CANADA Canada - Nicole Morin, 8, Toronto, 30 July 1985

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Richard said:
On July 25, 1986, 11 year-old Alison Parrott met with a self proclaimed photographer who claimed that he wanted to photograph her for a track magazine. She was to meet him near Varsity Stadium (in Toronto) on the corner of Bedford and Bloor. Her body was found two days later in Kingsmill Park. She had been sexually assaulted and murdered. The murder was never solved.
Um, I saw a program on TV profiling the Parrott case, and they convicted a man, Francis Carl Roy, of her rape and murder. I also found internet links to back this up.

Do you think there could be any connection? With Nicole missing from the Etobicoke area of Toronto?

And when it comes to that pedophile ring, it's hard to visually match the pictures. I don't know how effective software would be for that. But when I looked at the pictures of Casey Bohun, I didn't see a real strong resemblance. But that's just me.
shadowangel said:
Thank you. (Great minds DO think alike!) When the friend called to ask where Nicole was, wouldn't most parents go into panic mode at that point? I wonder if the friend was ever spoken to by police, or if they just accepted the mother's word. The whole timeframe is suspect to me.
The building should be searched by cadaver dogs, in my opinion.
You seem to have a point there. Something doesn't quite ring true about it.
Not making an accusation but something doesn't sound quite as it should sound.
I wonder when was the little girl last seen by non family? And how was the family time accounted for? Were witnesses able to confirm any of the family story?

Speculating a bit:
Just going on the little info I have read here It seems there are at least 3 main possibilities:
1.Her family had some, as yet, unknown issue which resulted in her death. After some hours which were needed to dispose of the body the alarm is raised. The {little woman in a daze} routine is used to account for the time lapse.
2.She was set up for a prearranged meet with someone,other parent?, fake photographer etc.
3.Older man (not a teen) has lived in the same building or more likely has visited several times and has decided she is a good target because she has been allowed to run around unsupervised. He perhaps brings a large,possibly wheeled, luggage piece or a large campers ice chest and fishing gear or an area rug or a wheeled laundry hamper with him just to make the snatch. If he was a visitor and he took her to his relatives or friends room to pop her into the luggage piece then he would probably have picked a day when his relative or friend was gone but he had his own key (unless relative/friend was an accomplice.) This would have made the relative/friend seem to have absolutely no connection to the case. And relative/friend may not have had a clue that he had a visitor while he/she was out. Suggest:Look over old case notes for someone who had been having visitor fairly often recently but who was out on the day she disappeared. I doubt case notes would tell but I wonder if anyone noticed a cleaning fluid smell or extremely strong cologne?
Another way a family sometimes tries to misdirect investigators is to do the crime and then wait a day or so, or even months (as in a recent case), and then report the child missing as if he/she just that day disappeared.

Makes me wonder if the crime happened a day or so earlier. That way you have everyone racking their brains about one day which you have an alibi for and when any details remembered by neighbors can't hurt you since no one will be thinking of what went on a day or so earlier when no child was reported missing.

I am not saying that happened in this case because the details are so sketchy it seems hard to know much about this case.
docwho3 said:
Another way a family sometimes tries to misdirect investigators is to do the crime and then wait a day or so, or even months (as in a recent case), and then report the child missing as if he/she just that day disappeared.

Makes me wonder if the crime happened a day or so earlier. That way you have everyone racking their brains about one day which you have an alibi for and when any details remembered by neighbors can't hurt you since no one will be thinking of what went on a day or so earlier when no child was reported missing.

I am not saying that happened in this case because the details are so sketchy it seems hard to know much about this case.
Nicole spoke to her friend on the phone right before she disappeared, so I'm assuming the crime happened that day, pretty close to the time she finished speaking to her friend.

I understand what you are talking about though - wasn't that little girl in Aurora missing for over a year and a half before her father reported it to police?

Something just feels "hinky" about this. If the little girl had actually gone outside, I'd be more willing to think it was just a spontaneous crime - a predator was cruising around looking for a child, and she happened to be there. But with it appearing she never left the apartment building, this seems more like a neighbor or friend of a neighbor (or family member).

I'd like to find out more about the apartment complex, and in particular would like to know if there were service/freight elevators in addition to the regular elevators. I'd also like to know how trash was disposed of by the residents - were there dumpsters out back behind the building? It seems possible that a resident could have bundled Nicole up somehow and made it appear he was taking out garbage.

As for the pedophile ring, anything is possible, but it seems this would be pretty hard to verify.
what if the mother didnt realise what was going on and it didnt sink in or something. i know when they told me my grandpa died it took me three hrs to realise what was said to me and another hr for it to fully sink in. but i guess everyone is diffrent. i would also like to know if she had a bf or someone in her life
I personally think as far as the mother not checking on her whereabouts- it is probably just lazy parenting on her part. Or maybe she felt like since she was in the building and just going to the pool that she was safe and surrounded by familiar people in her building. Just a theory.....
coldcasedetective said:
Um, I saw a program on TV profiling the Parrott case, and they convicted a man, Francis Carl Roy, of her rape and murder. I also found internet links to back this up.

Do you think there could be any connection? With Nicole missing from the Etobicoke area of Toronto?...
I stand corrected regarding my statement that the Alison Parrott case was unsolved. My source was a book published in 1994, and at that time it was still unsolved. Francis Carl Roy came to the attention of police investigating the Parrott case in 1996, ten years after her murder. Roy was convicted in 1999.

I do not know if Roy was in any way connected with Nicole's disappearance, but it is likely that police have checked out that possibility.
I would like to mention that when I quoted Jeannette Morin in an earlier post from a book, I did not mention that her first language was French, and that she spoke English with a heavy French Canadian accent. The author may also have condensed her account when it was written down. This may account for the rather odd syntax of her statement.

