GUILTY Canada - Makayla Chang, 16, Nanaimo, BC, 19 March 2017

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No news. :( Every day that no one sees or hears from Makayla is a day that makes me worry she won't be found safe. I'm on the Olympic Peninsula and have been keeping an eye out on the off chance she's entered the U.S.. Tomorrow I'll be in Port Angeles and will also keep watch though I think it's all pie in the sky. I so hope she's hunkered down with friends somewhere - c'mon Makayla, prove me wrong and contact your family to let them know you're okay. :tears:
I have been losing my mind for the past hour... I had Mekayla Bali and Makayla mixed up. :scared: Too many young girls missing in the company of old men.

If so then this article makes some sense:

Chang was reported as missing on March 22 and, according to reports published in B.C., she was last seen alive on March 17 in downtown Nanaimo. On Friday, the Longueuil police issued a release with information on the missing teen along with a note she might be in Montreal or the area surrounding the city. The Longueuil police received the request through Montreal’s Missing Children Network.

We're talking about 1600 km (about 995.4 miles) between the two places, or about a 17 and 1/2 hour car drive.!2m2!1d-73.5107131!2d45.5369442

Also noted in the article:

Chang is also known as Kayla Chang, Finn Chang and Leah Rose and has at times dressed as a male. She has a noticeable mole on her right cheek, silver studs on the right and left side of her upper lip and a ring piercing in her nose. She has been diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety and depression.

If there are indications she was seen on that side of the country then it really seems like she had been in SB's company at some point. I can't quite figure the location connections though. The article didn't say if the request came from a verified sighting, just that Montreal's Missing Children Network requested it.
“Contrary to a media report issued last week from an out of province media outlet, the Nanaimo RCMP has no indication to the whereabouts of Makayla Chang, and investigators have no reason to believe she is in Montreal,” said O’Brien.

“We spoke with him. He spoke freely with us and went on his way,” said O’Brien. “We have always indicated from day one that we believe he is the person who has information that would assist in the investigation.”

O’Brien said police don’t know where Bacon is.

I find it difficult to believe that they don't know where SB is. Surely they must be keeping an eye on him?

Still no sign of Makayla. :(
If so then this article makes some sense:

We're talking about 1600 km (about 995.4 miles) between the two places, or about a 17 and 1/2 hour car drive.!2m2!1d-73.5107131!2d45.5369442

Also noted in the article:

If there are indications she was seen on that side of the country then it really seems like she had been in SB's company at some point. I can't quite figure the location connections though. The article didn't say if the request came from a verified sighting, just that Montreal's Missing Children Network requested it.

It's actually a 3 - 4 day drive if not longer from Nanaimo to Montreal. Trippy lists it as a 49 hours journey. Nanaimo is the furthest west you can go in Canada and Montreal is a good 6 hours east of Toronto. The drive through Ontario is at minimum 2 days alone.

That's a really long way to go with a young girl.

Human Trafficking comes to mind with word that SB may have been seen in Montreal. It's a possibility, especially if he did take her that far.
It's actually a 3 - 4 day drive if not longer from Nanaimo to Montreal. Trippy lists it as a 49 hours journey. Nanaimo is the furthest west you can go in Canada and Montreal is a good 6 hours east of Toronto. The drive through Ontario is at minimum 2 days alone.

That's a really long way to go with a young girl.

Human Trafficking comes to mind with word that SB may have been seen in Montreal. It's a possibility, especially if he did take her that far.

I should have been clearer - sorry about that. I was replying to lynck's question that SB may be in Thunder Bay (Ontario) and I posted the distance from there to Longueuil, Quebec. I've lived in Vancouver (Toronto also) and know the area pretty well, including Nanaimo.

Though I have to admit that when I hear the name I still automatically think of Nanaimo bars. :giggle:
I should have been clearer - sorry about that. I was replying to lynck's question that SB may be in Thunder Bay (Ontario) and I posted the distance from there to Longueuil, Quebec. I've lived in Vancouver (Toronto also) and know the area pretty well, including Nanaimo.

