Canada - Sina Parsi, 32, found murdered, Toronto, Ont, 9 June 2015 - *Arrests*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Woolner Ave isn't that far away from Don Mills, where a sexual assault took place (IF I'm right).
What, if CM is the perp (wig on head or unshaved head, wearing baseball cap before, later on head shaved??) and SP had identified him? Could it be?
The eyebrows - different in height - and the extremely small mouth brought me to this idea.

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Yes , there is a creepy resemblance all right.
The guy with the blond hair looks kinda girlish

Reports say some of those wooded-park areas are where people go at night and cruise for gay sex in Toronto.
Hard to say if that has anything to do with this case. Anything is possible I suppose.
The drug use is rumor at this point. Maybe he was on disability or welfare.

It is a rumor at this point. But spending most of the last 20 years in downtown Toronto I can honestly say that most street people have some sort of drug or alcohol problem, and ill bet these two weren't the type that stayed home and played backgammon together every night.

Even SCs dad said that she looked thin and sick and wondered if she was on drugs. Where there is smoke there is generally fire.
I guess they're not terribly worried if they are only getting a suspect description tomorrow of the Canadian Tire suspect.

CBC Sudbury ‏@CBCSudbury [video=twitter;611625223910064128][/video]
Timmins Police now say they will release a description of the Canadian Tire suspect tomorrow. They're still working on getting video #cbcsby
Oh I see:

Brendan Connor ‏@BrendanCTV 4m4 minutes ago
Timmins Police will now NOT be releasing a photo image of their Canadian Tire suspect until tomorrow. They cite "technical difficulties."
No other news coming from Sina's case or the suspects. These two can't stay on the run for long.
So the victim parked his car at the Tim Horton's where he knew Sabrina from, withdrew $400 and then walked to their apartment (I also agree w/ the poster above that it was probably because he was planning to do something unsavoury there and didn't want his vehicle to be in their lot). It's a bad part of town so a former homeless person on welfare and someone working full time at Tim's could definitely afford a bachelor or a 1bdrm in that building, he probably gets between 650-1000$/month from the gvmt depending if he's on disability or just plain social assistance, combined with her Tim Horton's paycheque they could definitely "get by" on that kind of money, but they woudlnt' have alot left for frills and whistles. Anyway, for some reason (IMO sex or drugs) the victim went to their apartment with $400 that he withdrew himself, and didn't want to be seen there so he parked his car at Tim Horton's.

He was murdered in the apartment sometime between midnight and 4am. They left the building for good at 4am so he was definitely dead by then. At some point after the murder they took his wallet and tried (and possibly succeeded) in getting more money out of his account at the same plaza/bank machine. Note, this part of Toronto isn't "downtown" so there's only a few strip mall plazas between long blocks rather than a bank machine at every other corner. So they likely went to the same bank machine he took the $400 from earlier, which is also in the plaza where the Tim Horton's is, and tried to take out more money. Again, it's unconfirmed whether or not the withdrawal they attempted was successful. Then they likely ditched his wallet in the woods before or after trying the bank machine.

By 4:15 am they were leaving the area and on their way to where the dog was first spotted abandoned. From there, the trail goes cold.

The missing puzzle piece here is WHY he was in their apartment with $400, which would probably explain why he was murdered. As for where they went, they could be anywhere! Transient types like him are familiar with getting around with no money, hopping freight trains accross the country, hitchhiking, or even laying low in some lowlife friend's basement. Who knows if/when they'll be caught, if they were smart they'd go somewhere like Edmonton where nobody would even bat an eye.
Calling patrons by first name is very common. Tim Horton's copied Starbucks CS style of taking your name when they make your order.

I'd be curious to see which mens shelters are beside Horton location because the Horton's near Woolner doesn't have a shelter beside or nearby. Most shelters are downtown or in wards closer to downtown.

