GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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I am wondering if Canada has a Bureau Of Vital Statistis that shows marriages, births and such. I am thinking we are all going on rumor here. I personally would rather see something of concrete proof.

1. Name Change
2. Marriages
3. Births

Maybe even what she does for a living.
I am wondering if Canada has a Bureau Of Vital Statistis that shows marriages, births and such. I am thinking we are all going on rumor here. I personally would rather see something of concrete proof.

1. Name Change
2. Marriages
3. Births

Maybe even what she does for a living.

all of that information is private, access isn't open as in the states....
Interesting to watch. Many have probably seen it. I can't believe Karla wore a schoolgirl outfit when touring the house with LE. And all she and ask about are her furniture, etc.

There are five parts.

Thank you Recovering-Lurker. I watched all the videos. All a person has to do is listen to KH talk. To me she is totally transparent. I will forever wonder why she was left with just a slap on the wrist so to speak. I guess if I were her I would do everything to hide out the rest of my life too.
The MacLean's article says she is married to Thierry Bordelais, who is originally from the Caribbean, and that he's the father of the baby.

Link (from earlier post)
...they are not together anymore....the connection with luka magnotta is a rumor but if you image google him you will see pictures of him with Karla's alleged baby by Bordelais
...they are not together anymore....the connection with luka magnotta is a rumor but if you image google him you will see pictures of him with Karla's alleged baby by Bordelais

Now we have a whole other issue to consider-the custody of her son...what a can of worms.

Please keep him safe...
Oh God, I feel so sorry for her son. Just think, his "*advertiser censored* star" father is the RESPECTABLE parent! This woman does not deserve a family, and I don't care that she "served her time." Those poor victims of hers sure would have liked to grow up and have :waitasec:families/children of their own, but Ms. Homolka took that away. And to do what she did to her BABY SISTER!!! I have two sons that are 21 and 11, ten years apart, and I love them more than anything- yet if one INTENTIONALLY tortured and murdered the other as a 'gift' to his 'lover' , there is no doubt in my mind that I would NOT want contact of any sort w/the 'murderer.' Forgiveness? Not a chance.
Oh Lord say it isnt so, I was hoping and praying she would never reproduce.

I heard she was married to bisexual *advertiser censored* actor Luka Magnotta?

This is her new husband, he looks like Paul. You can see pics of her and their wedding on Magnotta's facebook and Myspace. WOW I cant believe this.

<modsnipped picture>
Luka Magnotta
There's a lot of conflicting info on the Internet concerning Karla. She is said to have changed her name to Leanne Teale and that Luka's alias is Thierry Bordalis. It's also reported that Luka nearly had a nervous breakdown due to the rumors that he was with Karla. Also reported that he started the rumors himself.

What a couple of freaks. I think they're made for each other!
There's a lot of conflicting info on the Internet concerning Karla. She is said to have changed her name to Leanne Teale and that Luka's alias is Thierry Bordalis. It's also reported that Luka nearly had a nervous breakdown due to the rumors that he was with Karla. Also reported that he started the rumors himself.

What a couple of freaks. I think they're made for each other!

Fairy, it sounds like they are a perfect fit, true or not true. These two should be TOGETHER....They deserve each other. I couldn't pick a more perfect guy out of Karla if I tried.

I heard she was married to bisexual *advertiser censored* actor Luka Magnotta?

This is her new husband, he looks like Paul. You can see pics of her and their wedding on Magnotta's facebook and Myspace. WOW I cant believe this.

Luka Magnotta

I thought the Luke stuff was rumour. Last time I checked on ms & fb (about a month ago), I didn't see any pics of her wedding anywhere. Are you sure it's her?
I thought the Luke stuff was rumour. Last time I checked on ms & fb (about a month ago), I didn't see any pics of her wedding anywhere. Are you sure it's her?

I didn't see any pics of her on his MS either. What I DID see tells me women are probably not his thing, so if he's connected to her at all - it has to be for publicity, IMO. Also, he's quite young, isn't he? His MS says 21 and he looks like a teenager to me!

If she is with him in any way, she's definitely NOT interested in keeping a low profile. That just reinforces my belief that the world hasn't heard the last of this evil woman.
There's a lot of conflicting info on the Internet concerning Karla. She is said to have changed her name to Leanne Teale and that Luka's alias is Thierry Bordalis. It's also reported that Luka nearly had a nervous breakdown due to the rumors that he was with Karla. Also reported that he started the rumors himself.

