CANADA CANADA - ROBERT PICKTON, Pig Farm Killer, Vancouver, 1990'S

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The heads, hands and feet of two women were found in a freezer at the home of a pig farmer accused of being Canada's worst serial killer, a court heard today.

The heads had been cut in half vertically using a power saw, prosecutor Derrill Previtt told jurors at the trial of Robert "Willie" Pickton.
NEW WESTMINSTER, British Columbia - A Canadian pig farmer confessed to killing 49 women and was caught before he could reach his goal of making it an even 50, prosecutors told jurors at the start of his murder trial Monday.

Prosecutor Derrill Prevett stunned the courtroom by saying that Pickton told investigators, including an undercover officer planted in his jail cell, that he had slain 49 women.

"I was going to do one more and make it an even 50," Prevett quoted Pickton as telling investigators. "I made my own grave by being sloppy."

Pickton told one officer that he would be "nailed to the cross" and described himself as a mass murderer who deserved to be on death row, Prevett claimed.

"In a laundry room of Pickton's trailer, a revolver was found in a zippered gun case. Its barrel was covered in plastic wrap, had an elastic band wrapped around it and had a sexual device fitted over it. The revolver had one spent casing and five other rounds. Forensic evidence detected DNA from both Pickton and Wilson on the revolver."
Wow thanks Jilly,he is a sick sick man isn't he.
He's like Jeffrey Dahmer, Hannibal Lector and the serial killer from the movie 'Seven' rolled into one. I really feel for those jurors because this will change their lives forever. They are in for one long horrific trial. It's cases like these that make me wish Canada had the death penalty.
Prevett said police entered the Pickton farm with a search warrant on Feb. 5, 2002, initially seeking illegal firearms but made a shocking discovery — a blood-stained tote bag was found in Pickton’s mobile home that contained an asthma inhaler that was prescribed in 2001 to one of the missing women, Abotsway.

Also found on a laundry room shelf was a .22-calibre Smith & Wesson handgun. The Crown contends Abotsway was shot with a .22-calibre gun, he added.

Prevett said police later found decomposed partial remains of several women close to Pickton’s home on the farm, including two severed heads found in a freezer chest in a workshop adjacent to a building Pickton used to slaughter pigs.
Hez said:
He's like Jeffrey Dahmer, Hannibal Lector and the serial killer from the movie 'Seven' rolled into one. I really feel for those jurors because this will change their lives forever. They are in for one long horrific trial. It's cases like these that make me wish Canada had the death penalty.

ITA Hez,the first ones who should get the Dp would be Pickton followed by Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka.
Alta said:
ITA Hez,the first ones who should get the Dp would be Pickton followed by Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka.
Yeah. I can't belive Homolka is out living her life almost as if she did nothing wrong. It sickens me. :mad:
Well I have faith one day Karla will screw up and go back to jail where she belongs.

So far today in the trial they are playing more of the taped interviews with Pickton.I often wonder how my aunt does it,she has been his nurse for 5 years.Having to deal with such a scum ball 5 days a week.
Hez said:
He's like Jeffrey Dahmer, Hannibal Lector and the serial killer from the movie 'Seven' rolled into one. I really feel for those jurors because this will change their lives forever. They are in for one long horrific trial. It's cases like these that make me wish Canada had the death penalty.
I have just done a search as I knew little of this case. Will be watching with interest. Yes, I wish Canada had the death penalty also? How involved was Pickton's brother.He must have been party to at least knowing of the murders.
I would not want to be on the jury for this as it will affect the jurors for the rest of their days.How many more women were killed by him and will we ever know. So very sad for the families....
I wonder about the brother as well.He had to have known.I believe Willie was the only one who lived on the pig farm,but his brother helped him in the daily running of it.He had a womans head,hands and feet laying there in a bucket,there was blood splatter all over the walls.How could he miss all that?
Alta said:
I wonder about the brother as well.He had to have known.I believe Willie was the only one who lived on the pig farm,but his brother helped him in the daily running of it.He had a womans head,hands and feet laying there in a bucket,there was blood splatter all over the walls.How could he miss all that?
I do not know but reports say the 'farm' was like a dump.Maybe he just
assumjed it was pig blood. The mind boggles. How he could miss the clothes and personal effects in the trailer is very disturbing but to think of the body parts all over the place in buckets and freezers makes it even more unbelievable.
Wonder where the brother sits in relation to charges and how much he took part in it all.He sounds like a real nutter also.
I do not understand how Picton managed to get past the police search of the property the first time. It is just crazy..
Warning: Graphic content.

