CANADA Canada - Sharin Morningstar Keenan, 9, Toronto, 23 Jan 1983

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Someone on the site metafilter linked these images of the Idaho guy mentioned in NP and a photo of Dennis Melvyn Howe's mother:

I am not good at determining facial resemblances myself but I expect they are suggesting there is a resemblance. Any thoughts?

But maybe this guy has now long been cleared? Didn't hear anything.
Someone on the site metafilter linked these images of the Idaho guy mentioned in NP and a photo of Dennis Melvyn Howe's mother:

I am not good at determining facial resemblances myself but I expect they are suggesting there is a resemblance. Any thoughts?

But maybe this guy has now long been cleared? Didn't hear anything.

They look similar other than the ears imo.
Wonder who the girls are in the upside down framed photos seen in the pic?
The nose and the shape of the face are quite similar.

An aside ... I have never seen an ear lobe as large as what DMH's mother sports.
Of course it is already established that BM in Idaho looks like Miller there is no way Toronto LE would bother the FBI (I am guessing) unless more than one expert had a look at the photos. So perhaps not surprising Howe's mother could resemble - the height is a huge thing though - if BM is 6 1 that is a long way form the height of Howe - I can't tell how tall he is with hat and maybe boots on in the photos I have seen.

The strange thing to me is why from their end their would be any trepidation - obviously he and his his family should KNOW he can't be Howe given all the time Howe served in prison. Unless by circumstance BM was away and out of touch as it happens for those years that would create some ambiguity.

Maybe I am too imaginative there are a bunch of things that bother me about this case I will name a few separate post.
1. who was Sharin going to play with in the park there is no mention of any other kid?

2. Early newspaper reports (I linked before) saw her talking to young man

3. Early newspaper reports had her getting into cab and taken to a known address LE would not divulge.

4. LE actually went around door to door with those composities as I understand it !!

5. Where are the kids?

6. Why in Ridgen film Sharin is every picture about to quote her own voice on a tape there "scary things bloody things". See her drawing Emily 21 is Emily in a coffin and dead? In Ridgen film.

7. Still makes no sense to me she could become frozen in that old fridge. Autopsy delayed.

8. I will translate Spanish paper next few days seems to say LE went to 482 multiple times - will report back

9. OK Baptie the key witness sees her talking to Howe other side of walk at skating rink walk towards him then by him he wishes he had said "warm day for skating". Does NOT see her walk into Howe's house TWO doors down YET must watch a long time for her to walk back with Howe towards him. Strange!!! That would take 5 to 10 minutes.

10. LE tried to get access to secret military database of Canadian soldiers missing in action and suffering from Amnesia. What???

11. As I said before why does Oldham take witness OH out west to fish for pics of Howe but not go to Pen town PA? Give me a break.

12. Something wrong but what?

13. Why does Sharin look 5 years older suddently in the pic on frontis of Ridgen video? Where is that photo from has to be at earliest previous summer since she is tanned etc. but MUCH more muscular and developed than little kid in distributed pic
14. That girls school janitor murdered I will supply link.

15 Howes first wife Dickhoff mennonite name I will develop later

16. OK I will lose everyone here possibly..... there was a birthday party I think on the 30th anniversary of Sharin's murderer's brithday (don't blame me the Toronto Star did this) for howe in Toronto on Danforth with band First Aid Kit (see video Wolf youtube "you're a drifter a shape-shifter") Star article on case see page E3 in Toronto Star on his stupid birthdaywith ad referenciing again and again word "share" and "sharing" obviously according to this scenario Howe is far from a lone wolf but had links to Toronto pedo gangs. Yes First Aid Kit have played Boise have been on Boise radio (google) do country and western covers are influenced by Canadian Buffy St Marie I am not saying they knew what what happening.