What a couple of freaks. I think they're made for each other!
The problem with this is that Thierry Bordalis is a REAL person thats NOT Luka.
He (Thierry) is the brother of Karla's lawyer & there is (to my understanding)evidence of their marriage...........theres never been any solid proof or evidence of the baby although I do believe she has one........I also believe Karla is indeed ,with GOVERNMENT HELP, "hiding in plain sight" in Canada and thanks to that help will continue to do so.......
A few summers ago my husband and I were out at yard sales....I realized we were standing in the Homolka yard.It wasn't her parents outside and they are no longer listed in the phone book like they used to be.

Not sure if they still live in the same house.

We live less than 5 minutes from the home.I may have posted this before so sorry if I have.

I haven't thought of Karla in awhile.
A few summers ago my husband and I were out at yard sales....I realized we were standing in the Homolka yard.It wasn't her parents outside and they are no longer listed in the phone book like they used to be.

Not sure if they still live in the same house.

We live less than 5 minutes from the home.I may have posted this before so sorry if I have.

I haven't thought of Karla in awhile.
Karla's father has died and the house was up for sale........the pics were up on a real estate site and,if you knew the case,were disturbing as the had detailed pics of the basement where Tammy was murdered as well as at least one other rape was committed.They were also framed family pics of Tammy & of Karla (& Buddy the rottie)visible.
i don't think these nurses would lie...

i also recall seeing pics of her in montreal (?) carrying a baby/car seat carrier:
I said I believed the baby existed *HOWEVER* I'll address your points........

(Like I said)there's never been any OFFICIAL PROOF (or even eyewitness accounts)of Karla being pregnant or delivering a baby.
Some months after she (supposedly)had the baby someone anonymously claimed Nurses refused her treatment HOWEVER theres nobody named & nothing leaked about her being admitted to the hospital etc and nothing OFFICAL has been published,leaked or proven.
I believe Karla had a baby however you can bet your boots she wasnt checking into the hospital as Karla Bernardo or even Karla Teale and I guarantee you the staff had no idea who she was or recognized her(did see how different looked in the interview she after leaving prison?even if she stayed blonde theres no way a stranger,even us avid case watchers,would recognize her.Imagine her with darker hair,different hairstyle & plastic surgery...shed be unrecognizable!).You know if they did media wouldve been ALL OVER that hospital so if these nurses were so outraged and refused treatment they didnt leak it out?? C'mon on now.....Just as Karla has been able to live in secret in Canada she was able to deliver a baby in private (and again I will drag out my dead horse and say this is because of assistance she will receive for the remainder of her life from the Government-moo).
As for the baby carrier-was it even Karla?Was it even her baby? Remember after her release she was hired by a man to work in his hardware store & was around his children and "babysat"........for all we know Karly Kurls is a 'French Nanny' in Montreal-anything is possible.......Karla got nearly the same deal Jamie Bulger's murders got only she didnt get relocated to another country(which they tried-nobody would take her)HOWEVER she gets the same PRIVILEGES they do......anonymity and protection FOR LIFE.
In this day & age its hard for someone to hide........ask yourself how Karla has managed for so long now...............Goggle a name,an address.....its never been easier to track somebody down yet she has managed to hide.

ETA:Her sister Lori changed her name (supposedly)to Logan Valentini & although the courts denied Karla's request to change her name to the subtle 'Emily Chiara Tremblay' its widely believed she was/is known as 'Emily Bordalias' and a researcher/blogger claims she was/is living in Ontario which is outrageous as thats the 'scene of the crime(s)'.Im sure ,however,now that all that was leaked her 'handlers'have moved her(again) & she using another variation of that name.
Also her & her sister's supposed FB pages are gone..............
I despise this bit@h of a woman. She is just a guilty as her ex in the murder of those girls and her baby sister. How her parents could even stand to look at her after what she did is beyond me. Poor innocent little Tammy didn't have a clue what an evil sister she had. If sociopath Karla had a conscience she wouldn't be able to look at herself in her mirror every day.

The only kind of husband Karla will ever be able to get is someone like the bisexual *advertiser censored* star. What decent man would give her the time of day? With her history of murders no one that has any brains would even look at her much less marry the witch.

Why is the Canadian government helping her? They don't owe her anything. She made her bed now let her lay in it. Let her live everyday in fear and looking over he shoulder. Let her wonder and worry that someone might treat her just like she treated those two girls that she baited and helped murder.

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