CANADA Canada - Sharin Morningstar Keenan, 9, Toronto, 23 Jan 1983

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thanks for finding that Sun link Dotr!!

I would love to hear or read that transcript from the show on Ryerson Radio her Dad did. I guess they didn't archive their shows? Worth checking at least.

So according to B.C. no dogs were called out for three days. I remember the issue being snow and cold but in the Ridgen video L.K. says "it was a warm day not like today" and same video Doug Baptie wishes he had said to Sharin "not a good day for skating".

When you think how close the park is to 428 Brunswick then he is right it is even possible they could have saved her life - they called police around 6 so says the video Dotr linked to - and the illegal resident there heard noises in the wee hours of the next morning if I am reading the Spanish paper correctly. Assuming the crime happened as they say it happened that is.

Of course I may be missing something re the detective's rationale or knowledge.

So her Dad says she was stalked which is interesting because Howe's crimes seem o/w to have been very impulsive.

I wonder how they determined it was Howe's DNA in the house and on Sharin? Did the compare to family members? Anyone know or want to guess?

If anyone finds the quote where her Dad (allegedly said) "she'll probably end up being found in a fridge" (talk about a terrible premonition) let me/us know.
Thanks for finding that Sun link Dotr!!

I would love to hear or read that transcript from the show on Ryerson Radio her Dad did. I guess they didn't archive their shows? Worth checking at least.

So according to B.C. no dogs were called out for three days. I remember the issue being snow and cold but in the Ridgen video L.K. says "it was a warm day not like today" and same video Doug Baptie wishes he had said to Sharin "not a good day for skating".

When you think how close the park is to 428 Brunswick then he is right it is even possible they could have saved her life - they called police around 6 so says the video Dotr linked to - and the illegal resident there heard noises in the wee hours of the next morning if I am reading the Spanish paper correctly. Assuming the crime happened as they say it happened that is.

Of course I may be missing something re the detective's rationale or knowledge.

So her Dad says she was stalked which is interesting because Howe's crimes seem o/w to have been very impulsive.

I wonder how they determined it was Howe's DNA in the house and on Sharin? Did the compare to family members? Anyone know or want to guess?

If anyone finds the quote where her Dad (allegedly said) "she'll probably end up being found in a fridge" (talk about a terrible premonition) let me/us know.


Comments below may suggest DMH had creepy behaviour ..
In this pic, DMH can be seen more clearly, or I am seeing a different ' look" to him, he does have that chameleon quality imo.
One thing that is pronounced, but can be concealed with hair, is the prominent grooves under his nose to his upper lip.Wonder if he was an FAS baby?

Someone mentioned something about Mennonites and DM? ......
Yes. Does is mean anything do you think? Is it on the shirt not a button in your opinion Dotr?
Relevant part of the first link is to the final article on the page which is MSM.

I would like to know what the extensive criminal record was! Had a child with one of his students. Middle School there is grades 789 or 678 forget which in any case kids around 12 13.

I know people who went to school there. Was weirdly authoritarian like to be callled Major. Prone to temper outbursts. "Everyone" in the school (students) new he was a predator and not to go down into the tunnels with him.

I think Howe did not just come to Toronto looking for any old rooming house in any old area. In any case we don't know where he was for 8 months or so after fleeing Prince Albert - until he moves into 428 Brunswick approximately November. I would note the proximity of the Loretto Girl's School and St. Alban's Boy's school to the rooming house. Of course yes there are always lots of schools around. Of course Sharin's school in any case was further away. I have been thinking about how her Dad says she was stalked yet Howe o/w seemed to commit impulsive crimes. I am interested in the question of a similar kind of milieu in the Mariam Makniashvili case though anything I could say at this point would be too far-fetched to print - will try to find a way.

And of course along with that line of thinking see Dotr's previous post.
Relevant part of link is to the final article on the linked page which is MSM.

I would like to know what the extensive criminal record was! Had a child with one of his students. Middle School there is grades 789 or 678 forget which in any case kids around 12 13.

I know people who went to school there. Was weirdly authoritarian like to be callled Major. Prone to temper outbursts. "Everyone" in the school (students) new he was a predator and not to go down into the tunnels with him.

I think Howe did not just come to Toronto looking for any old rooming house in any old area. In any case we don't know where he was for 8 months or so after fleeing Prince Albert - until he moves into 428 Brunswick approximately November. I would note the proximity of the Loretto Girl's School and St. Alban's Boy's school to the rooming house. Of course yes there are always lots of schools around. Of course Sharin's school in any case was further away. I have been thinking about how her Dad says she was stalked yet Howe o/w seemed to commit impulsive crimes.
I don't know. In the Ridgen show with her Mom 3 years ago Mom says when she left her it was 3:30 - then she corrects to 3:00, 3:30 - and Sharin promises to be home by 4:00 she has a watch and "was good about that kind of thing".

