CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #2

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It's funny how we all interpret the location of her found car differently. I think the perpetrator lived very close to Sonia and knew her that way. Maybe had a beef with her? Or an obsession? Or both? I think they walked to her home from where they live, and walked back to their home after ditching the car.

What I want to know is how they knew there was a car in the garage and where did they find the car keys in the house? Can't remember if that info ever came out. Did she keep them in her purse or on a hook inside the front door? I suppose if they were visable right by the door then the perp would have known there would be a car in the garage. Or did they already know and have to go looking for the keys?

And I still think the perpetrator is young. Late teens to early twenties. Although I have toyed with the idea that she had an older "admirer" in the area that she had offended somehow by rebuffing his advances? This was not a well thought out crime so I'm not sure what the motive was in the first place but I think we can all read between the lines as to what actually happened to Sonia. Since nothing was stolen, I can only assume that perhaps sexual assault was the motive? And it escalated to murder? Was the perp wearing something to hide their face but somehow got exposed in the comission of the crime? And Sonia recognized him? Or did she put up such a struggle that he got enraged and killed her?

Still hoping that one day their DNA will show up on the National Database. But I'm not too convinced that the RCMP are doing a good job keeping that Database current and up to date.

Why RISK taking Sonia out of her home at all?


Why didn't the perp(s) leave her there?

Huge clue.
Why RISK taking Sonia out of her home at all?


Why didn't the perp(s) leave her there?

Huge clue.

DNA evidence of a sexual assault on the body? Chances are good that LE got the DNA profile of her killer from her body and not the crime scene. The only problem was they didn't appear to have a concrete plan for disposal and drove looking for a place until they realized that they needed to get back before daylight so they just kind of dumped her on the side of the road. But then again, if that person who found her didn't regularily go out walking along there, would she have ever been found?

I think this re-location might serve several functions: buying time and evidence degradation are 2 key ones. But there could be others. A number of experts in this case have indicated the killer was familiar with the area where Sonia was found -- and yet he didn't move her body futher into the more remote area where a number of people have suggested discovery would have been much less likely. So he wanted time (perhaps to establish alibi, dispose of stained clothing, or to otherwise have space so that folks aren't "looking" for oddities that we might otherwise have done, if Sonia's death had been announced immediately in the news. I'm thinking about facial scratches, muscle or back strains, etc). And yet -- it is likely he also wanted her found, perhaps because of some compulsion-obsession with her.... Too, I wonder if placing her in a public but remote space may have allowed him opportunity to visit her....

I don't think this murder was necessarily planned in advance, but as I have always posted, I think the killer is highly organized. He had the cold logic to wrap her in sheets to facilitate transport and hide his acts. He managed to locate her keys and relocate her (for whatever his purposes were) and to do all of this wholly undetected in the middle of suburbia. I have never agreed with LE that (unnecessary) risks were taken. I would profile him as highly intelligent AND with an inflated self-worth (but not, I deeply feel, so smart that LE won't catch up eventually. We just need the right tips). I think he parked his car not close to Sonia's home because he has a habit of careful distance and some tendencies to paranoia. But I equally believe he doesn't "read" as a social misfit. I assume he had been in Sonia's house before as a former partner, friend, co-worker, maintenance person (although my own sense he would be a wc professional), neighbour or other and may have been watching her by technology (or other means) that would equally have been removed from the scene. (see more below.)
I guess part of my assessment is informed by profiles like these: "The moving of a body from the crime scene may be an indication that the unknown suspect is an organized nonsocial type. The disorganized type has no desire or need to move the body"

I am familiar with critiques of the organized/disorganzed profile binary, but my own thoughts are that this has to do with problems of "reading" the details of the crime scene (like LEs early statements about risk-taking etc, which leads people to interpret the perp is "reckless"; the "risks" I think were calculated logically and mathematically.....
I am thinking I ought to have posted a warning with the link above, since some of the content in the case studies is fairly graphic (I only posted it for the "older" distinctions between organized and disorganized types, and have only re-read the case studies now, myself.) Although I would agree with more current criticisms that these "types" can't be so neatly classed, I still have the sense that in Sonia's case, the perp much more closely resembles organized nonsocial than anything else. I also think it's critically important that first expert responders "read" the scene correctly; when physical and other details get interpreted in particular ways, the result is a *production* of the crime scene rather than its description.

It's devastating that so much time has passed without justice for Sonia and her family. What are we missing????
The horse industry is a very expensive hobby, so I would have thought that Greenhawk Equestrian would have had surveillance cameras around their store, as I am sure the store was selling high priced items, i.e. leather saddles, etc.

Since the perp was confident to leave SV's vehicle parked either beside or behind Greenhawk, the perp knew that no surveillance cameras existed, otherwise, I would think the camera would have picked something up.

