Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #22

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But on the 23rd they were all ready in the bush. So I'm thinking it was probably someone who knew Kam.

Could just be a website error as well. Unless someone can confirm Kams steam profile was visible to everyone before the 23rd, then I guess we will never know.
I have to take what he's saying with a big grain of salt.

I used to work in the office of a public school. I had to sign parents/care givers in and out, to pick up their children, and help keep track of parents who were DENIED permission to pick up their children.

I cannot believe how much he sounds like some of the outraged parents I had run into over the years, who swore up and down that the Family Courts were being totally unfair, and swore the other parent was lying and everything was a big conspiracy against them. I would feel sorry for them and look into the situation, but, in most of the cases, the outraged angry parent would not be telling me the total truth.

He sounds very much like some of the angry parents who tried to convince me to let them to take their kids home for lunch, or pick them up, even though they were on the 'DO NOT ALLOW' list.

Later I would discover they were denied access too their children for valid reasons. Driving drunk w/kids in the car, or getting busted with hard drugs w/kids present, or threatening to kill themselves and the kids when angry at the ex.....

I may be wrong, but I am feeling like AS is leaving out a big part of the story. Cops don't drag a teen out of their Father's home, without some kind of evidence that it is not a suitable place for him to be. The ex wife would need some kind of evidence to set that in motion. JMO

I sincerely thank you for your comments because I know that you are speaking from experience. As a former teacher and then as a lawyer, I agree with you completely, except that I would suggest that a whole box of salt might be added and be more appropriate than a single grain.

I used to call it "the acrimony of matrimony" when one or, sometimes, both divorced parents continued their personal battle against the other, long after the courts had ruled on custody and visitation rights, basing themselves, as they always do, on what was in "the best interests of the child". Unfortunately, many of the most acrimonious combatants seemed to have absolutely no insight into the damage they are or were causing to their children who were the pawns, who were being asked to take sides for one parent against the other.

Lousy and unfit spouses are not necessarily lousy and unfit parents; of course, they may be both but that is what the courts and social services do their best to assess in determining what is in "the best interests of the child". No child should never be asked to take sides or to become foot soldiers or messengers for one parent or the other. In such situations, the child or children can be severely damaged for life.

Yes, I too have some serious questions about AS's book and the timing.
In regard to who may have been the leader between KM and BS, I am only guessing from the tiny amount of info we have seen in this case, and I certainly feel that the evidence shows they both chose to participate in the murders. I noticed that Bryer was following Kam in the store looking nervous in the few snaps we see from security videos. They were not walking together and BS doesn't browse the shop separately, he follows behind KM in the same direction through the store and follows him out of the store. BS left the car and stalked the person who escaped while Kam stayed in the car and drove (in a situation, KM could have driven off and left Bryer there!). The guy who described them being bogged said that BS was the one trying to push the car out, while KM was at the wheel (also probably because Bryer could not drive). KM had a job at Walmart and then BS got a job there and apparently they may have also worked similar shifts (maybe this was the only place with jobs?). I was also interested to see what others thought about the cable ties etc that appear to have been on the guns the police showed?
Something kind of random just occurred to me. Some have questioned the man who barely got away because he said their vehicle was white.

The camper top was white. Since it was dusk or twilight, the grey and red of the truck itself may have faded into the "darkness", and he may have only focused on the brighter white of the camper top.

I was just looking at some photos online and that kind of jumped out at me. I can see myself making an observation like that in a moment of stark fear and a flood of adrenaline in driving away, "running" for my life.

Carry on.
Something kind of random just occurred to me. Some have questioned the man who barely got away because he said their vehicle was white.

The camper top was white. Since it was dusk or twilight, the grey and red of the truck itself may have faded into the "darkness", and he may have only focused on the brighter white of the camper top.

I was just looking at some photos online and that kind of jumped out at me. I can see myself making an observation like that in a moment of stark fear and a flood of adrenaline in driving away, "running" for my life.

Carry on.

I agree.

I can't see why this guy would make that up. Easier for me to believe he was mistaken about the color.

