Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #1

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These are good questions and the bolded one has been brought up before. I don't believe RW was waiting in his victims' homes in any of the cases. He needed, and obviously used, his vehicle. A strange car parked in the driveway or nearby would have alerted the victims and neighbours. At least one woman who was assaulted was caught unaware while asleep at 2:00 a.m. Jessica sent a text at 10:30 p.m. saying she was safely home (and I believe it was indeed she who sent it; for the perp to do it would be a stupid, unnecessary risk). I believe that he broke into Jessica's home after she went to bed, and disabled her enough to take her away in his vehicle - assaulting and murdering her elsewhere. Hence, no sign of a struggle (or at least little enough that LE kept up the pretense that she may still have been alive when she vanished).

The missing link here is the case of Marie-France. She was seen by the neighbours leaving home in the morning and returning during the lunch hour. She was found dead shortly after by her boyfriend. This would have been a daytime attack. Where was the perp's vehicle and did the neighbours not spot it in that short time span?



Marie's home was located in a subdivision. Parking elsewhere would not have been too hard. Especially if you were familiar with the neighbourhood and it's occupants. EG service people that you know are in the same area that might be deployed or at work. I have seen a number of conflicting reports of the time line involved. That she might have come home at the lunch break, and was discovered at that time, and another report said that she missed her shift and she was discovered later that day by her ex boyfriend when he went to check up on her. Coming home at the lunch hour to meet with someone? Always a possibility. Lots of military in Brighton, I would say about 30 to 40 %, then the retirees (I may be mistaken but I think that the area she was living in is billed as an "adult" community) so there will also be a large chunk of snowbirds that leave their houses unoccupied for the winter months. He could have borrowed a car that day. You never know. Lots of opportunity if you have been prowling around and know the neighbourhood.
I don't think that there was a struggle that ensued with Jessica either. Perhaps because he got her from sleep (which seems to be following his MO) or that she went willingly, because they were known to each other.

But this is sheerly speculation, and based on my own opinion....which isn't worth much.
Marie's home was located in a subdivision. Parking elsewhere would not have been too hard. Especially if you were familiar with the neighbourhood and it's occupants. EG service people that you know are in the same area that might be deployed or at work. I have seen a number of conflicting reports of the time line involved. That she might have come home at the lunch break, and was discovered at that time, and another report said that she missed her shift and she was discovered later that day by her ex boyfriend when he went to check up on her. Coming home at the lunch hour to meet with someone? Always a possibility. Lots of military in Brighton, I would say about 30 to 40 %, then the retirees (I may be mistaken but I think that the area she was living in is billed as an "adult" community) so there will also be a large chunk of snowbirds that leave their houses unoccupied for the winter months. He could have borrowed a car that day. You never know. Lots of opportunity if you have been prowling around and know the neighbourhood.
I don't think that there was a struggle that ensued with Jessica either. Perhaps because he got her from sleep (which seems to be following his MO) or that she went willingly, because they were known to each other.

But this is sheerly speculation, and based on my own opinion....which isn't worth much.

It's unfortunate that we don't have too much information about Marie's case.

As far as I can tell, there are five possibilities as to how Jessica was taken.

(1) RW had been stalking her without her knowledge and waited until he was sure that she was home alone that night, possibly driving past the house until he saw her car in the driveway.

(2) He then waited until she was asleep and broke into the house, as per his previous MO.

(3) He knocked on her door before she went to bed under some pretext and quickly disabled her before taking her from the house.

(4) He saw her somewhere in town that night and followed her home (then #2 or #3).

(5) He met with her previously that night (or even earlier) and they mutually agreed to meet at her home.

Did I forget anything? I'd be interested in your opinions as to which is most likely and why.


EDIT: I really doubt that Jessica left her home willingly, as it was reported that she left her purse and other belongings behind. I'm not even sure that her overcoat was missing.
grrrrrr my browser crashed just as I finished a response I might be a while retyping:(
It's unfortunate that we don't have too much information about Marie's case.

As far as I can tell, there are five possibilities as to how Jessica was taken.

(1) RW had been stalking her without her knowledge and waited until he was sure that she was home alone that night, possibly driving past the house until he saw her car in the driveway.

(2) He then waited until she was asleep and broke into the house, as per his previous MO.