Though I have to admit that when I hear the name I still automatically think of Nanaimo bars. :giggle:

That makes perfect sense. :)

No matter what, it's a real long haul.
Where are you Makayla?

I keep hoping there will be an update or some good news.

I was happy to see that Elizabeth Thomas was found safe yesterday, hoping for the same outcome for Makayla soon too.

I know it was confirmed that there was not a sighting in Montreal, but I also know from experience that Montreal is a very cheap city to live in compared to areas in BC and Ontario. You can find an OK apartment for only about $500 per month, it would be pretty easy to live there inexpensively compared with other cities in Canada.

Again I doubt she is there but she could have taken a Via Rail train anywhere, I have taken Via to Montreal before from Ontario and they do not ask for ID at all. You could easily register as someone else too probably.

There is also a very cheap discount for students over the summer due to the Canada 150 year, youth ages 12-25 pay only $150 and can travel unlimited across Canada this summer on Via Rail.

I did look into the pass further and you do need government issued photo ID to get the discounted unlimited youth train pass so unlikely for MC. Normal tickets however still no ID required.

I keep hoping she has simply run away and will return when she is ready, hopefully very soon. I have a bad feeling about this case though and don't really think that she simply ran off, especially with this SB character's seemingly shady actions and his home being searched twice.

I also worry because her appearance differs so much in each photo that if she is hiding, it will be impossible to find her unless she wants to be found. She seems very skilled with make up, hair and using wigs to create a multitude of totally unique looks.

Where are you Makayla? I hope she is safe hiding out somewhere.
Those VIA Rail passes are only for the month of July (Canada's Birthday) and they sold out pretty quick.

I'm guessing she never left Nanaimo.
Bacon never would have reported her missing, unless he knew she was actually missing and he had to.

Anyone know if Bacon has access to a car?
I also doubt that she actually left Nanaimo, but it is wishful thinking on my part that she just ran away and is safe somewhere.

I wondered if something happened between she and SB, an altercation of some sort and perhaps Makayla took off. When Bacon realized she was really gone he realized he should report her missing. Hypothetical of course.

Again, I doubt this is this case but I'm just trying to come up with some ideas as I feel bad that her thread has gone so quiet and there are no new MSM articles that I can find.
Did she do any drugs? If so I wonder if she had a bad combination or ODd and bacon was to scared or didn't care to report it. Or I wonder if she was being pimped out and something went wrong.

I'm sorry I know both those scenarios are horrible. I really hope she is just travelling Canada.

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It breaks my heart to see Makayla's thread slowly slip off of page one but without any news it's sadly inevitable. JMO I have a feeling we will eventually learn what happened and I'm afraid it will be bad. But I still hope that she managed to find a safe place to stay.

Again JMO but all this talk about SB playing the role of "father figure" and wanting to adopt her screams grooming to me rather than an altruistic interest in Makayla. If he sincerely meant it then there would have been no need for Makayla to lie about staying with him. He would have made sure to be transparent in his interactions with Makayla and let her grandmother know about her running to stay with him, not cover it up and keep it secret.

And now that SB has been located - without Makayla - it leaves us all wondering just where she would have run to on her own. IMO if SB had any inkling of where she might be then he certainly would have shared that with LE - otherwise he risks becoming a POI in her disappearance.

Chang's grandmother had been raising her since she was three years old, reported CHEK. Dolly Chang told the outlet that the teen lied about staying with friends off and on in the past two months, when she was really staying at Bacon's home.

Bacon's daughter, Allison Bacon, said her father used to call her "baby bird" — and had been calling Chang by that nickname, according to the Times Colonist. She added that she's concerned Bacon is not mentally stable.

JMOO but this case stinks to high heaven; it has all the earmarks of an older man grooming a young, vulnerable girl who may have been put in harms way if she rebuffed him romantically. Please let me be wrong. :tears:
It breaks my heart to see Makayla's thread slowly slip off of page one but without any news it's sadly inevitable. JMO I have a feeling we will eventually learn what happened and I'm afraid it will be bad. But I still hope that she managed to find a safe place to stay.

