Canada - Terry, 27, & Hailey Blanchette, 2, Blairmore, AB, 14 Sept 2015 #2

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A very odd thing to say. The sister IMO knew exactly who was in custody at that point in time, its a small town after all. So who would "honestly love" Hailey? Certainly she wasn't speaking to DS as he was already in custody. Who did DS know that would "Honestly love" Hailey? :thinking:

I'm not sure that at the time of the interview, the arrest and who was in custody had been made public. I think it was still an appeal to whomever they thought may have taken Hailey, with the desperate hope that she could still be recovered alive.
Maybe they jumped to a conclusion, but that in itself is a big clue IMO. Why would the think that? One thing I know for sure is that we haven't hear anything close to the truth from any of the players in this. I have a hard time believing DS was a pedophile, we've seen nothing to indicate that, and there have been no charges to that effect. So what is his motive?
I agree, I think TBs family may have jumped to conclusions that were incorrect or they were holding on to the hope that someone took her because they wanted to take care of her (rather than the unbearable alternative).

I thought the same thing. It might be more comforting to connect it to someone you know rather than a stranger in these circumstances. Plus, better chance of getting her back. There is likely someone they had in mind that knew Hailey and was fond of her. Like an ex gf or babysitter, or ex babysitter...something along those lines.
I'm not sure that at the time of the interview, the arrest and who was in custody had been made public. I think it was still an appeal to whomever they thought may have taken Hailey, with the desperate hope that she could still be recovered alive.

News travels fast in a small town. Nobody has more than 3 degrees of separation from anybody else. DS's neighbours saw him being arrested and I'm sure that within 30 minutes, most of the town knew it as well. There are no secrets in a small town.
When news of the arrest broke and DS was named there was a MSM article linking him to CD romantically but I can't find any other articles describing him as anything but a (former) friend. Before that there had been speculation on SM about a former boyfriend who is in the same age range. There was a ton of misinformation and half truths being tossed around. I believe many of the people following SM expected the ex to be named as the suspect. I think there was probably some confusion after a different suspect was named and I'm wondering if that's what led to DS to initially being linked to CD romantically. Sometimes people make up their mind about something and when confronted with the truth, rather than rethinking their opinion, they instead look for proof to support their feelings, even if the proof isn't legitimate or credible.

I'm guessing there hasn't been anything credible found to support a romantic relationship as I think MSM would be quick to jump over that. Look at many of the headlines. Most are in the vein of "Mom's Great Friend". The fact that he's a former friend and also acquainted somehow with dad is usually buried in the actual article. I feel like CD is being <modsnip> shamed, subtly by MSM and devastatingly so on SM. It's disgusting what's happening to CD with no actual proof. It makes me respect this site so much more. There's a good reason to have rules in place regarding social media.

Thank you!!! I totally agree.

I think people are confusing what they have read in MSM, social media, and rumours.

If CD was involved
Would the God
Mother be sticking by her? Would AB not be calling her

It's a SMALL small town. If she was lying About her relationship With DS or anything all of the people In their age group in that town would be calling her out on it. Facebook has gone crazy over this story. There is no way she could lie like that in public
Without people who know the truth speaking up.

And you are right on the money about the <modsnip> shaming by the media. People think the reporters were trying to
Trip CD up in a lie by re-asking the relationship Question repeatedly, when what they REALLY wanted
Was for her to say she f*^%+d him a few times before getting
Pregnant, but he was Never her boyfriend.

Her personal life is NO ONES business if she is not a suspect. I feel physically ill over the things people have said about This girl. Parents are always looked at at first, I GET that, but there is no evidence and police have never mentioned her as a person of interest, and yet I have seen people threatening her harm,
Calling her the worst form of names I've ever seen. I couldn't imagine this being my child and my Every move being suddenly Ridiculed by the World.

DS would NOT be taking the fall for this alone if CD was an accomplice. That is a ridiculous notion.
Good point. But it still wouldn't make sense for her to say that to someone who was in custody, but who knows?

I don't care what anybody says or thinks about this, I am certain that the motive for this crime has something to do with CD. I'm not saying she was involved or had any knowledge of it, but she knows more than she is telling. This crime was either some sort of revenge for being snubbed by CD or she was involved to some extent. We'll have to wait and see. All MIO.

