Canada - Shooting spree in Moncton, NB, leaves 3 RCMP officers dead, 2 injured, June 2014 *Guilty*

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A few people have mentioned as a softer side of JB that he is not shooting civilians and even warned some to get inside. I know that no one here is supporting JB and his actions, but IMO these type of killers (who target authority figures) thrive on winning the support or sympathy of others. Just like Dorner, he seems to have gained a large following. With Dorner, people even seemed to forget that his first victims were a young couple whose only connection to Dorner was their relationship to a former supervisor of Dorner.

Proving to civilians that he is trustworthy and "really a nice guy" as long as you don't "tick him off" can only benefit JB's cause.
hmmmm huge push back on the news for social media and those contributing to back off! I have mixed feelings...they have no leads
A few people have mentioned as a softer side of JB that he is not shooting civilians and even warned some to get inside. I know that no one here is supporting JB and his actions, but IMO these type of killers (who target authority figures) thrive on winning the support or sympathy of others. Just like Dorner, he seems to have gained a large following. With Dorner, people even seemed to forget that his first victims were a young couple whose only connection to Dorner was their relationship to a former supervisor of Dorner.

Proving to civilians that he is trustworthy and "really a nice guy" as long as you don't "tick him off" can only benefit JB's cause.

I think Dorner got a lot of sympathy because he was an officer allegedly wronged by a pretty well known to be corrupt department, and documented it and then went after them. It was a lot like a revenge movie, if you believed in it. It was the *why* coupled with who his targets were. This is why more than just the crazy completely anti-police people supported him.

But, I think those that are saying at least JB isn't going after civilians, including me, in no way have any sympathy for him. You can know that it is at least a very dirty silver lining due to the fact that there would be more causalities and at least officers have a way of defending themselves. If you live in a very grey world, there is a difference between an officer who snaps and a civilian who is just angry at police for things they read online. Which is why JB will probably only get support from others like him.
A few people have mentioned as a softer side of JB that he is not shooting civilians and even warned some to get inside. I know that no one here is supporting JB and his actions, but IMO these type of killers (who target authority figures) thrive on winning the support or sympathy of others. Just like Dorner, he seems to have gained a large following. With Dorner, people even seemed to forget that his first victims were a young couple whose only connection to Dorner was their relationship to a former supervisor of Dorner.

Proving to civilians that he is trustworthy and "really a nice guy" as long as you don't "tick him off" can only benefit JB's cause.

Wonder if that "softer side" longed for a g.friend, considering he was said to have slept with his rifle on a camping trip.
Would it be inconceivable that he might 'hide' in a strip club, or even be with a hooker? imo, speculation, ect..
It is belived that the shooter Justin Bourque is on the social media....I pray a friend can convince him to surrender ...Monton is suffering...2nd night of feelin unsafe...I am sure he would not listen....but man anything is worth ending this horror....Please stay safe Monton NB....robynhood
Wonder if that "softer side" longed for a g.friend, considering he was said to have slept with his rifle on a camping trip.
Would it be inconceivable that he might 'hide' in a strip club, or even be with a hooker? imo, speculation, ect..

Much we wont know until trial and after. If he survives. Canadian case.
I think Dorner got a lot of sympathy because he was an officer allegedly wronged by a pretty well known to be corrupt department, and documented it and then went after them. It was a lot like a revenge movie, if you believed in it. It was the *why* coupled with who his targets were. This is why more than just the crazy completely anti-police people supported him.

But, I think those that are saying at least JB isn't going after civilians, including me, in no way have any sympathy for him. You can know that it is at least a very dirty silver lining due to the fact that there would be more causalities and at least officers have a way of defending themselves. If you live in a very grey world, there is a difference between an officer who snaps and a civilian who is just angry at police for things they read online. Which is why JB will probably only get support from others like him.
I realize that you and others here are not sympathizing with JB, I'm just pointing out the reason cop killers like JB show themselves as so likable to civilians (not just that they don't have a beef with civilians and the fact that the civilians are defenseless) is that there is an advantage for him to gain their cooperation if, e.g., he needs a place to hide out or a vehicle. People are more likely to cooperate if they are confident he has no intention of hurting him.

As for Dorner, I had no sympathy for him whatsoever, even if he was wronged which I really didn't find convincing. I think he just used the public's sentiment against the LAPD to garner support because of his perceived wrong. I have felt very wronged by employers (some which were corrupt), too (especially one where I was literally bullied) and it took a toll on my health. I already had a physical disability, but it was exacerbated (irreversibly) and I developed related health problems as a result. I now suffer depression because of what I endured for more than a decade. But, I would never seek revenge on my former co-workers. I have to move on the best I can and look to the right sources to get me through the depression and to stabilize my health. It would have been easy enough for Dorner to do that.
..the really important factor, he said, is the dehumanizing nature of so many aspects of modern societies, and the diminishment and outright betrayal of the values and beliefs that used to be ours and used to matter — greasy politicians with their hands in the till, bureaucrats who erase evidence of their masters’ capers, CEOs with scandalous salaries, doctors who grope patients on the operating table, lawyers who steal, crazed conspiracy theorists, slick political operatives who misdirect voters to the wrong polls, angry trolls on the web, the list goes on......................