Again JMO but all this talk about SB playing the role of "father figure" and wanting to adopt her screams grooming to me rather than an altruistic interest in Makayla. If he sincerely meant it then there would have been no need for Makayla to lie about staying with him. He would have made sure to be transparent in his interactions with Makayla and let her grandmother know about her running to stay with him, not cover it up and keep it secret.

And now that SB has been located - without Makayla - it leaves us all wondering just where she would have run to on her own. IMO if SB had any inkling of where she might be then he certainly would have shared that with LE - otherwise he risks becoming a POI in her disappearance.

JMOO but this case stinks to high heaven; it has all the earmarks of an older man grooming a young, vulnerable girl who may have been put in harms way if she rebuffed him romantically. Please let me be wrong. :tears:

Unfortunately I share your concerns MsMarple. This just isn't looking good. :(
The smell is overwhelming.
Unfortunately I share your concerns MsMarple. This just isn't looking good. :(
The smell is overwhelming.

Whatever happened to Makayla whether has run away or met with foul play, I am pretty certain that SB is the key. He was also "missing" for almost 3 weeks when she 1st disappeared. So *if* he did something to harm her, he had a lot of time to clean up any trail of evidence. I'm sure RCMP are all over him but I'm worried she is not somewhere safe and warm...
I was able to find another newer MSM article from April 21, not much info but it's a very short interview with Makayla's grandmother Dolly Chang.

It’s been more than a month since Nanaimo teen Makayla Chang disappeared and her grandmother says she’s trying to stay positive every day that the 16-year-old is missing.

Dolly Chang has raised Makayla since the girl was three years old.
“Her passion was music and singing, she’s always singing everywhere,” Dolly told CTV News.

The Vancouver Island woman says the last time she saw her granddaughter was March 12 when she dropped her off at a friend’s house and their last conversation was on March 19.

Police conducted a number of thorough searches around Nanaimo and haven’t found any sign of the girl.
“I’m worried, really worried. It’s a daily thing of pacing and answering phones,” Dolly said.

No one in my circle has even heard of Makayla. I'm in a large local FB group with close to 10k members and not one knew what I was talking about. Mind you I'm in Ontario but maybe some major MSM can pick this up.

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No one in my circle has even heard of Makayla. I'm in a large local FB group with close to 10k members and not one knew what I was talking about. Mind you I'm in Ontario but maybe some major MSM can pick this up.

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Dyanna, I agree with you about nobody knowing about this case. I am also in Ontario and nobody I know has even heard about Makayla sadly. Especially with info about SB having a connection to Thunder Bay, I would have thought it would get a bit more attention in Ontario at least.

I am shocked that more people aren't aware of this case, the fact that she has been missing so long and given SB's grooming/inappropriate behavior makes this case really alarming. Every day I am worried about what has happened to MC, I wish MSM would report on her disappearance more.
I have a cousin with mental health issues who used to disappear every so often. She has ADHD and bipolar, but we later found out her disappearances were drug related. She would completely drop off the grid though, no social media, no contact. Once in a while one of her sisters could get her to respond to a text message but that is the most contact she would allow. She would leave and go live with friends in another city hours away from her hometown so that she could do her drugs and whatever she wanted totally uninterrupted. Her family was supportive and very nice but she knew they would drag her home and force her to stop doing the drugs, so she stayed away completely.

She finally herself decided she was done with the drugs and then the disappearing stopped. But she wasn't even using typical drugs you would imagine somebody being addicted to, she was using ketamine.

I have another friend who would do similar things but she would only contact her friends who she knew wouldn't judge her or tell her parents where she was or what she was doing. Sometimes it could get pretty scary, having to show up at her apartment and see if she was there or what on earth she was doing when nobody could get a hold of her for days or weeks at a time.

To be clear, I don't get the sense that Makayla is a drug user or is voluntarily missing, it's just another reason why somebody could go missing and choose to stay away with no contact to their family.

I feel SB is the key to her disappearance.
Bump. I can't believe the lack of info on this one [emoji17]

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