GUILTY Canada - Taliyah Marsman, 5, & Sara Baillie, 34, Calgary, 11 July 2016 #2

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Long shot I'm sure but figured I would ask. Did any one record the 1st presser from the 12th 11am .... more so the time before they started, while adjusting camera etc
First post. Hello folks. Like all of you I watched this very closely and was utterly heartbroken and beyond angry when I heard that Taliyah was murdered. I live in Calgary. One thing that really bothers me is that (if this is in fact correct) SB kept really, really bad company. Three of the men in her life (CM, the "recent boyfriend" and the vile who committed this murder) were all tied to the same gang - a vicious, evil gang whose business included trafficking young girls. She was clearly drawn to "bad boys", which is simply a cool way of saying "piece of ***** ****s". Again none of this has been proven - but if it is the case, the company SB decided to keep got both her and her beautiful little girl murdered. Why would an otherwise seemingly decent woman keep such vile company? These men are clearly very, very dangerous.

Yea this is the terrible part. How do you keep that company and expect that things are going to be ok for you and your baby girl. I know she loved her little girl but Dayum! And as another poster said she had wanted custody to keep her baby from baby daddy because of his gang relations, yet she continued to date gang guys? It just does not make sense to me.
Yea this is the terrible part. How do you keep that company and expect that things are going to be ok for you and your baby girl. I know she loved her little girl but Dayum! And as another poster said she had wanted custody to keep her baby from baby daddy because of his gang relations, yet she continued to date gang guys? It just does not make sense to me.

Some women are just drawn to trash. My ex wife had an affair with a coke dealing Hells Angel, while I (a corporate professional and "good guy") and our kids sat at home every night waiting for her, for months on end. Threw all our lives away for this horrible scab of a human being. It says a lot about what a woman thinks of herself, I think. It's truly a tragedy that her baby girl had to die because of it.
I feel like the past couple of posts are leaning towards victim blaming which isnt allowed on this forum.

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Regardless of whether Sarah Baillie's choices in associates somehow contributed to the ultimate deaths of her and her daughter, she was and remains a victim. What we have at this time is an article suggesting that she knew her killer and that he was in a gang.

Opinions and posts suggesting she is at fault may not harm her now because she is beyond earthly concerns. They are however, probably very hurtful and not helpful to those who mourn the loss of their friends and family members.

At the end of the day Sarah Baillies did not kill herself and did not kill her daughter. Edward Downey is alleged to have done that.
There is a new article on CBC describing ED's past criminal activity via his parole documents.

It described him also as having been used as a debt collection muscle for an illegal tobacco smuggling business in prison - not someone you'd want to mess with.


In 2010 when Downey was granted full parole, he was noted to be at a "moderate" risk for domestic violence but "low" risk for violence against others.

Though he was released, a "special condition" was imposed on Downey.

"Any return to associating with individuals involved in criminal activity which includes prostitution or those involved in the drug subculture would elevate the risk you would present to society."
Long shot I'm sure but figured I would ask. Did any one record the 1st presser from the 12th 11am .... more so the time before they started, while adjusting camera etc

Hi CC. I made a transcription of the presser to which I think you are referring, which I'm bringing over from the previous thread.
Mods, please delete if this is against the rules.
Thank you.

For What It's Worth

This is my rough transcript of the Press Conference which was published Tuesday July 12, 2016 at 2:14, in which the family of 5 year old Taliyah Marsman and her mother Sara Baillie (deceased) speak about the Amber Alert regarding Taliyah's apparent abduction following the murder of her mother.

You can see the video at this site for CBC News, Calgary.

This transcript is my own work, and I am responsible for any and all errors it may contain. It is not connected in any way to the CBC, the CPS, the families of the victims, or the news organizations attending the conference.

SH = Scott Hamilton (great uncle of Taliyah Leigh Marsman, uncle of Sara Baillie)
MH = Marilynne Hamilton (wife of Scott Hamilton, aunt of Sara Baillie, great aunt of Taliyah)
JA = Jo-Anne, a friend or member of the extended family.

SH: Hi everyone. Let me introduce…this is Mrs. Marilynne Hamilton, Taliyah's aunt, sorry, she's Sara's aunt.
I'm Scott Hamilton, uncle. This is cousin to Sara, Justin Hamilton. And these are all friends of Sara's…We're here today and holding this press conference on behalf of Sara Baillie. We've lost a niece, a sister, a daughter, and a mother within the last twelve hours . God rest her soul.

We're also here to plead to those who've taken Taliyah Leigh Marsman, Sara's daughter. Please return her. Drop her off at an R.C.M.P. station, a Calgary Police Services Station, or a grocery store, gas station, wherever you want. Contact the family, we'll come and pick her up. There'll be no questions asked.

We love her. We miss her. And, we want her back.

Marilynne, do you have something to say to Taliyah?

MH: Taliyah, honey, if you're watching this, I love you. Stay strong, honey. Please, please if you have Taliyah, please let her come home to her family.

SH: We miss her. And we love her. I don't know if there's anybody else who wants to add anything, but we are willing to take questions.

