GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #6

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We don't know if that was a question based on fact or fantasy. I suspect that she did not write about him in a journal, but that Smyth asked that question to see if Williams would reveal something.

You could be right, Otto, but I tend to agree with Macright, I don't think Smyth's questions regarding MFC actually writing about RW was made up.

If it was made up, maybe LE would have taken it out of the Redacted Confession Transcript, no?

Here is the transcript from the Confession Interview, regarding MFC and the writings (prior to RW's confession):

D/SGT. SMYTH: okay alright Russell (sighs) um is there anything you can think of, let’s go talk about Marie-France COMEAU
for a minute okay

5275 WILLIAMS: mm hmm

D/SGT. SMYTH: is there any reason at all you can think of that during
our investigation obviously we’re searching uh computers uh things like Blackberries right

WILLIAMS: mm hmm

D/SGT. SMYTH: electronic devices uh looking through houses for things
that are in handwriting written notes diaries things like
5285 that

WILLIAMS: mm hmm

D/SGT. SMYTH: um and I’m not at liberty to tell you what the content
was but is there any reason at all that you can think of
why Marie-France COMEAU would’ve specifically referenced you in some of her uh in some of her writings

5295 WILLIAMS: not at all


WILLIAMS: no absolutely not (chuckles)

D/SGT. SMYTH: okay is there anything that she ever said to you that lead
you to believe that there may be something uh more than a passing interest with her towards you

5305 WILLIAMS: not at all no we spent you know one flight together
talking I’d go back occasionally and talk no I uh if that’s the case that’s uh that’s very surprising

D/SGT. SMYTH: okay alright um do you have any questions for me right now

07 February 2010
Page 131 of 309
The following transcript has been prepared for the convenience of the reader Please refer to the original format in which the statement was obtained for accuracy

Part 1 of Confession Transcript:
You could be right, Otto, but I tend to agree with Macright, I don't think Smyth's questions regarding MFC actually writing about RW was made up.

If it was made up, maybe LE would have taken it out of the Redacted Confession Transcript, no?

Here is the transcript from the Confession Interview, regarding MFC and the writings (prior to RW's confession):

Thank for that..I still think that MFC did in fact mention something about her relationship with RW either in journal or in text form or to someone close to her but I think when Smyth threw that in there he already knew the truth and was just either testing RW to see how he would react and dropped it because his main issue at that point was to get a confession for the murder/murders from RW.. or to gauge how truthful RW was going to be..
could it be that MEH's medical records would be made public?

Yes, that is why I posted that news bit as I wondered if and how it might affect the release of those medical files.
Two page interview with author T.A., includes questions and answers such as these...
By Tenille Bonoguore, April 20, 2011 9:17 PM
A New Kind of Monster: Author opens up about reporting on serial-killer

Q: You try in the book to determine what triggered Williams' criminality. Some people pointed to the drug prednisone, which he had taken for arthritis. What do you believe started it?
A: People can be quite nasty on prednisone, but it's nothing to do with his crimes. They were carefully planned out. He's a very, very scary guy, because he was so methodical. The [obsessive compulsive disorder] is crucial to that behaviour. I think there was an event, but it wasn't an external event. Something happened, but it was all within him. I believe it was an internal decision.
Russell Williams victim demands inquiry
Williams’ military file should be opened to get a look at his psychological assessments or if there were ever complaints against him.

Did the system protect and allow his career to grow because their was no effective system to root out evil?

How did they miss this animal? Remember they had him flying the Queen, the prime minister, and sitting in on G8 and G20 Summit security meetings to protect U.S. President Barack Obama.
Lots of questions being asked by RW's victim here. The OPP is saying they will co-operate with an investigation.

In fact the case of former CFB Trenton commanding officer Col. Russell Williams has been wrapped up with a neat little bow with him pleading guilty to avoid a trial and to quietly hide out for 23 years and hope for parole.

Meanwhile victims like Laurie Massicotte, who was struck with a flashlight and sexually assaulted, remain destroyed and uncompensated.

Brave and dogged, she speaks out in an exclusive interview on Sun News Network Thursday in a story put together by weekend anchor Caryn Lieberman. It will be aired on SNN’s Roundtable with Pat Bolland and Alex Pierson at 10:30 a.m. and again on Newswire with Jacqui Delaney at noon.


The OPP has said it would fully co-operate in an inquiry and Commissioner Chris Lewis tells me “over the past months, the partners in this investigation fully reviewed all aspects of our joint response to this case through a comprehensive debriefing process.”

He said “the OPP, Belleville Police Service, Ottawa Police Service, and Canadian Forces National Investigative Service (CFNIS) created a cohesive team and allowed for the seamless sharing of information, resources, and the co-ordination of the investigation.”

Lewis has told me personally any mistakes made will be seriously addressed and solutions will be implemented including to “continue to develop internal procedures to guide officers in the decision as to what and when to distribute public safety information to the media and public for violent crimes.”
I am glad that LM is standing up to this and not going away. Many things need to be looked into further. I strongly disagree with LE when they stated in the media "no danger to the public", they always keep violent attacks etc so tight lipped as they do not want to scare the public....HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO would the public not be safer with a bit of scare in them. I would rather have LE put a scare on me than some lunatic like RW putting a scare on me.
IIRC, police didn't believe the first attack was real. The second attack changed that opinion. In the murder of MFC, they thought it was a domestic situation. In the fourth attack, they found the clues they needed to tie everything together. I can understand that the victims are upset that it wasn't solved faster, or that they weren't aware of the other crimes but would an awareness of assaults in Tweed have changed anything for MFC or JL? Hard to say. They locked their doors, but Williams still found a way in. The OPP has a webpage where they list crimes: . Is that enough? Probably not, but at the same time, it does not seem like the OPP knew what they were dealing with until the fourth assault (2nd murder).

