CANADA Canada - Mary Ann Plett, 29, Edmonton AB, Sept 15 1971

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More coincidences?

James Fenimore Cooper wrote articles regularly for Graham's Magazine. Mary Ann Plett last seen at Graham Realty

Cooper writes about the lone pine that stood above Otsego Lake in his short story, The Eclipse.

Cooper's father, William, was also a "realtor", as was Mary Ann Plett, selling off lots and farms from his purchase of the Croghan Patent, a huge tract of land around Otsego Lake.

There's even a character in Cooper's story Home as Found in Chapter 16 named Wheaton. Her (Plett's) car was found at Wheaton Auto Sales.
Will "Wheaton", starred in "Star Trek, The Next Generation". This show featured many alien characters that killed humans. Bradley "Cooper" starred in "The Midnight Meat Train" which was about a serial killer on a train killing people to feed some alien creatures underground.

Clearly, our clever SK is laying out the tale that he has to kill to feed alien creatures.
Will "Wheaton", starred in "Star Trek, The Next Generation". This show featured many alien characters that killed humans. Bradley "Cooper" starred in "The Midnight Meat Train" which was about a serial killer on a train killing people to feed some alien creatures underground.

Clearly, our clever SK is laying out the tale that he has to kill to feed alien creatures.

Your theory might apply to Area 51 if there were unsolved murders in that area and if one believed in that sort of thing.

Your two comparisons aren't related to each other, whereas all the multiple comparisons I've given are specifically related to James Fenimore Cooper and actual people, occupations, locations, etc. related to the Mary Ann Plett murder. I'm just pointing out the high number of coincidences and not setting my observations in stone. Did the killer plan the murder which reflects those coincidences? Whether consciously or subconsciously, who knows. It's open to speculation. It's also out in the public domain to be seen by someone at a future time who might be able to match the pieces of the puzzle and make a connection.

A case in point; a witness was told many years ago by someone known by a person of interest in a cold case serial killing that this someone had a specifically-named item. All the witness was told at the time by this someone was they had the item and were holding it as insurance/leverage for an unnamed reason, nothing at all about the murder. Since it didn't make sense to the witness at the time, (who knew nothing of any crime or even about a trophy taken from the scene of a cold case serial killing), the witness dismissed it as "just talk".

It wasn't until years later (and very recently), though, that the witness recounted that confession to a person researching that very crime who was able to put that specific piece of information together with what the researcher already knew about the crime and knew right away the connection of both pieces of the puzzle and the significance of that information (and its relationship to numerous instances of circumstantial evidence known about that murder) because it not only implicates the person of interest in the murder but also the other person for covering up their knowledge of the crime after the fact. Whether a sworn statement by the witness to these facts is enough to procure a search warrant for that item isn't known.

Too bad that the witness won't come forward. It could possibly solve several other murders.
Your theory might apply to Area 51 if there were unsolved murders in that area and if one believed in that sort of thing.

Your two comparisons aren't related to each other, whereas all the multiple comparisons I've given are specifically related to James Fenimore Cooper and actual people, occupations, locations, etc. related to the Mary Ann Plett murder. I'm just pointing out the high number of coincidences and not setting my observations in stone. Did the killer plan the murder which reflects those coincidences? Whether consciously or subconsciously, who knows. It's open to speculation. It's also out in the public domain to be seen by someone at a future time who might be able to match the pieces of the puzzle and make a connection.

A case in point; a witness was told many years ago by someone known by a person of interest in a cold case serial killing that this someone had a specifically-named item. All the witness was told at the time by this someone was they had the item and were holding it as insurance/leverage for an unnamed reason, nothing at all about the murder. Since it didn't make sense to the witness at the time, (who knew nothing of any crime or even about a trophy taken from the scene of a cold case serial killing), the witness dismissed it as "just talk".

It wasn't until years later (and very recently), though, that the witness recounted that confession to a person researching that very crime who was able to put that specific piece of information together with what the researcher already knew about the crime and knew right away the connection of both pieces of the puzzle and the significance of that information (and its relationship to numerous instances of circumstantial evidence known about that murder) because it not only implicates the person of interest in the murder but also the other person for covering up their knowledge of the crime after the fact. Whether a sworn statement by the witness to these facts is enough to procure a search warrant for that item isn't known.