First Aid Kit - Wolf - YouTube

17. Canadian author has scene of girl with man she is a woman but described as child he lives 482 (I think)and he leaves looks towards girls school see NP Humphries pick of yellow sign looking towards park and girls school mentions maple trees etc,. this author lightly hides multiples murders in his novels

18. Why haven't we developed new witnesses i.e. other kids in the park that day now older why do witnesses only see Sharin with MEN?
Is the Post going to do a follow-up?

I don't think this link will hold but if you google Sharin Ridgen (the director of the doc) and watch check out 1:52 see large painting in Howe's room and look at painting behind be looks more amateurish possibly done by Howe (?) also note fridge in previous few seconds of that film which I claim could not "freeze" her body.

I lived in rooming houses in Toronto way back - the large painting it seems to me to be an anomaly. Did Howe buy it? (Thinking of Idaho guy and interest in art)

And as per previous post keeping open what I am sure most people will think is the strange idea that Howe could be accused of the crime but could conceivably be fall guy or paid to go away......and is now jonesing for cash from....someone in Toronto with blogs about the case etc.

Yes just a theory I realize a slightly wild one.

I don't think it is impossible there is something screwy about the identity of Howe WAY back hence the difficulty in solving the case. The guy in the widely distributed pic of Howe in 83/84 (the one Ridgen calls the overweight picture) I think is NOT Howe just IMO but I have asked a LOT of fairly expert people.

BUT guy on motorbike on Idaho guy's blogs , guy in RCMP DMG wanted ad and Idaho seem to be same person but is it possible there is some other bizarre element as in someone being paid to do time for someone way back etc. Thinking of Howe's family's seemingly limitless desire to help him. By the way when Howe's sister gives Ridgen a baby pic of Howe and says "you can keep it" that SEEMS to be the same child in some of Idaho guy's family pics assuming they are him. And pic of woman in front of store SEEMS to be old pic of relative to my eye.

Of course Idaho guy has army ID etc. when 19 something like that and some pics I finally had time to look at and....well they look like both him and Howe.

Certainly in that motorcycle mag pic (can't link but easily findable) if really from that year (title in mag "Easy Riders" (real motorcycle gang) and pic of guy who is spitting image of Howe RCMP pic if the year is now being creatively fudged Howe should be doing a whack of Pen time that year so can hardly be esconced on a bike in the US. Unless....(see the above).

Umm... help would be appreciated thanks.
1. Like Sharin's Mom I doubt the detective's theory that one dollar found in her pocket lured Sharin. But looking at her art one pic. in background is a picture of "Sharin's Money". Odd word for 9 year old to misspell.

2. Ridgen film LE say only Howe's DNA and fingerprints found at crime scene. It is a rooming house Howe only living there two months surely there would be other fingerprints etc. Yet they never fingerprinted OH for example.

3. LE never approached his full brother for 10 years after Howe disappeared though he was last seen heading toward Winnipeg AND the "one dollar theory" det. actually took OH out west to look for photos of the then unidentified Howe. Does that make any sense?

4. I would love to know address where cab driver said he took Sharin and a male (from J Sibelius park) LE would not release the address. I do not know the address. But in case anyone does is it possibly it was near Queen at Simcoe?
previous post "money" written but obviously "Mommy" depicted
The nose and the shape of the face are quite similar.

An aside ... I have never seen an ear lobe as large as what DMH's mother sports.

Okay .. it's a black & white photo of DMH's mom, so I think she is wearing earrings that look like part of her ear lobe. Explains appearance of "huge". JMO
Of course it is already established that BM in Idaho looks like Miller there is no way Toronto LE would bother the FBI (I am guessing) unless more than one expert had a look at the photos. So perhaps not surprising Howe's mother could resemble - the height is a huge thing though - if BM is 6 1 that is a long way form the height of Howe - I can't tell how tall he is with hat and maybe boots on in the photos I have seen

Speaking of huge, I don't see the discrepancy in height as that out of whack. It's only a 3" difference, and you are right .. that cowboy hat RM wears does distort our perception.

