daily in the national and international news. MOO

Indeed. No one can count out alternative possibilities just yet. My question is based on the hypothesis that KM and BS burned the RAV4.
I’m new and I’m sorry for what I said that was rude. But its my honest truth and take on my family from there. There is a lot of them as my grandma and grandpa got divorced and remarried A LOT. And had more children and then they had kids etc..... and almost everyone has a mental illness, LD or is on the spectrum.
I guess this has been discussed already, but assuming that KM and BS were listening to the radio in the RAV4, when they burned it they knew they hadn't been named as suspects yet, correct? So, what could have been their rationale for burning it, which would obviously be spotted and bring the authorities? Why not just hide it in the bush?
It is puzzling why they torched the RAV4. Maybe someone knows?: would there be radio service up there? Maybe they could pick up a signal out of Thompson? Maybe they torched it to attract LE in an attempt to ambush them? Suicide by cop? Maybe they thought for sure the Mounties are on to us, waited and when no one came they hatched another plan...
Here is a happy one for you all.....
I have family there who are all doing very well for themselves.
One just tore down and rebuilt a house basically all on their own(some help here and there of course).
None of them are "rednecks". None of them are "hillbillies". None of them are "idiots". None of them deserve to be looked at in a negative light simply because of the town they live in.

@JuneBug67 My seeming resentment is not directed towards you. It is directed towards to person you are responding to, as I really do feel that post was inappropriate.
I completely get it. I happen to live in a city that comes with some significant negative stereotypes, and there is little more annoying than hearing people who have never set foot in the place or have some tenuous past connection loudly adopt them. Those stereotypes form an incomplete picture and completely miss all the great things here, and my natural instinct is to fight back. However, they’re not completely inaccurate either. Places do have personalities and streaks of hardenend characteristics like ore shot through rock. Gene pools are present, and iterative. I guess I wasn’t offended by MrHanky’s post because I never heard it as a comprehensive slam of Port Alberni - of course there are countless great people, things and experiences there. So glad to hear your family is on that side of things. :)
For me, Chynna’s sister gets a no-strings-attached hall pass to have and express whatever emotions she has. It WOULD be galling in her position to see her sister’s killer’s family given a platform in this particular way, with Alan’s particular execution. I totally get it. Chynna’s family owes AS nothing, and he has created an emotional burden for them just by agreeing to the 60 Minutes feature.

That said, if I read the sentiments in her post in just about any other context, I wouldn’t find them compelling. And I sure wouldn’t see them as insightful, curious or empathetic.

I am so torn on this. What if CD's family went on 60 Minutes? They are choosing to be more private, but LF's father made public statements as well.

AS is not his son, I don't feel he should be vilified. Yes, he chose to speak to the media, but I think he's a bit naive and maybe thought he was doing the right thing. The book thing - terrible idea, just bad to do but I don't see him trying to manipulate, and shine in the limelight I just think he doesn't know any better.

I honesty think if he was a middle-class, outstanding career type citizen wearing a suit and was eloquently speaking he wouldn't be getting picked on. He is not media savvy, looks a bit rough and has a checkered past so I think people are judging him more in a sense. JMO.
Health care in regards to Mental Health. Mental health is considered health care and it is NOT always free and long waiting lists to get services. I did not say this happened due to system failure. Wow! Please don’t put words in my mouth.
BS and KM were adults and it was their right to refuse mental health care if they so chose, as the Danforth shooter chose, for instance. Making it free or more accessible may have not made any difference. Sometimes things happen and there is nothing anyone can do, and no changes you can make to prevent it from ever happening again.
What? Saying that a multitude of factors led up to them committing these murders and that those factors could have been changed, and that we can learn from this case to prevent the next one from happening, isn't the same thing as saying the victims don't deserve any sympathy and that Kam and Bryer are absolved of what they did. You're literally making up something that absolutely nobody here is saying. But what I can tell you is your attitude of "they didn't have any real issues because they were white males in a Western country," is going to accomplish absolutely ZERO when it comes to preventing other young people from turning to senseless violence. And that is backed up by multitudes of research on this topic.
School Shooters: What's Their Path To Violence?

