CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

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W-H-E-R-E is Sonia's car key????

Was the car key/key ring found in the car, discarded nearby, or IS IT STILL MISSING? *IF* the latter: did Sonia have anything specific or unique for a keychain?

Could LE *PLEASE* give us something to keep an eye out for, if indeed her car key/key ring is still missing????
I have assumed the 'bloody bootprint' found at one of the crime scenes was found inside her townhouse (although I know this isn't the only possibility. Was it in her car?) --

IF the print was inside her home (say, BR or LR): does this tell us anything? Would Sonia typically require visitors to take off their shoes when entering?

(Sorry, all, for the flurry of posts. I have been thinking about Sonia for some reason especially over these last few days.)
Was Sunday night by any chance/luck garbage night on Sonia's street? If so, was her garbage out that night? Was she someone who always put it out, every week?
Or if not Sunday night, was LE able to see what were the contents of her garbage from that night?

(I know it's not likely any of us can have answers to these Qs. I wonder if any of Sonia's neighbours from that time read and post here. It would be SO good to have more insider perspective.....)
In 2010, did Sonia have a cell phone? Do we know?
If she did, what story can it tell about her movements that afternoon and evening?

What were her computer searches that day? What emails did she send -- and receive?

Technology has advanced in the past decade; could a fresh examination of her devices yield anything new?

I hope LE has more answers/info for much of what we're not privy to.
Do they have someone they strongly suspect, but just can't move ahead for lack of material evidence?
I'd like to know how the killer got into Sonias townhome. It's been stated that the attack happened in the bedroom.

Depending on where the boot print was located... Considering the killer is said to have been wearing work boots and the majority of the "activity" apparently occurred in the bedroom, I'm guessing the killer and Sonia were not meeting under any kind of romantic circumstance/ruse? Unless it were some kind of ruse such as Sonia lets her lover inside, they carry SV to the bedroom and it takes a turn for the worse? Would there not have been some kind of communication though? IIRC MSN Instant Messaging was quite popular back then, same with Skype and FB chat.

Perhaps the killer removed their footwear but I personally would think not because 1- transfer of carpet fibers, cat fur, footprints etc 2-bloody prints = the killer stepped in blood while wearing boots.

Did Sonia invite or willingly let the killer inside? Did the killer enter while Sonia was in bed? Did the killer enter while Sonia was letting the cat outside/inside?

I did not know that Sonias car key was or had been missing.

Agree. Hopefully LE are re-examining old evidence and using new technology.

Was Sonia being stalked? I've always thought so.
Perhaps the killer removed their footwear but I personally would think not because 1- transfer of carpet fibers, cat fur, footprints etc 2-bloody prints = the killer stepped in blood while wearing boots.

Did Sonia invite or willingly let the killer inside? Did the killer enter while Sonia was in bed? Did the killer enter while Sonia was letting the cat outside/inside?
Yes, I agree! :) I'm wondering if we can reasonably conclude Sonia did not invite him in (if, for example, we knew she typically required guests to remove their shoes prior to entry). I know that's not the only potential answer; he could have put on his boots before exiting. But in the absence of actually being able to know things, I'm wondering what working theories we can build together as more rather than less probable.

I don't think we've ever been told ANYTHING about her keys by LE. One thing we know for certain: he was in her car. Were the keys left inside? Were the found somewhere nearby? DOES HE STILL HAVE THEM??? If the latter, maybe the family could give a description of her keychain (many of us have unique items on these chains; I do) so we could be on the lookout -- or perhaps have possibility to recall from 2010 -- such an item suddenly in someone's home or pocket -?

It never occurred to me until your comment, whiterhino, that Sonia's car could have been hotwired. (For some reason I feel like if it was, LE would have reported that (although who knows....) IF it was, that would be huge, since most average folks have no idea how to do this..... It would suggest someone with criminal history (or specialized work knowledge?)
He was wearing the Marks boots as we all know. Would a guy go on a date wearing work boots? If not the norm these days, can we rule out a possible date?

Added - how do we know Sonia’s keys were missing? I have no memory of that from LE.
That's a GREAT point about the workboots as reasonably unlikely for an arranged date, NSU. So let's say if we ruled out an arranged date and go with (as perhaps next most probable) unexpected intruder: what does that contribute to our understanding of timeline? BF says he called and spoke with Sonia that night. (I'll have to double-check: was it 9ish -?) BUT: Sonia's mom says she did not get a phone call from Sonia before bedtime (which was not typical, per Michele). If Sonia was attacked in her sleep, is it just a coincidence that she didn't call her mom the night of her murder?

Did the neighbours across the road notice lights on/off in the BR window which I'm VERY sure faces the street (or did Sonia have curtains closed that night? Did she typically? I'm thinking of your stalking comment, whiterhino).