Too bad that the witness won't come forward. It could possibly solve several other murders.
I was simply carrying on with the "movie" theme, and the 'roundabout' way we 'fattened' up the theory of a murder case from 44 years ago that was committed by a man who has potentially become an old man now. I'm no psychic, so I can't say if that 'someone' is now an old man 44 years later. That is clearly beyond my sleuthing capabilities. The killer may have only been 7 at the time... we just don't know.

I am, however, working on several anagrams from the victim list here to try and predict the next victim of the Fat Old Man Serial Killer Cult. Had we only done so previously with the famous "First Syllable Technique", perhaps poor Hailey may have been spared.

I completely agree with your assessment. I knew a guy, who knew a guy who had a piece of information that 'someone' did 'something'. Hopefully, it's enough to break the case.
From the limited amount of information I have gathered, it's my understanding the husband was cleared only by lie detector... a 1971 technology lie detector?

The husband also apparently saw the killer slowly drive by her office but failed to catch up with the car, which was later found just a few blocks away.

Is that alibi creation?

Perhaps since the husband saw the killer driving slowly by, the killer also saw the husband looking at him... and quickly parked the car in the first busy lot he saw as to camouflage it. That would explain the items left behind, as he was likely in a hurry to run away after being spotted.

How interesting that a rather independent young woman was being called out by a man at all hours "for work", on short notice, and oh bother... she was always so late because he kept her waiting and waiting... not because they were spending hours and hours together. Does that not sound like a potential affair happening with the necessary cover story?

Who did she tell she was meeting this "James Cooper" that fateful day? Was that told by the husband who was potentially onto an affair, or corroborated by others?

I'm no psychic, so maybe I'm completely off base here. An obscure character reference in a story, by a long dead author, makes so much more sense as to why the car ended up where it did. So much for my profiling skills.
That whole "gruff" disguised, "Dave Cooper" voice calling a different realtor later is a bit dodgy as well, and stinks of story creation... possibly to throw LE off, or possibly attention seeking by an unknown realtor looking to market herself.

Our supposed intelligent killer can't change the MO a little bit, or even the last name? Dave? Really?

How deeply was the husband looked at in this? If there was an affair going on, "James Cooper" may have had a spouse of his own, and didn't come forward for obvious 1971 related social scorn reasons.

How much has the husband's solid Christian image, and willingness to forgive the killer gotten him a pass in certain aspects of the investigation?
Mr. Plett had gotten out of school that morning, an hour before she planned on picking up "James Cooper". Mr. Plett was apparently the only one of a group at the realty office that saw the car drive by... he yelled at someone about it and they apparently tried to follow... but the car was gone.

Was the arrangement to pick up "James Cooper" through a message left at the office, or did she speak to him directly?

There is a series of coincidences here for sure... everything I read always waxes on... saint making her to be the ultimate Christian woman... how much of that blind faith of her being a devoted mother and woman of God... and apparently not a career oriented human female... has made investigators of that era overlook some of the obvious?
The husband also apparently argued with LE *not* to put a public APB on her initially, citing that he didn't tell anyone she was gone yet.
What if the call to meet was "It's James... *snicker* ... I can't speak long... I can't wait to see you... pick me up at the grocery store at 11... kisses."

If she shows at the grocery store... then it might confirm for someone that she and James are more than just realtor & client.

She makes the usual cover story to coworkers... "I can't believe this is the 3rd time he wants to go look at this same property far away so I won't be around for hours and hours... hopefully he doesn't make me wait and wait again."

Everything I have read thus far seems rather hokey, and no one seems to question any of the validity of the witness information.
As the sole breadwinner of the household at the time, I would be most interested in any life insurance policy on Mary Ann, the value and how old the policy was.
Hoping to keep this thread alive and kicking ( okay without the kicking!)
An affair resulting in murder is always a possibility, but so is everything else, imo.
Let's explore it all!