Good points that article makes about visible warning signs in this case:

Friends and co-workers of Bourque have been telling the media that he had developed an unnerving obsession with firearms. He apparently went on a recent camping trip and spent the entire time cradling a rifle. He had reportedly taken to making vague statements about planning to go out with a bang and take people with him. People close to him said he was often speaking of a war playing out in society, and expressing disgust at those who wouldn’t fight. And most worrying of all, he had recently quit his job, reportedly isolated himself from loved ones and, according to Business Insider, had recently visited with his childhood best friend. At the end of the visit, Bourque apparently wished his friend well, said they probably wouldn’t see each other again, and left.

These are gigantic red flags. This is classic behaviour for someone who had concluded that they must strike out against the world and has begun to make their final preparations. The red flags do not get any bigger or brighter than this.

I guess no one ever thinks that someone they know will actually go on a rampage like this, but still.....they are some serious and overt signals that all was not well in his world. JMO.
We certainly have become a desensitized society. And to way too much. One of the easiest examples to demonstrate IMO is the Assassination of JFK. People were crying in the streets. Could barely contain themselves. Some hysterical. Now we watch as horror unfolds sometimes in real time. Of course we feel terrible and sympathize and shed tears but I don't feel it's as it use to be. Myself included. The effect on an unhealthy mind????
I wonder what these friends know about him?:

CBC has learned that Bourque was close friends with two employees of Worlds End Warehouse, a gun and weapons shop in Moncton's Riverview suburb, where he grew up.

Dave Ford, who owns Worlds End Warehouse, told CBC News he has never met Bourque and, to his understanding, never sold him any weapons.

But Ford acknowledged that two of his employees, Nate and Adam Plewes, were friends of Bourque's, and were away from work today given the unfolding manhunt
just hit me "shelter in place" just so common does not register. But now, this moment, when attempting to put myself in all those folks place it would be really agitating............especially at nighttime....I have a dog...I thought how creepy that would be to take her out and have to be looking around , scared of noises

Now if I ran out of ciggs I would have to put myself in grave danger! You do not want to know me without ciggs!

I could become very dangerous wihtout nicotine!

Also, did he tell civilains to go back in their house ?

Kind of think he may be dead - if this is not the ultimate FY to society, he had last word, is in control, impact lots of people, impacting economy, world wide attn

and the truth becomes ........if it remains like this .when when to release the city ....................based on what just the fact that time has gone by --------how much needs to go by .........when is too long to keep all locked up.....................................
I realize that you and others here are not sympathizing with JB, I'm just pointing out the reason cop killers like JB show themselves as so likable to civilians (not just that they don't have a beef with civilians and the fact that the civilians are defenseless) is that there is an advantage for him to gain their cooperation if, e.g., he needs a place to hide out or a vehicle. People are more likely to cooperate if they are confident he has no intention of hurting him.

As for Dorner, I had no sympathy for him whatsoever, even if he was wronged which I really didn't find convincing. I think he just used the public's sentiment against the LAPD to garner support because of his perceived wrong. I have felt very wronged by employers (some which were corrupt), too (especially one where I was literally bullied) and it took a toll on my health. I already had a physical disability, but it was exacerbated (irreversibly) and I developed related health problems as a result. I now suffer depression because of what I endured for more than a decade. But, I would never seek revenge on my former co-workers. I have to move on the best I can and look to the right sources to get me through the depression and to stabilize my health. It would have been easy enough for Dorner to do that.

I can not tell you how much I relate to your story. I am sorry.

Dornor was an injustice collector. His firing from the LAPD was re-investigated and was shown to not have been a wrongful firing. This guy doesn't seem to be an injustice collector.
just hit me "shelter in place" just so common does not register. But now, this moment, when attempting to put myself in all those folks place it would be really agitating............especially at nighttime....I have a dog...I thought how creepy that would be to take her out and have to be looking around , scared of noises

Now if I ran out of ciggs I would have to put myself in grave danger! You do not want to know me without ciggs!

I could become very dangerous wihtout nicotine!

Also, did he tell civilains to go back in their house ?

LOL I thought the same about letting the dog out :scared: Oh and the cigs well if he ran into you he should be afraid LOL Yes he did tell folks to get inside. Clearly we know his target. At this point. Thanks for a much needed giggle. Been hanging here most of the day and my brain is turning to mush. Hoping for good news tomorrow.
I realize that you and others here are not sympathizing with JB, I'm just pointing out the reason cop killers like JB show themselves as so likable to civilians (not just that they don't have a beef with civilians and the fact that the civilians are defenseless) is that there is an advantage for him to gain their cooperation if, e.g., he needs a place to hide out or a vehicle. People are more likely to cooperate if they are confident he has no intention of hurting him.

As for Dorner, I had no sympathy for him whatsoever, even if he was wronged which I really didn't find convincing. I think he just used the public's sentiment against the LAPD to garner support because of his perceived wrong. I have felt very wronged by employers (some which were corrupt), too (especially one where I was literally bullied) and it took a toll on my health. I already had a physical disability, but it was exacerbated (irreversibly) and I developed related health problems as a result. I now suffer depression because of what I endured for more than a decade. But, I would never seek revenge on my former co-workers. I have to move on the best I can and look to the right sources to get me through the depression and to stabilize my health. It would have been easy enough for Dorner to do that.

So very sorry you had to have such a horrible experience. Good for you tho on your positive path :seeya:

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