This makes me think this is a local person.

Why RISK taking Sonia out of her home at all?


Why didn't the perp(s) leave her there?

Huge clue.

Here's a crazy theory, but I'll put it out there anyway. Could it be possible that SV was still alive when she was taken from her home and the perp did not realize the extent of the injuries he inflicted upon her and did not expect she would die ... was kidnapping her ... some sort of sick obsession and then suddenly found himself disposing of the body.

Trying to come up with reasons to remove the body. The lady from USA DH always says perp known to victim, but what does that mean exactly when it comes to relocating a body.

Sonia, by the very loss of blood, could not have been alive when she was removed from her home. If we look at the videos, and we listen to the police, at a later date announcement to prepare the family for the loss of their daughter, once forensics went into her townhouse.
Her car keyes - not that is a good question?
Did we ever think for a moment, that perhaps he parked his car/or truck at Greenhawks, and walked over to her place - used her car to transport her from her home, drop off her car at the parking stall, and move over one stall and get into his own vehicle and take off?
There are cameras shining down on one part of that parking lot, recall the paper delivery truck whom got caught on it? But it (the camera) only focused on one entrance, and obviously it did not on the immediate parking stalls behind Greenhawk.
The killer to my mind, knew that.
I agree with soccermom. This was not a sloppy killing, fly by night, spur of the moment.
These types of killers, kill, and leave the scene.
He did get a bit sloppy - but the proof is in the pudding. This was done quite well, and the police are still chasing leads.

I agree. My own profile for the perp is very different than the one posted by LE. I don't think he's especially young OR that this is his first or only heinous crime. But he's not so smart that he won't be found. He has slipped up already or will yet slip up. We just need the right tip, the one wee missing puzzle piece -- and everything will fall into place, all at once. It could help if LE would release even some small info we don't have yet, that might trigger someone's recognition.

Bu this perp shouldn't rest too easy. I hope he feels justice breathing down his neck.
I think this perp is quite bright, perhaps is a fan of CSI. He did everything right, from a murderers perspective.
He removed the body and comforter and bed sheets (used to transport her into her car)
He used HER CAR - not his.
He left her in a secluded area.
Not a peep from him (He has kept his mouth shut)
Probably burned his clothing, and boots.
Murder weapon not found. He did not leave it at the scene.
Probably disposed of the murder weapon in such a fashion that it would not ever be found.
He has done very well so far --- in not being discovered.
And - whatever he is doing to escape detection up to this point, sadly is working.
He probably had read every article, every post on every web-site.... and is laughing!!
He has confidence IMO, that he will never get caught. Probably laughing at the cops with their dna testing because he never communicated with her on a dating site. JMO>
He may become very complacent, and make a mistake, but I doubt it. He will not give anything to draw suspicion upon himself, and the police have an upward battle.
So far, so good - as to the killer's way of thinking.
It has worked so far for him, and he will continue to maintain the same lifestyle as though nothing has happened.
This is his line of safety without detection.

I agree. I don't concur with the FBI profile that suggests his behaviour may have changed after the murder. My feeling is that he lives a scrupulously "normal" life in public. I'm not ruling out the capacity for remorse, but I think this person has very tight control over what others may be allowed to see. I believe it will be someone who gets "inside" -- someone whom the perp comes to trust -- who can be the key to solving this crime. Sonia and her family deserve justice; I do believe it will come. It's just very, very trying to wait for it.
2Soccermom: I disagree on one point, and that is that he will never talk about it to anyone. It will be his dark secret.
I agree with you totally - that the profile was wrong. Her car was parked perfectly in the spot, (not for someone drunk or high!
Excellent driving on his part, lights on low beam, knew the routes of the cops on that Sunday nite - felt confident - very confindent. ---- cool headed actually!!
To him - the deed has been done - feels very satisfied.
(How sick!! ay?)

Perp used Sonia's vehicle. Was SV's car parked in her garage and if so, was there a door from her home into her garage. Blood was found on the front door jam and also on the front steps. Was the perp so bold as to use the front door of the home carrying SV wrapped in a comforter and then open the garage door and put her inside the trunk. If SV was wrapped in comforter, blood must have soaked comforter enough and then comforter must have rubbed against front door and dripped onto steps.

There are many nights I look out my window onto the street, when I can't sleep during the wee hours. I can't imagine the perp taking such a chance in the neighbourhood, as a neighbour could be working shifts, etc., and perp could have easily been caught, so whoever they are, they know the rhythm of the neighbourhood it would seem.

Just some thoughts.

