Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #14

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Isn't it interesting how some families stay silent in times like these, while others air their feelings in public? Different strokes.

Canada isn't yet as litigious as some other countries, but it sures seems that something is brewing, MOO. But it is doubtful that there is anything to be gained from one side of this equation.

Maybe the slow nature of the law here is useful as a cooling-off period.
I sensed that in AS very first news interview when he wanted us to know that BS didn't drive, BS spent countless nights at KM's house, etc., and finally stopped himself saying he didn't want to upset KM's family. (I think AS also wanted to say the firearm may have come from KM's home). MOO

That's the impression I got as well.
No announcement on autopsies by RCMP. I don't believe they will address public until formal identification of bodies is 100% complete.

Last update on this case from BC RCMP:

BCRCMP‏Verified account @BCRCMP
#NorthDistrict #DeaseLake #NorthernRockies - BC RCMP announce update in the ongoing northern BC homicide investigations


5:05 PM - 7 Aug 2019 PT
I'm sure as well, the authorities are processing the results and likely across Canada. Also To notify the families of the 2 deceased suspects has to be done, and likely in this case a bit of heads up to the victim families.
I really meant my extended large family. Of course there are “normal level headed” successful people.
I’m sorry if I offended you. Not my intent.

The way it was worded didn't feel as though you were Just talking about your own family, however I appreciate and accept the apology.
We shall move passed it :)
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Why does it seem strange? They were self claimed 'survivalists' - I'm sure they had enough smarts to know there are consequences to their actions. Simply the massive cross country search launched to find them was possible a plus in their own distorted minds. Right to the end - they could have turned themselves in but that is admitting weakness. In their minds they went out on their terms and to them it would be a 'win'. If not till they ran out of road or Hudson Bay where do you think would have been a better idea for them to escape to? IMHO many people who commit a variety of crime, or don't want to be 'found' tend to go up to the northern parts of Canada and Alaska to 'disappear' from society.

Yes, I agree, there’s a misperception that one can live and survive in the far north without creating any attention, build a log cabin on some remote piece of land and hunt, trap and fish for survival. Perhaps that ridiculous notion first began with the story of the The Mad Trapper of Rat River. The same sort of idealized attraction also was featured by “Into the Wild” and Chris McCandless’s venture into Alaska. To two teens lacking any worldly experience, prone to acting out fantasy video games in real life, it wouldn’t surprise me if they also believed they’d be able to successfully disappear.
Were they though? I don't recall seeing that anywhere apart from people misinterpreting the father's description of the airsoft games.
You must have missed it in many earlier informations - Bryer and Kam spent a number of months (or years) camping out in the 'bush' (most likely around their area which is mountains and forest. This was also confirmed by acquaintances of them as well as family members.
Yes, I agree, there’s a misperception that one can live and survive in the far north without creating any attention, build a log cabin on some remote piece of land and hunt, trap and fish for survival. Perhaps that ridiculous notion first began with the story of the The Mad Trapper of Rat River. To two teens lacking any worldly experience, prone to acting out fantasy video games in real life, it wouldn’t surprise me if they also believed they’d be able to successfully disappear.
Exactly - and over the 10 plus years there have been a multitude of reality shows on televisions focussed on persons living and surviving in the northern wilderness.
CD’s sister has no reason to go on 60 minutes and lash out at the injustices of the world. That was the main point to her writings, that her family is not like AS so he cannot possibly speak for how they feel. It was AS who made the comparison to CDs family - “I have just lost my son. I know exactly how you feel.”

What CD’s sister wrote, in part -

There is no white flag of surrender for my family. We are not defeated by divorce, mental health, violence, poverty and socioeconomic constraints, domestic disputes, alcohol or drugs, social media and bullying, feelings of loneliness, or disparities. We have the courage to ask for and offer help. We are strong, and stand strong together right now in the face of all of these adversities that have come upon us. Our understanding of life is that we cannot always control it, and it is not always our place to question it, but we have the power to discern how we choose to react.
"But we still forgive you and have mercy": BC murder victim's sister posts message to Bryer Schmegelsky's father -

As I said earlier, Chynna’s family has EVERY right to respond as they see fit to whatever they see fit to respond to. Every emotion is understandable. This horrible loss and the ongoing circumstances were and are forced on them. Hopefully sharing their experience of the things that are falling before them will be helpful not only to them but to others who are suffering and seeking a way through.