A witness will say she saw Robert Pickton killing a woman, skinning her while she hung on a hook, police told the accused serial killer during an interview.

RCMP Staff Sgt. Don Adam told Pickton police knew Ellingsen was blackmailing him.

"She says it's because she walked in and you were skinning a girl."

Adam said people also told police Pickton had sex with the women when they were dead.
Well, this just keeps getting more and more horrific. There was a witness?! I hadn't heard that before. It will be interesting to see what happens when they are put on the stand.
I live up in Vancouver and so am kept very updated with all the media around here for this. It seems like everyone in some way here has been affected by this. Either we know someone who spent time at that farm or know someone who knows someone who lost a daughter or sister or mother. My girlfriend use to go to roast pig parties there all the time in the sumer, and my uncle was selected for jury duty, it's just awful to think about it.

I don't personally have a problem with police pushing a witness hard the way they apparently did here. If there hadn't been any evidence found to prove that the suspect did what he did, the crown and investigators wouldn't have persued this with the vigor that they have. They have so much evidence that they had to split the trial into two to speed up the process.

My thoughts go out to all the families and loved ones of every girl who lost their lives to this animal:twocents:
What concerns me most about this trial is the jury. Twelve have been selected with 2 alternates and quote:

"The five women and seven men on the jury will start their work on Jan. 8, 2007, if things proceed according to schedule. Once the evidence phase of the trial begins, the two alternate jurors will be excused.

That phase of the trial is expected to last up to one year. If the number of jurors on the panel falls below 10, a mistrial is declared and the process begins again."

What's the purpose of the alternates here?? I don't get it. The evidence phase is expected to last up to one year if things proceed according to schedule."

When has a trial ever proceeded according to schedule????

I would guess that this trial will go beyond a year. That's just my educated opinion. Only 2 jurors can drop out during the evidence phase and they can continue with 10. After that - it's a mistrial.

I don't know. This is not sitting well with me. I would hate to see a mistrial after a year of trial.

I know it's a different country but in the Scott Peterson case they lost 3 jurors and that trial was what 6 months? This Pickton trial is a horrible case for these jurors.

Here's the link for my quotes:
ITA Jilly.What happens if someone becomes very ill,loses a loved one and has to leave.There are so many scenarios that can happen in everyday life.This should have been thought out a little better.They should have had alot more alternates in place.

It sickens me to read the evidence,I cannot imagine after 4 days what it is doing to the jury.After a year of it these poor people will never be the same again.
Alta said:
ITA Jilly.What happens if someone becomes very ill,loses a loved one and has to leave.There are so many scenarios that can happen in everyday life.This should have been thought out a little better.They should have had alot more alternates in place.

It sickens me to read the evidence,I cannot imagine after 4 days what it is doing to the jury.After a year of it these poor people will never be the same again.

They've already lost one juror in the first 24 hr! He had 2nd thoughts financially.

You're right. So many things can happen. I hate to repeat but I just don't get the point of choosing of alternates who are dismissed before the evidence. What are they there for? The opening statements? :confused:
I was doing some googling, and I see the defense atorney has the same concern:

"Ritchie has expressed concern about keeping 12 people on a jury without having any alternates.

"Without having alternate jurors to sit on a trial, if someone gets ill or has some problems down the line, if we lose too many jurors, we have to stop and start again and that's a potentially very poor and inefficient system,'' Ritchie told The Canadian Press.

"I think of course we should revisit that in many cases, not just in this case.""

But at least the jurors are getting paid somewhat:

"Jurors are paid $20 a day for the first 10 days in court, $60 a day for the next 40 days and $100 a day for each additional day.
I can't imagine being a juror on this case. If the Peterson jurors were traumatized by what they went through...I can't even imagine what these jurors are going to have to live with for the rest of their lives. They may need psychological help. :(

So the best punishment is life in prison without parole? Seems so unfair for sub-humans like this guy.
Taximom said:
I can't imagine being a juror on this case. If the Peterson jurors were traumatized by what they went through...I can't even imagine what these jurors are going to have to live with for the rest of their lives. They may need psychological help. :(

So the best punishment is life in prison without parole? Seems so unfair for sub-humans like this guy.

Hi Taxi! :) I agree. These jurors are going to need a heap of therapy and as I understand it there is no provision in the Canadian system for them to get help either.

If this guy is found guilty, he will never get out of prison, imo. Canada has a parole board. Technically there is no such sentence as LWOP, however, the Judge can recommend that one not be granted parole.

This case is going to be interesting. I understand Pickton has the best of the best lawyers on his defense team - courtesy of the taxpayers.

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