But remember, this is about Taliyah. We want her back.

2: 23 REPORTER One (Please note: Sometimes, with the limited sound on my computer, I could not hear all that was said in the Reporter questions segments.) Do you have a message to the public as well about any details that, you know, someone might see or hear, anything to--what is your message to the public?

SH: The message to the public is to contact the CPS. Get in touch with them. They've got numerous people involved in this investigation and they're doing their best. And we want them to do their best and bring her home.

2:48 REPORTER Two: Can you tell us a little bit about Sara?

RH: Absolutely. Sara was a beautiful young woman who was single-handedly, pretty much, raising her daughter. And we love her, and we miss her.

3:05 REPORTER Three: Can you tell us anything about what Taliyah is like?

RH: Taliyah is a vivacious, wonderful child -- curious. She lives in our hearts when we're not with her, and she's in our thoughts also.

3:25 REPORTER Four: Can you tell us about what Taliyah likes to do?

RH: Taliyah has many interests. One would be just on her iPad. Another would be Marilynne has just recently taught her to ride a bicycle. The bicycle sits in our garage waiting for her to come back. Jo-Anne? Sure.

3:54 JA: Taliyah is not your average five year old little girl. She's very mature. So, if you ever got to talk to her, or you saw her, you wouldn't know she's five. You'd think she's more seven, eight years old. She's taller than most kids, and she's very mature, so if anyone does see her, don't be looking for that average five year old child. She's more than that.

RH: Yes, and just, and a word to the media. Her name is Ta-LEE-yah. If you call her TA-lee-uh, she probably will not answer, so it's Ta-LEE-yah. Ta-LEE-yah Marsman. She will answer to that.

4:32 REPORTER Five: Can you talk just a little bit about how important Taliyah was to Sara and their relationship?

RH: Taliyah was Sara's world. Still is. Sara still lives with all of us onstage. Pardon me. She uh, she was..Sara was a hard working single mother and doing the very best that she could with what she had.

5:02 REPORTER Six: When you talk about your extended family, it sounds like you're all very involved.

RH: Absolutely. Absolutely. Most positively would be my wife, Marilynne, Sara's aunt who cared for Taliyah occasionally overnight. Taliyah would have sleepovers with Auntie, and that's how she would refer to Marilynne as Auntie. We miss her.

5:22 REPORTER Seven: I know this is very difficult, but can you tell us about some of those times and some of those? You know, we just really want people to know as much as possible.

RH: Absolutely. Taliyah would come over. She would have supper with us. Always engaging. Always wanting to watch cartoons while perhaps someone else, like myself, would want to watch the news but that was OK because it was Taliyah. She was allowed to do that. Others wouldn't be. She would sleep with Marilynne and I untill I snored too much, and then I would have to leave the bed. We miss her. We miss her dearly.

6:04 REPORTER Eight: Could you maybe talk about how, you know, all the family has come together to

RH: Certainly. So, I mean, we've got Ashley Jack who cares for Taliyah at Day Care. We've got Sara's workmates here. We've got extended family of Marilynne and mine. Our friends who know Taliyah and love her as well.

6:36 REPORTER Nine: And how in this, obviously, very difficult time for you, how everybody coming together is making you feel...

RH: For the most part, Marilynne and I have a great support group. All these people here are supporting us in this time and, you know, not that we expected it, but it's welcome.

7:07 REPORTER Ten: Is she in daycare?

RH: Yes. She actually just finished kindergarten. Sara works full time, five days a week so she's in a daycare since school has ended full time.

7 :18 REPORTER Eleven: So she will be going into Grade One?

RH: Correct. In September. She'll turn six in September.

7:26 REPORTER Twelve: I wonder if you could tell me a little bit about how Taliyah and her mom interacted?

RH: Inseparable. Taliyah referred to Sara as "Momma", and it was, it wasn't necessarily a mother/daughter relationship. It was almost like watching two sisters at times get along. Sara worshipped Taliyah. The times that we saw them interact, it was marvellous.

MH: Taliyah worshipped Sara.

RH: Exactly. You're right. So it was a very awesome relationship to see between a mother and daughter.

8:18 REPORTER Thirteen: I know you've addressed this, but you guys are going through the worst emotions possible 'cause you're holding out hope for Taliyah, but--

RH: No, we--she will be found. Some time.

REPORTER: Thank you.
Last edited by wendiesan; 07-13-2016 at 02:35 AM.
The CPS youtube channel is linked in the opening post. From there you can locate links to video of all the pressers given in this case.
There is a new article on CBC describing ED's past criminal activity via his parole documents.

The jaw dropper for me was this: "Double murder suspect Edward Downey's bids for freedom were twice denied by the parole board, which cited his likelihood to commit 'a violent offence' — particularly against a woman — if released."

At this point my theory is that he did this just for the depraved fun of it.

Geography exam tomorrow at 10:00 am ;)
Haha, flunk 😶. Funny because I was, ahem, posting at work and I was tracing someone from NL, lol. I've got to keep my work tracing and WS separate, lol.

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