Identified! Canada - Regina, SK, WhtMale 720UMSK, 20-30, hit by train, Jul'95 - Michael Kirov (Lewis)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes, they have been made aware of it. However, there are now complications with some of the genetic genealogy sites. For example, GEDmatch, has changed its Terms of Service to make "opting out" the default for users unless the latter changes it by themselves. This means that groups who do searches to find matches can only do so in a very limited capacity.
Unfortunately, this is true. But, many are trying to get the word out about this change so that those on GEDmatch can go into their accounts and opt-in. Also, recently, because of Mostly Harmless's case, they've had alot of new DNA donors from all over the US and Canada submit and opt-in recently. Most of the labs also use FTDNA which, opt-in is the default. So, there is still a very good chance he could be identified by say, Othram, Parabon or DNAdoe.
So, did he say his name was "Brian" or "David"? Are the audio files of the interview with Randy Wakelin still available anywhere online?
Just found this so far, from 2005
''On Dec. 8, police released a new sketch of the man, created on a computer. They also made public nine-year-old transcripts of a police interview with Randy Wakelin, a fellow hitchhiker who had traveled around with the unidentified man in the days before his death.

Randy Wakelin talks about the unknown man (Jan. 23, 1996)
"He was thinking about going back east. Then he didn't know where he was going. We sat down. He didn't have much money so I had money on me cause I just finished working. I said we should go for coffee. So I bought him something to eat and I said to him, 'What are you doing, where are you going?'
For a while, the two men were looking for work as carnies at Saskatchewan fairs.

Wakelin told police his acquaintance did not appear to be accustomed to street life. He listened to "preppy" type music, Wakelin said, adding that he also had a tape of the Lion King soundtrack.

He wrote with a fountain pen. He appeared well dressed, with good manners and expensive tastes.

Even when eating hamburgers at McDonald's, Wakelin said, the man would take care to spread a napkin out on his lap.

It appears the man had recently broken up with a woman named Kathy. He carried around a silver brooch with a rose on it that seemed to be important to him, Wakelin said.

Wakelin said the man said his name was Dave, although he suspected it wasn't his real name. He wouldn't talk about his family. At one point, Wakelin said, he saw the man with an Ontario birth certificate, but other things seemed to suggest he was from the Atlantic area.''
Just found this so far, from 2005
''On Dec. 8, police released a new sketch of the man, created on a computer. They also made public nine-year-old transcripts of a police interview with Randy Wakelin, a fellow hitchhiker who had traveled around with the unidentified man in the days before his death.

Randy Wakelin talks about the unknown man (Jan. 23, 1996)
"He was thinking about going back east. Then he didn't know where he was going. We sat down. He didn't have much money so I had money on me cause I just finished working. I said we should go for coffee. So I bought him something to eat and I said to him, 'What are you doing, where are you going?'
For a while, the two men were looking for work as carnies at Saskatchewan fairs.

Wakelin told police his acquaintance did not appear to be accustomed to street life. He listened to "preppy" type music, Wakelin said, adding that he also had a tape of the Lion King soundtrack.

He wrote with a fountain pen. He appeared well dressed, with good manners and expensive tastes.

Even when eating hamburgers at McDonald's, Wakelin said, the man would take care to spread a napkin out on his lap.

It appears the man had recently broken up with a woman named Kathy. He carried around a silver brooch with a rose on it that seemed to be important to him, Wakelin said.

Wakelin said the man said his name was Dave, although he suspected it wasn't his real name. He wouldn't talk about his family. At one point, Wakelin said, he saw the man with an Ontario birth certificate, but other things seemed to suggest he was from the Atlantic area.''

When I was reading about this case awhile back, one version said that it turns out Wakelin was referring to someone else. But of course I can't recall where I read that at the moment. I guess there wouldn't be any DNA to go by either unfortunately.
Managed to track down an article from 2005 which includes more quotes from Randy Wakelin.

Suicide victim given a face, but still no name
  • National Post (Latest Edition)
  • 9 Dec 2005

Police sketched a face of John Doe based on autopsy photos.
On a July day in 1995, a young man laid down on a Regina railway track, facing an oncoming train. He was killed instantly, the train unable to stop in time.

Ten years later, police and the coroner are still trying to solve the mystery that suicide created: Who was he?

