Canada - Man rescued after 3 months in Quebec woods, ate his dog to survive

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He obviously didn't survive for 3 months just eating the dog.
So how did he get food? And if he was able to get food, why did he have to kill his dog? From what's been reported, that dog saved his behind when bear attacked. And how did he repay his loyal companion?

I repeat, I'm not in his shoes.
Just asked my son if he could do that and he replied NO WAY. He said if the guy was smart enough he could have got the dog to help him fish. Also this man was unprepared. He could have learnt survival skills before he took off. Also how to find food when out in the bush.
I have my gorgeous red heeler here looking at me with his adoring eyes. He did not have the right to kill his adoring loyal companion. His stupidity put him in his shoes so he needed to walk in them and let the dog have a chance of survival.
Just asked my son if he could do that and he replied NO WAY. He said if the guy was smart enough he could have got the dog to help him fish. Also this man was unprepared. He could have learnt survival skills before he took off. Also how to find food when out in the bush.
I have my gorgeous red heeler here looking at me with his adoring eyes. He did not have the right to kill his adoring loyal companion. His stupidity put him in his shoes so he needed to walk in them and let the dog have a chance of survival.

Same here. I have 2 beautiful GSDS. Attack the post, not the poster. This is not directed to you. I couldn't do it. I would gladly snuggle with my dogs and die a warm peaceful death. My dogs are my family, and I love them dearly.

Blade and Xena!:loveyou:

From the link:

"He hit the dog with a rock and ate the meat."

I'm just thinking that after he made the decision to do what he did, he choose to hit it with a rock? A trekker in those parts known for being a bear territory - I'm surprised he didn't have a knife and made it a short process.

I'm sure it took quite some hits to actually kill a big dog like that. He must still have had quite a lot of energy to be able to do so; just holding the dog and keep punching.

Sorry for the graphic.

I watch the show "I survived" every day. Just some days ago it was about a guy that had been lost in the woods for days; he ate spiders, ants, whatever he could to survive.
Goodness, I can't imagine doing away with my beloved pet. I won't pretend to know the desperation this man might have felt all those months being lost. However, I could never ever kill any pet for food. My love for my pet would only want to try to help us both survive.

Poor fella. You were a loyal companion. You didn't deserve to have it end this way.
It's no stretch of the imagination, when humans can eat humans, they can surely eat a dog. Could I do it? NO! Could I eat another human? NO!

Donner Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I truly respect everyone's opinions here, truly! And I admire greatly your love for our 4 legged family members, but I simply can't pass judgement, unless I have walked in his shoes. I couldn't live with myself under these conditions, but that's just me. :(
So the dog's loyalty and protection saved the man from a bear attack, and in return he used that loyalty and affection as a means of killing the companion that stayed with him and risked his life for him.

The words "beloved dog" strike me as completely inappropriate. The MAN chose to hike out into the wilderness and TOOK his dog and when the man's lack of judgement put them both in a bad situation he chose to kill his loyal canine companion (and then claim he was the victim to get sympathy).

No sympathy at ALL. Disgusting story. I wish the bear had come back afterwards and finished the job. The man should have known the risks and prepared for them YET he apparently ignored them, I can't believe people feel sympathy for this guy.

That dog may have been able to catch them both a meal and keep him warm at night.
I'm leaving this thread. There's too many variables. :( Bless all the dog lovers! You're one of a kind, and I admire all of you!
The headline is a little misleading. Although the trek was to be 3 months, the man killed his dog and ate him "just days" after the bear wrecked his food supply. His excuse was that he had a sprained ankle and couldn't get other sources of food.

double bastage :(
I have a hard time understanding people that have to put themselves in death defying situations to get on in life. I am just not that person, and don't really feel sorry for those that are, then end up dying or near death before found because of their decision to do something dangerous.

I have a feeling the story may end up with a different version before it's over. jmo
It's no stretch of the imagination, when humans can eat humans, they can surely eat a dog. Could I do it? NO! Could I eat another human? NO!

Donner Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I truly respect everyone's opinions here, truly! And I admire greatly your love for our 4 legged family members, but I simply can't pass judgement, unless I have walked in his shoes. I couldn't live with myself under these conditions, but that's just me. :(

Big difference, imo, between eating a person who's already dead and bashing their head in with a rock for the purpose of killing them and eating them. Especially when the conditions aren't particularly harsh and you've only been without packed food for a matter of days. jmo
Big difference, imo, between eating a person who's already dead and bashing their head in with a rock for the purpose of killing them and eating them. Especially when the conditions aren't particularly harsh and you've only been without packed food for a matter of days. jmo

Exactly! The idea of him bashing that poor loyal dog's head in with a rock and listening to the poor dog scream is beyond horrible.