Now...the Mom still has to walk home around 10 minutes walking briskly so maybe as much as 15 minutes. We have to assume the Dad was at home (?) and then he has to walk over to the park same amount of time. There is little time for her to play according to this version.

Yet Mom says "she often came to this park to play". (Jan Sibelius Park). Makes it sound like she means on her own. So why the tight surveillance that day?

Note that in this time frame Howe who her Dad said was stalking her has to meet up with Sharin and witness Doug B. has to see them talking and watches them walk up the street. What has always bothered me is that Howe only lived two houses away from Doug B. so why does he lose sight of them? He would have to be watching for a while to see them across the park walk across the park toward him and up the street. Howe has to have nerves of steel to walk right past a witness watching them then into his house then keep Sharin then for many hours into the wee hours of the next morning according to the person who heard them but was afraid to do anything.

And if they got so close to him why does Doug B. not go to a police station or talk to one of the canvassers who went around that night?

But 4, 5 yes which we knew.

Doug B. phones in the info and LE approach him a couple of days later.

Early reports had Sharin talking to a young man in the park and also taking a taxi with a man to an address that LE would not release. They actually went around door to door I believe with a composite of a different man. If so I have never seen that pic and that part of the story falls away in media quickly.... but we never are told why. Would love to know that address.
Early reports had Sharin talking to a young man in the park and also taking a taxi with a man to an address that LE would not release. They actually went around door to door I believe with a composite of a different man. If so I have never seen that pic and that part of the story falls away in media quickly.... but we never are told why. Would love to know that address.

Could taxi man have been Howe taking her to a different addy to begin with before returning later that nite to his own place? Might explain why DB lost site of them and didn't see them enter Howe's place 2 doors away.

All these years and LE still won't release the address the taxi went to !! Yeah .. how's that workin' for them?
It would be interesting to know more about that taxi. As we have been saying, a narrow time frame, a rainy day, as far as we have been told not too many people around. So how would the taxi driver get that wrong? Unless just an attention seeking liar.

Just a comment about the Ridgen doc. Well done but the focus on Sharin's mother is a bit odd. In a slide-show not sure if it is up on the doc site now it said that her mother spent 'weeks' making the video with Toronto LE. Seems strange, cannot see her participation takng more than a day. In that slide-show there is a pic of her with another detective in the case and they both seem different than in the doc. And in the doc it says she had NEVER met Detective L. found her body. Maybe some kind of strategy to out Howe?

The video opens with Sharin's Mom talking about Nampa guy's theory about the bounty hunter assassinating Howe On a new Toronto twitter account run by a Toronto LE cold case det. they actually link to Nampa guy's taping of the doc (taken from a TV set). Strange and stranger.


Could taxi man have been Howe taking her to a different addy to begin with before returning later that nite to his own place? Might explain why DB lost site of them and didn't see them enter Howe's place 2 doors away.

All these years and LE still won't release the address the taxi went to !! Yeah .. how's that workin' for them?
Personally I think they may have him in a sense somewhere but cant charge him - very very interesting

Something's bugging me about that logo ... like I've seen it before (to do with a children's charity or ???)

Given it appears temporary, I wonder if her parents had seen it before and knew what it represented.
Something's bugging me about that logo ... like I've seen it before (to do with a children's charity or ???)

Given it appears temporary, I wonder if her parents had seen it before and knew what it represented.

SB as usual yes brilliant it doesn't look as though from original garment

other issue is was that camera image chosen deliberately on view to media and audience

what does it mean and to who

maybe we are overthinking i don't know

why did tor star commemorate in a sense howes birthday with article on his birthday anyone seen that before? And for anyone who wants to research see E2 that day i will look and give details next strange use of word share and sharing i not the one who noticed this brilliant I think

26" 25 and following seconds of Ridgen video worth watching again
SB as usual yes brilliant it doesn't look as though from original garment

other issue is was that camera image chosen deliberately on view to media and audience

what does it mean and to who

maybe we are overthinking i don't know

why did tor star commemorate in a sense howes birthday with article on his birthday anyone seen that before? And for anyone who wants to research see E2 that day i will look and give details next strange use of word share and sharing i not the one who noticed this brilliant I think

26" 25 and following seconds of Ridgen video worth watching again

this really is the elephant in the room in this case

ok see last few seconds at least of this vid

see boise radio etc same band and gig on danforth weird day of howes birthday etc


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