Found Deceased Canada - Owen Rooney, 24, Grand Forks, BC, 14 Aug 2010

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It is odd that they are now saying Owen caught a bus from Christina Lake to the Grand Forks hospital. What happened to all the info about the LEO driving him from Christina Lake to GF?

IMO, the following is more accurate:

  • Owen was picked up by a police officer (who was investigating a suspicious person report), after having been assaulted and they suggested to him that he go the hospital

  • LE dropped him off at the Grand Forks Greyhound bus station

  • Owen did board the bus bound for his home in Kelowna, he felt ill and got off the bus and went to the hospital.
snippets taken from post #40: link here

SB, perhaps you could update your TIMELINE now that we have all these new information, pretty please :)
IMO, the following is more accurate:

  • Owen was picked up by a police officer (who was investigating a suspicious person report), after having been assaulted and they suggested to him that he go the hospital

  • LE dropped him off at the Grand Forks Greyhound bus station

  • Owen did board the bus bound for his home in Kelowna, he felt ill and got off the bus and went to the hospital.
snippets taken from post #40: link here

SB, perhaps you could update your TIMELINE now that we have all these new information, pretty please :)

Sorry Hazel, i am not real comfortable doing a timeline right now because a timeline should contain factual information, and, frankly, I don't believe the information provided is entirely accurate or believable.

To be clear, when I use the term LEO in the following, i am referring to the individual, not the entire LE agency.

Since i originally posted that brief chronology early in Owen's case, the information coming out has been fluid (as is natural in cases, but the information is usually more consistent with info initially provided). IMO, the specifics in this case differ too much from the original information that came from the LEO. Two things that have never been disputed since the beginning are that Owen was given a ride by the LEO and that Owen was at the hospital from where he disappeared. Based on the initial information that was made public, combined with the knowledge that people will lie to cover their butts, I am wary of information that is now being provided to Owen's family by the LEO and hospital staff, all of whom were the last known persons Owen had contact with prior to his disappearance.

IMO, one glaring red flag is the LEO going to Christina Lake on a call about a suspicious person. (I am interpreting that to mean that Owen was that suspicion person??)

"He was beaten up at Christina Lake because he was looking for people, so he is wandering into somebody's place and said: "I am looking for my friends" ... and they didn't like it."

There is no indication from whoever "they" are that Owen was acting in an obnoxious or threatening manner ... supposedly, he was simply enquiring after his friends. IF "they" are law-abiding persons who rely on assistance from LE, and called LEO about a suspicion person, why was LEO even necessary after they had beaten the crap out of Owen? Why would they beat him up and then call police, or conversely, why would they call police and then beat him up? Why would they beat Owen up and then make a phone call that could, or should result in "them" being charged with assault? Who are "they" and why did LEO not charge "them" with assault against Owen. It's a criminal offence to beat people just because they show up at your door, let alone showing up at your door simply looking for someone. Who are "they" that are so overly-protective and what is it they are over-protective about, that some small guy looking for his friends takes a severe beating ... and why does it appear that LEO took their side by removing Owen but not charging "them"?

Rehashing here, but ... LEO originally indicated Owen had bruising and seemed ill. Then we find out he had bleeding from the ears. LEO initially claims he dropped Owen at the bus depot, then at the bus depot with a suggestion he go to hospital, then it was he was dropped at the hospital. Initial information from the hospital indicated the Owen was being treated for minor injuries. By the time family met with the hospital on Oct 7, that information morphed into him "acting abnormally and paranoid" which NOW seems to conveniently support the initial information provided by the LEO.

Now we have the statement " there is a suspicion that somebody picked him up". Major statement not backed up by anything further. What is that suspicion based on? Who do they think picked him up, when was he picked up, from where was he picked up, and who advised the family of that suspicion?

IMO, with over 2 months since Owen disappeared, there are too many different versions of things from people/agencies that we should be able to rely on for accurate information ... and maybe too much time for those involved to get their ducks in a row.

I feel this case is going the route of "misadventure" when there are too many red flags to firmly believe in that conclusion.

Shucks Hazel, am just not sure i'm the best person to do a timeline right now ;)

PS: I don't know how Nelson factors in unless the Shambhala venue is midway between Salmo and Nelson.

Sorry Hazel, i am not real comfortable doing a timeline right now because a timeline should contain factual information, and, frankly, I don't believe the information provided is entirely accurate or believable.

To be clear, when I use the term LEO in the following, i am referring to the individual, not the entire LE agency.

Since i originally posted that brief chronology early in Owen's case, the information coming out has been fluid (as is natural in cases, but the information is usually more consistent with info initially provided). IMO, the specifics in this case differ too much from the original information that came from the LEO. Two things that have never been disputed since the beginning are that Owen was given a ride by the LEO and that Owen was at the hospital from where he disappeared. Based on the initial information that was made public, combined with the knowledge that people will lie to cover their butts, I am wary of information that is now being provided to Owen's family by the LEO and hospital staff, all of whom were the last known persons Owen had contact with prior to his disappearance.