OF COURSE she knows more than she is telling the MEDIA. Do you think the cops would allow her to address the media and compromise their investigation? She would have been coached on what could be said and what couldn't.
they do worse than that around here #shudder

I'm sure he is by now.
Sadly my 20 year old son was just released from prison here in Ontario.
He in an addict and alcoholic and I'm a firm believer in tough love. So yes I have had to have him arrested. Anyhow.
He made it clear and told me a few situations where rapists and child predators are beaten. This occurs even in protective custody. The day before my son got out a new prisoner arrived that was sentenced for harming a 5 year old child. The guards told some prisoners. The guards then made the guy go to the shower where all the prisoners including my son( not proud of this) stood in a line and each guy gave him a punch. By the time they were done the other cell block could hear what happened. I'm all for eye for an eye but this was just to real for me.
Once he is sentenced he won't be enjoying prison time.

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i totally read that too.... and now cant find it. maybe it was rumor? maybe when they found her they knew it was false?

I wonder if scrubbing the stories of certain evidence is a tactic for prosecution? Not wanting details out there that could taint a potential jury? High profile cases like this make it very difficult to get an impartial jury. Just a guess, but I have seen it in other cases (here in Canada) before where pieces of information that were released early in the investigation are suddenly retracted and sealed in the records for evidence and we don't hear mention of it again until trial.
OF COURSE she knows more than she is telling the MEDIA. Do you think the cops would allow her to address the media and compromise their investigation? She would have been coached on what could be said and what couldn't.

We were wondering if the media hounded her into giving an interview, or if she wanted to give an interview. IMO, she wanted to give the interview and sought out the media.

There is an interesting comment on the Global Edmonton page, posted to the page by JB on sept 17th. The Global Edmonton reply to him.
We were wondering if the media hounded her into giving an interview, or if she wanted to give an interview. IMO, she wanted to give the interview and sought out the media.

There is an interesting comment on the Global Edmonton page, posted to the page by JB on sept 17th. The Global Edmonton reply to him.

Are you meaning Facebook? There are lots of pages. Can you clarify which post you are referencing please.
Hi All,
Long-time reader, first time contributor and now official WebSleuths member. I&#8217;ve been following this case since it began and I&#8217;ve read every single post on here (at least I think I have). I have also done my own &#8220;sleuthing&#8221; and checked out numerous facebook pages, other forums and read dozens of news articles/videos/comments. And since this is my first post it&#8217;s a little long winded (actually a lot long-winded...sorry), so I&#8217;ve tried to organize it somewhat, and if you choose to read it in its entirety, thank you.

And I&#8217;d like to apologize in advance for any &#8220;mental images or visuals&#8221; that I may be providing you with my information &#8211; it is not my intention to make any reader feel worse or cringe with some of the thoughts. I know I have read some stuff lately that makes me cringe and sick to my stomach. RIP Hailey, Terry & Hannah.
The Motive:
I have a few scenarios running through my head as to what the motive could be&#8230;and of course any of my scenarios could be completely wrong.
1) Motive #1: DS is a mentally unstable individual. There was some news articles that included comments from local residents who claimed DS seemed &#8220;odd&#8221;, &#8220;black sheep of family&#8221;, &#8220;inner demons&#8221; and was &#8220;always mumbling to himself&#8221;. In this same article, other residents disagree with the above paraphrased comments and describe DS as a &#8220;nice guy&#8221; and shocked to hear of DS being the accused.

Was DS&#8217;s &#8220;odd behaviour/inner struggles&#8221; recently new?

Let&#8217;s remember CD referred to him as &#8220;a nice kid&#8221; &#8211; you&#8217;d think once the news came out about DS being the accused that if CD ever thought of DS being &#8220;odd&#8221; she would&#8217;ve said so&#8230;.or at least certainly not say &#8220;a nice kid&#8221;. But let&#8217;s also remember that CD hadn&#8217;t connected with DS for a few years so it&#8217;s possible that DS&#8217;s oddness/inner demons could&#8217;ve been a relatively new revelation.
Quiet and shy in high school and became odd and troubled in recent years?
a. So in summary, this motive theory is me hypothesizing that DS was mentally ill. If so, is there ever really going to be a clear and understandable motive? Likely not, that&#8217;s why the mentally ill are described in the way they are &#8211; they don&#8217;t always have clear and understandable thoughts.