(3) He knocked on her door before she went to bed under some pretext and quickly disabled her before taking her from the house.

(4) He saw her somewhere in town that night and followed her home (then #2 or #3).

(5) He met with her previously that night (or even earlier) and they mutually agreed to meet at her home.

Did I forget anything? I'd be interested in your opinions as to which is most likely and why.


EDIT: I really doubt that Jessica left her home willingly, as it was reported that she left her purse and other belongings behind. I'm not even sure that her overcoat was missing.

IMO I would say #3 or 4, I do not believe that she went with him willingly. Anyone her age that would leave home would never leave without cell phone, this generation does not survive without them. (If I remember correctly her purse and cell were found in her house)
grrrrrr my browser crashed just as I finished a response I might be a while retyping:(

Mine has been doing that several times a day for about a week. I've been blaming Facebook, but now wonder if some of these news sites are causing it. I totally sympathize!
Ok, in regards to if he took her from her house (I believe I am now verified). There was apparently a sign of struggle in the snow, a drag mark in the backyard. Right off the bat it was said there was some tampering with her back window but I have not followed up with anyone from the family overly so in regards to this. I know this stretch quite well as well as know the many neighbours- her house sat back, not terribly so- but enough from someone not to notice if anything was wrong while driving by. I know 100 per cent that: Lights of a vehicle were seen behind the field of her house that night, but not reported until the roadside canvass because it was very typical for many people to drive the fields behind her house (and neighbouring houses) to place deer feed as well as hunt. I know it was not hunting season, but according to someone who lives on that stretch, it happens quite often. It was reported this vehicle's lights were seen not once, but twice- as if it was backing up at one point. The yards of all these houses on her side are quite open as well as open field in behind. No real side road except for Sills? (I will have to double check once i drive by it again) ahead of her house to park on, and highway 37 is indeed a busy one, even at night. I do know that it was not out of the ordinary to see vehicles in behind there.

I drove highway 37 today to get where i was going.. On her front lawn a corner that was decorated with flowers, and a giant pink teddy bear for Valentine's Day. I couldn't help but think as I drove all the way into Tweed but an awfully long drive that is, especially when you hit Roslin which turns to 60 km/hr and then turn right to go to Marlbank, etc.
I cried when I saw the teddy and didn't stop until past Tweed.

Also I am really hoping she is found, but here is a girl that has been missing since January 23, 2010 from Belleville. This is her facebook page:
It's unfortunate that we don't have too much information about Marie's case.

As far as I can tell, there are five possibilities as to how Jessica was taken.

(1) RW had been stalking her without her knowledge and waited until he was sure that she was home alone that night, possibly driving past the house until he saw her car in the driveway.

(2) He then waited until she was asleep and broke into the house, as per his previous MO.

(3) He knocked on her door before she went to bed under some pretext and quickly disabled her before taking her from the house.

(4) He saw her somewhere in town that night and followed her home (then #2 or #3).

(5) He met with her previously that night (or even earlier) and they mutually agreed to meet at her home.

Did I forget anything? I'd be interested in your opinions as to which is most likely and why.


EDIT: I really doubt that Jessica left her home willingly, as it was reported that she left her purse and other belongings behind. I'm not even sure that her overcoat was missing.

My opinion is that he was purely opportunistic. He never strayed out of his comfort zone (assaults occurred on his street for starters), Comeau worked under him, and Jess's house was on his way home. He could have saw her at a gas station, followed her home, could have been in there already. Who really knows at this point, but I don't feel like he had the time to stalk as most perps usually do. This man was a very busy man.
I know Jessica never knew him, and she wasn't the type to just "agree" to meet with some stranger at her house. The girl was fierce, she was a fighter, and she never had a jacket on.

I also got to wondering how someone would successfully break into 48 different homes without an incidence occurring? Like, a dog barking? A boyfriend lurking inside? The woman sleeping? Alarm systems? It really seems way too risky to me, but I might be missing something. I don't know how to break into a house afterall or know how easy it is. I mean I am guessing some of these houses were close together- so how did not even one person notice? Sheesh.
I would really like to have that one account of how RW was a ladies' man and pick-up artist corroborated by at least one other person. The majority of stories describe him as sporadically personable, but introverted. If he was such a stud in the local bars, surely someone else could come forward and confirm it.