I find it hard to believe her running off to meet a man alone at all hours, on a moment's notice, was not a source of discussion, if not friction, in the marital relationship... especially given the 70's Era mentality, and if he had to stay home with the kids.

I would also like to know his whereabouts between 10 am, when he left school, and when he came in contact with his kids. A 3 to 4 hour window of opportunity is all that would be required. That car wasn't found for 2 days in that lot... and could have been parked there before anyone knew she was missing.

It would be nice if someone with knowledge of the case would speak to the realities involved with the situation. I assume I will have to read the book written by the husband to get at his side of the story... which I will take with the full skepticism required to properly sleuth out a case.

It is not victim bashing to verify stories and question accounts of events, any more than it is "Nessie Spotter" bashing to question if they actually saw the sea creature. If something doesn't ring true, you theorize, you ask, and seek answers.

I think a rational analysis of the evidence should be done... failing that, then perhaps we can look at the possibility that it is another cryptic murder by "The Author of Death"... who chooses his victims, and stages his crime scenes based on the lives of 19th Century writers.
From the limited amount of information I have gathered, it's my understanding the husband was cleared only by lie detector... a 1971 technology lie detector?

The husband also apparently saw the killer slowly drive by her office but failed to catch up with the car, which was later found just a few blocks away.

Is that alibi creation?

Perhaps since the husband saw the killer driving slowly by, the killer also saw the husband looking at him... and quickly parked the car in the first busy lot he saw as to camouflage it. That would explain the items left behind, as he was likely in a hurry to run away after being spotted.

How interesting that a rather independent young woman was being called out by a man at all hours "for work", on short notice, and oh bother... she was always so late because he kept her waiting and waiting... not because they were spending hours and hours together. Does that not sound like a potential affair happening with the necessary cover story?

Who did she tell she was meeting this "James Cooper" that fateful day? Was that told by the husband who was potentially onto an affair, or corroborated by others?

I'm no psychic, so maybe I'm completely off base here. An obscure character reference in a story, by a long dead author, makes so much more sense as to why the car ended up where it did. So much for my profiling skills.

Iirc, the office Mary Ann worked out of was on the south side of Whyte Ave (82 ave). Traffic was often slow on that stretch of main artery because of heavy traffic. I always wondered how fast Mr. Plett could get into his vehicle, get across busy traffic and try to follow the perp who was supposedly travelling west. I don't know why but that has always stuck in my head.
Iirc, the office Mary Ann worked out of was on the south side of Whyte Ave (82 ave). Traffic was often slow on that stretch of main artery because of heavy traffic. I always wondered how fast Mr. Plett could get into his vehicle, get across busy traffic and try to follow the perp who was supposedly travelling west. I don't know why but that has always stuck in my head.
I have to fact check, but wasn't the sighting late evening like 11 pm? I would assume 1971 traffic would be minimal.
I just find it far fetched the perp would drive past her workplace in her car... or be in her car that late in town, long after she would obviously be missing. Perhaps he didn't realize where her office was.
I have to fact check, but wasn't the sighting late evening like 11 pm? I would assume 1971 traffic would be minimal.

I missed the 11 pm, so yes, there would have been less traffic at that time.

Has there been a mention yet about a red truck? When the RCMP were working the case at Fort Assiniboine, they were after everyone with a red truck. I know this bc the son of family friends drove a red truck and he was harshly man handled and a suspect.
I can't speak to the red truck. Did LE say their treatment was related to the red truck, or did they just have it in for the individual and used her case as an excuse to rough him up?
Just to add to the possibility of a relationship between her and "James Cooper", a picnic set was also found in the car.
If the sun glasses were the clip on type, and weren't the husband's, that would mean the perp likely wore glasses.
I wonder if LE at the time tried to cross reference the passenger lists of flights from Winnipeg during the times "James Cooper" was said to be in town. I wonder if the airlines kept detailed records like that... it would be no guarantee that the perp gave his real name, but perhaps it would've been a way to possibly catch a suspect, or verify it was, in fact, a local man.

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