Re: the key/keychain: I was trying to say that I don't believe LE has ever told us anything about this -- I recall 0 information about this and nothing comes up in a search. As I said, we don't know if the car key/keys were found in her car, located nearby, or are missing to this day!! *IF* LE has it/them, were there prints on the key?? We KNOW he used the key (unless he hotwired). If LE never located the key/chain, then: where is it? What does it look like? Could we be on the lookout for it? (My car key has multiple keys and keychain-tag gifts I've received, so is VERY distinctive.) Was it Sonia's regular-use keychain with ALL her keys on it, or the "spare set" for the car only?

Did Sonia keep her keys in an easy-to-find location, or did he know precisely where to look?
Thoughts from the post above by 2soccermom - random thoughts:
- did Sonia's home have a basement/if so, might the killer have waited there for her to come home?
- what year was her car/after a certain date, aren't cars unable to be hotwired?
- where did Sonia keep her daily stuff/ in a dish by the door so it's easy to grab keys, phone, wallet, etc?
- have all the workmen from the entire complex been questioned by LE?/they wear the boots
- other than her bedroom, were there signs of the killer elsewhere in the house?
- if it was a date, wouldn't there have been coffee cups and the like in order for him to have been invited in?
- is there a manner in which forensics/science can determine if a person was sound asleep during a killing rather than being wide awake?
- are we certain Sonia was dead when he took her body out to the car?/or unconscious and severely injured?
Thoughts from the post above by 2soccermom - random thoughts:
- did Sonia's home have a basement/if so, might the killer have waited there for her to come home?
- what year was her car/after a certain date, aren't cars unable to be hotwired?
- where did Sonia keep her daily stuff/ in a dish by the door so it's easy to grab keys, phone, wallet, etc?
- have all the workmen from the entire complex been questioned by LE?/they wear the boots
- other than her bedroom, were there signs of the killer elsewhere in the house?
- if it was a date, wouldn't there have been coffee cups and the like in order for him to have been invited in?
- is there a manner in which forensics/science can determine if a person was sound asleep during a killing rather than being wide awake?
- are we certain Sonia was dead when he took her body out to the car?/or unconscious and severely injured?

I've always felt that Sonias' killer engaged in stalking tactics prior to/in preparation of her murder.

Do we know whether or not Sonia was in the habit of letting her cat go outside? I've often wondered if Sonias stalker had been surveilling her, knowing she let her cat out and used that as a means to gain entry.

I cannot recall the layout but I very specifically remember the blood outside at the front door, on the steps. I've always wondered why the killer used the front door as opposed to using the door connecting the townhouse to the garage.

Exactly. If there had been some kind of arrangement/"hookup"/date whatnot, there should have been some kind of proof. Not just dirty wine glasses or empty coffee cups but a phone call, text message, PM on POF etc.

In terms of being able to tell via medical examination, I'm sure that there are cases where it's obvious the person was at rest while they were attacked. Defensive wounds, angle of injuries, blood evidence, things like that would probably give indication to a crime scene expert. I've heard of cases where the victim was wearing technology like a FitBit or Apple watch which can give an indication of a persons resting heart rate etc.

I do not recall and have never searched to find out if Sonia was still alive when the killer took her from the townhouse.

In this case, the weapon/type of weapon and the DNA seem to be two major pieces of the puzzle. I really hope that LE read this thread and that at some point, they are able to make something from this evidence.

Lastly, I'm confused about the question regarding the car keys: Why would (& how could) anyone be "on the look out" for Sonias car keys? As in, someone kept them as a trophy or something? :oops:
I cannot recall the layout but I very specifically remember the blood outside at the front door, on the steps. I've always wondered why the killer used the front door as opposed to using the door connecting the townhouse to the garage.
Lastly, I'm confused about the question regarding the car keys: Why would (& how could) anyone be "on the look out" for Sonias car keys? As in, someone kept them as a trophy or something? :oops:

I recall there was a LOT of discussion a while back (here and/or on the now-defunct Canadian UC which had a thread for Sonia) regarding exit via the highly visible front door. A number of posters felt sure that the builder for Sonia's townhome complex did not include access to interior units from the garage. (I find it hard to imagine that homeowners would have to daily enter and exit their garages through the front of the house -- but it offers one explanation.) I recall some others wondered if Sonia's car was in her short driveway rather than the garage that night; it was, after all, a late summer day. (That makes sense to me -- it was probably quicker for her in the mornings to jump in the car from the front door. She was starting a new job that Monday.)