2) Motive #2: DS was executing revenge towards TB. It has been reported that just as recently as of August DS was involved in some other crimes &#8211; I believe it was a break and enter with some liquor being stolen from a Blairmore house that was owned by a Ray MacGregor (who was not home at the time). And someone (doesn&#8217;t state that it was DS, but one is led to believe it was DS) then returned to the very same house the next day to steal some more and was caught in the act of stealing a TV.
Well, my question is how was he caught?? Who was he caught by? Is it possible that TB was the one (or one of, if multiple) who witnessed DS stealing a TV? If so, DS maybe found out it was TB what snitched on him and was therefore quite enraged at TB over that. I read somewhere that DS&#8217;s court hearings regarding some recent crimes (likely the B&E in Aug) were upcoming in the very near future and that could&#8217;ve fuelled DS&#8217;s anger towards TB for snitching on him.

Ok then, what about the death of poor Hailey if TB was the target?
Well I have 2 thoughts on that: HDB was ALSO a target, because DS was so enraged with anger that he wanted to inflict as much pain as possible.
OR HDB was a victim of collateral damage. DS never intended to kill her but once he killed TB he panicked (fearing she could identify him/fearing her disappearance would lead to him/etc) and in the end poor HDB was killed as well. Maybe DS didn&#8217;t even factor HDB into the equation until he had already killed TB? Maybe he wasn&#8217;t even aware there was a little girl living with TB? Maybe he knew of HDB but thought she would be so young to not be a concern and then suddenly discovers she is nearly 3 years old and could possibly pose a risk to him (not physically obviously)?

Also, maybe important to note &#8211; there was a large drug bust in Cranbrook the VERY SAME DAY/NIGHT that TB was murdered (Sunday). Arrests for the drug bust were early Sunday morning &#8211; it was Sunday night (er, Monday morning 3:30am) when TB was murdered. I have to assume that DS was NOT one of the arrested as I&#8217;m sure LE would&#8217;ve made note of that &#8211; and DS could&#8217;ve possibly not been able to commit murder on TB if he was just previously arrested for another crime.
So is it possible that the recent drug bust was related to DS in some way &#8211; and again in some way also related to TB. Possibly TB being the snitch? Maybe the arrested individuals were acquaintances of DS and they then &#8220;convinced&#8221; DS to execute revenge on TB for snitching?

I really do personally believe that TB did turn his life around once HDB was born after what seemed like him heading down the wrong path. When I refer to TB as a snitch &#8211; I certainly do not mean that in an insulting way. I myself think snitching is a good thing (of course there is a time and place when it may not be appropriate) but if TB was a snitch in either of the above scenarios I do not think any less of TB for that.
a. So in summary I am hypothesizing that DS&#8217;s motive was a revenge crime and he went to TB home with intent to kill him (the first degree murder charges by LE back that hypothesis up). But DS is also charged with First Degree murder charges on HDB. (I believe kidnapping and then a subsequent murder warrants a first degree)
I am much more inclined to believe that if either of the revenge scenarios I described above were the actual motive it would&#8217;ve been the former (where DS was caught stealing a TV from a Blairmore home)&#8230;.had DS been &#8220;convinced/ordered&#8221; to kill TB in relation to a large drug bust I would&#8217;ve assumed that information would&#8217;ve came out already as I would think DS would&#8217;ve told LE that. Plus that drug bust scenario just seems a little far-fetched&#8230;.it&#8217;s just the dates/times of the drug bust and the TB murder that seem eerily coincidental.

3) Motive #3: Crime of Passion. It is now a fact that DS and CD have a connection. They used to be close friends and hang out in the same crowd. As for the two of them being more than just &#8220;close friends&#8221; that&#8217;s been a hot topic of discussion. Both CD and her father, Kevin D, have both dismissed that rumor. BUT is it possible that DS wanted to be more than &#8220;close friends&#8221;? I know from my teenage/early 20&#8217;s days that as a boy it can be quite easy to &#8220;fall in love&#8221; with a girl. And many times the girl will not feel the same way. Teenage boys fall hard. DS is 22yrs old; 3 years ago he would&#8217;ve been 19yrs old.
So is it possible that DS more or less &#8220;obsessed&#8221; over CD?
Did this obsession finally get the best of him and he thought maybe he could finally have CD if he removed TB from her life?
Or maybe he was enraged at CD for not feeling the same way towards him as he felt towards CD that he wanted to hurt CD and murdering TB and HDB would certainly do such that?
Were these &#8220;obsession&#8221; feelings building up for 3 years?
Feelings of obsession mixed with a mental illness, I would think could be a scary combo.

But you&#8217;d also think that if DS obsessed over CD for the last 3 years he would&#8217;ve attempted to contact CD. Now I&#8217;m not saying he didn&#8217;t do just that. But now 4 days into the investigation I would think that if there was contact between DS and CD in the last 3 years it may have been released by LE and/or CD would&#8217;ve been arrested for further questioning - and even if that contact was one-sided (DS contacting CD but zero response from CD towards DS).
So is it possible that DS obsessed SILENTLY over CD for the last 3 years??