We have to remember that the media will print just about anything anyone tells them. :banghead:


He was photographed frequently with people in high places: Queen Elizabeth, Stephen Harper, Rick Hillier. Many have said he wasn't easy to know. So, the claims of that person are questionable IMO.
Mine has been doing that several times a day for about a week. I've been blaming Facebook, but now wonder if some of these news sites are causing it. I totally sympathize!

It seems to be going around. I wonder if it's this site? And I wonder why.
My opinion is that he was purely opportunistic. He never strayed out of his comfort zone (assaults occurred on his street for starters), Comeau worked under him, and Jess's house was on his way home. He could have saw her at a gas station, followed her home, could have been in there already. Who really knows at this point, but I don't feel like he had the time to stalk as most perps usually do. This man was a very busy man.
I know Jessica never knew him, and she wasn't the type to just "agree" to meet with some stranger at her house. The girl was fierce, she was a fighter, and she never had a jacket on.

I also got to wondering how someone would successfully break into 48 different homes without an incidence occurring? Like, a dog barking? A boyfriend lurking inside? The woman sleeping? Alarm systems? It really seems way too risky to me, but I might be missing something. I don't know how to break into a house afterall or know how easy it is. I mean I am guessing some of these houses were close together- so how did not even one person notice? Sheesh.

Reading back on two unsolved murders in Toronto in 1983, someone postulated that it could have been a delivery person.

Last year in Alberta, a man followed a teenager home from a gas station, then grabbed her from her vehicle in the alley behind her house. She was repeatedly sexually assaulted. She later escaped alive. The man was a former trucker, who used an RCMP disguise, complete with flashing lights, as part of his scheme. He had been searching for a victim for two weeks prior to this incident. He pled guilty and is awaiting sentencing.
PJ, is there anywhere that RW could have hidden his car close by before Jessica came home? If she was as smart and fierce as you say, she wouldn't enter her house by herself if there was a strange car parked in her driveway. I don't believe he was already waiting for her in the house. How would he know for sure that she'd arrive alone ... or at all? Also, that would imply that he was stalking her. How else would he know that she lived alone?

(Regarding the assault victims) What I can't figure out is how does one person, regardless of physical strength, tie up a victim while simultaneously preventing them from fleeing or screaming. He only has two hands and you can't tie someone up with just one hand while holding a weapon with the other. Is there some sort of military training for this type of thing, or does he incapacitate them first somehow? I just can't imagine it.
Jessica spent her early days growing up on the base at CFB Ottawa before the family moved to the house where she lived on Highway 37

I wonder if someone who has access to air force personnel records as part of their job would also have access to navy records. I know that RCMP files used to include information about people after they left the service, like obits.
It's unfortunate that we don't have too much information about Marie's case.

As far as I can tell, there are five possibilities as to how Jessica was taken.

(1) RW had been stalking her without her knowledge and waited until he was sure that she was home alone that night, possibly driving past the house until he saw her car in the driveway.

(2) He then waited until she was asleep and broke into the house, as per his previous MO.

(3) He knocked on her door before she went to bed under some pretext and quickly disabled her before taking her from the house.

(4) He saw her somewhere in town that night and followed her home (then #2 or #3).

(5) He met with her previously that night (or even earlier) and they mutually agreed to meet at her home.

Did I forget anything? I'd be interested in your opinions as to which is most likely and why.


EDIT: I really doubt that Jessica left her home willingly, as it was reported that she left her purse and other belongings behind. I'm not even sure that her overcoat was missing.

I would have to agree that in my opinion she did not leave her home willingly. Although, I was 27 not all that long ago, and that was about the age that I had an affair. I did leave the house a number of times without anything- no purse, no keys, didn't lock up and didn't take anything with me. It just seemed all so exciting to have someone waiting outside the house ready for a rendevous. And to leave everything behind was kind of like a total escape. Situation was different though, since I was married at the time. And I was living in a small town not to far away from Tweed. things like this just don't happen here, or so we thought. How naive. To make myself clear, I am not saying that she was involved in anything of the sort. I am simply stating that anything is possible.