I can't recall ... have we seen a pic of RM without his cowboy hat? And is his height self-reported to the MSM or is it from official records of some type?
Concerning "big ears", wonder if DMH's mother had a penchant for wearing big, heavy earrings?
Have observed over the years some older women whose ears were pierced since they were very young, have ears that look large ,droopy and stretched from the weight of the earrings "pulling" them down . jmo.

Speaking of huge, I don't see the discrepancy in height as that out of whack. It's only a 3" difference, and you are right .. that cowboy hat RM wears does distort our perception.

I can't recall ... have we seen a pic of RM without his cowboy hat? And is his height self-reported to the MSM or is it from official records of some type?

Never seen a body length image without the hat. The Post article said they were "around the same height". In his reply to the Post article M. said that he gave the FBI his military ID (from around 20) which said he was 6 1 then. Of course that is the whole question whether he and Howe are the same person. I guess there is the possibility of identity theft but I am not sure if that is what LE is thinking.
Why does Sharin look 5 years older suddently in the pic on frontis of Ridgen video? Where is that photo from has to be at earliest previous summer since she is tanned etc. but MUCH more muscular and developed than little kid in distributed pic

I asked this in post 165 and previously. Interesting the Ridgen video has now changed the cover photo of the vid the new pic is from the video CBC made about her parents business.

Of course I would like to think that it is because of my query of the original picture - is that possible?

If anyone can guess what I was thinking at that time please supply in meantime I will try to summon the courage to say it myself - worried that it will seem odd.
Why does Sharin look 5 years older suddently in the pic on frontis of Ridgen video? Where is that photo from has to be at earliest previous summer since she is tanned etc. but MUCH more muscular and developed than little kid in distributed pic

I asked this in post 165 and previously. Interesting the Ridgen video has now changed the cover photo of the vid the new pic is from the video CBC made about her parents business.

Of course I would like to think that it is because of my query of the original picture - is that possible?

If anyone can guess what I was thinking at that time please supply in meantime I will try to summon the courage to say it myself - worried that it will seem odd.

Where is that first pic that was released at the time of Sharin's murder? For some reason I can't find it online.

I'd like to hear your theory Chorley .. after all these years, have to think outside the box, so don't worry about sounding odd.
It's approx 7 months since FBI started looking at RM .. what's the holdup?

As recently as 2 weeks ago, he is suggesting that LE turned DMH over to Sharin's mom to wreak her vengeance, and that her sculptures indicate what she might have done to him:

The Murder of Sharin Morningstar Keenan and two of the detective - YouTube

Whether dude is DMH or not, IMO this guy's sick. Pretty sad when one feels the need to get notoriety by riding on the coattails of a murdered child and verbally harassing her mother.
I just noticed in one of CrimeSolver's posts upthread that some document mentioned that DMH possibly had a "stepbrother".

Trying to figure out how a possible switcheroo between the brother/stepbrother identities might factor in ... when looking at the real pic of DMH, I don't think his nose matches up that well with RJM .. but RJM's nose certainly matches to the pic of DMH's mother.

"Howe was last seen in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. the day after Sharin&#8217; disappeared, getting a bus transfer to Winnipeg.

Through the years, as leads disappeared, Howe was like a ghost &#8212; sighted here and there but never really there in the flesh.

Police put out a bulletin, advising dentists to contact them if Howe, who had bad teeth and used Orajel frequently to dull the pain, came looking for help.


In 1999, a tip led to a Sudbury cemetery, where police believed that the name on the grave, Peter Sanderson, was really Howe. They dug up the grave to get samples for DNA testing, but results showed it wasn&#8217;t Howe.

Howe had family out west, and there are unanswered questions about what they knew.

Howe&#8217;s half brother, Eugene Nelson, was alleged to have given Howe money to come to Toronto when Howe fled three days after he was released on mandatory supervision from prison in Prince Albert, Sask., on Feb. 17, 1982.

