GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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No matter what kind of a person she is today after paying her "debt" to society, I still think it is so wrong for her to be able to keep a child.

She never should have been offered the plea deal giving her such a light sentence for her crimes. She is a murderer and child molester any way you cut it and she should be rotting in jail or hell, not nursing a newborn. :furious:
GrayWolf said:
...I pity the child who will one day discover his mother is an evil monster, the most despised woman in Canada.....

It's interesting to think about. Children (even abused ones) tend to love and want their parents so much. Karla's child will have many years of loving her Mom before she becomes old enough to even find out about her Mom's past crimes. I do wonder what you would tell a child in this sort of situation.

Eventually of course all children grow up and find out their parents are far from perfect. I would think that how Karla's child will react to the truth she must one day discover will depend in large part on what kind of parent Karla she has been to her before the child uncovers such information.
NewMom2003 said:
No matter what kind of a person she is today after paying her "debt" to society, I still think it is so wrong for her to be able to keep a child.

She never should have been offered the plea deal giving her such a light sentence for her crimes. She is a murderer and child molester any way you cut it and she should be rotting in jail or hell, not nursing a newborn. :furious:
Newborn or no newborn, I think she should spend the rest of her life in prison. I understand she made a deal with the Crown, but upon finding out that she LIED, that deal should have been able to be revoked, IMO.

I have done as much reading on her that I can find, it's tough because of the media laws there. I read some letters that she had written while still in prison. I don't believe she is truly sorry at all. I'll try to find the link.

ETA: Found it- Karla Letters
Thanks for posting that link, IrishMist. It was very interesting to read those letters. Certainly she says she feels guilt, shame and remorse for her crimes. She also says that no matter what she does or says, people aren't going to believe her - I think she's on the money with that comment!
narlacat said:
Right, thanks KrisNine.

I'm not up on all the serial killers about the place and probably will give this guy a miss, but was just curious as to who he was..
--you may just as well give him a "miss" cuz he is about the worst you can get--He would drive his orange volkswagen in the middle of the night, and randomly, arbitrarily, look for unlocked doors or windows--upon entering he would immediately shoot the husbands dead,then rape the wife and then shoot her--He murdered close to 6 couples in the lat '80's killed about 12 people for no reason--He was a heavy metal music addict, a cocaine addict and had rotten smelly teeth because of an abnormal fear of dentists--he was in consant pain from his teeth--In prison they yanked all his teeth out--Ramirez is now, thankfully, dying a horrible death from empysema and lung cancer--Definitely the ugliest serial killer in US History, a face that even a mother would hate
southcitymom said:
Thanks for posting that link, IrishMist. It was very interesting to read those letters. Certainly she says she feels guilt, shame and remorse for her crimes. She also says that no matter what she does or says, people aren't going to believe her - I think she's on the money with that comment!
I don't believe her, either. When I read the letters the overall tone is "poor Karla". Nothing more, nothing less. I think she's guilty of believing her own PR. She has the nerve to whine about parole hearings, because she knows they won't get granted. She wishes she'd have gotten life or the death sentence, because then she'd either have a chance at parole, or dead and not have to suffer anymore. Oh, boo-hoo, poor Karla.

She says in one letter she'd do anything that was required of her upon release- even standing on her head. But what did she do upon release?? Applied for all restrictions to be removed.

She still doesn't take responsibility for her crimes. Still acts like the victim. Still wants it to be all Paul's fault.

You do know, don't you, where she got the name Teale? Paul took it to honor a fictional serial killer. That's the name she chose??

Nope, no pity for Karla from me.
Peter Hamilton said:
--you may just as well give him a "miss" cuz he is about the worst you can get--He would drive his orange volkswagen in the middle of the night, and randomly, arbitrarily, look for unlocked doors or windows--upon entering he would immediately shoot the husbands dead,then rape the wife and then shoot her--He murdered close to 6 couples in the lat '80's killed about 12 people for no reason--He was a heavy metal music addict, a cocaine addict and had rotten smelly teeth because of an abnormal fear of dentists--he was in consant pain from his teeth--In prison they yanked all his teeth out--Ramirez is now, thankfully, dying a horrible death from empysema and lung cancer--Definitely the ugliest serial killer in US History, a face that even a mother would hate
Oh geez, glad I did miss it.
Thanks for the link to her letters Irish, I hadn't seen those.

Will check them out.

She gets no pity from me either and if she really has got a baby, I feel sorry for it already...imagine finding out that your Mum is a freakin psycho...
I have pity for her child, but absolutely no pity for her. :furious:
IrishMist said:
I don't believe her, either. When I read the letters the overall tone is "poor Karla". Nothing more, nothing less. I think she's guilty of believing her own PR. She has the nerve to whine about parole hearings, because she knows they won't get granted. She wishes she'd have gotten life or the death sentence, because then she'd either have a chance at parole, or dead and not have to suffer anymore. Oh, boo-hoo, poor Karla.

She says in one letter she'd do anything that was required of her upon release- even standing on her head. But what did she do upon release?? Applied for all restrictions to be removed.

She still doesn't take responsibility for her crimes. Still acts like the victim. Still wants it to be all Paul's fault.

You do know, don't you, where she got the name Teale? Paul took it to honor a fictional serial killer. That's the name she chose??

Nope, no pity for Karla from me.
I know a good deal about this case - have read some books and followed it for a while. I actually didn't find the tone of her letters offensive or pitiful. The writer was obviously asking her a bunch of questions and I think she was answering.