IMO, one glaring red flag is the LEO going to Christina Lake on a call about a suspicious person. (I am interpreting that to mean that Owen was that suspicion person??)

There is no indication from whoever "they" are that Owen was acting in an obnoxious or threatening manner ... supposedly, he was simply enquiring after his friends. IF "they" are law-abiding persons who rely on assistance from LE, and called LEO about a suspicion person, why was LEO even necessary after they had beaten the crap out of Owen? Why would they beat him up and then call police, or conversely, why would they call police and then beat him up? Why would they beat Owen up and then make a phone call that could, or should result in "them" being charged with assault? Who are "they" and why did LEO not charge "them" with assault against Owen. It's a criminal offence to beat people just because they show up at your door, let alone showing up at your door simply looking for someone. Who are "they" that are so overly-protective and what is it they are over-protective about, that some small guy looking for his friends takes a severe beating ... and why does it appear that LEO took their side by removing Owen but not charging "them"?

Rehashing here, but ... LEO originally indicated Owen had bruising and seemed ill. Then we find out he had bleeding from the ears. LEO initially claims he dropped Owen at the bus depot, then at the bus depot with a suggestion he go to hospital, then it was he was dropped at the hospital. Initial information from the hospital indicated the Owen was being treated for minor injuries. By the time family met with the hospital on Oct 7, that information morphed into him "acting abnormally and paranoid" which NOW seems to conveniently support the initial information provided by the LEO.

Now we have the statement " there is a suspicion that somebody picked him up". Major statement not backed up by anything further. What is that suspicion based on? Who do they think picked him up, when was he picked up, from where was he picked up, and who advised the family of that suspicion?

IMO, with over 2 months since Owen disappeared, there are too many different versions of things from people/agencies that we should be able to rely on for accurate information ... and maybe too much time for those involved to get their ducks in a row.

I feel this case is going the route of "misadventure" when there are too many red flags to firmly believe in that conclusion.

Shucks Hazel, am just not sure i'm the best person to do a timeline right now ;)

PS: I don't know how Nelson factors in unless the Shambhala venue is midway between Salmo and Nelson.
Okay sillybilly, sorry for asking

ITA with you RE why there is no mention of who 'they' are that gave Owen that beating, or even if LE knows who 'they' are.

With regards to "investigating a suspicious person report" it never occurred to me that 'they' had called LE re Owen. I might be wrong, but my thoughts when I read about that "suspicious person report" was it was an unrelated event.
IF it turns out the 'suspicious person' was in fact Owen, then IMO it might have been someone else calling LE, but no way that someone would be the ones who gave Owen the beating, JMHO.
As I said, those are just my impressions.

Also my impression was that the LEO found Owen walking along a highway or road when he picked him up, and not that LEO removed Owen from that property. Again, I might be wrong here.

Also, I believe that Owen was not just at their door, more like he had trespassed or forced his way in. No excuse to give him a beating, no matter how obnoxious he was under the effect of those mushrooms or whatever else he might have consumed.

I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for his family trying to get a clear picture of what transpired during those days. With all these conflicting details, the time elapsed, no witnesses seeing him anywhere, no cellphone activity, no one coming forward with pictures where Owen could be seen in the background during the musical festival, it sure seems to be going the "misadventure" route.

I am still wondering if Owen had some kind of travel insurance (medical insurance), and am also wondering if he had an outstanding drug debt, and if someone found out he was leaving the country soon; just food for thought :waitasec:
Okay sillybilly, sorry for asking

Just so Hazel doesn't think silly is a slacker ;), here's my best shot at a timeline:

DRAFT TIMELINE as at Oct 30, 2010:

(subject to revision as additional information becomes available and/or corrections are noted)

Aug 6 to 9 - Owen attended the Shambhala Music Festival, held August 6 to 9 2010 at the Salmo River Ranch, a 500 acre ranch that is 6 km east of Salmo, BC off Hwy 3. The ranch is accessible by a 6 km dirt road. Although Owen has no history of drugs or depression, it is reported that Owen did hallucinogenic mushrooms at the festival and spent the last 2 days of the festival in the medical tent on the festival grounds. He was suffering from paranoia and confusion.

Whenever Owen left Shambhala, his family believes he then hitched a ride to Nelson and somehow made his way from Nelson to Grand Forks. It is unknown who may have picked him up, and not clear why Owen would hitchhike north from Salmo to Nelson (on Hwy 6) when the shorter, more direct route from Salmo to Grand Forks would be via Hwy 3 west out of Salmo. Earlier reports indicated that Owen travelled from Nelson to Christina Lake at this time.