Again, I do personally believe CD when she says that she has not spoken to DS in 3 years and that nothing ever happened between them when they did hang out with each other. So I myself do not really want to believe rumour of who HDB&#8217;s real father is.

Yes, it was reported by the Calgary Herald that a neighbour stated that DS and CD once dated and this neighbour believe that DS and TB didn&#8217;t get along. I don&#8217;t completely disprove the neighbours statement but I just think maybe what the neighbour thought was dating was actually just &#8220;close friends&#8221;.
As for DS and TB not getting along &#8211; let&#8217;s wait and see what connection LE has been alluding to.

4) Motive #3: Sexual/Pedophile Predator. I don&#8217;t even want to think about this scenario, but it&#8217;s a widely known fact that there are monsters like this among us. I&#8217;m not even going to elaborate. Let&#8217;s just all hope that HDB was not an intentional target of any kind.

<mod snip>

MY TEHORY: My theory based on the comment excerpt that seems to identify HDB as the target and TB as collateral damage. DS obsessed over HDB and believed he was her father. Maybe DS never did have feelings/love for CD but he loved HDB (in his mind&#8230;obviously not true love, he killed her!). So maybe HDB&#8217;s father is either of TB or DS and they both believed they were the father. DS had maybe in the past made statements that he loved HDB and that could explain the comments from godmother BH. Maybe DS never cared for CD but he wanted to father HDB and this drove him to the idea of kidnapping her. But the kidnapping went terribly wrong. Based on the comment excerpt it seems as though DS didn&#8217;t want to kill HDB but she became unmanageable and DS killed her while trying to keep her quiet.
I don&#8217;t think it matters who the father is. If both TB and DS believed they were the father and that thought got the better of DS and he decided to kidnap HDB.
So why would DS be obsessed over HDB?
Why would DS believe he was the father?
I&#8217;m not sure if I buy it that CD was romantically linked to DS in the past &#8211; she came out and said she wasn&#8217;t and if that was a lie the whole town of Blairmore would already be saying otherwise, because it&#8217;s a small town everyone would know something like that. I think she's telling the truth.
Who were the subtle comments in the godmothers statement directed to? (or maybe there was no subtle message to anyone and we are just reading too deep into it)
So that would make the motive a crime of passion??


A similar theory (shared by KatieLiz) &#8211; DS was a sick pedophile who targeted HDB but not because of who she was but because she was a child that he knew of and could access. Either TB was collateral damage as he stood in the way or DS intentionally killed TB to get at HDB.

Maybe a combo - DS is a mentally ill individual who had an obsession over HDB?
OR....I know another "OR"...make up my mind, sheesh. We take that snippet as the true facts and the very first sentence is the motive....motive = DS was there to kidnap HDB. But that kind of leaves us with needing a motive to the motive....ok, DS is there to kidnap HDB....why??

Connection to HM Murder in Coleman?:
I really don&#8217;t know what to think of there being a connection to the Coleman murder earlier in the week. But it does seem a little strange that DS&#8217;s grandparents live next door to HM&#8217;s home.
But then again, Blairmore and Coleman are two small towns so higher chances of connections/ maybe just coincidence.

CD&#8217;s involvement?: No, I don&#8217;t think CD has ANY involvement in what happened. I think at the most her involvement could be a romantic link to DS from 3 years ago. But that was 3 years ago and it seems like there has never been any issues with DS and the D/B families for the past 3 years. So if it was old wounds from 3 years ago that caused these tragic incidents than how could anyone have seen this coming? &#8211; including CD.
Some have questioned the fact about how CD found out about the incident and her lack of presence early on in the event. I believe her when she says she did find out through FB and I think those comments from her father KD about TB not bringing HDB to Edm on Sunday were just a case of KD not being up to speed. What I think is that every other Sunday was the day when TB and CD would arrange for HDB to switch custody and KD was unaware of the fact that CD and TB had decided to hold off on the latest &#8220;regularly scheduled&#8221; custody switch and were in the process of making alternate plans. It seems as if CD and TB&#8217;s custody sharing was very relaxed and they got along fine with one another.
The only question is, if TB was supposed to bring HDB to Edm that Sunday but never did, do you think DS knew that?
MainStreamMedia (MSM):
Coverage has been good, but the professionalism has been poor. Lots of misinformation given. Lots of retracted information. And simple things like one major news source referring to the statement made by ShannonSeratsky as her being DS&#8217;s aunt. She is not his aunt, she is his sister-in-law.

