GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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NO! What in the world are they thinking!
She should be in jail til she dies, :banghead:
Oh Canada... Why?!?!?

I will have to remember to move to Canada before I go on any kind of massive killing spree... That way, as long as I play nice (aka DON'T GET CAUGHT) for a few years after my release I can get a sweet pardon & have my records sealed...

Then I will be free to move into any nice, quiet neighborhood I see fit... And none of my poor neighbors will ever have any idea what is living next door to them, until it is too late...

Does anyone else see how demented this is?!?!?!?

I really don't care how well any of them acted upon release. The FACT is that they were found GUILTY of committing the crime, in the 1st place. Let them live with it on thier records. You made the mistake, now live with the consequences of your actions...

I think she has actually been out for a while, IIRC...this is a pardon they are talking, as though she never did anything wrong:( Sorry, Canadians on WS, but Canada is way too soft on crime...I never understand their sentences...or lack thereof...
Yes, this piece of garbage has been out a few years. She is rumoured to have married, had a child and moved far from Canada.
um, just b/c she's allowed by law to apply for a pardon doesn't mean she will get one
and it's our own PM who's annoyed at weaknesses in the justice system, which every country has
so please let's not start criticizing Canada in a general way or even the entire system here
sorry but my feathers get a bit ruffled by that - I'm pretty proud of my country :p

anyway, she won't get one - the entire country would be up-in-arms and I'd be first in line (-;
Canadians actually despise Karla...Canadians were and still are up in arms with the "deal with this devil.

I pray she doesn't get a pardon...she's a MONSTER and no matter how many times she changes her name I hope these horrific crimes follow her to the end of her days.
Well, I did say MAY get pardon and Stephen Harper reckons 99% of requests are granted. I have a feeling hers wont. I understand what you mean about defending our government as I am a little like that too LOL.
Sailor: I know - I'm Canadian (-;

Canadian: - I don't much care to defend our gov't but hey, our country ... now that's another thing entirely. I'll meet you in Ottawa and we can protest this together k? (-;
You're right LadyL it's Country pride I have, not Government.

And I will protest with you in Ottawa if it comes to that.
Since she was convicted of manslaughter and only served 12 years will that make it easier for her to get a pardon there?
I also feel she should have never received any kind of deal and should have spent the rest of her wretched life in prison.
What would a pardon actually do for Karla or give to her? She has served time, already free and living her life. I'm just curious as to what the pardon actually does for her or gives her.
Is she on parole or was she released with any special circumstances? I don't remember.

I know that in the state in which I reside a pardon means that the civil rights of the individual are fully reinstated. But Karla was convicted in Canada and I don't know Canadian law. Perhaps one of our members who know it can post about that.
Sailor: I know - I'm Canadian (-;

Canadian: - I don't much care to defend our gov't but hey, our country ... now that's another thing entirely. I'll meet you in Ottawa and we can protest this together k? (-;

ANYTIME Lady...I'll be there right with you Friend :O)

You too Canadian4 :O)

I'll order the bristle board for signs :O)
Yikes! I hope that never happens. I'll be writing a letter to Mr. Harper for sure.

I wonder if she wants to apply for a pardon before her child (who would be about 3? now) gets old enough to make any connections to her heinous and despicable crimes.
What would a pardon actually do for Karla or give to her? She has served time, already free and living her life. I'm just curious as to what the pardon actually does for her or gives her.

It is the removal of a criminal record on CPIC

What is a Canadian Criminal Pardon?
A criminal pardon allows an individual convicted of an offence to remove their record from the Canadian Police Information System (CPIC). This means that an individual’s criminal record will not show up on criminal record searches- basically ‘hiding’ your criminal record.

What are some benefits of a Pardon? Do I really need a Pardon?
A pardon will remove and seal your information in CPIC. CPIC is the primary method for anyone seeking to obtain information about your criminal record. Once you have obtained a pardon, anyone searching CPIC will not be aware of your criminal conviction(s).
A pardon will allow you to apply for employment without disclosing information about your criminal record. The Canadian Human Rights Act clearly prohibits an employer from rejecting you as an applicant if you have received a pardon. The Criminal Records Act prohibits employers to question applicants about pardoned conviction. Whether you are applying to a Crown corporation, the Military, or any other business, you are protected from disclosing your pardoned conviction and are protected from discrimination.
Aside from negatively impacting employment prospects, if you do not get a criminal pardon it will also have detrimental effects on your ability to:

- get bonded;
- obtain custody of your children;
- rent an apartment;
- travel to foreign countries;
- your education;
- your immigration status; and
- volunteer.
Lastly, a criminal pardon removes the stigma associated with your criminal past and will give you the peace of mind to stop worrying about your record. This will essentially give you a second chance and the opportunity to move on with your life.
I can't even begin to believe anyone could consider pardoning Karla. I'm too sick to post about this. I have followed her story since the start. She didn't even deserve a plea. She and Paul made the perfect couple. This can't be so. I doubt they will give her a pardon.
Canada is too soft on crime and needs to enact new laws.

Whether she is pardoned or not the discussion is just another kick in the teeth for the victims families. I am sorry I added to that by starting the thread, but I had to say something.
Pardoned or not, she will always be Karla Homolka. The world knows what she did and she can never be anyone but who she is. A sick, twisted killer who fed her psycho husband's warped blood lust.
If you haven't already, check out this incredible (and incredibly detailed) website: It is some fascinating reading; I agree with all of you WSers who think KH does NOT deserve a pardon- good Lord!!!- she should in fact still be in prison, but lucky for her, she's from Canada, where apparently participating in the kidnappings/rapes/torture and MURDERS of innocent teen girls is, eventually, "no biggie" (!!!)... And let's not forget that her victims included her BABY SISTER!!! Pure evil, Miss Homolka, plain and simple. :furious:
Like France who refuses to return our murders to us because we have the death penalty... They deserve our trash if that's their view - to let a murderer live a long fulfilling life while the victim's families suffer back here in the US....

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