I am wondering if the bed was made. I think that she was likely taken, possibly unconscious. Maybe attacked while asleep, since he seems to like to creep up on his victims when they are prone. At the time of the home invasions in Tweed I remember hearing that one of the victims was knocked out. Haven't seen that report since, so I can't back it up with hard facts. Nothing that I have read suggests there was a struggle. And I think if there was they may have moved faster or handled the investigation a little different. Some early reports suggested the front door was open- but they were not clear if the door was wide open, or simply unlocked. Wide open doesn't make sense, someone driving past on the road would have spotted it. And leaving it open seems like something that would not have been overlooked by RW. Then there was a report (although I believe it was hearsay) that the backdoor was kicked in. I can see the back door as an entry point, and perhaps he parked around the side or rear of the house to avoid being spotted? Darker to avoid being spotted either parked or when carrying or forcing a person into the vehicle, and let's not forget MORE OF A SNOW BASE TO LEAVE TIRE IMPRESSIONS ON, since we have very little snow on our driveways currently, and the mud seems to frozen to have allowed for impressions. Not to mention the fact that some of her family and friends had already been to the house to check on her before the police got there to take the reports, so how many vehicles would have run over top of the tracks that somehow broke the case? I think he went around the house, because I don't think there is any way the tracks would have been preserved if he hadn't. He is an accomplished B&E artist if the statement circulating in the press has an ounce of truth. Four dozen panty raids is pretty significant. If he traveled that road on a regular basis (easiest way to get up to Tweed from CFB Trenton) he would have been able to see when she was normally home. Weekdays make sense for watching since she held a daytime job-and lets be honest we all tend to be creatures of habit during the week when we have full time jobs. He would have known when. I don't think he was already in the home when she got there. Too much chance of getting caught. But again, cocky or careless?
I get really confused with the timelines involved here, because the way that the official court documents read, Marie's murder took place sometime "between the 24th of November and the 25th of November", but the press has released the 25th. And then there were all of the reports that she missed a shift, which prompted her boyfriend to go check on her, but now I am reading that she went home at lunch and didn't return. My mind keeps jumping back and forth between cocky and careless the more I read.

This is all purely speculative.

Here's something that stood out for me:

Jones humoured him, and told him he was hunting birds. The colonel wanted to know where, exactly where.

Jones, a lifelong Tweed, Ont., resident, told him of the road 10 kilometres away, a place where he and a friend have a hunting camp.

The colonel indicated he had not heard of the road.

Near the golf course, Jones told him and the colonel's eyes flashed with recognition.

"Ya, ya, I know the road," he said. "Good luck with the hunt!"

Nice touch, the missing clothes. Who would call the police about a missing coat, some gloves and a lighter, all of which would be covered in DNA?
The man would stop at nothing to continue along his merry way.

Makes me sick to think about it because you know damn well he would have done it again.
The media is really digging up anything coincidental from his past...

The coincidence – Williams, a boarder at the school at the same time Brown was molesting students – is hard to ignore although there is currently no evidence indicating they, in fact, crossed paths. Brown, who remained at UCC until 1993, was reached by the Star. He said he never had any contact with Williams

There is no evidence to suggest that Bernardo and Williams crossed paths, although they lived in the same area and took some of the same classes. There is no evidence to suggest that Williams and the boarding house molestor crossed paths. Does this mean that LE is looking for evidence in both of these cases?

And then, he went on to RMC, full of cadets. Did he live in residence?

One more thing from the article: He recalled one windy day when Williams backed his fishing boat down the launch into the water. He didn't tie it down properly and the boat drifted into muddy weeds.

Maybe he needs a lesson in knot-tying. Awfully strange for someone whose parents belonged to a yacht club:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CANADA Canada - Ottawa, ON, Lachlan Cranswick, 41 Jan 18, 2010
Here's something that stood out for me:

Jones humoured him, and told him he was hunting birds. The colonel wanted to know where, exactly where.

Jones, a lifelong Tweed, Ont., resident, told him of the road 10 kilometres away, a place where he and a friend have a hunting camp.

The colonel indicated he had not heard of the road.

Near the golf course, Jones told him and the colonel's eyes flashed with recognition.

"Ya, ya, I know the road," he said. "Good luck with the hunt!"

Nice touch, the missing clothes. Who would call the police about a missing coat, some gloves and a lighter, all of which would be covered in DNA?
I wonder if LE has checked that hunting camp.
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