And there are about a dozen mysterious trips that Eugene made to Montana and Washington State after the murder. When questioned about those trips by former Regina police detective Rod Buckingham, Eugene stopped going to the U.S. and took any answers he had to the grave in 2004.

Another brother, Clayton, told the CBC that police didn&#8217;t question him until 10 years after the murder. Yet, he was unable to shed light on his brother&#8217;s disappearance"
I just noticed in one of CrimeSolver's posts upthread that some document mentioned that DMH possibly had a "stepbrother".

Trying to figure out how a possible switcheroo between the brother/stepbrother identities might factor in ... when looking at the real pic of DMH, I don't think his nose matches up that well with RJM .. but RJM's nose certainly matches to the pic of DMH's mother.

Sillybilly the nose is similar in some of the aged composites that are slightly in profile I will find soon and post. In any case you can have a feature of your father or even an ancestor.

Thanks for linking to those new posts about the mother and her art. On another site a few years ago it is interesting that someone wrote that the killer (Howe) might be lurking on crimes sites then they wrote in capitals "ISN'T THAT RIGHT JAMES?"

Some type of "switcheroo" is possible it would explain is baiting of LE and Sharin's mother - if he knows that the DNA isn't going to match. One small but interesting point is that the guy I spoke to in Toronto in 83 (I thought Howe) wanted to take a woman I mentioned to him (and also me a separate offer) skating to a cabin up north the one that he said a previous woman "liked so much she never came back". Note Sharin lured from a skating rink. This guy in Idaho in refrigeration among other things Sharin found in fridge.

This is the first time he has said that the two detectives in the film are the two he saw in Boise. But Lawrie quit 10 days after finding Sharin's body he also attended an "unrelated" suicide the next day. Oldham it is possible he went down there. There is a report in a book by Max Haines that detectives went to Russia to work in a forestry camp where they thought Howe was working.

There is nothing in the Ridgen film's visuals of her Mom's art that would seem to suggest what she would want to do to Howe. Strange use of the word "remorse" as if Sharin's Mom should feel remorse for making Howe be sought by LE.

Yes the remarks about the mother sound....well almost dangerous. Note that on a previous post I said that "Howe" (if him) had said disparaging things about Sharin's mother so that fits.

Howe had a spider monkey and Idaho guy pontificated on the "monkey in the Rembrandt" theory. Just personally when he outlines the ostensible monkey I see a child bundled in an unnatural position (like say in a fridge).

Pics of Sharin: when I google Sharin Keenan four hits down today I get both the picture of Sharin released at the time (her father said she did not look quite like that though and thought it was the wrong pic to use) you can also see the picture of Sharin that suddenly appeared in the Ridgen video and that now has been switched to a different image for some reason.

SillyBilly if you could tell me whether you think Sharin looks quite a bit older more muscular (as if swimming every day) and FAR more healthy in the black and white photo than in the school colour pic (again see by googling Sharin Keenan and looking at the fourth result down. If you can answer then I spill my theory.
I believe her father said she had bangs when she disappeared but neither of the photos show her with bangs.

Hillsdon Smith did the autopsy just google his name and coroner to see his bizarre legacy in murder trials involving parents of children also the Christine Jessop case which he botched.

I wonder whether Ridgen is not trying to drop a few clues of his own in the film. Howe's first wife was probably Mennonite Dickhoff. Note in the Ridgenfilm the prominent shot of a garage with a prominent Mennonite name.

Just to add: obviously the point of the story about bounty hunters and rogue police officers and vengeful mothers would be that Howe is dead so there is no reason to look for him.
Love to know what theory you have in mind Chorley8 regarding the two different pics of SMK!
Does it involve a " doppleganger' or a child switch?
Are the different photos of Sharin' to contrast a happier, carefree time in her life ,as opposed to a different period in time, showing a restrained face with the look of concentration??

Did DMH have a religious group helping him here, or was he related to them?

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