Aug 12 - Thursday, Owen was apparently seen having breakfast with a couple at the Yaky Jackie Cafe in Grand Forks. It is said that the female of the couple had her hair in dreadlocks.

Aug 13 - Friday, Owen's family said he was okay the day before he disappeared, so he apparently was not assaulted at least for part of this date

Aug 13 or14 - Friday or Saturday .. Owen ended up at Christina Lake (Note: It is still not clear if he was there before between Aug 9 and 13). Christina Lake is 13.9 mi / 17 mins east of Grand Forks. It is reported that Owen was assaulted in Christina Lake when he arrived at a property, apparently confused and disoriented and looking for his friends. Apparently the property owners did not take kindly to his presence, and he was assaulted.

It is reported that Owen was hitchhiking and was picked up by LEO (who was investigating a suspicious person report in that area, but it is unclear if that report was related to Owen). The LEO said Owen was bruised and appeared ill. It was later reported that Owen had bruising to his face and temples, seemed ill, and was also bleeding from the ears. It was initially reported that LEO dropped Owen at the Grand Forks bus depot and that LEO suggested Owen go the hospital. (Note: Current Greyhound schedules indicate buses leave GF for Kelowna at 11:30 am and 8:40 pm. We don't know if that schedule is the same in August). It was later reported that LEO dropped Owen at the Boundary Hospital in Grand Forks, and then later reported that Owen was dropped at the bus depot and boarded a bus for Kelowna, but felt ill and got off the bus and went to the Boundary Hospital.

Aug 14 - Saturday around 8:00 pm, Owen disappeared from where he had been sitting reading a book, outside at a picnic table on the west side of Grand Forks Hospital where he was being treated. It was reported that he was treated for minor injuries (later, in a meeting with hospital officials on Oct 7, Owen's family were advised he had been acting abnormally and paranoid). Indications are that he had not been formally discharged from the hospital but had checked himself out. He left behind his backpack which contained clothing, sunglasses, and a broken cell phone. It is not known whether his backpack was left at the picnic table or inside the hospital. His wallet and ID were not in the backpack and his bank account has not been accessed since his disappearance.


Just so Hazel doesn't think silly is a slacker ;), here's my best shot at a timeline:

DRAFT TIMELINE as at Oct 30, 2010:

(subject to revision as additional information becomes available and/or corrections are noted)


Thank you so much SBilly! :blowkiss: Good job!

(now we only need a map :D )
If Owen was sitting reading a book outside the hospital,he must have been feeling better/fine, because otherwise his mind and eyes would not be able to focus on reading.
I wonder if he left his backpack outside to secure his spot while he went inside the hospital to grab a coffee or something. A hospital is a big place,could Owen be mistaken for another patient perhaps in the psychiatric ward ?
Thank you so much SBilly! :blowkiss: Good job!

(now we only need a map :D )


If Owen was sitting reading a book outside the hospital,he must have been feeling better/fine, because otherwise his mind and eyes would not be able to focus on reading.
I wonder if he left his backpack outside to secure his spot while he went inside the hospital to grab a coffee or something. A hospital is a big place,could Owen be mistaken for another patient perhaps in the psychiatric ward ?

My thoughts as well WRT the book dotr. IMO, it gives the impression of a reasonably relaxed individual.

Re the psych ward ... if there was concern regarding his mental state/health, I believe he would not have been formally discharged by doctors until it was ascertained that he was not a danger to himself or others. IF that had not been determined, how is it that an individual would be able to sign himself out?
I am not exactly the expert on mushroom experiences but from what I read on the internet it can have a big effect for some time afterwards. It is scary to read that people get panic attacks or even sometimes get suicidal days after taking mushrooms. It is not continuously so I think it is very well possible that Owen read a book and then got some sort of panic attack. JMO.
I just had a flash in my mind of Owen sitting looking at a book and waiting for someone to pick him up.Outside a hospital is not the best place to park, so I can picture O.R getting up a few times to see if the ride has arrived and leaving the backpack behind until he is sure his lift is there .Now what if he was expecting someone to meet him and give him a drive or whatever but they don't give him a chance to grab his backpack because they know he will not need it...
I don't understand the vague information.

Was Owen admitted or an out patient at the hospital? If admitted they'll usually ask for someone to pick you up. Either way you can walk away.

Who said he was confused and disoriented? Who beat him up? He was'nt slapped he was beat, that is illegal in Canada. I don't care if he did mushrooms. Have a good sleep and meal you're good to go, he's doing what many young travellers do, actually most.

Why was he parinoid, maybe he was a mule, had a oops, in debt.

He was last seen by a cop and a hospital. I'm not impressed, this is not innercity. Is this a common occurance out there?