“ This investigation indeed is incomplete, despite the fact that there have been endless hours spent on trying to identify this young man,” said Saskatchewan’s chief coroner, Kent Stewart, who spoke at a news conference at Regina Police Service headquarters yesterday.

“Even more disturbing is the thought that after these many years, there still may be a family out there that is wondering what became of their loved one.”

A forensic artist with the Toronto Police Service recently provided a face for John Doe, based on autopsy photos.

The computer image shows a clean-shaven young Caucasian man between 20 and 30 years of age with short medium-brown hair and blue eyes. He is shown in the clothes he was found in, a black denim button-down shirt with a gold “crown” logo and a white Boca Authentic T-shirt.

The man, weighing about 140 to 160 pounds and about 5-foot-9, was also wearing faded blue jeans and a pair of size 121⁄ 2 blue and white Reebok runners when he took own life on July 28, 1995.

A search of his clothing and knapsack revealed no personal identification and did not help to determine his identity. The most personal item located was a silver brooch, shaped like a rose — sometimes referred to as the Christmas Rose — found in his pocket.

Fingerprints turned up nothing, except that whoever he was, the man did not have a criminal record. He had no surgical scars or tattoos. A search of missing persons files found no matches.

The Regina Police Service received its first and only glimpse into who the man may have been when a transient man, Randy Wakelin, came forward with information about the person known to him only as Dave.

The two had spent a few days travelling together, hitchhiking on July 22 from Strathmore, Alta., to Swift Current, then to Regina on July 24.

Mr. Wakelin revealed that the unknown man was not any regular transient.

“ You grow up around street people and you see these different things,” Mr. Wakelin told police in 1996. “ You know where people come from very wealthy families that their manners are a little bit different. He had the manners of being very well to do.”

Sgt. Rod Buckingham, with the city police’s cold case unit, spoke further about Mr. Wakelin’s observations yesterday.

“He certainly wasn’t used to the street because he did things that no one else does,” said Sgt. Buckingham. “ When he ate, he would use a napkin, he’d lay out a napkin. He was very well-mannered all the time — Randy will tell you that he taught him certain things about where to sleep and where to [find] shelter.”

Mr. Wakelin described a man who was well-educated and knew nothing about drugs. “He didn’t know what a joint was, he didn’t know what a hit was,” he said.

The unknown traveller talked about coming from a world of wealth — though he refused to talk about his family. “ Anything to do with family was a no- no ... I assume he had a big fight with his family.”

He also mentioned a painful break-up with a woman named Kathy.

“She burned him, dumped him, like really did a number on him,” Mr. Wakelin told police, adding he was “pretty sure” the silver brooch the young man constantly toyed with belonged to his ex-lover. “ All he could say was she deserves what she got and he can keep her, which I assumed [meant] that he was going out with her and she took off with another guy.”

As well, he talked about coming from “back east.”

“He knew a lot about the ocean,” Mr. Wakelin told police. “ A lot about that ocean. Which is why I still think he was from somewhere on the East Coast. What really baffles me is that you would figure that somebody would be missing him by now.”

Hope that spoiler tag worked o_O

Also found a few more articles dating from 1996-2005. Attached what I could, but a few of the files were too big, apparently. See below.

1996.07.29 blurred.jpg1996.09.16 Star Phoenix.JPG


  • 2005.12.20 The Leader Post.JPG
    2005.12.20 The Leader Post.JPG
    90.7 KB · Views: 12
Thanks for finding that article, I hadn't seen it before. A very interesting character this guy must have been. No clue about drug-related vocabulary is pretty odd and further points to him being well-to-do, but I do question him being from the East Coast... it's not a very well-to-do area overall. I wonder if his family simply never listed him as missing after a big fight?

Further, Regina is just such a WEIRD place to run away to or end up if transient. Definitely not at the top of my list. Any ideas what may have brought him there?
It's been a while since I last saw this case and so I reread the whole thread. Just want to point out that the shirt does in fact look like this vintage 90s Ralph Lauren logo, as has been pointed out. I did a quick search and thanks to the glory of Pinterest found this image which seems to be a match. Can't be conclusive but it's pretty close IMO. It's incredible how much the internet has grown since this case was first posted. We may have more info available to us now so I'm going to try to leave no stone unturned, as this case is so often on my mind.