The dog was no doubt scared and hungry too yet the dog didn't plot to kill and consume his owner for weeks; I have no doubt this guy thought about killing his dog long before he did it, in fact he probably thought about it the first time he got really hungry.

I might eat human if I was desperate enough but I would never kill and eat my own beloved pack.
I saw a show on television about this subject. I think it was called "I Survived" or "I Almost Died" or something like that. I had a conversation with a friend about whether I would eat my dog to survive. I absolutely would not. I don't have to be in this position to know that I could never kill and eat my sweet Dax. I would prefer he killed and ate me. Call me stupid but he's absolutely my best friend. I could never live with myself if I even did anything to harm him.
The headline is a little misleading. Although the trek was to be 3 months, the man killed his dog and ate him "just days" after the bear wrecked his food supply. His excuse was that he had a sprained ankle and couldn't get other sources of food.

double bastage :(

A few days. Wow. Tell this to Rita Chretien, who survived 48 days in Nevada, by rationing out trail mix and drinking melted snow. And this was a middle-aged woman with no survival training at all. With adequate water, you can survive without food for quite some time. There are also acorns, berries, plants. Anyone going into the forest alone for a couple of months should know how to survive in case they do lose their food supply. Heck, I don't know that much but I do know to eat acorns and which berries are poisonous. And I would have a 'wild edible plants' book with me if I were to venture alone into the forest for any length of time.

So sad.

The German Shepherd saved his life, chasing off a bear, just three days before Lavoie killed it with a rock, according to Canadian news agency QMI.

So, within THREE DAYS of the bear attack, this alleged "experienced hiker" was in such dire straits that he had to kill his companion and champion?!?! That doesn't sound experienced or prepared to me!

Not to mention that he probably shouldn't have been out there to begin with:

Man apparently ate his dog to stay alive in Quebec woods
Simon Bosquet, QMI Agency
First posted: Friday, November 01, 2013 02:21 PM EDT | Updated: Friday, November 01, 2013 02:28 PM EDT

Lavoie is an experienced hiker who often spent weeks in the wilderness by himself. But the Nottaway River is considered too dangerous even for the hardiest outdoorsmen.

Andre Diamond, a Waswanipi Cree who lives on an island at the mouth of the river, said he warned Lavoie to stay away.

"He said it didn't scare him, but it's not a river to travel alone," said Diamond. "Other adventurers have gone there over 20, 30 years and never came back."

No sympathy from me! He had no business out there in the first place, put himself and his dog in a precarious position and then repays his dogs loyalty by eating it....AFTER THREE DAYS! Where was his cell phone, signal flare, GPS positioning device??? An experienced hiker knows not to put survival gear with your food for JUST THIS REASON. :doh:

They don't even give the poor dog's name in the articles....:(

I bet he has a hard time getting anyone to go hiking with him again. Hope no one gives him another dog either. :moo:
I truly believe I'd starve to death before eating my dog.

Three days?

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This made me think of the story about the man who went hiking up a mountain with his elderly dog (stupid idea) and he didn't think his dog would be able to make it back down so he left him there to starve to death. Well, some hikers found the poor dog still clinging to life several weeks later and they organized a rescue to bring the dog down. They carried that poor baby down the mountain. And the man that left him to starve to death? Wanted him back. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. He didn't get him back, needless to say.

I remember that!

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I think he planned the whole thing. Who witnessed the bear attack? I'll eat my dog, sell my story get on TV and pick up some money maybe.
So the dog's loyalty and protection saved the man from a bear attack, and in return he used that loyalty and affection as a means of killing the companion that stayed with him and risked his life for him.

The words "beloved dog" strike me as completely inappropriate. The MAN chose to hike out into the wilderness and TOOK his dog and when the man's lack of judgement put them both in a bad situation he chose to kill his loyal canine companion (and then claim he was the victim to get sympathy).

No sympathy at ALL. Disgusting story. I wish the bear had come back afterwards and finished the job. The man should have known the risks and prepared for them YET he apparently ignored them, I can't believe people feel sympathy for this guy.

I hesitated to read this story, I just glanced.
I couldn't have said it better. Thank you Sonya.

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