I searched 211 to see about near by shelters near each of the locations the tim hortons she worked at and the one near woolner. The closest men's shelters are at least a 7 minute drive away and the one that is a 7 minute drive is actually 2nd stage housing for those in detox.
Much of what SC dad says indicates that she was in an abusive relationship with CM. It also appears she had gone through some drastic changes and was not the same person. I feel she may have an addiction and research indicates that 70% of women who are addicts have had some form of abuse in their life. The fact that SC could not talk to her dad and had to hide it by calling from work shows how much control CM had on her life. Often women in abusive relationships have PTSD due to all of the trauma and they can either go to fight or flight mode, and some just freeze. Often abusers will hurt animals, other human beings or destroy property in front of the victim to scare them and make them understand that if they try anything they too will be hurt or killed. SC would not have a choice but to go with CM. This is very hard for people to understand but women who are abused are often so scared to do anything to upset their abuser, and their nervous system is heavily affected by the abuse. Often women have to leave their partners upto 7 times in order to finally leave for good. I think maybe SC knew SP had money and it sounds like SC and CM may have both had addictions (although I know this is not proven) maybe she invited him over and from there things went wrong. On SP Facebook he has photo of him with tonnes of $20 bills on a table maybe they were even friends on FB. Also just so you all know before SC deleted her FB it said she was a fan of criminal minds (not sure if that has any relevance)
I want to add that the homeless population is one of the most resilient. I have worked in shelters and they can get through a lot and have huge survival skills. I have worked both with youth and adults, and they amaze me by how they can get by. Even though LE says CM is not sophisticated, I am sure he knows a lot about how to survive in different environments.
Question - Why does the victim go by more than one name? Is that a cultural thing or ???

Recent Watercraft license photo on his fb says "Sina Farzi"
Question - Why does the victim go by more than one name? Is that a cultural thing or ???

Recent Watercraft license photo on his fb says "Sina Farzi"

Persian, the historically more widely used name of the language in English, is an anglicized form derived from Latin *Persianus < Latin Persia < Greek &#928;&#949;&#961;&#963;&#943;&#962; Persís "Persia",[25] a Hellenized form of Old Persian Parsa.[26] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term Persian as a language name is first attested in English in the mid-16th century.[27] Native Iranian Persian speakers call it F&#257;rsi.[28] Farsi is the Arabicized form of P&#257;rsi, due to a lack of the 'p' phoneme in Standard Arabic (i.e., the 'p' was replaced with an 'f').[29][30] The origin of the name Farsi and the place of origin of the language which is Fars Province is the Arabicized form of Pârs. In English, this language has historically been known as "Persian", though "Farsi" has also gained some currency. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term Farsi was first used in English in 1926, while Parsi dates to 1790.[28] "Farsi" is encountered in some linguistic literature as a name for the language, used both by Iranian and by foreign authors.[31]


The name Persian derives from the province of P&#257;rs (modern F&#257;rs) in southwestern Iran. This was itself named after the Persian tribes of Indo-European nomads who migrated, along with some other Iranian peoples, from territories east of the Caspian Sea onto the Iranian plateau in the middle[6] or later part of the second millennium BCE[7].

The Persians settled in the mountain country rising over the northeast side of the Persian Gulf and enclosing the high basin in the west in which Persepolis and Shiraz are situated[8], some time between the seventh and ninth centuries BCE[9]. The name survived as F&#257;rs[10]. This region then became the birthplace of two Persian dynastic empires – the Achaemenids (550-530 BCE) and the Sasanids (224-651CE) – as well as the cradle of the Persian language.

Achaemenid Persians called their language (Old Persian) P&#257;rsa and the Greeks followed this in naming it Persis. From then on, other nations have predominantly named Persia and Persian using words based on the root P&#257;rs-[11].

For example, the English use of the word ‘Persian’ has a five hundred year history[12] and is derived from the Latin Persianus, itself drawing on the Greek Persis. Similarly, the French word is Persane, the Germans use Persisch, the Italians Persiano and the Russians Persiska.

As outlined above, Persian only came to be described as ‘F&#257;rsi’ by natives of Iran following the P/F letter substitution associated with the Arab conquests.

...just trying to catch up, but something I'm missing? Has there been any mention of what CM does for work or how he spends his days? I know he's from NB with a record etc etc but anything confirmed from LE what this guy does day in, and day out??
Timmins police have uploaded a few photos of the suspect on their FB page

The suspect has his face covered so it is impossible to determine if this is Marshall but I note that he has the same build as Marshall.

One thing I notice in the above pics is the suspect is wearing a back-pack. In the video that captured Marshall and his female companion leaving the apartment both of them are wearing back-packs.

Good Kevin! We need the pics of Clyde's backpack.
One thing I notice in the above pics is the suspect is wearing a back-pack. In the video that captured Marshall and his female companion leaving the apartment both of them are wearing back-packs.

The media release says the man in CT is carrying a " navy blue school bag" is the one CM OR SC navy blue? The footage from the wooller apartment was so clear...this is very poor quality.
Clyde's backpack has a metal part on the top like a handle. Sabrina's doesn't.

@ 0:42 seconds

He would have the same boots or shoes, I think. He would ditch a jacket, etc but keep his shoes. Clyde ties up what I think are hiking boots when he waits for the elevator.

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