Regarding questions raised about anyone seeing her leave the building: Remember that there was a little girl in the lobby who had spoken to Nicole only a short time earlier that morning, and who was Specifically Watching for her to get off the elevator and enter the lobby. If Nicole had come down alone, or escorted by someone, she would have been seen and recognized.

Upon calling Nicole's apartment and speaking with Jeanette, at about 11:00 AM, no real alarms went off because Nicole had only left a short time before. I am sure that the other child was questioned closely by police, but I do not know what she did or where she went following the phone call. She probably waited a while longer and then left the lobby.

Whether or not Nicole ever entered the elevator is not known. Nobody ever came forward to say that he or she had seen Nicole leave her apartment or enter the elevator.
Richard said:
I would like to mention that when I quoted Jeannette Morin in an earlier post from a book, I did not mention that her first language was French, and that she spoke English with a heavy French Canadian accent. The author may also have condensed her account when it was written down. This may account for the rather odd syntax of her statement.

Regarding questions raised about anyone seeing her leave the building: Remember that there was a little girl in the lobby who had spoken to Nicole only a short time earlier that morning, and who was Specifically Watching for her to get off the elevator and enter the lobby. If Nicole had come down alone, or escorted by someone, she would have been seen and recognized.

Upon calling Nicole's apartment and speaking with Jeanette, at about 11:00 AM, no real alarms went off because Nicole had only left a short time before. I am sure that the other child was questioned closely by police, but I do not know what she did or where she went following the phone call. She probably waited a while longer and then left the lobby.

Whether or not Nicole ever entered the elevator is not known. Nobody ever came forward to say that he or she had seen Nicole leave her apartment or enter the elevator.
The reason I have some questions about the elevator is that the police said Nicole "stepped into the elevator" and disappeared. So I thought perhaps someone had actually seen her get on the elevator, but this may have just been speculation on the part of the police.
It may have been speculation by LE that Nicole stepped on the elevator.

I guess it depends on how many apartments were on the penthouse floor.

This case to this day disturbs me, a little girl literally vanishing into thin air.

But the time from morning around 11:00 to the mid afternoon certainly gives someone ample opportunity to take Nicole and leave with her.

This case is still to this day a thorn in my side. But I do feel that this case was not random, that Nicole was stalked. People who have devious means often use a bit part of conversations to gain "tid bits" of information to target a young girl.

Or something someone else said..........
ok just a guess here, but arent "workers" *such as janitors and repair men in buildings* privy to information about the property that most arent? For example, if she went into the elevator, is it possible that a repair person who knows the workings of the buildings could have stopped the elevator between floors long enough to pull the girl up thru the top? again only a guess, I dont really know much about lay outs of buildings and certainly not the one in question. I do know, however, that hotels have the way to get on top of the elevator and possibly go to a set of unused stairs?
georgiagirl said:
I personally think as far as the mother not checking on her whereabouts- it is probably just lazy parenting on her part. Or maybe she felt like since she was in the building and just going to the pool that she was safe and surrounded by familiar people in her building. Just a theory.....
You may be right about why she didn't raise the alarm sooner. I guess we would need input from mothers who live or have lived in similar buildings who can tell us what their reaction would have been in similar circumstances.

I am from a mostly rural area with no such buildings and so I do not have the needed insight. But here in my small area a mom would surely be alarmed if the child was missing for 30 minutes on her way to visit a friend.
CyberLaw said:
. . .But I do feel that this case was not random, that Nicole was stalked. People who have devious means often use a bit part of conversations to gain "tid bits" of information to target a young girl.

Or something someone else said..........
I agree. It does not feel random.
I am thinking that it had to be someone who lived in the building and saw her on a somewhat regular basis or someone who came to visit a tenant frequently.
I wonder when the video surveillance was installed in this apartment building? Probably after Nicole disappeared.

I noted that the building is "close to highways". So once the abductor has Nicole in his car, he could hit one of the highways and be long gone before an alarm is ever raised.
When Nicole went down the to lobby area earlier in the day around 10:30, she could have easilty mentioned or had someone overhear that she was going swimming with her friend. She may have even mentioned the time. All it would take is for someone with devious means to be waiting in the trash room or hallway and saw her leave her apartment alone. Or even get on the elevator with her.

It would be difficult to grab someone in an elevator, unless you took it from the top to only a few floors down. Too much a risk that if you went further, someone else could come on the elevator.

But someone could have lead her to the stairs and walked her down a few flights. I would say that this person would then hide Nicole in a bag and take her directly down to the parking level. H would act fast, as he would have no way of knowing if the Police were on their way or not.

I looked at the link regarding the "Denmark" ring and it leads me to the possibility that Nicole was kidnaped and presented in films.

If this type of occurance happened, then I woiuld say within 10 minutes Nicole was in a car and out of the area.

Who is to say that Nicole went to friends apartments in the building and did not tell her Mom. Or that her Mom assumed that Nicole was at the pool with her friend, as the friend did not inform the Mother that Nicole never did show up.

A similar occurance happened to Michael Dunahee in B.C.........he was 4 and just vanished. Gone. His parents were in the field near him and they looked around and he was gone. There was some speculation that his abduction was part of cult activity. A man tried to kidnap a 7 year old girl in New Jersery and faled, but both she and her friends "thought" they saw a boy who looked like Michael in the car.
I wonder why according to the information on the Princess site, that the "sighting" of Nicole in a films was not followed up by Canadian or European authorities.

It seems that they "may" have seen her in films and they use a face program to id kids in films.

In Denmark, Germany, and Brussles, there are highly sophisticated organized rings with several "high" ranking Government officials who participate in these rings.

If this were true, that would be one of the reasons that Nicole disappeared without a trace.

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