I *do* feel there's something to ponder about the key(s). Why don't we have info on them from LE? The one thing we know FOR SURE that he took from Sonia is her car key. (OK: he also took her car. But we know exactly where that was found.) Does LE have the key? If not: What did the perp do with it? Did he leave it IN Sonia's car? Did he discard it en route? Or did he throw it in his own car? Did he discard it with his belongings later or indeed keep it as a trophy????? I'm wondering especially about a possibly unique or personalized key chain/ring.....
I know it's not exactly the same thing, but: if he had taken jewellery, or a knapsack or purse, I feel like the public would have been invited to BOLO the item....

BTW: I wholly agree with the stalking angle as a possibility, especially on seeing Sonia's bedroom window in video and its visibility to the street (front facing). While I think to myself that Sonia likely kept her blinds closed, we don't actually KNOW that. (Sigh.)
Now I have a question about Sonia’s purse. Was it ever found by LE? Her laptop, phone, ipad too. Why don’t we know about these items? I understand there’s holdback, but LE need our help. How can anyone help with sparse info?
@whiterhino Yes, Sonia let her cat out and opened the back door to call her in for the night. The cat was unharmed.
That's what I thought.

It's name was Jasmine, right? I've always felt that Sonias routine or habits were known/seen by whoever killed her.

IMO LE don't need the general public butting into things however I genuinely hope and wish that LE are able to make something from whatever evidence they have.

Sonias case scares me for so many reasons. It's upsetting to think how someone could get away with something so brazen and violent for so long. Especially when there is DNA involved yet no progress seems to have been made.

Have any of Sonias friends or coworkers made comments or statements to indicate that SV was being stalked or had an "admirer"? Any tampering or damage to her property?
Is it possible Sonia wanted to have some work done at her home and invited someone to give her an estimate? That could explain why the person came wearing work boots. Perhaps landscaping, driveway repairs, anything that requires one to wear work boots. Perhaps something went horribly wrong. Maybe the person got mixed messages from her and reacted badly, maybe they are not a good person to begin with and finding a single woman alone just happened to be an unexpected opportunity? Maybe family, friends, a neighbor, can recall if she ever said she wanted to get something done? At least they’d know what line of work the person might work in.
I wonder if anyone had video footage in the neighborhood where Sonia was found, of cars driving by in the days after Sonia was killed. I recall reading that sometimes killers return to where they buried a body. Is it possible that she was moved because that way the killer could keep returning to visit her? They couldn’t go to her home without someone seeing them. People would be focused on her home for a long time. But only the killer would know where she was and could go visit her there without anyone noticing. I hope the police checked if anyone had surveillance video in that area where she was found, for several days after the murder.
Is it possible that someone went to Sonia for medical attention? Perhaps a former neighbour, a casual acquaintance, someone she recognized and deemed safe enough to open the door to? Did someone need a bullet removed, a stab wound stitched, and when she wouldn’t comply, they killed her? Do we know for sure that there was just one person? Did someone need a friend tended to, and if she said no, did they kill her so there would be no witness? LE would know if there were any shootings reported that evening but no one showed up in hospital.
It would be helpful if LE could share more info. about DNA samples that were found. For example, did they find a hair? We all lose hair daily. Did they find any that didn’t belong? Did they find only those that had a valid reason to be there? Would the absence of any hair indicate a bald person did this? Or was it well planned and premeditated so they came wearing a hat that covers their entire head? Or did someone kill Sonia who was regularly there, whose hair would not be questioned?
I wonder if Sonia had a delivery that day, or in the days leading up to her death. Appliance delivery people wear safety boots. Perhaps other delivery drivers do too. Did a repair man or a delivery person see something they liked and wanted in her home, whether it be Sonia herself or a material item, and decide to come back for it that night? I’m hoping LE already asked these questions and investigated further, but the case remains unsolved and we are given very little info. just like her poor family, so I figure it’s worth a try to ask these questions in hope that it triggers a memory for someone and solves this case finally.
Last comment for now… people change, relationships change. Many who were in a relationship with someone in August 2010, are no longer together. If you were dating someone, married to someone, had/have a family member back then who came home bloody, or with a few unexplained scratches or bruises, and wore a size 10 or 11 shoe, and you are no longer with that person, now is the time to call the police. They no longer control you. They no longer say you don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t let it nag you. Anything, even something as simple as “my ex boyfriend suddenly lost his work boots”, call it in. You don’t have to be scared. If your tip turns out to be nothing, that’s ok. You will feel better getting that burden, those suspicions finally off your chest. But what if your tip leads to catching Sonia’s killer? Your tip may keep them from killing another innocent woman. It may be the final piece to this puzzle that police are waiting for. They won’t laugh at you. They will appreciate your call. By the way… your anonymous tip can also bring you the reward money. Think of what you could do with that money, for yourself, your family. But best of all, think of how you would help Sonia’s mother and father if your tip finally tells them who killed their child?
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