No, DW -- IF this person is connected to the death of Audrey Gleave (which I feel is a very strong possibility; there are enough differences, I think, between the two expressly to link them -- if you buy into these kinds of deconstructive manoevers) then I think there is likelihood that this is not a sociopathic type, but rather a catathymic predator. (I have posted elsewhere about this term; it refers NOT to a psychopathic offender who has little sense of remorse or moral right, but to an offender who feels the world very deeply, yet pathologically believes his/her own release from extreme pain/fear/ anxiety or that of others can only be realized in violent fantasies or actions.) But I equally believe he is able to keep tight control of the public display of these emotions. In Audrey's case, I believe the catathymic profile may fit IF it was not the victim who sent out the odd "Amazing Grace" (AG email) to friends before her death, but her attacker. In Sonia's case: she was removed from her home wrapped in sheets; obviously, the wrapping facilitated easy removal but may also express an element of care. It's hard to know. In my profile, I read this perp as highly intelligent, likely charming and probably handsome, but (obviously -- d'uh) with deep-seated psychological problems. I agree that he will not be the crime-boasting type, but, too, that it is these very deep and dark feelings that may also some day find exorcism with a woman (or man) that he may come to trust -- a sexual partner. That may not be the only way he'll be discovered, but it is to my mind a possibility. I think he will "test" a partner in various ways, first. MOO.
Please ignore the opening "no" in my post above; I didn't mean, DW, to dismiss your ideas but rather simply present my own. But the "no" there seems (guurg) very strongly worded :) And I can't seem to edit!
Kera was from Toronto, which makes me think that Caledon area is a dumping ground for those who have been slain.
Poor policing - quiet acreages - a perfect place.


Maybe the cops should get all the highways and main entrances and exits motion monitored for traffic and keep the videos for a year.

It is in economic range of todays tech, UK is doing it as are many other nations.

With the numbers of people in this area showing up, can't help but think the area and nearby has some serial killers. Could be Sonya's case was a new at it and has refined the MO. I doubt Sonya's perp was a first time offender, just perhaps a first time murder as it was sloppy.
Hi Dmander,
I agree with you about general/public suveillance. Although I perhaps would have opposed "big brother" as a younger person, now I'm all for improving public records and using technology as witness -- both for preventative and evidentiary functions.

My question for you is:
what do you find especially "sloppy" in Sonia's murder? It is a heinous, despicable, and cowardly crime, but I see it as the result of a very high-functioning, highly controlled perp. IF Sonia was removed via the front steps of her home (as the blood evidence recorded there MAY suggest; it's hard to know since, I think, LE never confirmed this as a conclusion) that doesn't perforce suggest sloppy planning or action. My own idea is that the perp likely had some basic familiarity with the interior of Sonia's home -- but perhaps didn't realize there was no exit from the interior into the garage (assuming this is the case; we haven't had any confirmation of this from LE). The townhome complex is tight, close neighbours didn't hear or see anything, there are three crime scenes and, apparently, DNA evidence of the perp retreived, and still we have nothing. Removing Sonia created delay; using her vehicle protected his own (IF he is not local), and/or protected him from visibility as, likely, he would be covered in conspicuous evidence from this crime; using the sheets to faciliate removal seems evidence of a very cold calculation. Don't get me wrong: I don't think this is individual is TOO smart to evade police and I don't even think he's especially above average intelligence. But I do disagree with some of the LE profile (or the ways that has been taken up) implying impulsiveness, youth, unnecessary risks, etc. I think this impedes our ability as a public watchdog to recognize this person who may well be walking among us every day.
I sincerely feel that Sonia and Audrey's murders are not connected. But I do believe that both of them knew their attackers.

DW --
There does seem very little (nothing, really) to connect AG & SV and their murders together. LE has asserted there is no connection. I guess I suspect a link largely because I fear in both cases the perp is someone who has done this type of thing before. They were both women who lived alone and neither woman lived a "risky lifestyle" (I agree with all of you who dislike that term, too); in neither case was entry forced but, too, for neither does there seem motive among people who knew them closely. I know there has been good speculation about financial motive in AGs case, but the police will have scrutinized there most closely. I'm also not certain that people would know what Audrey was worth; she was intensively private and i can't picture her revealing much information to even her closest friends. She had a fine car --:) -- and lovely property, but she didn't live an extravagant lifestyle. But I could be wrong here. And I also recognize the public may not be made aware of other internal suspects & conflicts in either case. But I think the "trophy" element in AGs murder and Sonia's removal are perhaps something of the link for me. If this is someone who is a fairly cold "rational" thinker (I know "rationale" is a paradox in so brutal these crimes) then I suspect the MO is regularly switched. The pattern for a repeater like this one, as I believe, is no pattern. Or one that is not immediately evident.

I could be way off here. But I feel this strongly. I wanted to ask, DW: I know you see these two murders as not linked to each other, at least. Do you think each is a stand-alone crime?
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