TB&#8217;s house / the scream / getaway:
I don&#8217;t think DS was invited to TB&#8217;s house. I think he went there at 3am-ish with intent to murder TB and kidnap HDB. Or at least kidnap HDB and TB got in his way so he murdered him. He broke in or door was unlocked &#8211; doesn&#8217;t really matter. DS has history of Break and Enters so not like a locked door would&#8217;ve foiled his plans.

I don&#8217;t think there was a scream, per say, heard, but I do think that there was a distinct noise that alerted neighbours to look out their windows and therefore the van was witnessed speeding away. Thank goodness for those witnesses, who knows where this case would be if it wasn&#8217;t for that lead. MSM hasn&#8217;t been very good with details but I do think the national post is a little more credible:

Some people are wondering how he got the van. I&#8217;m sure he has keys or can get keys to it fairly easily if it belonged to a family business. Not sure if using the van was part of the &#8220;plan&#8221; but I don&#8217;t think it really matters now. And I don&#8217;t think he worked at the family business either &#8211; some MSM reports are saying he did but a national post article says that woman who does work at the business said the accused didn&#8217;t work there but lived in a home behind it. I think I&#8217;m going to believe the words of the woman who does work for the business.



Is anyone else involved besides DS? No, I don&#8217;t think so. I think this SOB acted alone.

The rural property - I think DS ended up there because he was panicking and it was a place he was familiar with (family owned). Again, didn't try to hide body because he was panicking. But you could argue that rural property is an attempt to hiding body.

It was neighbour Shayne Kavanagh that initially stated to the media that CD and DS once dated - if untrue, sadly I think it was his comment that initiated the nasty rumours about CDs personal life. BUT SK did say something else interesting: he said that TB and DS did not get along....well now there is a SECOND resident stating that TB and DS did not get along. One resident = ok maybe. Two residents = there's smoke.

So now the question is: Why did TB and DS not get along?? If residents are saying they didn't get along then I would assume they didn't get along for a while (not a brand new rivalry). But maybe something happened recently that put their dislike over the top (or at least in the mind of DS). ?? Remember DS was recently caught in the act of stealing a TV. Hmmm??

I think that answer will more or less lead to the motive.

All my own opinions. Thanks. Hope I didn't offend anyone. Now that's out of way I can post shorter replies.

I'm thinking drugs. Before Hailey was born, they may have been in the drug scene together.
Once Hailey was born, it appears that TB was turning/had turned his life around.
He probably didn't want DS hanging around him anymore once Hailey was in his life-which isn't surprising. Why would a father of 2 year old want drug addicts/dealers hanging around his place?

They probably didn't get along once TB stopped hanging around with DS and his crowd.

All JMO.
Neighbours have said the two didn't get along?? I wonder why.

I wonder how the neighbours would even know about it? Coming from a close friend it would make more sense. Had they witnessed an argument on the lawn?
More thoughts....

What if way back in the day when DS and CD were "close friends" as CD described it, DS hoped/wanted that it would lead to more than friends. Maybe he really wanted to be with her and had feelings, then TB entered the picture. TB & CD then had a child together. This would be a blow to DS and start resentment towards TB, whether he knew him or not. Over time DS spiralled downwards to petty crimes and possibly drugs. TB got his life together because of CD and NDB. DS resented this, and resented TB. Over time the anger and frustration grew as DS saw his life not turning out as hoped and the life that TB and CD had was something he wanted and felt that TB had "interfered" with. With an impending court date coming and possibly another trigger point (not sure what that might be), DS snapped. He had enough, felt sorry for himself, and blamed TB and HDB for him not being able to be with CD and for the way his life was going. Out of rage, felt that if only CD had wanted to be with him years ago things would be different and since it isn't, he would take away everything that CD loved to hurt her for the way she, unknowingly, hurt him in his mind.

I honestly don't think CD had any knowledge or anything to do with this in any way. I feel so much empathy for this young girl. I wish her godspeed through all of this.

I know this may be a bit far fetched, but I still somehow believe this was a "crime of passion" in some messed up way.

I think Leeman68 was hoping for more than just a link...the link just gets you to the page and then a lot of scrolling and reading needed. A date was included, yesterday the 17th, Thursday...but maybe state a time the comment(s) was or were made and a slight description of what article or posting the comments were made....Thx.
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