I was so close to replying to that overly dramatic and hyperbolic reply to you, but I knew that someone else would do it much more eloquently than I could or would. I admire how amazingly intelligent yours was! I love your posts, including this one! Thank you :)
Her anger is misdirected but understandable and I think she's trying to make sense of something horrible. The suspects are dead, there will be no justice for her sister (and the others) in a court of law. There is no opportunity to hold the suspects accountable for their actions, and she's angry.

AS isn't helping matters with his public statements and I get the feeling that some of her anger is directed at his book and how, when, and why he went about sending copies of his book to various media outlets. She even mentioned how her family has faced hardships but don't blame "broken systems" and that her sister rose above her circumstances and wanted to help people who were troubled.

Imagine her position throughout this entire thing. Her sister was just brutally murdered, and here comes AS saying his son is a "good boy," "a child," "a little boy," "not a Nazi, but was fascinated by Nazis," yet had Nazi material etc... (I'm NOT saying I think BS was a neo-Nazi)...there were all these red flags, and though I agree AS isn't to blame, I can see where CD's sister's rage comes from.

Very true. BS had red flags, but sounds like his father was almost the least involved in a way! Why didn't peers, teachers, others around BS say anything? It's hard and I think it's complex, complicated and not black and white. So many factors contribute, not just one or two.

Our system is broken, people fall through the cracks. Mental health needs more education, funding and attention. I mean the Greyhound bus killer is free and the system is trusting him to take his meds. Our government closed down many mental health hospitals years ago because of budgets, lots of people aren't getting the care they need professionals to do. Scary thought.
Health care in regards to Mental Health. Mental health is considered health care and it is NOT always free. I did not say this happened due to system failure. Wow! Please don’t put words in my mouth.

Also mental health cost isn't the only part of mental health access. Even if mental health care is affordable, are there therapists in the area who have regular appointment availability? (Don't know about Canada but this is a huge problem in New Jersey where I live, despite the fact that medical professionals specifically gravitate to NY/NJ.) Do family members have their stuff together enough to actually take their kid to therapy every week? If not, is anyone else making sure this happens? Do family members know enough about mental health to know what to look out for in the first place so they know if someone is going down a bad path? Or do they have so many mental health issues of their own that they are lost in that regard? In fact, is it possible that they even have a hate or distrust of social workers, therapists, etc. due to their own experiences in the system? (VERY common) Is the school looking out for anything? Is the community looking out for anything? Or are they just saying "not my responsibility" and passing the buck to avoid liability? After Kam/Bryer became legal adults, was there anyone keeping an eye on them, or were they left to their own devices to slip through the cracks and "sorry, they're adults, we can't tell them whether to go to treatment." And so on.

I’m new and I’m sorry for what I said that was rude. But its my honest truth and take on my family from there. There is a lot of them as my grandma and grandpa got divorced and remarried A LOT. And had more children and then they had kids etc..... and almost everyone has a mental illness, LD or is on the spectrum.

That could describe any number of places in Canada or the US. But, while I don't agree with the way you phrased what you said, I do agree with you that a lot of communities in the US and Canada are in this down-and-out spiral as of late. Clearly this is related to the increase in things like suicides, addictions/overdoses, mental illness, mass shootings, etc. There have been a lot of articles on this and specifically that white men are at risk of slipping under the radar, mental health-wise, until they reach a crisis point. I think this is one factor that has to be considered, that a community that is unhealthy will likely produce people that are unhealthy. This article talks about middle aged people specifically but you can see the parallels to what I'm talking about:
The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair'
Could BS and CM have been heading to Gillam attracted by the possibility of work on the massive hydro project there?

Manitoba Hydro is always looking for workers at the (Gillam) Keeyask location.
Keeyask Generating Station. You can apply for work online at that URL.

Maybe they didn't qualify? (That's doubtful. It appears that the primary qualification for heavy labour there is probably opposable thumbs.) Or maybe they had to stick around for a day or two waiting to be interviewed, etc ...Or teenagers, BS and CM, might have quite understandably changed their minds on that particular job idea when they got there...

This article suggests that conditions there make Pt Alberni look like Club Med.

Incidentally, Gillam has two high-speed internet service providers.
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