LM says that the $60k pension should be given to the victims. That is something that has to go through the courts. I don't think the gov't is going to change the law such that criminals are not allowed to receive their pension.

Everything that I've read about Williams and the military suggests that there were absolutely no clues indicating how dangerous he was. I doubt an inquiry will provide more information.
IIRC, police didn't believe the first attack was real. The second attack changed that opinion. In the murder of MFC, they thought it was a domestic situation. In the fourth attack, they found the clues they needed to tie everything together. I can understand that the victims are upset that it wasn't solved faster, or that they weren't aware of the other crimes but would an awareness of assaults in Tweed have changed anything for MFC or JL? Hard to say. They locked their doors, but Williams still found a way in. The OPP has a webpage where they list crimes: . Is that enough? Probably not, but at the same time, it does not seem like the OPP knew what they were dealing with until the fourth assault (2nd murder).

LM says that the $60k pension should be given to the victims. That is something that has to go through the courts. I don't think the gov't is going to change the law such that criminals are not allowed to receive their pension.

Everything that I've read about Williams and the military suggests that there were absolutely no clues indicating how dangerous he was. I doubt an inquiry will provide more information.

BBM: JL herself talked about the "Tweed Creeper" to her friends, prior to being murdered (as was reported in the media.) I think this was in reference to the panty break-in's, but maybe not the sexual assaults.
BBM: JL herself talked about the "Tweed Creeper" to her friends, prior to being murdered (as was reported in the media.) I think this was in reference to the panty break-in's, but maybe not the sexual assaults.

That tells us that police were making the public aware of what was going on, but at the same time they did not want to panic the public. The sad fact is that women targeted by Williams were helpless to protect themselves without completely disrupting their lives. The music teacher was very fortunate that the neighbour told her to bring her pajamas and stay the night. That most likely saved her. Other women that lived alone probably thought it wouldn't happen to them, or may have believed that it happened to someone else because they didn't lock their doors and windows.

I know someone that lives along the route between Ottawa and Tweed. She and her husband bought a house there in the Spring of 2010. The former owner is a police officer. Every window, and door with a window, has bars. Every entrance to the house (windows/doors) is connected to a security system. The bedroom door has a deadbolt with key lock. When I visited and saw the security, I wondered if that was a result of information police had about break ins and assaults starting in 2007 or whether police are typically that security conscious.
Incidentally, the friend is married to someone that is with the military, and I did hear that the regular soldiers were having a lot of fun with the colonel in his panties and bra. For them, he had to be a non-soldier, so his uniform was burned. Otherwise, it is normal for uniforms to be re-used in the Canadian miliatry. There is no fee for the re-cycled clothing.

I think I read that a victim was offerred $75k but it was refused. $75k ... let's see. His wife receives half of his pension, so that leaves him with $30k/yr. He has no expenses for the next 25 years. The victims are offered 2.5 years worth his pension and the remainder of his pension will most likely go to his wife.

After 10 years, he'll be worth $300k. After 25 years it will be 750k ... so they offered the victim 10%. He will never be worh more than 2 million, so why sue for that amount? What about the other victims? Why not seek a settlement where 80% of his future income (pension) is divided equally amongst the victims. He has to have something to live on when he is possibly released in 25 years, so they can't take everything.
Williams is a complete freak. He's a murderous transvestite. He likes to dress in women's clothing and assault/murder women at the same time.

We think of transvestites as nice people, nothing like in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I am convinced that Williams was practicing, while building his courage, to choose a younger victim, a child. He went from a couple of women in the neighbourhood; women that were not initially taken seriously, to a soldier he had stalked, to the civilian employee that got away (music teacher), to a person he saw in the yard whlie driving down the highway (JL). Each victim would offerr less resistance.

In fact, when we think about how Williams mispelled words at crime scenes, it's likely that he expected his computer messages to be broadcast in the news - but they weren't That probably did give him a sense of false security about being caught ... while at the same time he wouldn't have left the messages if he didn't expect them to be significant. Perhaps the suppression of this evidence resulted in the carelessness that led to his confession.
Incidentally, the friend is married to someone that is with the military, and I did hear that the regular soldiers were having a lot of fun with the colonel in his panties and bra. For them, he had to be a non-soldier, so his uniform was burned. Otherwise, it is normal for uniforms to be re-used in the Canadian miliatry. There is no fee for the re-cycled clothing.

I think I read that a victim was offerred $75k but it was refused. $75k ... let's see. His wife receives half of his pension, so that leaves him with $30k/yr. He has no expenses for the next 25 years. The victims are offered 2.5 years worth his pension and the remainder of his pension will most likely go to his wife.

After 10 years, he'll be worth $300k. After 25 years it will be 750k ... so they offered the victim 10%. He will never be worh more than 2 million, so why sue for that amount? What about the other victims? Why not seek a settlement where 80% of his future income (pension) is divided equally amongst the victims. He has to have something to live on when he is possibly released in 25 years, so they can't take everything.

I'm sure that RW actually has more money than that, they probably would have had savings,RRSP's, that sort of thing. Of course that could have all been signed over to MEH.
Well, if MEH becomes concerned about struggling to support herself and her cat, a sure fire way she can make lots of dough- would be to write a memoir.Later on,when a film is made- she can pickup more bucks for tender vittles, by selling/renting the Tweed home to the movie-makers.
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