What are the odds there were 2 sets of young men, with rifles, hunting people who were sleeping in their vehicles?
In regard to who may have been the leader between KM and BS, I am only guessing from the tiny amount of info we have seen in this case, and I certainly feel that the evidence shows they both chose to participate in the murders. I noticed that Bryer was following Kam in the store looking nervous in the few snaps we see from security videos. They were not walking together and BS doesn't browse the shop separately, he follows behind KM in the same direction through the store and follows him out of the store. BS left the car and stalked the person who escaped while Kam stayed in the car and drove (in a situation, KM could have driven off and left Bryer there!). The guy who described them being bogged said that BS was the one trying to push the car out, while KM was at the wheel (also probably because Bryer could not drive). KM had a job at Walmart and then BS got a job there and apparently they may have also worked similar shifts (maybe this was the only place with jobs?). I was also interested to see what others thought about the cable ties etc that appear to have been on the guns the police showed?
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Can anyone else see words etched into the side of the rifle??

The cable and padlock is a simple trigger lock, which our gun firearms laws require, even if they are in police custody. I can't make out the etchings either but would be curious as to what it says.
Something kind of random just occurred to me. Some have questioned the man who barely got away because he said their vehicle was white.

The camper top was white. Since it was dusk or twilight, the grey and red of the truck itself may have faded into the "darkness", and he may have only focused on the brighter white of the camper top.

I was just looking at some photos online and that kind of jumped out at me. I can see myself making an observation like that in a moment of stark fear and a flood of adrenaline in driving away, "running" for my life.

Carry on.

Haven't they also done studies of eyewitness accounts and shown that people are terrible at remembering the make and color of cars?

If I was trying to escape from a couple of deranged teenagers hunting people for sport, I don't think remembering the make and color of their murder vehicle would be the first priority.
Yes so is he now suggesting the Victoria PD is responsible for the 5 deaths? My God.

My reaction exactly. I am back to the same thought--the blame game--blame the "Hex", the RCMP, child services, the ones who provided the/truck and camper, had the driver's licence, the PAL, those hunting trips, the access and availability and use of real guns, those damn militia/ Nazi stores near the VAST school, Port Alberni, its high crime rate, the biased court system, feminists, KM etc etc. --anyone but BS.

Yes so is he now suggesting the Victoria PD is responsible for the 5 deaths? My God.
Doesn't AS refer to a psychotherapist who came to his room (maybe the room 60 minutes had him in?) when he refers to Vikki (or whatever the name)? He didn't mention police or anything, he just seemed to be referring to a therapist who came to his room and he talked to her.
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Can anyone else see words etched into the side of the rifle??

@Solaris420 excellent discovery! To me it looks like the start of a Swastika and someone gave up, notice there's the distinct zigzag and then the start of the next zigzag and they stopped. I also thought it might be SS lightning bolts. It looks like they tried to make one on the other side but it's curved more like the Roman "S" and made me think that was just a screw up. I also wondered if it might be Cyrillic and that's why it looks so strange. Some of them even looked like Nordic Runes to me. Specifically "S" and "N." I mean the Germans did adopt several of their symbols from Norse Runes. Perhaps someone with better editing skills can make it so it's more legible. It also looks like whoever did the engraving did it with the gun in their lap, barrel facing left and the stock facing right hence the reason I flipped it upside down. It looks like whoever did it (I'm going to say Bryer) was bored or anxious. One other thing, I may be looking to far into it, but go over and look at Kam's Instagram, specifically at the photo "Cola got swag" I look at that photo and I had to ask myself if he was referring to the symbol on the Coke can overall or what looks like a single "S" lightning bolt reversed as the "swag." Just an observation. Check it out for those interested. It's also worth mentioning Hitler Youth had a single "S" on their patches vs the traditional two that most are familiar with.


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@Lalalacasbah yes, they bought the gloves at the Super A in Dease Lake the afternoon of the 18th. Leonard was killed late that night/early the following morning. They left the tags for them at that other scene just outside of town with Kam's Walmart ID and his SIM card. That reminds me, SIM cards are so small now I wonder how it was "damaged?" A lighter perhaps? Or crushed it with a multi tool pliers? Anyway, another thing I took into consideration with these gloves is the quality. They were gas station gloves. I remember someone posting a couple days ago about them being for tactical grip or something to that effect. I think in this case it was more for prints if they were going to possibly loot vehicles and leave them. I imagine your options of gloves at a gas station are going to very limited in terms of quality and style.

Ok thanks! :) I thought it was said the gloves were bought after LD's murder. I must've gotten that mixed up or was too tired yesterday lol
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