I have not seen this story in the Australian news, is the Au consulate involved -they should be. This family needs to start making some noise. JMO MOO
Family upset over missing Aussie's treatment
By Dan Karpenchuk
Posted Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:03am AEDT

An Australian family who has spent the last couple of months looking for its missing son in Canada has now filed a complaint with the Local Health Authority about his treatment.

Owen Rooney, 24, checked himself into a hospital in Grand Forks, British Columbia, on August 14 where he was seeking treatment for head injuries after being beaten.

After one night in hospital, he just walked away leaving behind his backpack, wallet and mobile phone.

Since then police have conducted several intense searches through the area.

Mr Rooney's family also joined the search, but they failed to find any sign of him.

Now the family has filed a complaint with the British Columbian Interior Health Authority, saying that Mr Rooney was not properly monitored or given a CT scan.

The family are not giving up the search - four family members have left their jobs in Australia to continue looking for him full-time.
Family buoyed by support
03 Nov, 2010 11:43 AM
They said the support from the Milton Ulladulla community and from the Grand Forks community in Canada has been overwhelming.

Hundreds of Canadians have volunteered in recent searches and have opened their hearts to the Rooney family.

Following a large search on Saturday, October 23, with more than 70 people taking part, Sharron reached out to thank all those who have supported them.

"The search went well, we had a big turn out and the community here is amazing," Sharron said.

"We had 11 search and rescue teams with volunteers who went out in the rain to search.

"It was overwhelming the care and support of all these people, and they will keep looking regardless.

"They covered a broad area into the bush and along the Canadian walking track and north road."

Kelly echoed her mother's sentiments and extended her thanks to the Milton Ulladulla community.
, one of two mauled Aussie tourists whose lawsuit against the federal government was dismissed this week, is not a happy camper.

"This decision is very disappointing for us," Brodie said in an e-mail to QMI Agency from his home in Melbourne, Australia.

Brodie said Justice Ged Hawco's decision clearing Banff park wardens of any wrongdoing in the attack has left him with a bitter taste of the Canadian judicial system.

"The whole process has been an arduous and expensive ordeal, which ended up with an unfair decision which didn't attempt to look at the key issues in the case," he wrote.

Brodie said he's grateful to those who assisted him and friend Owen Hereford after their Sept. 25, 1995, mauling, but feels the system let them down.

"It has taken us fifteen years of waiting and putting up with questionable legal tactics of the defence and the antiquated Canadian legal system in order to get our case heard," he said.

Brodie and Hereford were tenting in a Lake Louise campground when a grizzly tore apart their tent and attacked them, leaving both seriously injured, before going after four other campers.
, one of two mauled Aussie tourists whose lawsuit against the federal government was dismissed this week, is not a happy camper.

"This decision is very disappointing for us," Brodie said in an e-mail to QMI Agency from his home in Melbourne, Australia.

Brodie said Justice Ged Hawco's decision clearing Banff park wardens of any wrongdoing in the attack has left him with a bitter taste of the Canadian judicial system.

"The whole process has been an arduous and expensive ordeal, which ended up with an unfair decision which didn't attempt to look at the key issues in the case," he wrote. Brodie said he's grateful to those who assisted him and friend Owen Hereford after their Sept. 25, 1995, mauling, but feels the system let them down.

"It has taken us fifteen years of waiting and putting up with questionable legal tactics of the defence and the antiquated Canadian legal system in order to get our case heard," he said.

Brodie and Hereford were tenting in a Lake Louise campground when a grizzly tore apart their tent and attacked them, leaving both seriously injured, before going after four other campers.
Ridiculous lawsuit IMO - I do hope that this isn't the fate that Owen Rooney faced.
RCMP create video of missing Aussie
by Castanet Staff - Story: 57859
Nov 1, 2010 / 5:00 am

<<< snippets >>>

  • The video, produced by the RCMP E-Division Strategic Communications, re-traces Owen Rooney's last known whereabouts in the Grand Forks area.

  • It will also include interviews with Grand Forks community members and members of Rooney's family.

  • The video is set to be released on Monday, November 1, says Moskaluk.

  • He had been hitchhiking back to Kelowna from the Shambhala Music Festival in Salmo.

  • Moskaluk says Rooney's troubles may have begun at the festival, where he ingested psilocybin mushrooms.

  • "It was noted by his friends that this caused Owen a certain degree of paranoia and that he appeared a little confused. He did seek medical attention at the medical tent during that festival."

  • While hitchhiking home after the festival on August 13, Rooney was found trespassing on a Christina Lake property.

  • Moskaluk says Rooney repeatedly insisted his friends were on the property, and that the property owner then removed him by force.

  • Punches were thrown in the ensuing altercation, and Rooney was struck in the face.

  • A short time later, an RCMP officer spotted Rooney wandering along Highway 3 with two black eyes and bleeding from his ears.

  • He was taken to Grand Forks hospital, where he spent the night.

  • At 8 p.m. the next day, he vanished.

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