If her statement was made in some other time and some other place in a context other than the terrible loss of a loved one though, I would find it lacked insight and knowledge. I’d certainly be rolling my eyes by the time I got to “courage”. In my experience people greatly overestimate their own agency in the way their lives unfold. As if they independently conjure up all their positive characteristics and fortunate circumstances through the sheer force of their own choices and will. They credit themselves for all kinds of things that have nothing to do with anything they actually did. We are overwhelmingly a product of the genetic hand we are dealt at birth, an environment we can’t yet dictate for many years of our lives, and experiences that we do not choose. In short, if Kennedy Deese had been born with AS’s precise genetic makeup, and had his precise experiences, she’d be him. She’s not better than him, or more courageous, or more resourceful because she’s done something magnificent. She’s just different from him, and until recent weeks, maybe a lot luckier.
DBM double post I think the site is just having some glitch problems this morning.
I know it's very rare for people to have no potential to be fixed from that kind of stuff.

Your entire post should be mandatory reading. The line I picked out though, I used to believe this and wish I still did. Not saying it applies to either Bryer or Kam because I simply don’t know. I do know that more and more I’ve seen the aftereffects of children raised by a parent(s) who, for whatever reason, wasn’t able to provide their young child basics of nurturing and love, often leaving a child devoid of a heathy emotional intelligence. IF early intervention doesn’t happen in a child’s life I believe that the chances of “being fixed” become smaller and smaller. (Early intervention as I’ve said here can mean so many different things so please don’t get hung up on my choice of word.)

Our culture needs to pay more attention to what your post touches on. Thank you for being willing to expose yourself in an effort to bring that attention to the issue.
I’m new and I’m sorry for what I said that was rude. But its my honest truth and take on my family from there. There is a lot of them as my grandma and grandpa got divorced and remarried A LOT. And had more children and then they had kids etc..... and almost everyone has a mental illness, LD or is on the spectrum.
I suspect that in towns where the main industry moves out leaving a lot of people with no purpose, a collective depression ensues. Finding a source of pension is a way of making an income. It takes decades for a community to recover, if they do.
I would definitely agree - except they were not accused / suspected of 3 murders until the day before their vehicle was torched. There is one thing for sure. They had been driving across country in the Rav 4, a stolen vehicle that most likely stolen by them. Whether or not they murdered anybody was then, and still is, a subject of conjecture, until proven otherwise. MOO

I don’t know what country you live in but I’m curious because, in other homicides involving deceased suspects where you live, how is it “proven” to you a dead person is guilty? What are your expectations?
I honesty think if he was a middle-class, outstanding career type citizen wearing a suit and was eloquently speaking he wouldn't be getting picked on. He is not media savvy, looks a bit rough and has a checkered past so I think people are judging him more in a sense. JMO.

I liked CD's statement I might make the same type if it was me but I can't help feel like it's not a competition on demographics, family backgrounds and mourning.

AS doesn't know how to communicate eloquently, he probably lacks the education CD's family seems to have and lucky to have.

I am glad CD's sister/family haven't been defeated by troubles. Their reactions and words are apples and oranges in a way, I don't feel comfortable comparing them I guess. They do seem cut from two types of cloth, but human nature is what it is. Not everyone is graceful in times of strife.

I agree that everyone is going to react differently in these situations and these reactions shouldn't be compared or judged... I don't have much of an opinion on Bryer's fathers statements, nor on Chynna's sister's. One thing I'll say is that Chynna's sister claims Alan isn't taking responsibility for Bryer's upbringing and demise.. I think he's been quite upfront and apologetic about his regrets in the way his son was raised and has acknowledged his absence, saying that Bryer was raised by youtube and video games. Of course, Chynna's sister is absolutely entitled to her feelings and thoughts. I do think Alan is being unfairly judged for his though, and as quoted above, likely because of his rough appearance and checkered past. One has to remember that the media is giving this man with admitted mental health issues and alcohol problems this platform to give these emotional spiels during an undoubtedly painful & confusing time for him.. I just wouldn't be so quick to judge him. He's going through it too.
Jmo of course.
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I suspect that in towns where the main industry moves out leaving a lot of people with no purpose, a collective depression ensues. Finding a source of pension is a way of making an income. It takes decades for a community to recover, if they do.
Yes, I live in a region with those same hits the lumber mills , pulp mills and over in Trail, BC the Cominco lead zinc smelter. British Columbia's main industry used to be logging and lots of lumber mills, but over the years it took a massive hit because of logging practices - clear cuts etc, enviromentalist protests, export tariffs . Port Alberni on the island definitely took that hit.
You must have missed it in many earlier informations - Bryer and Kam spent a number of months (or years) camping out in the 'bush' (most likely around their area which is mountains and forest. This was also confirmed by acquaintances of them as well as family members.

Wasn’t the Mcleod house situated on five acres, I assume at least some of that was wooded forest. I don’t consider it odd or suspicious at all that kids would go out and camp in summertime. I don’t find it odd that they found activities to do while out in the bush. I do find it odd that’s it is being considered abnormal.
In fact I’ve encouraged my kids to go out into the backwoods around my place and do the same thing lol.
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