GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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Hi redheadedgal

I read I think that one book was banned ? and is like 60 bucks or something on amazon

Id like to know if the hair and nails thing was true

It makes me ill to think of what they BOTH did to those girls and Karla to her sister UGH

yes, it's disgusting... that's why i think if those things were true, it'd be in those books. like i said, i never read about any of what you question.

i found karla: apwtd online a few months ago for $15 CDN LOL
yes, it's disgusting... that's why i think if those things were true, it'd be in those books. like i said, i never read about any of what you question.

i found karla: apwtd online a few months ago for $15 CDN LOL

Im in Australia so it might be harder

But I wll have a look into this book and others in a couple of years !

I have some fantastic books SITTING waiting for me to read them. But My bubs and preschooler don't give me the time.
The few hrs I do have im on the net doing some work and reading here ! of course ! lol
Im in Australia so it might be harder

But I wll have a look into this book and others in a couple of years !

I have some fantastic books SITTING waiting for me to read them. But My bubs and preschooler don't give me the time.
The few hrs I do have im on the net doing some work and reading here ! of course ! lol

well, even a mom/wife deserves a nice warm bubbly bath and book time now and then : )

check your libraries and used book stores... when i have time, i'll google and see if i can find those books for sale in Oz for you : )
Lol ok thanks ....:) and thanks for the friend request :) how could any one refuse with such a cute av ;)
jane, i just wanted to clarify something for you... the first printing of karla: apwtd included one pic of leslie's body in cement... due to outrage and out of respect for her family, the book was never printed again with that picture.

the original printing looks like this:

subsequent printings look like this:

it's also possible you are referring to the book "a marriage made for murder" (which i have not read) that was only temporarily banned in canada b/c it came out before the publication ban/trial of bernardo ended.

to quote a reviewer:

This book isn't "banned in Canada" per se. It, along with other books and newstories, were subjected to a temporary publication ban before and during the defendant's trial, because there is a general idea in Canada that big media frenzies reduce said defendant's "right to a fair trial"; too much lurid press on a country-wide level make finding impartial, untainted jurors much more difficult.

Once Bernardo's trial was over, this and all kinds of other tell-all stuff (however accurate or inaccurate) became widely available.
jane, i just wanted to clarify something for you... the first printing of karla: apwtd included one pic of leslie's body in cement... due to outrage and out of respect for her family, the book was never printed again with that picture.

the original printing looks like this:

subsequent printings look like this:

it's also possible you are referring to the book "a marriage made for murder" (which i have not read) that was only temporarily banned in canada b/c it came out before the publication ban/trial of bernardo ended.

to quote a reviewer:

This book isn't "banned in Canada" per se. It, along with other books and newstories, were subjected to a temporary publication ban before and during the defendant's trial, because there is a general idea in Canada that big media frenzies reduce said defendant's "right to a fair trial"; too much lurid press on a country-wide level make finding impartial, untainted jurors much more difficult.

Once Bernardo's trial was over, this and all kinds of other tell-all stuff (however accurate or inaccurate) became widely available.

snipped from the first link

So this is the book with the photo in ? but its full of typos ? but then it says it on the other book too ? )of the same name

Much has been made in the press and throughout the Canadian publishing industry about the use of sensational photographs and a cruelly ironic cover to sell this book. I say sell it however you can within the boundaries of the law, and push at those boundaries wherever possible. This is an important story; people should read it. On the other hand, Cantos has done its book and its readers a disservice by allowing lax editing and proofreading to disfigure Karla: A Pact With the Devil. The book shows unmistakable stylistic signs of a rush to publication and has, by far, the greatest number of typos I have ever seen in a professionally published work.
not real sure what you are asking... but yes the book "karla" first printing (march 2003) is the one with "the pic"... it is as well full of typos... spelling, grammar... editing mistakes... but it's a good read about the case regardless. he's the man who saw?/heard the tapes.

gotta go to bed... goodnight! : )
No they certainly will not ever! That I know. Sadly, Homolka was able to get out and also have the ability to have children.

I told my legal group years ago, just wait - wait. AS SOON as this chick gets out, she will be married within a year and have a kid. That's what she did.

How great to be a Canadian citizen, be able to violently & horrifically murder a couple of young women, yet get to give birth a few years later AND KEEP the baby. Karla is a true embarrasment to Canadian Law. It's disgusting.

Karla is an embarrassment to Humankind not just Canadians
Karla is an embarrassment to Humankind not just Canadians


I will never believe this animal is walking the streets. I have read much about her too but never heard about the fingernail and hair events. She is a violent murderer.

not real sure what you are asking... but yes the book "karla" first printing (march 2003) is the one with "the pic"... it is as well full of typos... spelling, grammar... editing mistakes... but it's a good read about the case regardless. he's the man who saw?/heard the tapes.

gotta go to bed... goodnight! : )

Have you seen the movie "Karla?" I haven't yet, but I want to.
Have you seen the movie "Karla?" I haven't yet, but I want to.

hi WR ... no i haven't. after reading all those books -and i just inquired about another @ the library: "deadly innocence"... they are getting it for me from a nearby county- i don't think it's necessary. i believe i read waay more then a movie could ever portray... plus, PB and KH both look so evil naturally, i don't think any actor would do them justice. if you see it, let me know what you think though...
Hi redheadedgal

I read I think that one book was banned ? and is like 60 bucks or something on amazon

Id like to know if the hair and nails thing was true

It makes me ill to think of what they BOTH did to those girls and Karla to her sister UGH


yes, it's disgusting... that's why i think if those things were true, it'd be in those books. like i said, i never read about any of what you question.

i found karla: apwtd online a few months ago for $15 CDN LOL

I read that book that was banned for a bit and is super expensive (sorry - I don't recall the title and don't know where the book is now - might have given it to a friend). Anyway - those details (hair and nails) were not in that book.
from the soc.culture.filipino link:

Part of the delay in the trial was to allow the RCMP to
conclude a special investigation. Mounted police detectives
traveled to Japan and tried to procure Bernardo's `home' snuff
videos. The video's were evidently circulating in the Japanese
sex underground. Bernardo's sex crimes were a money making
venture. This would account for his high living standards while

i never read about any of this in the books i read either, jane. no japan. no sold snuff tapes. bernardo smuggled large amounts of cigarettes from the US into Canada and sold them locally. apparently, he made good money doing this. additionally, leslie was not dismembered while alive.

i may have missed a few things so if others who have read the legit books care to read that link and add to this list, it might be helpful to our members who want to know the truth. if you choose to assist, thanks :)
Family Video (if u have any by you) and Netflix carries the movie Karla. I did see it. It shows much that was in one of the books from what I remember. It is worth seeing.

I read two books about Karla and Paul. I did think Lethal Marriage was a good starting point on learning about Paul and Karla. This book by Nick *advertiser censored* gives a good overview about the sicko's.

hi WR ... no i haven't. after reading all those books -and i just inquired about another @ the library: "deadly innocence"... they are getting it for me from a nearby county- i don't think it's necessary. i believe i read waay more then a movie could ever portray... plus, PB and KH both look so evil naturally, i don't think any actor would do them justice. if you see it, let me know what you think though...

If you don't get it at the library let me know...I have a copy I can send to you...I want it back though!!!!!!!!!!

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