  • Screen Shot 2021-04-10 at 12.56.31 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-04-10 at 12.56.31 PM.png
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Coroner holding out hope to solve Regina John Doe case 25 years later | CTV News

I know the above article was probably posted earlier, but I was reading it and noticed that DNA WAS taken from the John Doe. I thought it hadn't been. It is in a database. Does this mean that it is a possible prospect for the Othram lab? I also read that coroner Bell 'desperately' wants to solve this case before his retirement. I wonder if it is a case that could be suggested/funded to the Othram lab? With that in mind, I found the coroner's email (Canadian myself too :))and I have written to him to enquire about that. Will let you know if/when I receive an answer.
Last edited:
Coroner holding out hope to solve Regina John Doe case 25 years later | CTV News

I know the above article was probably posted earlier, but I was reading it and noticed that DNA WAS taken from the John Doe. I thought it hadn't been. It is in a database. Does this mean that it is a possible prospect for the Othram lab? I also read that coroner Bell 'desperately' wants to solve this case before his retirement. I wonder if it is a case that could be suggested/funded to the Othram lab? With that in mind, I found the coroner's email (Canadian myself too :))and I have written to him to enquire about that. Will let you know if/when I receive an answer.
You all will be pleased to hear that I heard back from the coroner in this case! Good news, here is his reply:
Thank you so much for this email – We are moving forward with the DNA work.

Kind regards



Jerry L. Bell, RN | Full Time Coroner

Saskatchewan Coroners Service | #1050, 2010 12th Avenue | Regina, Canada S4P 0M3


Cell: 306-519-6740
You all will be pleased to hear that I heard back from the coroner in this case! Good news, here is his reply:
Thank you so much for this email – We are moving forward with the DNA work.

Kind regards



Jerry L. Bell, RN | Full Time Coroner

Saskatchewan Coroners Service | #1050, 2010 12th Avenue | Regina, Canada S4P 0M3


Cell: 306-519-6740
Awesome, thanks for that @Andreee!
Amazing! So happy to hear that. I also was under the impression they might not have the DNA, but if they do, that is a huge increased change that they will figure it out. Grateful for your reaching out to the coroner, @Andreee
Amazing! So happy to hear that. I also was under the impression they might not have the DNA, but if they do, that is a huge increased change that they will figure it out. Grateful for your reaching out to the coroner, @Andreee

Thanks, I didn't expect to get an answer, and so swiftly. Glad I did! :)
The John Doe case in Saskatchewan solved with DNA evidence 26 years later | MCUTimes

''The John Doe case in Saskatchewan solved with DNA evidence 26 years later
August 5, 2021

WARNING: This story contains details that some readers may find disturbing.

A 26-year-old case involving a John Doe in Saskatchewan has finally been resolved with DNA evidence.

Saskatchewan Coroner’s Service and Regina Police Service declined to confirm this. But The fifth estate has learned that the victim, hit by a CP train in Regina on July 28, 1995, is a man from Winnipeg.

“It’s the only case where I can not give a loved one back to their family … It’s important that everyone has a funeral,” said Saskatchewan death doctor Jerry Bell. He talked to The fifth estate in July.

“It’s getting a son home to his family … I’m old, I need to retire, and I hope, and I mean it from my heart, I hope I can put a name to John Doe, and then I will retire. He will be my reason for retiring. “

Both the Saskatchewan Forensic Office and the Regina Police Service (RPS) had participated in one Fifth Estate documentary about unidentified human remains before it suddenly withdrew in July without giving an explanation, other than to say that there had been “a potential development”.
RPS officer Curtis Kemp, now retired, was one of two officers first to arrive on the scene after the man died 26 years ago.

"We were just in the middle of general patrol," Kemp told the Fifth Estate. "When you come to the scene it's pretty macabre.… It's horrible to observe.… The one you feel the sorriest for is the poor person who operated the train. I remember it very distinctly because he [the train's conductor] was just pacing, he was absolutely beside himself."

Kemp never saw the train conductor again or learned his name.

In Canada, railway companies have their own police forces. Kemp and his partner were not allowed to interview the conductor or engineer of the train.

"You think this is some young kid who was riding the rails and was down to his last dime .... Everybody has somebody. To me that's so incredibly painful," said Kemp. "It brings it all back. I see him there, just as if it was yesterday."

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