I also think anyone released from prison would probably file for all restrictions to be removed. I know I would.

Paula has taken so much from the world. Now that she is released, I hope she will be able to give back. I guess we will see if that is possible.
OH YEAH! I wanted to ask if anyone has read the book "Karla" by Stephen Williams? I've been dying to but don't want to pay the price on Amazon.
Also has anyone seen the movie by the same name? I think the red haired chick from "That 70's show" played Karla.[/QUOTE]

I have had the book sitting on my bedside table for 2 years now,and i have yet to read it.I have read everything ever written about these two monsters,now that you mention it though I think i will start it today.
Alta said:
OH YEAH! I wanted to ask if anyone has read the book "Karla" by Stephen Williams? I've been dying to but don't want to pay the price on Amazon.
Also has anyone seen the movie by the same name? I think the red haired chick from "That 70's show" played Karla.
I have read the one you are talking about, Alta. It's very good. I haven't seen the movie.
I haven't seen the movie yet either South,but i want to buy a copy.I think the best book written about Paul & Karla was the one banned in Canada after one day on the shelves,A Marriage Made For Murder.This book horrified me,it explained in detail everything that was on those tapes found in the house.I stayed up all one night just to read the book.I can honestly say after reading hundreds of true crime books this one was the best,the author pulled no punches and left nothing out.
Alta said:
I haven't seen the movie yet either South,but i want to buy a copy.I think the best book written about Paul & Karla was the one banned in Canada after one day on the shelves,A Marriage Made For Murder.This book horrified me,it explained in detail everything that was on those tapes found in the house.I stayed up all one night just to read the book.I can honestly say after reading hundreds of true crime books this one was the best,the author pulled no punches and left nothing out.

I never heard of that book. Any idea where I could get a copy?
southcitymom said:
Thanks for posting that link, IrishMist. It was very interesting to read those letters. Certainly she says she feels guilt, shame and remorse for her crimes. She also says that no matter what she does or says, people aren't going to believe her - I think she's on the money with that comment!
so--- you want to leave your daughters with her for a day or 2 ?
In an earlier post you said you felt she had done her time, and paid her debt to society--
j2mirish said:
so--- you want to leave your daughters with her for a day or 2 ?
In an earlier post you said you felt she had done her time, and paid her debt to society--
I don't recall ever posting that she had done her time and paid her debt to society - perhaps you confused me with another poster. I mean, obviously she has served the sentence she got, but I am not the sort of person who thinks time spent in prison repays anyone anything.

I don't know her well enough to know if I would leave my kids with her for a day or two.
southcitymom said:
I don't recall ever posting that she had done her time and paid her debt to society - perhaps you confused me with another poster. I mean, obviously she has served the sentence she got, but I am not the sort of person who thinks time spent in prison repays anyone anything.

I don't know her well enough to know if I would leave my kids with her for a day or two.
scm....I don't think none of us KNOWS her....but don't you know enough ABOUT her to base a decision?
IrishMist said:
Newborn or no newborn, I think she should spend the rest of her life in prison. I understand she made a deal with the Crown, but upon finding out that she LIED, that deal should have been able to be revoked, IMO.

I have done as much reading on her that I can find, it's tough because of the media laws there. I read some letters that she had written while still in prison. I don't believe she is truly sorry at all. I'll try to find the link.

ETA: Found it- Karla Letters
I don't either judging from those letters, truly unbelievable the stuff she comes out with in the letters.
Looking through these are some things that stick out.
I couldn't help the commentary.

Ok, this is an excerpt out of the first letter Apr 27.

<< Never in a million years did I think i would ever write a letter to someone from the media, let alone you who has condemned me so harshly. I know you do not consider yourself, one of them, but in my book you’re all the same. I don’t mean to be harsh, but I’ve been badly burned by all of you. However, I was raised to be a good girl and good girls write thank you letters. >.


Second letter May 29.

<<I tell the truth and it bothers me when others don’t.>>

<<Yes, I still have my own TV. Cable? Ha ha!>>
Smug .

Fifth letter Oct 28

<< Every time I meet a new lawyer or a new person dealing with my case, I have to hear about all the wonderful things that are going to happen for me and how I’m going to be able to do this and that. Then when they realize how political everything is, all their plans and ideas turn to dust. I’m tired of it.>>

Poor baby!

<<many things haunt me, including worries about my future.>>

Omg, what a selfish cow.

Sixth letter Nov 24
<< I am treated like a monster by the media and the public large>>

Oh geez, I wonder why?

Seventh letter Dec 11

<< but you have to look at my past. I was in a wonderfully loving family, then condemned to hell on earth with Paul.>>

Huh? She loved Paul so much she killed her sister, she wanted to be with him!

Eighth letter Jan 7

<< I am very discouraged. I see things here that make me lose all faith in human beings. >>


Ninth Letter Jan 17

<< As for Catholicism, it seems like everyone in Harmony is Catholic>>

Obviously delusional here lol

From reading those letters, I detect zero remorse.
She thinks she is the one that is hard done by!!
southcitymom said:
I don't recall ever posting that she had done her time and paid her debt to society - perhaps you confused me with another poster. I mean, obviously she has served the sentence she got, but I am not the sort of person who thinks time spent in prison repays anyone anything.

I don't know her well enough to know if I would leave my kids with her for a day or two.
Well you certainly wouldn't if they were teenage girls right?

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